health service provider
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Global Heart ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Geraldine Vaughan ◽  
Angela Dawson ◽  
Michael Peek ◽  
Jonathan Carapetis ◽  
Vicki Wade ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012042
N Himayati ◽  
T Joko ◽  
M Raharjo

Abstract Characteristics of Solid Medical Waste As long as the hospital as a health service provider is a source of solid medical waste generation. The current COVID-19 pandemic can potentially increase the number of medical waste generation in health care facilities. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on changing the characteristics of the medical waste produced. This study describes the characteristics of hospital solid medical waste during the COVID-19 pandemic at the X Referral Covid Hospital in Semarang City. The study results show that the ratio of increasing solid medical waste during the 2020 pandemic ranges from 1.39 to 2.08 kg/bed/day. Handling medical waste in this condition is a challenge that needs to be appropriately managed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (11) ◽  
pp. 2835-2835
Samreen Sadiq ◽  
Rabiya Noor ◽  
Ashfaq Ahmed ◽  
Rizwan Akram ◽  
Izzat Hassan ◽  

Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered as one of the leading cause of disability around the world1. Total knee Arthroplasty is known to be the best treatment option available for reduction in pain and symptoms in case of failure of conservative management2. Recently enhanced recovery pathways have been followed after knee replacement surgery which includes a combination of early mobility, education of patient and care giver, nutritional and fluid support. These enhanced pathways lead to shorter hospital stay3. Due to the shortened hospital stay, the aspect of self-management by patient becomes fundamental. Post-operative self-management of patients following knee replacement is a crucial factor for successful recovery. Self-management as defined by World Health Organization is the ability of patients, care givers and community to effectively manage with the disease, either with the support of health service provider or independently. In knee replacement, self-management includes pain management, physical therapy exercises, daily self-activities and precautionary measures4.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
Emma R. Francis ◽  
Daniela Fonseca de Freitas ◽  
Craig Colling ◽  
Megan Pritchard ◽  
Giouliana Kadra-Scalzo ◽  

Summary We describe the incidence of suicidality (2007–2017) in people with depression treated by secondary mental healthcare services at South London and Maudsley NHS Trust (n = 26 412). We estimated yearly incidence of ‘suicidal ideation’ and ‘high risk of suicide’ from structured and free-text fields of the Clinical Record Interactive Search system. The incidence of suicidal ideation increased from 0.6 (2007) to 1 cases (2017) per 1000 population. The incidence of high risk of suicide, based on risk forms, varied between 0.06 and 0.50 cases per 1000 adult population (2008–2017). Electronic health records provide the opportunity to examine suicidality on a large scale, but the impact of service-related changes in the use of structured risk assessment should be considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-114
Dwiki Hastomo Putra ◽  
Fauzan Firdaus ◽  
Muhammad Dzikri Mustofa ◽  
Muhammad Uweis Al-Qorny Virdinant

Hospital is a health service institution that provides complete individual health services that provide inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. Indeed, a health service provider can provide maximum service by the expectations and desires of patients. This research is in the form of qualitative and uses a Cross-Sectional study to see the relationship between the quality of services provided to patient satisfaction at Islamic Hospital X in 2021. The data collection procedure was carried out by observation, interviews, and literature studies that took place from May to July 2021. The results showed that based on the dimensions of Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurances, It can be seen from the alertness indicators of health workers, the availability of adequate and modern medical devices, communication skills of health workers, the appearance of health workers, in general, showing good results and leading to patient satisfaction with the services received at Islamic Hospital X in 2021.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 253
Devvy Apriani ◽  
Tiyas Kusumaningrum

AbstractBackground: Independent Midwifery Practice is a health service provider that has a significant contribution in providing mother and child health services. One important indicator in service is satisfaction. There are still many pregnant women who are not satisfied with the ANC services provided. The purpose of the study was to analyze factors related to satisfaction of pregnant women in using ANC services. Method: Cross sectional, with purposive sampling technique. The number of samples were 89 pregnant women who visited PMB in August - September 2019. The independent variables were maternal characteristics (age, parity, education, occupation), service quality, service facilities, and access (financing and distance systems). The dependent variable was the level of satisfaction. Data analysis used Somers'd Test and contingency coefficients. Results: Factors related to satisfaction level were service quality, service facilities and financing system with a value of p<α< 0.05 and factors not related to satisfaction level were age, education, parity, occupation and distance with a value of p>α>0.05. Conclusion: Good service, good facilities and the financing system used tend to produce high levels of satisfaction.  

2021 ◽  
Laurianne Bastien ◽  
Bilun Naz Boke ◽  
Jessica Mettler ◽  
Stephanie Zito ◽  
Lina Di Genova ◽  

