steel works
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ravika Nur Melinda ◽  
Laisita Meitya Ningrum ◽  
Ida Bagus Suryabrata ◽  
Gede Swarna Bayu Artha Dwipa ◽  
Tyas Pratama Sukoco

ABSTRACT Making a budget plan in a project is often done manually which of course takes a long time to complete. In determining the budget plan, there are many types of work such as preparatory work, reinforced concrete work, and steel work, so it is quite difficult to work on. The budget plan can only be done by experts in the field, so it requires quite expensive processing costs. From the problems described above, we need a program that can simplify the calculation of the budget plan, especially in steel works (WF Beam). In this case, we created a program using the python language that needed to input some data such as rod length, number of bars, type of steel, steel prices, and work wages so that it would immediately produce a value or amount of the volume and price of a steel work that could help contractors especially steel subcontractors in calculating steel work (WF Beam). Keywords: python, RAB, WF beam, work volume, job price. ABSTRAK Pembuatan rencana anggaran dan biaya dalam sebuah proyek sering dilakukan secara manual yang tentunya membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk menyelesaikannya. Dalam menentukan rencana anggaran dan biaya, ada banyak jenis pekerjaan seperti pekerjaan persiapan, pekerjaan beton bertulang, dan pekerjaan baja, sehingga cukup sulit untuk dikerjakan. Rencana anggaran dan biaya juga hanya bisa dikerjakan oleh tenaga ahli pada bidang tersebut sehingga membutuhkan biaya pengerjaan yang cukup mahal. Dari permasalahan yang sudah dijabarkan diatas maka dibutuhkan sebuah program yang dapat mempermudah perhitungan rencana anggaran dan biaya khususnya di pekerjaan baja (WF Beam). Dalam hal ini, kami membuat sebuah program menggunakan bahasa python yang perlu menginputkan beberapa data seperti panjang batang, jumlah batang, jenis baja, harga baja, dan upah pekerjaan sehingga  akan langsung menghasilkan nilai atau besaran dari volume dan harga suatu pekerjaan baja yang dapat membantu kontraktor khususnya sub kontraktor baja dalam melakukan perhitungan pekerjaan baja (WF Beam). Kata kunci: python, RAB , WF beam, volume pekerjaan, harga pekerjaan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (4) ◽  
pp. 33-44
O.S. Vodennikova ◽  
P.V. Holovkov ◽  

Modern technological schemes of steel production do not allow to achieve low (< 0.01 % S) and ultra-low (<0.005 % S) sulfur content on the production of in the metal directly. That is why out-of-furnace steel treatment is often used to remove sulfur. Desulfurization process of steel depends on the chemical composition of the slag, the time of its formation in the ladle, metal oxidation, conditions of mixing of steel in a ladle, additional technological operations and ladle metal processing. Methods are widely used for desulfurization of steel treatment of steel with solid slag-forming mixtures, synthetic slag, lime-aluminous slag, silico-calcium and other powdered materials. Modern approaches to the process of steel desulfurization in conditions steel production are analyzed in the Study. In particular, the Ukrainian (on the example of PJSC ‘Azovstal Iron & Steel Works’ and PJSC ‘Dneprovsky Integrated Iron & Steel Works named after Dzershinsky’) and foreign (on the example of PJSC ‘Severstal’ and PJSC ‘Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works’) experience of desulfurization under oxygen converter production. The use of technological complexes ‘Installation of pig iron desulfurization steel making unit’ and ‘Cast iron desulfurization installation steel making unit is ‘oven-bucket’ installation’ provides a deeper desulfurization of steel, the possibility of optimizing the cost of steel production, expands range of scarce products and eliminates a number of restrictive conditions that complicate current production. The analysis of steel C80D desulfurization process is given in the conditions of JSC ‘Moldova Steel Works’, in which partial sulfur removal occurs in an arc steel making furnace, and the ultra-low content is achieved by creating a highly basic refining slag in the process out-of-furnace processing of steel. The study of the kinetics of the desulfurization process of 20GL steel in the conditions of JSC ‘Tashkent Mechanical Plant’ with the use of solid slag-forming mixtures and modification of steel with rare-earth metals is analyzed. The issue of desulfurization of electric steel in the conditions of OJSC ‘Byelorussian Steel Works’ with injection of powdered materials through the installation ‘Velko’ during out-of-furnace processing of steel is considered. Keywords: steel desulfurization, desulfurizer reagent, degree of desulfurization, cast iron desulfurization installation, out-of-furnace processing of steel, ‘‘oven-bucket’’ installation.

