Izvestiya Ferrous Metallurgy
Latest Publications





Published By National University Of Science And Technology Misis

2410-2091, 0368-0797

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 832-838
G. V. Klevtsov ◽  
R. Z. Valiev ◽  
M. V. Fesenyuk ◽  
N. A. Klevtsova ◽  
M. N. Tyur'kov ◽  

The article considers evaluation of torsional strength and fracture of austenitic corrosion-resistant steel 08Kh18N9 with an ultrafine-grained (UFG) and coarse-grained (CG) structure, widely used in medicine for the production of plates, screws, rods for bone osteosynthesis and other medical products. The structure of the CG steel was studied using an Axiovert 40 MAT metallographic microscope, and the fine structure of the UFG steel was investigated with a JEM-2100 transmission electron microscope. Torsion tests of the cylindrical samples with a diameter of 10 mm were carried out at a temperature of 20 °C on MK-50 installation. JEOL JCM-6000 scanning electron microscope was used for the microfractographic studies of fracture surfaces. The analysis of the “Torque - torsion angle” diagrams showed that the torsional ultimate strength (τt) and yield strength (τ0.3) of UFG steel increase by 1.3 - 3.8 times, and the relative shear (g) decreases by 2.4 times in comparison with CG steel. High values of torsional strength properties of UFG steel make it possible to provide high torque without destroying the product. Consequently UFG steel 08Kh18N9 in comparison with CG steel is a more promising material for the manufacture of medical screws and other medical products that experience significant loads during the torsion process. Three areas were identified on the surface of all fractures: fibrous central part, transitional (middle) part, and a relatively smooth peripheral part. Fracture begins with the formation of shear pits in the middle and peripheral parts, which, with further rotation of the sample, are completely rubbed out (in case CG steel), or remain (in case of UFG steel). Final failure occurs under the action of normal stresses in the central part of the sample.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 815-824
M. V. Temlyantsev ◽  
O. L. Bazaikina ◽  
E. N. Temlyantseva ◽  
V. Ya. Tsellermaer

A particular solution of a linear variant of the dynamic thermal elasticity problem is considered in application to modeling the conditions of surface hardening of metal products by an energy pulse. The authors determined the equation of medium motion with the model of temperature pulse tested earlier for compatibility with special cases of the equations of parabolic and hyperbolic thermal conductivity. The problem of loading a flat plane of a short circular cylinder (disk) with a temperature pulse is presented. Pulse is a consequence of adopted structure of the volumetric power density of the heat flux, the time multiplier of which has the form of a single wave of the Heaviside function. Classical thermoelastic displacement potential and the method of its division into the product of independent variables functions were used to construct the thermal stress tensor. Differential equations for multiplier functions and their general solutions were found. Natural boundary conditions were set for the components of thermal stress tensor, and their tasks were solved. The obtained solutions are in the form of segments of functional series (the Bessel function in radial coordinate and the exponential function in axial coordinate). The article considers a numerical example of loading a disk made of 40KhN steel which has the mechanical properties sensitive to temperature treatment. Maple computer mathematics package was used in the calculations. Approximate solutions take into account the first 24 terms of the functional series. Estimation of the example makes it possible to explain the presence of stress peaks and stress intensity as a consequence of mutually inverse processes of temperature stress growth and reduction of elasticity coefficients with temperature rise. The numerical example warns against relying only on estimates of solutions to thermoelasticity problems without taking into account the plastic and viscous properties of the material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 846-854
Yu. F. Ivanov ◽  
V. E. Gromov ◽  
S. V. Konovalov ◽  
Yu. A. Shlyarova ◽  
S. V. Vorob'ev

