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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Fei Zheng ◽  
Meijing Zhang ◽  
Yiwen Zhen ◽  
Jianhua Yuan ◽  
Wenming Zhao ◽  

The establishment of female inflorescence morphology is of great significance to the formation of final maize yield. defective ear1 (dea1) is a novel maize mutant with developmental defect of female inflorescence caused by natural variation. Morphological analysis revealed that the mutant dea1 was characterized as a “scar-like” crack on the adaxial side of the top of the ear, accounting for 28.6-100.0% of the ear length, with an average of 32.4%. The results of scanning electron microscope showed that there was collapse in the formation of paired spikelet primordium at the base of the axillary meristem. Most of investigated botanical and agronomical traits of dea1 were lower than those of wild type, except for ear length and hundred grain weight. The grain yield per ear of mutant dea1 was 35.93% lower than that of wild type, and the width of mutation crack contributed the most to the yield loss per ear. The identification of the mutant dea1 and the characteristically phenotypic analysis provide a theoretical basis for the study of the molecular regulation mechanism of ear development and the application of high-yield breeding in maize.The establishment of female inflorescence morphology is of great significance to the formation of final maize yield. defective ear1 (dea1) is a novel maize mutant with developmental defect of female inflorescence caused by natural variation. Morphological analysis revealed that the mutant dea1 was characterized as a “scar-like” crack on the adaxial side of the top of the ear, accounting for 28.6-100.0% of the ear length, with an average of 32.4%. The results of scanning electron microscope showed that there was collapse in the formation of paired spikelet primordium at the base of the axillary meristem. Most of investigated botanical and agronomical traits of dea1 were lower than those of wild type, except for ear length and hundred grain weight. The grain yield per ear of mutant dea1 was 35.93% lower than that of wild type, and the width of mutation crack contributed the most to the yield loss per ear. The identification of the mutant dea1 and the characteristically phenotypic analysis provide a theoretical basis for the study of the molecular regulation mechanism of ear development and the application of high-yield breeding in maize.

Plant Disease ◽  
2021 ◽  
Robert N. Trigiano ◽  
Sarah L. Boggess ◽  
Michelle Odoi ◽  
Denita Hadziabdic ◽  
Ernest C. Bernard ◽  

Helianthus verticillatus, the whorled sunflower, is an endangered species found only in the southern United States (Trigiano et al. 2021) that is being developed for ornamental uses. This sunflower species requires little to no maintenance, produces spectacular floral displays from September into October, and attracts numerous potential pollinators including many native bees (Strange et al. 2020). In June and July of 2021, chlorotic, irregularly shaped spots were observed on the adaxial surface of mature leaves of two vegetatively produced clones of H. verticillatus (Trigiano et al., 2021) at three locations in Knoxville, TN. In September, yellow (4A, Royal Horticultural Society Color Chart) sori were abundant on abaxial surfaces and more rarely on the adaxial leaf surfaces of both clones at all locations. Globose-to-cylindrical, yellow urediniospores were 23.7µm (20-32) x 18.9 (16-22) µm (n = 30) with irregular, verrucose ornamentation. The morphology and dimensions of the urediniospores were similar to other Coleosporium species (e.g., C. asterum, Back et al., 2014). Telia were waxy, red-brown (167A; B) and developed in October with colder temperatures. Cylindrical teliospores were sessile, 1-celled, thin-walled with basidia ca. 93 µm (70-117) x 25 µm (19-29), consistent with spores of C. helianthi (Cummins, 1978). DNA was obtained from urediniospores using a Phire kit (ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) and the 28S rDNA region was amplified using the NL1 and NL4 primers (Back et al. 2014) (Genbank accession # OL364847) as well as ITS 1-4 primers (White et al. 1990) (GenBank accession OL364848). For comparison, DNA sequences were also obtained from authentic C. helianthi on H. divaricatus in the Arthur Fungarium at Purdue University (#PURN11678; GenBank accession OL364846) using the protocols of Aime et al. (2018). 28S sequences shared 99.65% (568/570 bp) identity. To test Koch’s postulates, seven healthy detached leaves were lightly brushed on both leaf surfaces with leaves with uredia producing urediniospores. The leaves were incubated adaxial side up in 9-cm-diameter Petri dishes on moistened filter paper at ambient laboratory conditions. A similar number of healthy leaves were brushed with healthy leaves, incubated in the laboratory and served as the control treatment. After 7-10 days, uredia with urediniospores formed primarily on the abaxial leaf surface, but a few were present on the adaxial surface of leaves treated with urediniospores, whereas the leaves in the control remained healthy. Molecular, morphological and infectivity studies identified C. helianthi as the pathogen. Coleosporium helianthi occurs on the commercial sunflower, H. annuus, and several wild sunflower species, including H. tuberosum (Jerusalem artichoke) and H. microcephalus (small-headed sunflower), among others in the southern U.S. (Farr and Rossman 2021). Coleosporium species are heteroecious and mostly macrocyclic rusts (McTaggart and Aime, 2018) with aecia and aeciospores typically found on pines (Pinus spp.). Although H. verticillatus is very susceptible to rust infection and it probably reduces photosynthetic capability, it does not appear to adversely affect flowering in the fall. The disease primarily degrades the aesthetic appeal of the plant but does not require control measures. To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. helianthi infecting H. verticillatus. Voucher material is deposited in the Arthur Herbarium (#PURN23470).

