historical production
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2021 ◽  
Peter Newell ◽  
Mohamed Adow

This article considers the role of activism and politics to restrict the supply of fossil fuels as a key means to prevent further climate injustices. We firstly explore the historical production of climate injustice through extractive economies of colonial control, the accumulation of climate debts, and ongoing patterns of uneven exchange. We develop an account which highlights the relationship between the production, exchange, and consumption of fossil fuels and historical and contemporary inequalities around race, class, and gender which need to be addressed if a meaningful account of climate justice is to take root. We then explore the role of resistance to the expansion of fossil-fuel frontiers and campaigns to leave fossil fuels in the ground with which we are involved. We reflect on their potential role in enabling the power shifts necessary to rebalance energy economies and disrupt incumbent actors as a prerequisite to the achievement of climate justice

2021 ◽  
Vol 89 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-310
Brandon K. Liew

Using the ‘Global Malaysian Novel’ as a focal point, my paper demonstrates how the emergence of this critical conceptualization is a shift that problematizes traditional postmodern and postcolonial modes that have not yet transcended the nation as a frame of reference. When ‘Global Malaysian Novels’ are being written, marketed and sold outside Malaysian borders, to what extent do these texts retain their capacity for representation: Asian identities, national identities, regional and diasporic? While a critique of their complicity in Global Literary Markets centered in the U.K. and U.S. is often reduced to an ad hominem attack, there remains much to be said about the effects of their increasingly transnational material productions upon their more formally understood aesthetic and literary qualities. As such, I explore the discursive effects of the ‘Global Malaysian Novel’ as a transnational production in Southeast Asia, and how literary scholars have approached contemporary Asian literatures and attempted to situate them within realms of the national, within postcolonial Southeast Asia and within wider World Literature frameworks. In particular, I chart not only the historical production of literary texts written in English in Southeast Asia since 1945, but the current discourse of English Literary studies in the region.

2021 ◽  
P. Merit Ekeregbe

Abstract Saturation logging tool is one key tool that has been successfully used in the Oil and Gas Industry. As important as the tool is, it should not be mistaken for a decision tool, rather it is a tool that aids decision making. Because the tool aids decision making, the decision process must be undertaken by interdisciplinary team of Engineers with historical knowledge of the tool and the performance trend of the candidate well and reservoir. No expertise is superior to historical data of well and reservoir performance because the duo follows physics and any deviation from it is attributable to a misnomer. The decision to re-enter a well for re-perforation or workover must be supported by historical production and reasonable science which here means that trends are sustained on continuous physics and not abrupt pulses. Any interpretation arising from saturation logging tools without subjecting same to reasonable science could result in wrong action. This paper is providing a methodology to enhance thorough screening of candidates for saturation logging operations. First is to determine if the candidate well is multilevel and historical production above critical gas rate before shut-in to screen-out liquid loading consideration. If any level is plugged below any producing level, investigate for micro-annuli leakage. All historical liquid loading wells should be flowed at rate above critical rate and logged at flow condition. Static condition logging is only good for non-liquid loading wells. The use of any tool and its interpretation must be subjective and there comes the clash between the experienced Sales Engineer and the Production/Reservoir Engineer with the historical evidence. A simple historical trending and analysis results of API gravity and BS&W were used in the failed plug case-study. Further successful investigation was done and the results of the well performance afterwards negated the interpretation arising from the saturation tool which saw the reservoir sand flushed. The lesson learnt from the well logging and interpretation shows that when a well is under any form of liquid loading, interpretation must be subjective with reasonable science and historical production trend is critical. It is recommended that when a well is under historical liquid loading rate, until the rate above the critical rate is determined, no logging should be done and when done, logging should be at flow condition and the interpretation subject to reasonable system physics.