The high-entropy alloy (HEA) of Al - Co - Cr - Fe - Ni system of nonequiatomic composition is obtained by the technology of wire-arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) in atmosphere of pure nitrogen. By the methods of modern physical materials science it is shown that in the initial state the alloy has dendritic structure indicating nonhomogeneous distribution of alloying elements. It is a multiphase material whose main phases are Al3NCr3C2 , (Ni, Co)3Al4 . Nonadimensional particles (Ni, Co)3Al4 of cubic shape are located along interfaces of submicron phases Al3Ni and Cr3C2 . The HEA irradiation by pulsed electron beams with energy density Es = 10 + 30 J/cm2, pulse duration of 50 is, frequency of 3 Hz and pulse number of 3 leads to high-velocity melting and subsequent crystallization of surface layer. If Es = 10 J/cm2, no failure of dendritic crystallization structure happens. Interdendritic spaces are enriched in chemical elements Al, Ni and Fe, and dendrites themselves - in chromium atoms. The most liquating element of the alloy is Al, the least one is Co. If Es = 20 J/cm2, a nanocrystalline structure is formed in the layer 15 inn thick in bulk of grains. Size of crystallization cells amounts to 100 - 200 nm, size of inclusions in cell junctions is 20 - 25 nm, and along cell boundaries it is 10 - 15 nm. Cells of high-velocity crystallization are enriched in Al and Ni. The Co atoms are homogeneously distributed along the surface layer volume. The most liquating element is Cr, the least liquating one is Co. The increase in energy density of electron beam to 30 J/cm2 doesn't lead to substantial (as compared to Es = 20 J/cm2 ) variations in surface layer structure. The irradiation mode (Es = 20 J/cm2, 50 is, 3 pulses, 0.3 Hz) is detected that allows formation of the surface layer with the highest level of homogeneity of chemical element distribution in the alloy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 793-801
R. R. Kantyukov ◽  
D. N. Zapevalov ◽  
R. K. Vagapov

At the present stage of gas field development, the products of many mining facilities have increased content of corrosive CO2 . The corrosive effect of CO2 on steel equipment and pipelines is determined by the conditions of its use. CO2 has a potentially wide range of usage at oil and gas facilities for solving technological problems (during production, transportation, storage, etc.). Simulation tests and analysis were carried out to assess the corrosion effect of CO2 on typical steels (carbon, low-alloy and alloyed) used at field facilities. Gas production facilities demonstrate several corrosion formation zones: lower part of the pipe (when moisture accumulates) and top of the pipe (in case of moisture condensation). The authors have analyzed the main factors influencing the intensity of carbon dioxide corrosion processes at hydrocarbon production with CO2 , its storage and use for various technological purposes. The main mechanism for development of carbon dioxide corrosion is presence/condensation of moisture, which triggers the corrosion process, including the formation of local defects (pits, etc.). X-ray diffraction was used for the analysis of corrosion products formed on the steel surface, which can have different protective characteristics depending on the phase state (amorphous or crystalline).

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 802-814
A. A. Umanskii ◽  
A. B. Yur'ev

The authors have developed a technique for improving the rolling modes of rail steels based on a complex optimization parameter. The technology of rolling rail profiles in the roughing stands of rail-and-structural steel mills and the technology of rolling ball blanks and grinding balls from the rejection of continuously cast blanks of rail steels are selected as the methodology objects. The generalized optimization parameter is the generalized Harrington desirability function, which depends on the partial desirability indicators according to the criteria of energy efficiency, quality of rolled products, material conservation and mill productivity. The share of influence of the listed partial optimization criteria on the generalized desirability function is taken into account by using weighting coefficients. Justification of the coefficient values is based on the results of a comparative analysis of reserves for reducing costs or losses in value terms. An algorithm for applying the technique has been developed. The analysis and generalization of the available initial data and additional research were carried out as a part of the first block. These studies are aimed at obtaining justified analytical dependencies of particular optimization criteria and measured rolling parameters. The second block is justification of the specific direction of rolling modes, the choice of which is carried out on the basis of checking the compliance of boundary conditions. The third block includes development of the parameters of the new rolling mode and assessment of its applicability and effectiveness. The fourth block involves pilot testing of a new rolling mode in the conditions of an existing rolling mill and if it is necessary, adjusting the methodology for determining the forecast values of the measured indicators. With the use of the developed methodology, the modes of rolling of railway and sharp rails in the roughing stands of universal rail-and-structural steel mill of JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” were improved, and the mode of rolling grinding balls from the rejection of rail blanks at the cross-screw rolling mill of JSC “GMZ” was changed. There is a significant improvement in the quality, technical and economic indicators, which indicates the effectiveness of the developed methodology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 825-831
I. A. Rybenko ◽  
E. V. Protopopov