Lankesteriana ◽  
2021 ◽  
Luis E. Baquero ◽  
Robinson Galindo-Tarazona ◽  
David Haelterman ◽  
Alejandro Zuluaga

A new species of Lepanthes from southwestern Colombia is presented here. Lepanthes farallonensis belongs to the informal group “manabina”, which comprises species with concave and commonly pubescent leaves, flowers resting at the adaxial side of the leaves, and the synsepal with short to long tails. Lepanthes farallonensis is similar to L. smaragdina in the broadly ovate dorsal sepal but differs in the conspicuously twisted upper lobes of the petals, outwardly bent and a depression at the center of the laminae of the lip.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (2) ◽  
pp. 022107
A M Kargatova ◽  
S A Stepanov

Abstract Differences of rye varieties in the length of lamina and sheath 1 - 6 from spike of the lamina and leaf sheath, width and area of the lamina were shown. The highest values of the studied leaf parameters were peculiar to the alien varieties of winter rye. It was found that foreign varieties were characterized by a smaller proportion of the plate area of the three upper leaves and a larger proportion for the 4th and 5th leaves (in % of the total leaf plate area). A characteristic feature of the laminae of the upper two leaves of winter rye is the absence of trichomes, instead of them there are spines 12 µm long, which are located above the conductive bundles on the adaxial side of the lamina. Stomata were located on both sides of the leaf, but there were more of them on the adaxial side of the lamina, where they were arranged in one or two rows on the flanks of the conductive bundles. Strong sclerification of conductive bundles was noted. In the most developed conducting bundles, sclerenchyma fibers were observed on both sides of the leaf lamina. The presence of stomata at the leaf sheath on both adaxial and abaxial sides is revealed. It was shown that the contribution of each leaf of upper and middle phytomeres to the total leaf area of winter rye varieties under study is different, which is important to consider when assessing their importance in the photosynthetic potential of plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
Olga Tsarenko ◽  
Galina Shikhaleyeva ◽  
Valentyna Minarchenko ◽  
Iryna Tymchenko ◽  
Olena Bulakh

Abstract The micromorphological features of the fruit surfaces of nine species of Ukrainian flora, namely Valeriana tuberosa L., Valeriana tripteris L., Valeriana rossica P. Smirn., Valeriana stolonifera Czern., Valeriana grossheimii Worosch, Valeriana sambucifolia Mikan fil., Valeriana officinalis L. s. str., Valeriana wolgensis Kazak. [ Valeriana officinalis var. nitida (Kreyer) Rostanski], and Valeriana simplicifolia (Rchb.) Kabath, were examined. Depending on the presence and localization of pubescence on the surface of the fruit, three groups of species were distinguished: those with glabrous fruits, those with fruits pubescent only on the adaxial side, and those with fruits pubescent on both sides. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the additional characteristics of the fruits (microsculpture of the fruit surface, shape of cuticular formations on the surface of the outer periclinal walls of epidermal cells and on the surface of hairs, and structure of the stomatal complex), which were useful for the identification of the species. At the supraspecific level, the revealed features of the fruit surfaces somewhat overlapped and could be used to identify series and sections only as additional features. Based on the studied samples from herbarium material (KW), V. officinalis var. nitida was considered synonymous with V. wolgensis since there were no micromorphological differences between their fruits. The detailed micromorphological characteristics of the fruit surfaces of all the studied species can be used for further comparative morphological investigations of different aerial parts to identify stable features independent of geographic and ecological conditions.