Caroline A. Jones ◽  
Joseph Leo Koerner

Semantically, contamination is a process of defilement, while purity is a condition. This chapter takes up anthropology’s interest in process to inquire about purification itself as an historical production. It comments on the recent ‘material turn’ in art history and the humanities more generally. Linked to drives toward purity, grounded ‘material’ was asserted by the Fascists in contradistinction to ethereal abstraction, craft claimed over concept, and rooted contact with soil privileged over nomadic cosmopolitans. Likewise, linked to contamination, ‘base material’ was asserted against the modernist art world to contest fetishes of purity. While contemporary invocations of material have been a good way of disputing teleology, this chapter demonstrates they often are agnostic regarding narratives they might be made to serve.

Martin Pilsitz

Hybrid buildings are not a modern invention. In the case of certain types of buildings in historical production facilities, a degree of inseparable fusion of static buildings and dynamic mechanics can be detected. This goes far beyond the multifunctional use of a room and also includes constructional and architectural design to the same extent. They are not simply rooms or buildings in which machines for the production of an item or a product are installed, but the room, or the building, itself, is the “machine”, or at least an essential part of it. Or is the machine the building? This relationship will be explained using the example of historical oast houses. For this type of building, architectural development from an integrated yet barely perceptible component to a free-standing solitary building can be demonstrated over a period of around 80 years. It is not clear which part is the building and which is the production technology. These two main components have become an indissoluble unit, making the oast house a real hybrid.Zusammenfassung Hybride Gebäude sind keine Erfindung der Neuzeit. Bei bestimmten Bautypen historischer Produktionsstätten ist eine Größenordnung der Durchdringung von statischem Gebäude und dynamischer Mechanik festzustellen, die nicht aufzulösen ist. Dies geht weit über die multifunktionale Nutzung eines Raumes hinaus, und umfasst in gleichem Maße auch die Konstruktion und architektonische Gestaltung. Es sind keine Räume, oder Gebäude in denen Maschinen zur Produktion eines Gegenstandes oder einer Ware aufgestellt werden, sondern der Raum, oder das Gebäude selbst ist die „Maschine“, oder zumindest ein wesentlicher Teil von dieser. Oder ist die Maschine das Gebäude? Am Beispiel historischer Darren soll dieser Zusammenhang erläutert werden. Für diesen Gebäudetyp kann in einem Zeitraum von etwa 80 Jahren eine architektonische Entwicklung vom visuell kaum wahrnehmbaren und integrierten Bauteil zum freistehenden Solitär nachgewiesen werden. Dabei ist nicht eindeutig festzustellen, welcher Teil das Gebäude ist, und welcher die Produktionstechnik. Aus den beiden Hauptkomponenten ist eine unauflösbare Einheit geworden, womit die Darre zum echten Hybrid wird.

2020 ◽  
Yannik Roell ◽  
Amélie Beucher ◽  
Per Møller ◽  
Mette Greve ◽  
Mogens Greve

<p>Predicting wheat yield is crucial due to the importance of wheat across the world. When modeling yield, the difference between potential and actual yield consistently changes because of technology. Considering historical yield potential would help determine spatiotemporal trends in agricultural development. Comparing current and historical production in Denmark is possible because production has been documented throughout history. However, the current winter wheat yield model is solely based on soil. The aim of this study was to generate a new Danish winter wheat yield map and compare the results to historical production potential. Utilizing random forest with soil, climate, and topography variables, a winter wheat yield map was generated from 876 field trials carried out from 1992 to 2018. The random forest model performed better than the model based only on soil. The updated national yield map was then compared to production potential maps from 1688 and 1844. While historical time periods are characterized by numerous low production potential areas and few highly productive areas, present-day production is evenly distributed between low and high production. Advances in technology and farm practices have exceeded historical yield predictions. Thus, modeling current yield could be unreliable in future years as technology progresses.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 248-265
Lilian Maria Santos ◽  
Anete Marília Pereira ◽  
Andréa Maria Narciso Rocha de Paula