One of the promising directions in metallurgy is the use of iron-containing waste, such as converter production sludge, iron-containing concentrates, rolling scale, iron ore processing waste and others. Development of new resource-saving technologies using such waste requires preliminary research and accumulation of information in the field of iron recovery. The paper considers the processes of iron recovery from oxides under various conditions. The authors used the method of thermodynamic modeling based on the search for the entropy maximum. The thermodynamic modeling tool was TERRA software package created at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. TERRA complex is designed to calculate the thermodynamic properties and composition of the phases of equilibrium state of arbitrary systems with chemical and phase transformations. Using this software package, studies of the processes of iron recovery by various reducing agents (carbon, manganese, and silicon) in model thermodynamic systems were carried out, and optimal conditions for temperature and consumption of reducing agents were determined. The paper presents the results of a study of processes in the metal-slag system in equilibrium. The analysis of the metal-slag system equilibrium state was carried out for the temperature range of 1773 - 1973 K with different amounts of slag. Boundaries of the areas of redox processes were determined and the influence of metal components on conditions for iron oxides recovery from slag to metal was evaluated. The dependences of the system equilibrium composition on temperature at different ratios of metal and slag were obtained, as well as the optimal conditions for iron recovery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 839-845
V. P. Meshalkin ◽  
O. B. Butusov ◽  
V. G. Dovi ◽  
A. Yu. Belozerskii ◽  
V. V. Chelnokov

The considered operating ferrous metallurgy enterprise uses three different technological modes of steel smelting, each of which is characterized by an individual composition of the ingredients of chemical pollutant emissions into the atmosphere affecting the state of the forest areas around this enterprise. Based on the decoding of satellite pixel photographs of forest areas, the technological mode with the least impact on forest areas was determined. It corresponds to the condition of the minimum area of ecological zones around the ferrous metallurgy enterprise. The authors propose an assessment of the impact of chemical pollution of ferrous metallurgy enterprises on forests in the form of areas of ecological zones of the state of forest vegetation and the volume of biomass in its various parts. The mosaic of ecological zones of forest areas is determined from their satellite pixel photographs using an original algorithm of “controlled cluster analysis”. The main recommendation for ferrous metallurgy enterprises to choose one of several alternative technological modes is as follows: the choice of technological mode should be based on a comparison of sizes of the areas of ecological zones. In this case, the technological mode with the smallest dimensions of the area is selected. Assessment of the damage caused by the chemical pollution of the plant to forest areas was determined by the area of ecological zones and the volume of biomass loss in forest areas in comparison with the background areas. The boundaries of ecological zones can be determined according to the “dose-effect” dependencies typical for the considered region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 785-792
A. N. Dmitriev ◽  
V. G. Smirnova ◽  
E. A. Vyaznikova ◽  
A. V. Dolmatov ◽  
G. Yu. Vit'kina

The burned pellets must retain the strength from the time they come off the roasting machine until they are loaded into the blast furnace. One indicator of the strength of burned pellets is the compressive strength, i.e., the maximum applied load at which the iron-ore pellet completely collapses. The paper studies the character of destruction of burned iron-ore titanomagnetite pellets of fraction 10 - 16 mm in the static compression test according to the Russian State Standard 24765-81. It is shown that the main type of destruction during the test is the emergence and development of plane cracks passing through the center of the magnetite core, where the maximum radial tensile stresses act or in the immediate vicinity. In some cases, the trajectory of one of the destructive cracks deviates from the above plane and envelopes the magnetite core. Obviously, this is due to the presence of a second area of tensile stress concentration at the boundary of the magnetite core and the hematite shell, formed during cooling of the pellets, due to differences in their mechanical and thermophysical properties. As a result, the final structure of pellets is characterized by the presence of two zones -peripheral hematite and central magnetite. The role of the relative size of the magnetite core on the compressive strength of burned pellets has been determined. It was established that the strength characteristics of the pellet increase with a decrease in relative size of the magnetite core. During the process of magnetite complete oxidation (when the whole volume of the pellet consists of hematite), the maximum level of the pellets compressive strength can be: the maximum destructive force - 3300 N, destructive energy - 0.55 J, mass destructive energy - 0.18 J/g.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (10) ◽  
pp. 728-735
I. A. Rybenko ◽  
O. I. Nokhrina ◽  
I. D. Rozhikhina ◽  
M. A. Golodova ◽  
I. E. Khodosov