Metallurgist ◽  
2021 ◽  
G. P. Kornilov ◽  
I. R. Abdulveleev ◽  
O. V. Gazizova ◽  
L. A. Koptsev

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (7) ◽  
pp. 519-529
M. Yu. Ryabchikov ◽  
E. S. Ryabchikova ◽  
D. E. Shmanev ◽  
I. D. Kokorin

The work is devoted to the problem of flexible small-scale production of galvanized steel of various sizes on a continuous hot-dip galvanizing unit with varying productivity. The main focus is on the heat treatment of steel strip, the requirements for which limit productivity. In conditions of disturbances, it is necessary to proactively control the heat treatment using models, or to reduce the speed of the strip to ensure that the requirements are met. Unlike most of the works that focus on heat control, this work focuses on strip cooling. Based on the analysis of production data of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, it is shown that violation of the cooling requirements leads to the appearance of defects in the zinc coating. Dependence of the probability of defects occurrence on the strip temperature is given. Problems of cooling predictive control are formulated using models in the absence of temperature control of the cooling section cavity. For each of the tasks, the model structure and the method of its tuning are determined according to the data accumulated over a significant period of the unit operation under conditions of uncontrolled systematic disturbances. The structure of the cooling control system is proposed by estimation of the cooling section cavity temperature as a controlled variable. The temperature estimate is determined from the model. The lack of measurement of the cooling section cavity temperature is not a problem then varying productivity. The results of the models tuning are presented according to the data of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works continuous hot-dip galvanizing unit. The proposed structures of the models and methods for their adjustment can be applied in the development of models for metal heating in furnaces.

Seongkyu Cho ◽  
Leonardo Tomas da Rocha ◽  
Byung-Jun Chung ◽  
Sung-Mo Jung

P. V. Shilyaev ◽  
S. V. Denisov ◽  
P. A. Stekanov ◽  
V. L. Kornilov ◽  
F. V. Kaptsan ◽  

Purposeful control of structural state of steel at every stage of technological chain of steel goods production is necessary for elaboration of effective metallurgical technologies. The purpose of the complex of research and theoretical studies was development of ideas on peculiarities of structure formation of various steel grades. Current conceptions about phase and structural transformations in steels with different contents of carbon and alloying elements considered. For carbon and alloyed steels, the results of the study of the structure of perlite formed at different temperatures summarized; morphology, crystallography and defects of crystalline structure of cementite, processes of its fragmentation, coagulation and spheroidization; crystallography of austenite degradation products; evolution of the structure during cold and hot plastic deformation; carbon redistribution processes prior to and during diffusion-controlled austenite decay presented. For low-carbon low-and sparingly alloyed cold-resistant weldable steels generalized results of investigation of structure-formation processes, alloying relationships, temperature-deformation rolling conditions, parameters of quenching and high-temperature  tempering  with  structure,  mechanical  properties  and  performance  characteristics  of  steel plates presented. The elaborated complex of scientific and technical solutions based on the studies enabled to master and digitize production technologies at PJSC “Magnitogorsk steel-works” of new generation steel rolled products intended for ship-building, oil and  gas  industries,  automobile,  hardware  and  construction  industries.  The  new  systems  of  alloying  steels  of  various  application, methods of the new generation steels production and automated control of technological processes protected by 27 patents of RF, are widely used in the production activity of PJSC “Magnitogorsk steel-works”. 

