family cohesiveness
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2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Cinzia Caparso ◽  
Ramona A. Benkert

Margaret F. Keil ◽  
Adela Leahu ◽  
Megan Rescigno ◽  
Jennifer Myles ◽  
Constantine A. Stratakis

Abstract Background After adoption, children exposed to institutionalized care show significant improvement, but incomplete recovery of growth and developmental milestones. There is a paucity of data regarding risk and protective factors in children adopted from institutionalized care. This prospective study followed children recently adopted from institutionalized care to investigate the relationship between family environment, executive function, and behavioral outcomes. Methods Anthropometric measurements, physical examination, endocrine and bone age evaluations, neurocognitive testing, and behavioral questionnaires were evaluated over a 2-year period with children adopted from institutionalized care and non-adopted controls. Results Adopted children had significant deficits in growth, cognitive, and developmental measurements compared to controls that improved; however, residual deficits remained. Family cohesiveness and expressiveness were protective influences, associated with less behavioral problems, while family conflict and greater emphasis on rules were associated with greater risk for executive dysfunction. Conclusions Our data suggest that a cohesive and expressive family environment moderated the effect of pre-adoption adversity on cognitive and behavioral development in toddlers, while family conflict and greater emphasis on rules were associated with greater risk for executive dysfunction. Early assessment of child temperament and parenting context may serve to optimize the fit between parenting style, family environment, and the child’s development. Impact Children who experience institutionalized care are at increased risk for significant deficits in developmental, cognitive, and social functioning associated with a disruption in the development of the prefrontal cortex. Aspects of the family caregiving environment moderate the effect of early life social deprivation in children. Family cohesiveness and expressiveness were protective influences, while family conflict and greater emphasis on rules were associated with a greater risk for executive dysfunction problems. This study should be viewed as preliminary data to be referenced by larger studies investigating developmental and behavioral outcomes of children adopted from institutional care.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-226
Fendi Krisna Rusdiana

ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the relationship between family cohesiveness and self-esteem in adolescents. The population in this study were students of a private junior high school in Surabaya. The samples taken were students in two class VII and students in two class VIII totaling 110 students. This research uses correlational quantitative method. Sampling using stratified random sampling technique. The data were collected using a family cohesiveness scale and a self-esteem scale. The data analysis technique used is the product moment correlation. The results of data analysis showed a correlation value (r) of 0.411 and a significance value (p) of 0.002. This suggests that there is a relationship between family cohesiveness and self-esteem in adolescents.  ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara kohesivitas keluarga dengan self-esteem pada remaja. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa salah satu SMP swasta di Surabaya. Sampel yang diambil adalah siswa di dua kelas VII dan siswa di dua kelas VIII berjumlah 110 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif korelasional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala kohesivitas keluarga dan skala self-esteem. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah korelasi product moment. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan nilai korelasi (r) sebesar 0,411 dan nilai signifikansi (p) sebesar 0,002. Hal ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kohesivitas keluarga dengan self-esteem pada remaja.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 331
Nor Hasan ◽  
Edi Susanto

<p><em>Ontalan is a Maduranese tradition at weddings. The term of ontalan (oncal: Javanese) means throwing, which is throwing money at the bride and groom when they are sitting side by side. As a tradition, ontalan is something that has been done and has become part of the life and local wisdom of the Pamekasan community which is still being implemented. The social function of ontalan is to strengthen social relations between families, a symbol of family cohesiveness, and also as a symbol of agreement on the marriage of the bride and groom. While the economic function of ontalan is in order to help families who have an intention and as a provision of life for a new couple. Some people continue to try preserving these traditions through inheritance to the next generation, construction and modification so that the tradition is in accordance with the times.</em></p><p><br /><em>Ontalan adalah tradisi orang Madura di pesta pernikahan. Istilah ontalan (oncal: Jawa) berarti melempar, yaitu melempar uang ke pengantin saat mereka duduk berdampingan. Sebagai sebuah tradisi, ontalan adalah sesuatu yang telah dilakukan dan telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan dan kearifan lokal masyarakat Pamekasan yang masih dilaksanakan. Fungsi sosial ontalan adalah untuk memperkuat hubungan sosial antar keluarga, simbol kekompakan keluarga, dan juga sebagai simbol kesepakatan tentang pernikahan mempelai pria dan wanita. Sedangkan fungsi ekonomi ontalan adalah untuk membantu keluarga yang memiliki niat dan sebagai bekal hidup bagi pasangan baru. Beberapa orang terus mencoba melestarikan tradisi ini melalui warisan kepada generasi berikutnya, konstruksi dan modifikasi sehingga tradisi tersebut sesuai dengan zaman.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (6(J)) ◽  
pp. 188-205
Rogers Matama

Abstract: A common impression is that most small firms largely face resource scarcity challenges that inhibit firm growth. This study concentrates on the elements of frugality, operationalized as spending discipline and delaying gratification as well as family cohesiveness, operationalized as family member supportiveness and usefulness in firms. This study is focused around Uganda’s oil and gas fields and these natural resources are expected to influence to small firms growth. In the current study, firm growth is measured in terms of asset value accumulation over time. Empirical findings on frugality, family cohesiveness and growth aim essentially to answer the overarching dilemma of small firm recurrent failures in Uganda. Results in study show that there is a mild relationship between frugality and family cohesiveness thus augmenting the existing perspectives of the resource based view theory. However, the random effect logistic regression results show contrasting results on the predictor effects of; family financing support, oil and gas operations, frugality, and family cohesiveness on the outcome variable - small firm asset growth.Keywords: Frugality, family-cohesiveness and small firm growth

Preeti Tabitha Louis ◽  
Navin Kumar

AbstractThe present study adopts a quasi-experimental design to evaluate the impact of perceived parental differential treatment towards 30 non-disabled siblings of children with cerebral palsy 7–10 years of age. Standardised inventories such as, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test (SBIT), the Connors Parent Rating Scale-Revised (CPRS) and the Draw-a-Family test were used pre and post intervention. Scheduled interviews were used for parents and children to obtain information regarding family cohesiveness. A special program was designed to structure the home environment and to maximise parental involvement that catered to the “needy child” and this was implemented for 6 months after which the children were reassessed. Prior to the intervention, we observed deficits in cognitive skills and siblings had concerns in hyperactivity and oppositional behaviour. Scheduled interviews with siblings elicited responses that represented neglect, perceived differential treatment and negative emotional well-being. Projective tests revealed that family dynamics were disturbed and chaotic. Post intervention, we observed significant differences in the cognitive orientation, behavioural engagement and also in the interpersonal relationship within the family. We may conclude therefore, that parental involvement significantly predicts academic and psychosocial adjustment of siblings and this is an important implication for practitioners in developing early intervention programs.

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