The article presents results of theoretical and experimental studies of the processes of iron solid-phase reduction from an iron-containing concentrate obtained as a result of hydrometallurgical dressing of ferromanganese and polymetallic manganese-containing ores with coals of grades D (long-flame) and 2B (brown). The method of thermodynamic modeling using TERRA software complex was used to study the reducing properties of hydrocarbons by calculating equilibrium compositions in the temperature range of 373 - 1873 K. The authors obtained the dependences of compositions and volume of the gas phase formed as a result of the release of volatile components during heating on the temperature for the coals of the grades under consideration. As a result of thermodynamic modeling, the optimal temperatures and consumption are determined, which ensure the complete iron reduction from an iron-containing concentrate. The results of experimental studies were obtained by modern research methods using laboratory and analytical equipment, as well as methods of statistical processing. Results of the coals analysis carried out using the Setaram LabSys Evo thermal analyzer showed that the process of thermal decomposition of coals of the studied grades proceeds according to general laws. The process of thermal decomposition of long-flame coal proceeds less intensively than of brown coal. The results of an experimental study of the processes of thermal decomposition of reducing agents have shown that volumes of the gas phases, formed when coals are heated to a temperature of 1173 K in an argon atmosphere, practically coincide with the calculated values. As a result of thermodynamic modeling and experimental study, the optimal consumption of D and 2B grades of coal is determined at a temperature of 1473 K. The best reducing agent with a minimum specific consumption is long-flame coal of D grade. When determining the optimal amount of reducing agent in charge mixtures during the study of metallization processes, it was found that with an excess of reducing agent, it is possible to achieve almost complete extraction (98 - 99 %) of iron from the concentrate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (10) ◽  
pp. 768-777
L. A. Makrovets ◽  
O. V. Samoilova ◽  
G. G. Mikhailov ◽  
I. V. Bakin

Phase diagram of the ternary oxide system FeO - SrO -Al2O3 was constructed for the first time. In this system, the following compounds can be formed: hercynite FeAl2O4 and five strontium aluminates - Sr4Al2O7 , Sr3Al2O6 , SrAl2O4 , SrAl4O7 , SrAl12O19 . According to the calculations performed, solid solutions of oxides are not formed in the system, as it is confirmed by the literature data. In the course of modeling, the optimal energy parameters of the theory of subregular ionic solutions were selected for the components of the oxide melt (FeO, SrO, Al2O3 ). Thermodynamic analysis of strontium deoxidizing ability in liquid iron at presence of aluminum was carried out using the technique for constructing the surface of solubility of strontium and aluminum in metal for steelmaking temperatures (1550 and 1600 °C) and carbon concentrations of 0.1 and 0.4 %. The equilibrium constants of the reactions of formation of strontium aluminates Sr3Al2O6 and SrAl2O4 from the components of the metal melt were calculated for the temperature range of 1550 - 1650 °C. It was found that the rest of strontium aluminates can be formed in liquid metal only at temperatures above 1750 °C. The base of thermodynamic data for the studied systems is given: temperature dependences of equilibrium constants for reactions occurring between components; values of interaction parameters of the first order (according to Wagner) for elements in liquid iron; values of energy parameters of the theory of subregular ionic solutions (for oxide melt). It follows from the calculations that the formation of strontium monoaluminate SrAl2O4 and corundum Al2O3 is most probable as the interaction products in Fe -Al - Sr - O and Fe -Al - Sr - C - O systems.

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