cyclic activity
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Phyllis van der Ploeg ◽  
Aniek Uittenboogaard ◽  
Karlijn M. M. Bucks ◽  
Marjolein H. F. M. Lentjes‐Beer ◽  
Steven L. Bosch ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (24) ◽  
pp. 13241
Anna Szeliga ◽  
Michal Kunicki ◽  
Marzena Maciejewska-Jeske ◽  
Natalia Rzewuska ◽  
Anna Kostrzak ◽  

The pituitary is an organ of dual provenance: the anterior lobe is epithelial in origin, whereas the posterior lobe derives from the neural ectoderm. The pituitary gland is a pivotal element of the axis regulating reproductive function in mammals. It collects signals from the hypothalamus, and by secreting gonadotropins (FSH and LH) it stimulates the ovary into cyclic activity resulting in a menstrual cycle and in ovulation. Pituitary organogenesis is comprised of three main stages controlled by different signaling molecules: first, the initiation of pituitary organogenesis and subsequent formation of Rathke’s pouch; second, the migration of Rathke’s pouch cells and their proliferation; and third, lineage determination and cellular differentiation. Any disruption of this sequence, e.g., gene mutation, can lead to numerous developmental disorders. Gene mutations contributing to disordered pituitary development can themselves be classified: mutations affecting transcriptional determinants of pituitary development, mutations related to gonadotropin deficiency, mutations concerning the beta subunit of FSH and LH, and mutations in the DAX-1 gene as a cause of adrenal hypoplasia and disturbed responsiveness of the pituitary to GnRH. All these mutations lead to disruption in the hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis and contribute to the development of primary amenorrhea.

I. Usoskin ◽  
S. K. Solanki ◽  
N. Krivova ◽  
B. Hofer ◽  
G. A. Kovaltsov ◽  

2021 ◽  
Bob Bamberg ◽  
Richard Walker ◽  
Marc Reichow

<p>Faults constitute the major source for mechanical and permeability heterogeneity in basaltic sequences, yet their architecture, and mechanical and physical properties remain poorly understood. These are however critical as basaltic reservoirs are becoming increasingly important for geothermal applications and CO<sub>2</sub> storage. Here we present a detailed microstructural- to outcrop-scale characterisation of mature (decametre-hectometre displacement) fault zones in layered basalts, in the Faroe Islands. Outcrop scale structures and fault rock distribution within the fault zone were mapped in the field to build 3D virtual outcrop models, with detailed characterisation of fault rock microstructure and petrology obtained from optical and SE-microscopy.</p><p>The fault zones exhibit evidence for cyclic activity controlled by fault internal fluid pressure variation. Deformation mechanisms in the core alternate between shear-compaction, evidenced by foliated cataclasite and gouge development, and dilatation through fluid overpressure, leading to hydrofracture and vein formation. Generally, a decametre-wide damage zone of Riedel faults is centrally transected by the fault core. The fault core is organised around a principal slip surface (PSS) hosted in a decimetre-wide principal slip zone (PSZ). The PSS and PSZ are dominantly composed of (ultra-) cataclasites, while the remaining core comprises anastomosing cataclastic bands bounding lenticular zones of various brecciated fault rocks. Further, PSS-proximal zones show significant late-stage dilatation by hydrothermal breccias or tabular veins with up to decimetre apertures, filled with early syntaxial to blocky zeolite and/or late coarse (≤ 1 cm) blocky calcite. The structures in the fault core are mutually overprinting, evidencing pulsed fault activity and PSS migration. The native plagioclase-pyroxene assemblage of the host rock is almost completely altered to zeolites and red-brown smectites in the fault core and along surrounding damage of mature faults, while lower displacement faults preserve the host rock mineralogy even in gouge. We infer that fluid flow along initial damage promotes alteration and the associated chemical weakening localises strain into a narrow PSZ. Here, fault activity is governed by alternating deformation styles – shear‑compaction and dilatation – suggesting changes in deformation mechanism linked to transient permeability decrease within the PSZ, followed by fluid overpressure and hydrofracture. Overall rock mechanical properties are thus governed by the combined effects of permanent chemical weakening and transient fluid-mediated mechanical weakening, alternating with cementation and healing, and will be explored by direct shear deformation experiments in the future.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 193 ◽  
pp. 106240
Julia Giriboni ◽  
Özdal Gökdal ◽  
Okan Atay ◽  
Ali Kemali Özuğur ◽  
Güneş Erdoğan ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 19-24
M. S. Gruntkovskyi

Improving the reproductive performance of cattle is one of the main tasks in livestock. Numerous stressors, high productivity, poor feeding, improper conditions of care and operation cause hormonal changes in the system "hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries" of females, which negatively affects reproduction. As a result, farms do not receive a certain amount of offspring and milk, and in the future - an increase in the infertility rate of uterine cattle. In cows after calving at the initial stage of lactation, the trophic function of the pituitary gland is more aimed at ensuring the secretion of milk than at restoring the cyclic activity of the ovaries. Therefore, to correct the reproductive capacity of cows use: feed additives, hormonal drugs, trace elements, physiotherapy methods and more. There are a small number of studies on the effects of biologically active drugs with neurohumoral action on the reproductive function of cows. The aim of our research was to establish the effects of biologically active substances of the neurotropic-metabolic drug "Stimulin-Cattle" on the reproductive capacity of cows. The studies were conducted on the basis of groups of analogues. The experiment selected cows after the first insemination and females who came back to sexual hunting. Experimental animals on day 7 - 9 of the sexual cycle were injected subcutaneously in the scapular region with 20 ml of the drug "Stimulin-Vet", and control according to the same scheme saline sodium chloride solution 0.9%. Cows were inseminated once by recto-cervical method. Three months later, rectal examinations of the animals were performed to determine pregnancy. The analysis of the obtained results showed that in experimental cows the fertility exceeded the control by 15.4 %. In the experimental group, 56.4 % came to sexual hunting again, and in the control group 71.8 %. Among 22 non-pregnant experimental cows, the cause of infertility in 63.6 % of animals was the anovulatory cycle, and in 36.4 % embryonic mortality. Whereas in the control of animals with anovulatory cycle was less by 42.2 %, and with embryonic mortality by the same percentage is probably higher. This situation with infertile animals suggests that the drug stimulates the development of the corpus luteum on the ovary, which promotes the secretion of more progesterone, which causes better conditions for embryo engraftment and thus reduces embryonic mortality. It was also found that animals after the first insemination react worse to the introduction of the drug than those who were inseminated for the first time, which confirms the level of fertility of 41.7 % vs. 46.7 %, respectively.

