water metabolism
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2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 70-74
M. A. Urakova

Introduction. Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is frequently accompanied by respiratory system complications. One of the correction method of post stroke complications is administration of immunosuppressive drug fingolimod. Theobjective of the study is to investigate non-respiratory lung functions in experimental ICH during fingolimod treatment. Materials and methods. Animals were divided into 3 groups: group 1 with ICH, group 2 with ICH receiving fingolimod and group 3 as reference group. Intracranial hemorrhage was modelled by 160 μl autologic blood injection into lateral brain ventricle (P=0.6; D=1.5; V=3.5). Fingolimod (FTY 720, «Sigma») was administered within 1 hour after ICH (intraabdominal, 1 mg/kg). Biochemistry and functional parameters of the lung surfactant in animals were studied. Phospholipids fractions spectrum was assessed by thin-layer chromatography, superficial surfactant activity by Wilhelmi method. Parameters of water metabolism, pulmonary blood filling were studied by gravimetric method. Level of blood nitric oxide was estimated by amount of nitrates and nitrites stable terminal metabolites. Results. We revealed that experimental ICH causes a decrease of alveolar stability index by 9 %, decrease of total alveolar phospholipids content by 25 % and change of its fraction composition, i.e. decrease of major surface active fraction (phosphatidylcholine) by 68 %, increase of phosphatidic acid amount by 151 % and increase of lisophosphatidylcholine by 163 %. Besides that, experimental ICH is followed by lung edema on the lung blood filling background and increase of blood NO. Fingolimod administration does not affect surfactant surface activity but totally corrects water balance, lung blood filling and blood NO content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 116 (1) ◽  
Setareh Orth-Alampour ◽  
Nathalie Gayrard ◽  
Silvia Salem ◽  
Shruti Bhargava ◽  
Vera Jankowski ◽  

AbstractThe adrenal glands participate in cardiovascular (CV) physiology and the pathophysiology of CV diseases through their effects on sodium and water metabolism, vascular tone and cardiac function. In the present study, we identified a new adrenal compound controlling mesenchymal cell differentiation that regulates osteoblastic differentiation in the context of vascular calcification. This peptide was named the “calcification blocking factor” (CBF) due to its protective effect against vascular calcification and is released from chromogranin A via enzymatic cleavage by calpain 1 and kallikrein. CBF reduced the calcium content of cells and thoracic aortic rings under calcifying culture conditions, as well as in aortas from animals treated with vitamin D and nicotine (VDN animals). Furthermore, CBF prevented vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) transdifferentiation into osteoblast-like cells within the vascular wall via the sodium-dependent phosphate transporter PIT-1 and by inhibition of NF-κB activation and the subsequent BMP2/p-SMAD pathway. Pulse pressure, a marker of arterial stiffness, was significantly decreased in VDN animals treated with CBF. In line with our preclinical data, CBF concentration is significantly reduced in diseases characterized by increased calcification, as shown in patients with chronic kidney disease. In preparation for clinical translation, the active site of the native 19-AS long native CBF was identified as EGQEEEED. In conclusion, we have identified the new peptide CBF, which is secreted from the adrenal glands and might prevent vascular calcification by inhibition of osteogenic transdifferentiation. The anti-calcific effects of CBF and short active site may therefore promote the development of new tools for the prevention and/or treatment of vascular calcification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
Hua-jian Xu ◽  
Hanwen Zhang ◽  
Juan Yu ◽  
Fan Lin ◽  
Yi Lei

Background: Obstructive nephropathy is a common clinical disease. Objectives: To explore the value of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in obstructive nephropathy. Methods: Forty healthy Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were examined in this study. Thirty-two animals underwent complete obstruction of the left ureter, while eight animals underwent a sham surgery. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed before surgery and within different intervals after surgery. Eight rats from the experimental group and two rats from the sham group were used in each interval. Following MRI, the animals were sacrificed and sent for medical examinations. The scanning sequences included positioning, transverse T2-weighted (T2W), coronal, and coronal DTI sequences. Image postprocessing was performed after DTI to measure DTI parameters, including apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA), and to reconstruct DTI fiber traces. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare the parameters between the cortex and medulla and between different intervals. Results: The fiber tracing showed that the obstructed renal fiber bundles were sparse and disordered. The ADC and FA values of the renal cortex, extrarenal medulla, and inner medulla decreased with prolonged hydrops and were negatively correlated with the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and the renal tubulointerstitial lesion grade (r < 0, P < 0.001). Comparison of the cortex, extrarenal medulla, and inner medulla showed the following trends for the ADC and FA values: cortex > extrarenal medulla > inner medulla and cortex < extrarenal medulla < inner medulla, respectively. Conclusions: DTI in obstructive nephropathy not only can reflect the degree of renal interstitial fibrosis and accurately indicate the renal function, but also can provide information regarding renal blood perfusion, water metabolism, and ultrastructural changes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
pp. 1075-1076
A. T.

Harding and van Wyck (according to Veg. Uber die ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H.%) are carried out by the introduction of a large amount of liquid, based on the considerations that with indomitable vomiting, the disease is based on a violation of water metabolism with a decrease in the amount of water in body, which leads to increased blood levels of total nitrogen and uric acid.

