shore protection
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2021 ◽  
Andreas Dahlkamp ◽  
Maike Heuner ◽  
Stefanie Nolte ◽  
Jana Carus ◽  
Kai Jensen ◽  

Abstract Knowledge about the distribution of species along rivers and estuaries is the basis for decisions in nature conservation, but also for nature-based coastal and shore protection. Along rivers and estuaries, abiotic conditions affect plant traits, especially close to the marsh edge, and thus determine the distribution of plant species. Phragmites australis and Phalaris arundinacea occur along the German Elbe in the inland river and in the estuary, but the distribution of both species is locally and regionally inhomogeneous. We therefore simulated abiotic conditions of respective Elbe sections in a mesocosm experiment and investigated the influence of soil type, salinity, water level, and plant provenance on plant traits of P. australis and P. arundinacea. We compared growth-related and mechanical plant traits of both species. Productivity of P. arundinacea was less affected by sandy soil than that of P. australis. P. australis was insensitive to salinity and water level fluctuations, while traits of P. arundinacea responded to these factors. Furthermore, mechanical properties within a species were mainly dependent on plant growth. P. arundinacea was more flexible than P. australis, which can be attributed to morphological differences and differences in plant tissue. Plant provenance did not affect the response of plant traits to abiotic conditions. Our study provides clues for understanding the distribution patterns of P. australis and P. arundinacea.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-41
Marcelo Marques ◽  
Alejandro Victor Hidalgo Valdivia ◽  
Rocio Luz Fernandez ◽  
Alexandre Kolodynskie Guetter ◽  
Elaine Patricia Arantes ◽  

O reservatório San Roque se constitui na principal fonte de água (70%) para a cidade de Córdoba, a segunda maior cidade da Argentina. Analogamente a muitos corpos hídricos do planeta, a grande superfície do reservatório favorece a ocorrência de fenômenos gerados pelo vento. Estes, por sua vez, são quantificados pela distribuição do fetch. Este é o motivo que torna o campo de fetch inovador: permite quantificar os efeitos no corpo hídricos devido à ação do vento. Estes efeitos se manifestam como altura e energia de ondas, seiches, tensões de fundo, transporte de sedimentos, desestratificação térmica e erosões de margens. Por este capítulo é apresentada a análise bidimensional comparativa entre dois importantes métodos de obtenção do fetch. Os métodos foram recomendados em publicações distintas do Shore Protection Manual, sem mencionar as implicações da escolha nas respectivas épocas. A análise comparativa bidimensional foi realizada através da aplicação do modelo computacional ONDACAD. Os mapas de campo de fetch pelos dois métodos revelaram que a localização do maior fetch não é condicionada pelo método adotado. Por ambos os métodos os maiores valores de fetch ocuparam regiões próximas, junto à margem a sotavento. Quanto à distribuição, por um dos métodos foram gerados campos de fetch mais suaves e sem descontinuidades aparentando, mesmo que intuitivamente, ser mais adequado para representar fenômenos como alturas de ondas e seiches. Esses resultados contribuem para a compreensão do comportamento das respostas geradas pelos métodos no espaço bidimensional em corpos hídricos interiores de grande superfície, como baías, lagos, reservatórios.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 89-106
Kreetha Somkeattikul ◽  
Chinnathan Areeprasert ◽  
Prysathyrd Sarabhorn ◽  
Thanya Kiatiwat