2020 ◽  
Arrate Antunano ◽  
Leigh N Fletcher ◽  
Glenn S Orton ◽  
James A Sinclair ◽  
Yasumasa Kasaba

<p>Jupiter’s atmosphere displays some of the most dramatic weather of any planet in our Solar System, with cycles of activity changing the upper tropospheric and stratospheric temperatures, aerosols, and cloud structures through physical processes that are not yet well understood. In the troposphere, Jupiter’s banded structure undergoes dramatic planetary-scale disturbances that can evolve over short timescales changing its appearance completely at a range of altitudes, from the cloud tops (~500 mbar) to the deeper levels (1-4 bar). Some of these tropospheric variations seem to occur randomly, like the impressive fading and revival of the South Equatorial Belt at 7°-17° S (planetocentric latitude), while others follow a periodic pattern, like the North Equatorial Belt expansions at 7°-17° N (with a ~4.5-year periodicity), the Equatorial Zone disturbances (~7-year period) within ±7° of the equator (Antuñano et al. 2018 doi: and the convective outbreaks at 21° N in the North Temperate Belt (~5-year period) (Antuñano et al., 2019 doi: In the stratosphere, Jupiter’s equatorial and off-equatorial temperature and winds at 10-20 mbar exhibit a remarkable 4-5-year periodic oscillation with height forced by waves produced from tropospheric meteorological activity at the equatorial latitudes.</p> <p>Here we use almost 40 years (more than 3 jovian years) of ground-based infrared observations captured at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF), the Very Large Telescope (VLT) and Subaru between 1980 and 2019 in a number of filters spanning from 7.9 to 24.5 µm.  These filters sample upper tropospheric and stratospheric temperatures and aerosols via collision-induced hydrogen and helium absorption, and emission from stratospheric hydrocarbons.  This long-term time series is used to (i) understand the impact of the previously mentioned tropospheric activity on the periodicity of the stratospheric temperature oscillations, (ii) characterize the long-term variability of Jupiter’s atmosphere at different altitudes in the upper troposphere and stratosphere, and (iii) investigate the long-term thermal, chemical and aerosol changes in Jupiter’s troposphere. In particular, we generate Lomb-Scargle periodograms and apply a Wavelet Transform analysis to our dataset to look for potential periodicities on the brightness temperature variability in different filters and compare them to previously reported cyclic activity at visible wavelengths (sensing the ammonia cloud top at ~500 mbar) and 5 µm (sensing the 1-4 bar pressure level). Finally, a Principal Component Analyses (PCA) is also performed to analyse the correlation of the brightness temperature variations at different belts and zones.</p>

Langmuir ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (13) ◽  
pp. 3659-3666 ◽  
Ali Imran ◽  
Dumitru Popescu ◽  
Liviu Movileanu

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-144
L.M. Silva ◽  
C.H.A. Oliveira ◽  
A.M. Silva ◽  
A.R. Montenegro ◽  
C.C.L. Fernandes ◽  

ABSTRACT This study evaluated the effect of detoxified castor meal on the reproductive performance, metabolic stress, milk production, and kid development in peripartum goats. The diet of the animals were with (DCM, n= 20) or without (WDCM, n= 21) detoxified castor meal during the entire gestation and until weaning, 60 days post-birth. No differences were observed in the gestation period, litter size, rate of multiple births, and mortality between the two groups. The postpartum plasma concentrations of progesterone remained below 1ng/mL in all animals, thus, confirming the absence of active corpora lutea. The thickness of sternum adipose tissue and loin area, levels of urea and cholesterol, milk production, and daily weight gain in the kids were low in the DCM group when compared to those in the WDCM group (P< 0.05). To conclude, the use of detoxified castor meal in peripartum goats resulted in lower level of performance in the kids because of reductions in the amount of milk received from their mothers during lactation. In addition, the diet containing detoxified castor meals was not efficient in recovering from the loss of stored body reserves able to initiate the recovery of the cyclic activity of the goats.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (Suppl.1) ◽  
pp. 924-928
Y. Zlatarova

Achieving a health effect in sports activities within the Higher school is possible by applying a variety of targeted means and methods. The relevance of the study: Obtaining data on the impact of additional cyclic activity and gradual inclusion of exercises for general strength and resistance to the working capacity of students within the training process. Purpose of the study: Study of the reaction of the cardiovascular system and the achievements of female students after application of additional complexes of exercises in the syllabus of callanetics. At the beginning and at the end of the summer semester of 2018/2019 the female students were subjected to a 5-minute stepwise load of the cross trainer with a measurement of the frequency of cardiac contractions of the first, third and fifth minutes and the distance travelled distance of each of the three loading steps. For the realization of the research project a series of exercises with cyclic aerobic focus as well as static and dynamic strength exercises without and with aggravated. The applied exercises enhance the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system and the level of total endurance and performance.

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