2021 ◽  
pp. 241-260
Graham Mitchell

Wild giraffes live in arid environments. Having access to water and minimizing water requirements are critical. The main sources of water are the water in browse and water generated by metabolism. Giraffes rely less on surface water: intermittent use of surface water is a legendary characteristic of giraffes. The volume of water needed depends on body mass. For a giraffe weighing 750 kg, ~25 L of water is needed daily. The water content of browse is ~60%, and as a giraffe of that mass will eat ~35 kg of fresh browse daily, it simultaneously will acquire ~20 L of water. Metabolism of the fat, carbohydrates, and proteins in 35 kg of fresh browse will produce ~10 L of water. These two sources of water exceed daily requirements and reduce the need to drink surface water. Water is lost through feces, evaporation from the skin and respiratory tract, and in urine. Fecal water loss and water lost in exhaled air amount to ~4 L daily (~2 L each). It is not known if giraffes sweat, but their skin contains active sweat glands. The volume of water lost as sweat will vary according to what thermoregulatory mechanisms are activated to minimize sweating, but may be 5 L daily. Obligatory excretion of water-soluble wastes in urine can account for most water lost daily, and that amount is related to kidney anatomy and function. In a 750-kg giraffe, obligatory urine volume is ~10 L daily.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (8S) ◽  
pp. 351-351
Xiuzhen Liu ◽  
Qingwen Peng ◽  
Bing Zhang ◽  
Yuanlong Liu

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-21
R. O. Sabadishin

The article highlights the main biochemical processes that determine the normal functioning of the body and depend on the chemical composition of water consumed by humans. The lack and excess of water, as well as certain features of its composition affect the human body.

Сергей Валентинович Шашлов ◽  
Александр Алексеевич Шевченко ◽  
Елена Юрьевна Рабкина ◽  
Галина Анатольевна Пузырева

Экспериментально, используя биохимические, гистологические и гистохимические методики, установлено, что ранний период развития церебральной формы острой лучевой болезни в головном мозге животных не наблюдается грубых изменений, несовместимых с жизнью. Выявленные патологические сдвиги носят обратимый характер в течение приблизительно 3 часов после облучения. Грубые необратимые изменения со стороны нервных клеток головного мозга крыс при облучении их в дозе 300 Грей наступают спустя 3 часа после окончания воздействия. Сравнительная характеристика активности ренин-ангиотензивной системы у крыс без выраженных неврологических расстройств и с наличием таковой, позволяет заключить, что её достоверное повышение в первом случае направлено на компенсацию сдвигов водно-электролитного баланса и, наоборот, снижение во втором во многом предопределяет развитие глубоких его нарушений. Состояние водного обмена у крыс до облучения позволяет прогнозировать тяжесть заболевания и продолжительность жизни животного при названных параметрах лучевого воздействия. Немаловажную роль в развитии патологии нейроцитов по типу отёк-набухание играют сдвиги со стороны водно-электролитного обмена и глюкозы крови, которые, в свою очередь, зависят от активности ренин-ангиотензиновой системы почек и островков Лангерганса поджелудочной железы Experimentally, using biochemical, histological and histochemical methods, it was found that the early period of the development of the cerebral form of acute radiation sickness in the brain of animals does not show gross changes incompatible with life. The detected pathological changes are reversible within approximately 3 hours after irradiation. Gross irreversible changes on the part of the nerve cells of the rat brain when they are irradiated at a dose of 300 Gy occur 3 hours after the end of exposure. Comparative characteristics of the activity of the renin-angiotensive system in rats without pronounced neurological disorders and with the presence of such, allows us to conclude that its significant increase in the first case is aimed at compensating for shifts in the water-electrolyte balance, and, conversely, a decrease in the second largely determines the development of its deep violations. The state of water metabolism in rats before irradiation allows us to predict the severity of the disease and the life expectancy of the animal with these parameters of radiation exposure. An important role in the development of neurocyte pathology by the type of edema-swelling is played by shifts in water-electrolyte metabolism and blood glucose, which, in turn, depend on the activity of the renin-angiotensin system of the kidneys and the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (5/6) ◽  
Ffion Atkins ◽  
Tyrel Flügel ◽  
Rui Hugman

To improve its resilience to increasing climatic uncertainty, the City of Cape Town (the City) aims to become a water sensitive city by 2040. To undertake this challenge, a means to measure progress is needed that quantifies the urban water systems at a scale that enables a whole-of-system approach to water management. Using an urban water metabolism framework, we (1) provide a first city-scale quantification of the urban water cycle integrating its natural and anthropogenic flows, and (2) assess alternative water sources (indicated in the New Water Programme) and whether they support the City towards becoming water sensitive. We employ a spatially explicit method with particular consideration to apply this analysis to other African or Global South cities. At the time of study, centralised potable water demand by the City amounted to 325 gigalitres per annum, 99% of which was supplied externally from surface storage, and the remaining ~1% internally from groundwater storage (Atlantis aquifer). Within the City’s boundary, runoff, wastewater effluent and groundwater represent significant internal resources which could, in theory, improve supply efficiency and internalisation as well as hydrological performance. For the practical use of alternative resources throughout the urban landscape, spatially explicit insight is required regarding the seasonality of runoff, local groundwater storage capacity and the quality of water as it is conveyed through the complex urban landscape. We suggest further research to develop metrics of urban water resilience and equity, both of which are important in a Global South context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (69) ◽  
pp. 123-137
Nataliya Ivanovna Nenko ◽  
Galina Konstantinovna Kiseleva ◽  
Elena Vladimirovna Ulyanovskaya ◽  
Alla Vitalevna Karavaeva ◽  

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