Erosion of canal and river-shore causes problems on agriculture activities and soil environment. This paper devotes to develop a floating platform to protect the shores. A concrete-reinforced floating platform was designed and fabricated in this study. Mechanical simulation was performed to ensure the design viability. The concrete-reinforced floating platform consists of three main parts: (1) steel structure, (2) foam-cement material, and (3) connecting joints. The dimension of the cement foam floating platform is 1.2 m in width, 3 m in length and 0.4 m in thickness. The cement used in this research is resistant to corrosion of sulfate and chloride from saltwater. Foam with density of 12 kg/m3 is mixed with concrete matrix so that the floating platform can float 60% or 0.16 m above the water surface. The foam cement material has the maximum compression stress of 1,951 kg ± 266.59 kg for the material density of 427.30 kg/m3 ± 19.30 kg/m3. The connecting joint part has the ultimate tensile load of 1,564 kg. The assemble floating platform has the compressive stress of 543.33 kg/m2 with the maximum vertical deformation of samples of 1 mm under the distribution load of 1,571 over the samples. Finally, from simulation with data from the material testing, the designed floating platform had a safety factor 3.46 which was higher than the design criteria of 3.

2021 ◽  
Vol 130 (3) ◽  
T Pearlin Sam Jinoj ◽  
Subbareddy Bonthu ◽  
R S Robin ◽  
K K Idrees Babu ◽  
K Arumugam ◽  

Simchenko S.V.

Today there is a problem of insufficient organization of recreational areas of the Black Sea coastal zone within the Kherson region, which is the lack of a unified systemic approach in the field of land use and management of coastal areas. Recreational services are sometimes provided in unsuitable places, which leads to unpleasant (sometimes catastrophic) consequences for both the environment and economic activity. The relief of the study area, namely the coastal zone of the Black Sea within the Kherson region, is considered as an ecological and geomorphological system, as a component in the functioning of the tourist and recreational complex. In this context, the issue of geomorphological safety of the territory, environmental risks, as factors influencing the degree of recreational attractiveness.The article analyzes modern morphometric, morphological and morphogenetic characteristics within recreational points and adjacent areas of the coastal zone of the root part of the abrasion-accumulation system Tendra-Dzharilgach. Іnvestigation was in areas of resort settlements village Zalizniy port, village Prymorske (Bolshevik) and Lazurne township of Skadovskyi district of Kherson region and unorganized places of rest in the areas between settlements by GPS-tracking method with fixing of control points for their further transfer to the geoinformation space for analysis and systematization. Differences in the development of the coastal zone in the presence and absence of coastal protection structures were revealed. The influence of natural factors (including change of wind regime, frequency and intensity of bending phenomena), anthropogenic factors (construction of sanitary zone of beaches, illegal extraction of sand from the seabed, spontaneous shore protection, transformation of undeveloped areas of the coast within recreational recreational areas (beaches) within the study area. A comparison of current data obtained from field research, digitized with data from space images of different years, obtained using GIS Google Earth Pro.Key words: geomorphological risks, anthropogenic impact, shore protection, root shore, lithodynamic system. На сьогодні існує проблема недостатньої організованості рекреаційних територій берегової зони Чорного моря в межах Херсонської області, яка полягає у відсутності єдиного системного підходу у сфері землекористування та управління приморськими територіями. Рекреаційні послуги надаються часом у непридатних для цього місцях, що призводить до неприємних (іноді катастрофічних) наслідків як для навколишнього природного середовища, так і для господар-ської діяльності. Рельєф досліджуваної території, а саме берегової зони Чорного моря у межах Херсонської області, розглядається як еколого-геоморфологічна система, як складова у функціонуванні туристсько-рекреаційного комплексу. У цьому контексті розглядається проблематика геоморфологічної безпеки території, екологічні ризики, як фактори впливу на ступінь рекреаційної атрактивності.У статті проаналізовано сучасні морфометричні, морфологічні та морфогенетичні характеристики в межах рекреаційних пунктів і прилеглих територій берегової зони корінної частини абразійно-акумулятивної системи Тендра-Джарилгач. Досліджено ділянки курортних населених пунктів с. Залізний порт, с. Приморське (Більшовик) та смт Лазурне Скадовського району Херсонської області та місця неорганізованого відпочинку на ділянках між населеними пунктами методом GPS-трекінгу з фіксацією контрольних точок для подальшого їх перенесення в геоінформаційний простір з метою аналізу і систематизації. Виявлено відмінності у розвитку берегової зони за наявності та відсутності берегозахисних споруд. Проаналізовано вплив природних факторів (зокрема зміна вітрового режиму, частота та інтенсивність згіннонагінних явищ), антропогенних факторів (забудова санітарної зони пляжів, незаконний видобуток піску з дна моря, «стихійний берегозахист», трансформація необлаштованих ділянок берега рекреантами в межах автокемпінгів) на динаміку рекреаційних зон (пляжів) у межах досліджуваної території. Проведено порівняння сучасних даних, отриманих у результаті польових досліджень, оцифрованих із даними космічних знімків різних років, отриманих за допомогою ГІС Google Earth Pro.Ключові слова: геоморфологічні ризики, антропогенний вплив, берегозахист, корінний берег, літодинамічна система.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-14
Farhad Sakhaee