BACKGROUND University students are reporting concerning levels of mental health distress and challenges. University mental health service provider (MHSP) initiatives have been shown to be effective in supporting students’ mental health; but these services are often resource-intensive. Consequently, new approaches to service delivery such as online and peer support initiatives have emerged as cost-effective and efficient approaches to support university students. However, these approaches have not been sufficiently evaluated for effectiveness or acceptability in university student populations. OBJECTIVE Thus, the overarching goal of the present study was to evaluate a MHSP-presented versus peer-presented online mental health resilience-building video outreach program against a wait-list comparison group. METHODS Participants were 217 undergraduate students (Mage = 20.40 years, SD = 1.96, 79.7 % women) who were randomly assigned to one of the intervention groups (MHSP-presented (n = 69) or peer-presented (n = 73)) or the wait-list comparison group (n=75). Participants in the intervention groups were asked to watch three brief skills-building videos addressing strategies for building mental health resilience, while the comparison group was wait-listed. The MHSP-presented and peer-presented video series were identical in content, with presenters using a script to ensure consistency across delivery methods, but videos differed in which they were either presented by MHSPs or university students (peer). All participants were asked to complete online self-report measures of stress, coping self-efficacy, social support, social connectedness, mindfulness, and quality of life at baseline (Time 1), six weeks later (Time 2; post), and at a 1-month follow up (Time 3). RESULTS Results from a series of two-way ANOVAs found no significant differences in outcomes between any of the three groups. Surprisingly, a main effect of time revealed that all students improved on several well-being outcomes. Additionally, results for program satisfaction revealed that both the MHSP-presented and peer-presented programs were rated very highly and at comparable levels. CONCLUSIONS Thus, findings suggest that an online mental health resilience-building video outreach may be acceptable for university students regardless of if it is MHSP-presented or peer-presented. Furthermore, the overall increases in well-being across groups which coincided with the onset and early weeks of COVID-19 suggest an unexpected pattern of response amongst university students to the early period of the pandemic. Limitations and barriers as well as research implications are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Omaira Valencia ◽  
Paola Rueda-Guevara

Abstract Background: The prevalence of acute malnutrition in Columbia was 1.6% in 2015, which was significantly higher than that found in 2010 (0.9%). Further, the distribution by age shows a higher prevalence of malnutrition in children under 2 years of age. Low rates (36.1%) of exclusive breastfeeding (BF) were found in these children, and adequate BF rates (45.5%) were found for children between 6 and 23 months. These percentages were low compared to the world average of 46%. The objective was to evaluate breastfeeding practices, relactation and feeding processes related to the recovery of children between 0 and 24 months of age with a diagnosis of moderate or severe acute malnutrition (SAM) treated at prioritized health service provider institutions and in the Nutritional Recovery Centers of the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF).Methods: This research was a mixed-type observational descriptive design in the community with a quantitative and qualitative component in three phases. The first phase characterized the practices of breastfeeding and relactation among mothers seeking help for their infants through the Nutritional Recovery Centers of the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar ICBF and health service provider institutions during the study period. In the second phase, a technical strengthening intervention will be carried out aimed at health professionals, and in the third phase, the care processes will be reviewed before and after the intervention. In addition, anthropometric variables and practices of breastfeeding on admission and discharge from care facilities were reviewed to identify potential factors related to the nutritional recovery process.Discussion: This research aims to provide a characterization of breastfeeding and relactation in the population treated for infants with severe acute malnutrition in the CRN and IPS, improve health professionals’ care processes for children with SAM, contribute to the achievement of relactation in mothers of children with moderate and severe acute malnutrition that graduate from the IPS and CRN and identify the potential factors related to the nutritional recovery of these children.Trial registration: Not aplicable

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 515-518
Neelam Anupama Toppo ◽  
Aditya Thakur ◽  
Deepali Soni ◽  
Priyanka Dubey ◽  
Sapna Tiwari

Background: Mucormycosis is an opportunistic fungal infection with a high fatality rate and is the third most common fungal infection that is invasive in nature, next to candidiasis and aspergillosis. It is attributed to the poor socio-economic status and triggered by the local trauma due to unhygienic setup or poor health care. The pathway of pathogenesis is not clearly understood in immunocompetent patients and therefore becomes a matter of great concern.Aim& Objective: To explore the pathway of  mucormycosis in a case of post SARS-CoV-2 infection Settings and Design: Tertiary Care hospital of Jabalpur DistrictMethods and Material: Interview with the case and care taker and case file review.Results: We could conclude this as a case of rhino- orbital mucormycosis attributed to uncontrolled blood sugar during treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection,  three delays that have occurred during the disease progression like ignorance from health service provider, late diagnosis, non compliance to the advice given by health facility,  poor oral and nasal hygiene and no use of distilled water in humidifier. Conclusions: The early diagnosis, prompt Treatment , surgical intervention , proper blood sugar monitoring and rational use of steroids are important steps of successful outcome of the disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Marsela Sahertian ◽  
Theresia Pratiwi Elingsetyo Sanubari ◽  
Kristiani Desimina Tauho

A person in the elderly phase will experience a continuous aging process which is characterized by decreased physical endurance so that he is susceptible to disease and can cause death. One of the programs carried out to overcome these problems is health services in Panti Wredha. This health service is very important because it is able to realize a healthy, happy and productive old age for the elderly. However, there are still elderly people in Panti Wredha who do not receive assistance in health services due to the lack of health workers in the home for the elderly where they live. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the provision of health services to the elderly at Panti Wredha Salatiga. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Respondents in this study amounted to 13 participants consisting of doctors, nurses, cooks, the person in charge of data collection for the elderly in the elderly at home for the elderly and health workers who handle the elderly program in Salatiga City. Data analysis techniques were carried out by making interview transcripts, coding, determining themes and writing conclusions. This research was conducted during January-March 2020. The results of this study found that elderly health services in Salatiga City were not optimal. The provision of health services for the elderly at the Panti Wredha Salatiga is still dominated by the work of the nursing home independently. The health of ice, which functions as a health service provider, has not yet participated in this role. The health office focuses on implementing health service programs at the puskesmas because there is no cross-sectoral collaboration between the Panti Wredha in Salatiga City and the Salatiga City Health Office. So it is necessary to hope for cross-sectoral collaboration between the government and the private sector so that elderly health services in Salatiga City are mutually fulfilled.

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