Pretende-se discutir neste artigo o processo de territorialidade para formação das comunidades remanescentes de quilombos no Brasil. E, para tanto, fez-se necessário compreender as diversas concepções sobre a categoria Comunidade Tradicional no que tange a perspectivas classificatórias, políticas, jurídicas e territoriais, bem como aos aspectos envolvidos na constituição das Comunidades Remanescentes de Quilombos.  A comunidade tradicional se reconhece pela tradicionalização como estratégia e movimento de luta e resistência em defesa do seu território. O processo de identificação e reconhecimento da comunidade remanescente de quilombo perpassa pela ressemantização do termo “Quilombo” e politização do grupo social na consolidação pelo direito coletivo do território e manutenção do modo de vida. A memória de luta e resistência, as práticas envolvendo a terra, em seu valor de uso para o trabalho e manutenção da cultura, a reciprocidade e as fronteiras simbólicas engendram a territorialidade das comunidades remanescentes de quilombo. São a trajetória da vida cotidiana, as relações estabelecidas pelos sujeitos no lugar - que fazem a sua história - que constroem o processo de territorialidade. O território se constitui, portanto, em uma produção histórica, relacional material e imaterial, e a territorialidade trata da dimensão vivencial e subjetiva, ou seja, do campo experiencial daqueles que vivenciam o processo de territorialização. Palavras-chave: Comunidades Tradicionais. Território. Territorialidade. Remanescentes Quilombolas.   REMAINING QUILOMBO COMMUNITIES: a reflection on territorialities ABSTRACT This paper aims to discuss the process of territoriality for the formation of the remaining communities of Quilombo in Brazil. It was necessary to understand the different concepts of the traditional community category in terms of qualifying, political, legal and territorial perspectives and the aspects involved in the constitution of the remaining Quilombo communities. The traditional community is recognized by the traditionalization as a strategy, and the struggle and resistance movement in defense of territory. The process of identification and recognition of the remaining Quilombo community traverses by resemantization of Quilombo term and politicization of the social group to consolidate the collective right of the territory and maintaining the way of life. The memory of struggle and resistance, practices involving the land in its use value to the work and for the maintenance of culture, reciprocity and symbolic boundaries engender the territoriality of remnants of Quilombo communities. The trajectory of everyday life, the relationships established by individuals in place-which make their story that builds the process of territoriality. The territory constitutes a historical production, material and immaterial relational and territoriality deals with the existential and subjective dimension, that is, the experiential field of those who experience the process of territorialization. Keywords: Traditional Communities. Territory. Territoriality.Remaining Quilombo.   VESTIGIOS DE COMUNIDADES DE QUILOMBO: reflexión sobre territorialidades RESUMEN Este artículo pretende discutir el proceso de territorialidad para la formación de los vestigios de comunidades de Quilombo en Brasil. Es necesario comprender las diferentes concepciones sobre la categoria “comunidad tradicional” en lo que tiene que ver con las perspectivas clasificatorias, políticas, jurídicas y territoriales, asi como com los aspectos involucrados en la constitución de los vestígios de comunidades quilombolas.La comunidad tradicional es reconocida por la tradicionalización como estrategia y movimiento de lucha y resistencia en defensa del territorio. El proceso de identificación y de reconocimiento de los vestigios de comunidades de Quilombo pasa por la resemantización del termino Quilombo y la politización del grupo social en la consolidación por el derecho colectivo al territorio y a la manutención del modo de vida. La memoria de lucha y resistencia, las prácticas que involucran la tierra y su valor de uso para el trabajo y el manutención de la cultura, la reciprocidad y las fronteras simbólicas engendrar la territorialidad de los vestigios de las comunidades de Quilombo. Son la trayectoria de la vida cotidiana, las relaciones establecidas por los sujetos en el lugar-que hacen su historia - que construyen el proceso de territorialidad. El territorio se constituye como una producción histórica, relacional material e inmaterial y la territorialidad trata de la dimensión existencial y subjetiva, es decir, el campo experiencial de aquellos que vivencian el proceso de territorialización. Palabras clave: Comunidades tradicionales. El território. La territorialidade. Vestígios de Quilombo.

2020 ◽  
pp. 20-31
Gerardo Castillo Guzmán

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