This study investigates runup design at breakwaters and design criteria under tidal and ebb scenarios for both head and truck of Nowshahr breakwater. First part includes runup height calculations based on shore protection manuals. Based of wave height, frequency, and water depth at the toe runup height has been calculated and Second portion has been dedicated to design of head and truck of Nowshahr port based on Hudson stability formula. Collision of wave and the breakwater head, results in immediate reduction in wave energy. As wave energy propagated gradually decreases when it meets the trunk. The results showed that in both conditions weight of head would be higher than the trunk of breakwater. while, both head and trunk are designed based on high strength materials, but the head has higher degree of importance in terms of design criteria. Hudson formula is responsible for the stability of breakwater structure. Tidal case which considers a non-breaking wave as well as ebb scenario including a breaking wave has been studied to include two extreme conditions occurs to breakwaters. The results showed the higher weight of head is responsible for stability of breakwater at both conditions.

Mona Abdeltawab Gomaa ◽  
Tamer HMA Kasem ◽  
Andreas Schlenkhoff

Submerged breakwaters are efficient structures used for shore protection. Many design features of these structures are captured upon modeling wave propagation over submerged square obstacles. The presence of separation vortices and large free surface deformations complicates the problem. A multiphase turbulent numerical model is developed using ANSYS commercial package. Careful domain discretization is done employing suitable mesh clustering to capture high gradients. Various numerical model parameters are provided, including grid size and time step. Special attention is directed towards clarifying turbulence initial conditions. Stable simulation results are obtained within acceptable computational time. Numerical results are validated quantitatively using subsurface measurements. Comparison along continuous horizontal and vertical velocity profiles is provided. Temporal and spatial model resolutions are illustrated for three test cases. The effect of wave period and height is well focused. The unsteady vortical structure is visualized. The incident wave energy is calculated and validated against theoretical values. The wave energy dissipation characteristics are briefly explained.

D. Schneider ◽  
R. Blaskow

Abstract. In many applications, it is necessary to measure the shore areas of water bodies in three dimensions, for example for the planning of shore protection measures or regularly for water body monitoring. The complete recording of long shorelines can be very time-consuming with conventional methods. This paper presents the surveying of two lakes using a mobile laser scanner system. In order to close non-visible areas, the measurement was supplemented with terrestrial laser scanning and with UAV-supported photogrammetric methods. The result is an almost complete point cloud of the shoreline, each more than 8 km long, with a point spacing of a few millimetres.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-78
Volodymyr Snitynskyi ◽  
Petro Khirivskyi ◽  
Ihor Hnativ ◽  
Roman Hnativ ◽  

Prykarpattia is one of the areas in Europe most prone to floods. Recent environmental research predicts a trend towards an increase in these dangerous phenomena in the Carpathian region of Ukraine. The analysis of the losses caused by floods in Lviv region shows that the allocation of funds for the elimination of the consequences of floods is growing every year. It is necessary to introduce comprehensive regulation of riverbeds, taking into account the development of channel processes and forecasting possible changes under the influence of hydraulic structures. The purpose of the study is to analyze the factors influencing landslides and erosion in the foothills of the Ukrainian Carpathians and the choice of optimal flood protection of populated areas.

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