continuous linear functional
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Amila J. Maldeniya ◽  
Naleen C. Ganegoda ◽  
Kaushika De Silva ◽  
Sanath K. Boralugoda

In this paper, we present some properties of integrable distributions which are continuous linear functional on the space of test function D ℝ 2 . Here, it uses two-dimensional Henstock–Kurzweil integral. We discuss integrable distributional solution for Poisson’s equation in the upper half space ℝ + 3 with Dirichlet boundary condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-50
A.P. Devyatkov ◽  
S.D. Shalaginov ◽  

The paper describes the structure of a linear continuous operator on the space of continuous functions in the topology of pointwise convergence. The corresponding theorem is a generalization of A.V.Arkhangel'skii's theorem on the general form of a continuous linear functional on such spaces.

Nan Yin

As a mathematical model of mechanical and electronic oscillation, the study and analysis of the oscillation characteristics of the solution of the non-zero continuous linear functional equation are of great significance in theory and practice. In view of the oscillation characteristics of the solutions of the second and third order non-zero continuous functional equations, this paper puts forward a hypothesis, studies the oscillation and asymptotics of the non-zero continuous linear functional differential equations by using the generalized Riccati transformation and the integral average technique, and establishes some new sufficient conditions for the oscillation or convergence to zero of all solutions of the equations, so as to obtain a new theorem for the solutions of the non-zero continuous linear functional equations.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 1580
Francisco Javier Garcia-Pacheco

The framework of Functional Analysis is the theory of topological vector spaces over the real or complex field. The natural generalization of these objects are the topological modules over topological rings. Weakening the classical Functional Analysis results towards the scope of topological modules is a relatively new trend that has enriched the literature of Functional Analysis with deeper classical results as well as with pathological phenomena. Following this trend, it has been recently proved that every real or complex Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space with dimension greater than or equal to 2 has a balanced and absorbing subset with empty interior. Here we propose an extension of this result to topological modules over topological rings. A sufficient condition is provided to accomplish this extension. This sufficient condition is a new property in topological module theory called strong open property. On the other hand, topological regularity of closed balls and open balls in real or complex normed spaces is a trivial fact. Sufficient conditions, related to the strong open property, are provided on seminormed modules over an absolutely semivalued ring for closed balls to be regular closed and open balls to be regular open. These sufficient conditions are in fact characterizations when the seminormed module is the absolutely semivalued ring. These characterizations allow the provision of more examples of closed-unit neighborhoods of zero. Consequently, the closed-unit ball of any unital real Banach algebra is proved to be a closed-unit zero-neighborhood. We finally transport all these results to topological modules over topological rings to obtain nontrivial regular closed and regular open neighborhoods of zero. In particular, if M is a topological R-module and m∗∈M∗ is a continuous linear functional on M which is open as a map between topological spaces, then m∗−1(int(B)) is regular open and m∗−1(B) is regular closed, for B any closed-unit zero-neighborhood in R.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-31
Ronen Peretz

Abstract There are three types of results in this paper. The first, extending a representation theorem on a conformal mapping that omits two values of equal modulus. This was due to Brickman and Wilken. They constructed a representation as a convex combination with two terms. Our representation constructs convex combinations with unlimited number of terms. In the limit one can think of it as an integration over a probability space with the uniform distribution. The second result determines the sign of ℜ L(z0(f(z))2) up to a remainder term which is expressed using a certain integral that involves the Löwner chain induced by f(z), for a support point f(z) which maximizes ℜ L. Here L is a continuous linear functional on H(U), the topological vector space of the holomorphic functions in the unit disk U = {z ∈ ℂ | |z| < 1}. Such a support point is known to be a slit mapping and f(z0) is the tip of the slit ℂ − f(U). The third demonstrates some properties of support points of the subspace Sn of S. Sn contains all the polynomials in S of degree n or less. For instance such a support point p(z) has a zero of its derivative p′(z) on ∂U.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-184
Andrzej Z. Grzybowski ◽  
Piotr Puchała

"Young measure" is an abstract notion from mathematical measure theory.&nbsp; Originally, the notion appeared in the context of some variational problems related to the analysis of sequences of “fast” oscillating of functions.&nbsp; From the formal point of view the Young measure&nbsp; may be treated as a continuous linear functional defined on the space of Carathéodory integrands satisfying certain regularity conditions. Calculating an explicit form of specific Young measure is a very important task.&nbsp; However, from a strictly mathematical standpoint&nbsp; it is a very difficult problem not solved as yet in general. Even more difficult would be the problem of calculating Lebasque’s integrals with respect to such measures. Based on known formal results it can be done only in the most simple cases.&nbsp; On the other hand in many real-world applications it would be enough to learn only some of the most important probabilistic&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of the Young distribution or learn only approximate values of the appropriate integrals. In such a case a possible solution is to adopt Monte Carlo techniques. In the presentation we propose three different algorithms designed for simulating random variables distributed according to the Young measures&nbsp; associated with piecewise functions.&nbsp; Next with the help of computer simulations we compare their statistical performance via some benchmarking problems. In this study we focus on the accurateness of the distribution of the generated sample.

Filomat ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Romeo Mestrovic

For 1 < p < ?, the Privalov class Np consists of all holomorphic functions f on the open unit disk D of the complex plane C such that sup 0?r<1?2?0 (log+ |f(rei?)j|p d?/2? < + ? M. Stoll [16] showed that the space Np with the topology given by the metric dp defined as dp(f,g) = (?2?0 (log(1 + |f*(ei?) - g*(ei?)|))p d?/2?)1/p, f,g ? Np; becomes an F-algebra. Since the map f ? dp(f,0) (f ? Np) is not a norm, Np is not a Banach algebra. Here we investigate the structure of maximal ideals of the algebras Np (1 < p < ?). We also give a complete characterization of multiplicative linear functionals on the spaces Np. As an application, we show that there exists a maximal ideal of Np which is not the kernel of a multiplicative continuous linear functional on Np.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-10 ◽  
T.V. Vasylyshyn

We prove that every symmetric continuous linear functional on the complex space $L_\infty[0,1]$ can be represented as a Lebesgue integral multiplied by a constant.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Mozart W. Talakua ◽  
Stenly J. Nanuru

Hilbert space is a very important idea of the Davids Hilbert invention. In 1907, Riesz and Fréchet developed one of the theorem in Hilbert space called the Riesz-Fréchet representationtheorem. This research contains some supporting definitions Banach space, pre-Hilbert spaces, Hilbert spaces, the duality of Banach and Riesz-Fréchet representation theorem. On Riesz-Fréchet representation theorem will be shown that a continuous linear functional that exist in the Hilbert space is an inner product, in other words, there is no continuous linear functional on a Hilbert space except the inner product.

2009 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Irina Krasikova ◽  
Miguel Martín ◽  
Javier Merí ◽  
Vladimir Mykhaylyuk ◽  
Mikhail Popov

AbstractIt is known that there is a continuous linear functional on L ∞ which is not narrow. On the other hand, every order-to-norm continuous AM-compact operator from L ∞(μ) to a Banach space is narrow. We study order-to-norm continuous operators acting from L ∞(μ) with a finite atomless measure μ to a Banach space. One of our main results asserts that every order-to-norm continuous operator from L ∞(μ) to c 0(Γ) is narrow while not every such an operator is AM-compact.

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