Plant Disease ◽  
2021 ◽  
Ross Joaquin Hatlen ◽  
Douglas S. Higgins ◽  
Julien Venne ◽  
J. Alejandro Rojas ◽  
Mary Hausbeck ◽  

Halo blight of hop caused by Diaporthe humulicola has recently been reported in Michigan and Connecticut (Higgins et al. 2021, Allan-Perkins et al 2020). In August 2020 growers in Quebec, Canada reported necrotic foliar lesions and desiccation of the hop strobile (cone) on Chinook and Nugget cultivars. The foliar lesions were dry concentric circles with a chlorotic halo surrounding the lesions; no pycnidia were observed on leaves or cones. Up to 100% of the infected bract tissue was dry and easily shattered, the grower estimated that more than 90% of the plants in the hopyard exhibited symptoms. Twenty-six isolates were obtained from surface-sterilized leaf and cone tissue by plating the leading edge of lesions on potato dextrose agar. Fungal isolates were hyphal tipped and were incubated at 22°C with a 12 h photoperiod. After 21-days, all cultures were white to beige with pycnidia. DNA was extracted from cultures using the MagMAX Plant DNA Isolation Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). DNA amplification of a representative isolate (CD6C) was performed with primers ITS1/ITS4 (White et al. 1990) for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), CYLH3F/H3-1b (Glass and Donaldson 1995) for histone 3 (HIS), and Ef1728f/EF1-986R (Carbone and Kohn 1999) for translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF). Amplification primers were used for bidirectional Sanger sequencing, reads were assembled using Geneious Prime (Biomatters, New Zealand), and identified using NCBI BLAST. BLAST results showed that the sequences for TEF, ITS, and HIS all had 100% pairwise identity to Diaporthe sp. 1-MI (MT909101, MT909099, MT909093, OK001342, MZ934713, OK001341). Futhermore, BLAST results showed that ITS and HIS have 100% pairwise identity D. humulicola (MN152929, MN180214). The TEF sequence also had 99.7% pairwise identity to D. humulicola (MN180209). Koch’s postulates were conducted by inoculating six 3-mo-old ‘Chinook’ plants with conidia harvested from 28-day-old cultures and spraying 50 ml of inoculum (6 x 105 conidia/ml) or water to each plant. Plants were then stored in a greenhouse at 100% relative humidity at 22°C with a 14-h photo period. Lesions appeared on the adaxial side of the leaf after 21 days. D. humulicola was re-isolated from all infected leaf tissue, but not from any water inoculated plants and identified by conidial morphology using descriptions from Higgins et al. (2021). So far, Diaporthe sp. 1-MI appears to be synonymous with Diaporthe humulicola, but currently two names are being utilized (i.e. Diaporthe leaf spot and halo blight). In Higgins et al., (2021) it was proposed that the name halo blight might be more appropriate because disease symptoms are not confined to the leaves and cause significant blighting of cones. Halo blight caused by D. humulicola appears widespread in Michigan and Canada and may become an issue in other eastern North American growing regions with humid conditions.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 533
Min-Kyeong Oak ◽  
Sungyu Yang ◽  
Goya Choi ◽  
Jun-Ho Song

Floral micromorphology and pollen morphology of two Leonurus (Lamiaceae) species were examined and compared using scanning electron microscopy to evaluate the diagnostic value of these features to facilitate future studies on floral biology and taxonomy. Floral epidermal patterns were similar in both species, with the conical to central-conical epidermal cells on the adaxial side of the lower lip (corolla). Capitate, peltate, scale-like glandular, and non-glandular trichomes were distributed on the surface of the floral organs. Notably, scale-like anther glands and floral stomata were found on the anthers and abaxial side of the calyx, respectively. Pollen grains had bi-reticulate exine with angular primary lumina and rounded secondary lumina. These characteristics provide indirect evidence of a close association between plant-pollinator interactions and effective pollination. In addition, quantitative traits of pollen grains and trichome types on the adaxial side of the lip differed between the two species. These characteristics may have diagnostic and taxonomic value for the genus Leonurus and family Lamiaceae.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (20) ◽  
pp. 4149
Soo-In Sohn ◽  
Young-Ju Oh ◽  
Subramani Pandian ◽  
Yong-Ho Lee ◽  
John-Lewis Zinia Zaukuu ◽  