K. V. Bulatov ◽  
G. I. Gazaleeva ◽  
N. A. Sopina ◽  
A. A. Mushketov

The problems of processing iron ore tailings of wet concentration plants and wastes with high content of iron, contaminated by oil products are actual from both points of view of ecology and economy. One of the reasons restraining solving the problem is absence of technologies ensuring to involve such wastes into industrial turnover. In the process` of the research, composition and opening degree of ore and non-metallic minerals of concentration slime tailing of Magnitogorsk steel-works (MMK) were studied and technology of  their  concentration  was  elaborated.  Taking  into  consideration  the  contamination of  initial  slime  tailings of MMK, it was proposed to accomplish their preliminary de-sliming to remove vegetable remains and clay slimes by disintegration in a screw-toothed crusher and washing in a spiral classifier. Results of wet magnetic separation (WMS) of the initial slime tailings of MMK, made at JSC “Uralmekhanobr” presented, the slimes having natural coarseness of –2.0+0.0 mm. It was established that WMS at the magnetic field intensity of 1500 Oe ensures effective removal of magnetite, aggregates magnetite-hematite-goetite into magnetic product. Iron content in the magnetite concentrate was varying from 61.5 to 62.6%. For processing of slime tailings of MMK, magnetic separation was proposed by high-gradient magnetic separator with permanent magnets, created specially for these purposes by “ERGA” company. To increase iron extraction degree, it was proposed to apply gravitation methods of concentration of nonmagnetic product, obtained at high-gradient WMS. It enabled to increase iron content in the final magnetite-hematite concentrate up to 59%. A technological diagram of oiled slimes processing presented. Tests with oiled slimes of bottom deposits of metallurgical production under pilot-industrial conditions of MMK exhibited a possibility to obtain additional iron concentrate with total iron content of 62.47% while oil content in it was less 0.3%.

2021 ◽  
Nelson Salazar ◽  
Gorkhmaz Abbaszade ◽  
Davaakhuu Tserendorj ◽  
Péter Völgyesi ◽  
Dóra Zacháry ◽  

&lt;p&gt;Iron and steel works activities are an important industrial source of pollutants that change soil composition with a wide range of substances containing heavy metals. Determination of the multi-element composition of urban soil contributes to an accurate assessment of the quality of the urban environment. Therefore, concentrations of 15 metals (Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni Cu, Zn, Mo, Ag, Sn, Sb, Pb and W) were measured in &amp;#211;zd, a former industrial city located at the northern part of Hungary. It has been exposed to contaminants for almost two centuries by different anthropogenic activities such as transportation, coal mining, iron and steel works. In this study, 56 urban soil samples were collected from playgrounds, kindergartens, parks and roadsides, as well as 1 local coal, 1smelter slag and 2 steel slags samples.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In this study, we determined cluster distribution of the samples using compositional data analysis clr-transformed (clr-biplot), k-means cluster analysis (CA) and calculates enrichment factors (EF). To observe the relationships among the 15 metals, the clr-biplot was performed in CoDaPack software and k-means in R statistics, following recommendation in the literature [1]. &amp;#160;The results of k-means were overlapped on the clr-biplot and plot on a map. Enrichment factors were calculated for every cluster with the formula: EF=[M/Fe]sample/[M/Fe] background, where (M) metals concentration and Fe was used for normalization. Background values were taken from brown forest soil.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The average concentration of 15 elements in (mg kg&lt;sup&gt;-1&lt;/sup&gt;) for the 57 samples are Fe(27204), Mn(842), Zn(225), Ti (135), &amp;#160;Pb (81), Cr(41,3), Cu(30.2), V(24.2), Ni(21), Co(7.34), Sn(4.22), Sb(1.41), Mo(1.19), W(0.726) and Ag (0.268), respectively.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The optimal number of clusters are 4, where the most samples in the first cluster are distributed on the northwest side of the city where agricultural activity is a common occasion. Samples forming the second cluster are characteristic in the area of the former iron and steel factory. Samples of the third cluster are located at the new industrial park (northeast side of the city). The fourth cluster samples are derived from the surrounding area the new industrial area and covers most of the city south side. The results of average enrichment factor (EF)&gt;5, which represent significant or very significant enrichment are 1&lt;sup&gt;st&lt;/sup&gt;cluster Ti, 2&lt;sup&gt;nd&lt;/sup&gt;cluster W&gt;Ti&gt;Sn&gt;Ag&gt;Cr&gt;Pb&gt;Sb&gt;Zn&gt;Cu, 3&lt;sup&gt;rd&lt;/sup&gt;cluster W&gt;Cr&gt;Ti, and 4&lt;sup&gt;th&lt;/sup&gt;cluster Ti&gt;W.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The differences between cluster distributions and enrichment of each metallic element show complexity of the study area, which suggested areas with features associations of elements to natural sources, hybrid (natural and anthropogenic) and industrial areas.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;

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