The feasibility of rapid and non-destructive classification of six different Amaranthus species was investigated using visible-near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectra coupled with chemometric approaches. The focus of this research would be to use a handheld spectrometer in the field to classify six Amaranthus sp. in different geographical regions of South Korea. Spectra were obtained from the adaxial side of the leaves at 1.5 nm intervals in the Vis-NIR spectral range between 400 and 1075 nm. The obtained spectra were assessed with four different preprocessing methods in order to detect the optimum preprocessing method with high classification accuracy. Preprocessed spectra of six Amaranthus sp. were used as input for the machine learning-based chemometric analysis. All the classification results were validated using cross-validation to produce robust estimates of classification accuracies. The different combinations of preprocessing and modeling were shown to have a classification accuracy of between 71% and 99.7% after the cross-validation. The combination of Savitzky-Golay preprocessing and Support vector machine showed a maximum mean classification accuracy of 99.7% for the discrimination of Amaranthus sp. Considering the high number of spectra involved in this study, the growth stage of the plants, varying measurement locations, and the scanning position of leaves on the plant are all important. We conclude that Vis-NIR spectroscopy, in combination with appropriate preprocessing and machine learning methods, may be used in the field to effectively classify Amaranthus sp. for the effective management of the weedy species and/or for monitoring their food applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Nikhil Mehta ◽  
Priyanka Rao ◽  
Raman Saini

Abstract Sesbania aculeata is a multipurpose legume crop grown primarily for green manuring in the rice-based cropping system. Besides this, it is an industrial crop and is also used as food in many parts of the world. The present work reports for optimization of various parameters (growth medium, plant growth regulators, pre-conditioning, orientation of explant, and presence of thiol compounds) affecting in vitro regeneration using mature cotyledon explants. The 5-day-old mature cotyledon explants excised from seedlings grown on Murashige and Skoog (MS) salts and Gamborg (B5) vitamins medium containing 15 μM 6-benzylaminopurine were cultured with its adaxial side facing on medium containing 2.5 μM 6-benzylaminopurine and 50 mg/L thiourea and produced multiple shoots (7 ‒ 8) in 100% cultures within 28 days. Healthy shoots were rooted on half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) salts and full-strength vitamins medium augmented with 2.5 μM indole-3-butyric acid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 230-235
J. Preetham ◽  
S. Kiran ◽  
R. Sharath ◽  
P. Sivakami Sundari ◽  

Background: Pharmacognostic study of medicinal plants is an important parameter for standardization and authentication of plants, with the help of which adulteration and substitution can be prevented. The present study deals with pharmacognostic profile of leaf of Bridelia scandens (Roxb).Willd. an important traditional plant, belonging to family Euphorbiaceae used to treat various ailments. Methods: The present study includes macroscopic and microscopic studies, quantitative microscopy, and physiochemical characters such as ash value, extractive values, fluorescence analysis, and total phenol and flavonoid content. Results: Macroscopically, the leaves are B. scandens are elliptic –oblong or obavate, dark green above, pale green below lateral veins. Microscopically, leaf consists of thick semicircular midrib and the lamina, cortical zone ending with thick continuous cylinder of sclerenchyma cells. Sclerenchyma cylinder completely enclosed the vascular cylinder of the midrib, consists of only continuous thick layer of phloem. Xylem cylinder consists of numerous short or long radial chains of vessels. The lateral vein is flat on the adaxial side and prominently projecting hemispherical body on the adaxial side. Powder microscopy of leaf revealed the presence of spiral xylem vessels, rosette and prismatic calcium oxalate crystals and trichomes. A Physiochemical characteristic was also determined. Conclusion: Existing literature revealed that so far, no Pharmacognostic study has been reported on the leaf of B. scandens. Findings from this investigation can be used for its identification and determination of quality and purity of medicinally important plant. Thus exploring the usefulness of pharmacognostic evaluation to validate and authenticate drug

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