novice designers
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-40
Madhurima Das ◽  
Maria Yang

Abstract Designers routinely create informal “thinking” sketches to explore a design space, “talking” sketches to communicate design ideas during the early phases of the design process, and “learning” prototypes to test potential concepts. This study presents two new tools to assess novice designers' sketch attributes and prototyping reflections in the context of an introductory design course. First, it proposes a rubric for assessing the quality of early stage design sketches including line smoothness, proportion, and understandability. Of particular note is the contribution of assessing understandability as a metric for sketches as communication tools. This study also presents a tool to capture designer reflections after each iteration of a prototype. Not only does this record what is learned about a design, but also personal and emotional reactions to the process. Sketching-related results show a positive correlation between sketch quality and understandability, indicating the importance of sketch quality especially when designers use sketches to communicate. Results also indicate that early stage sketch quantity, but not quality, is linked with design outcomes. The study also finds a link between frequency of sketching and higher maximum sketch quality scores (i.e. at least one excellent sketch) as well as a correlation between individuals' maximum sketch quality scores and overall design outcomes. Preliminary results around prototyping indicate that reflection on both the technical and emotional aspects of prototyping may be a worthwhile area of further study. Finally, several results point to novice designers' lack of consistent focus on users in their prototyping reflections and presentations.

Stefania Altavilla ◽  
Niccolò Becattini ◽  
Lorenzo Fiorineschi ◽  
Federico Rotini

Working under constrained conditions can boost or kill creativity, depending on the nature of the constraints (organizational, personal or task-related). However, a design process without clearly identified constraints, which set the project objectives, could lead to inefficiencies and unfruitful iterations. Some of the most acknowledged procedures to support requirement definition are focused on the use of specific checklists. However, notwithstanding the importance of the task, little attention was dedicated to the verification of the effectiveness of these tools. In such a context, the paper presents an investigation aimed at assessing the performance of three checklists that exploit different strategies to elicit requirements. To that purpose, a sample of fifty engineering students was asked to use the checklists to define the requirements for a specific design case. The outcomes of the experiment were assessed according to well-acknowledged effectiveness metrics, i.e. quantity, operationality, validity, non-redundancy, and completeness. The result of the assessment highlights that checklists based on more general questions or abstract stimuli can better support novice designers in making explicit internally felt design constraints that can potentially lead to more innovative design.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Jing Teng ◽  
Xinyue Wang ◽  
Kelong Lu ◽  
Xinuo Qiao ◽  
Ning Hao

2021 ◽  
Heena Noh ◽  
Kijung Park ◽  
Kiwon Park ◽  
Gül E. Okudan Kremer

Abstract Traditional plaster casts often cause dermatitis due to disadvantages in usability and wearability. Additive manufacturing (AM) can fabricate customized casts to have light-weight, high strength, and better air permeability. Although existing studies have provided design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) guidelines to facilitate design applications for AM, most relevant studies focused on the mechanical properties of outputs and too general/specific design guidelines; novice designers may still have difficulty understanding trade-offs between functional and operational performance of various DfAM aspects for medical casts. As a response, this study proposes a DfAM worksheet for medical casts to effectively guide novice designers. First, important DfAM criteria and their possible solutions for medical casts are examined through a literature review to construct a basic DfAM framework for medical casts. Next, a scoring system that considers relative criteria importance and criteria evaluation from both functional and operational perspectives is developed to identify the overall suitability of a medical cast design for AM. A case study of finger cast designs was performed to identify the DfAM performance of the sample designs along with redesign requirements suggested by the worksheet. The proposed worksheet would be used to achieve rapid medical cast design by objectively assessing its suitability for AM.

2021 ◽  
Madhurima Das ◽  
Maria C. Yang

Abstract Designers routinely create informal “thinking” sketches to explore a design space and “talking” sketches to communicate design ideas during the early phases of the design process. This study proposes a rubric for assessing the quality of novice designers’ early stage design sketches including line smoothness, proportion, and understandability. The study finds a positive correlation between sketch quality and understandability, which indicates the importance of sketch quality when using sketches as a communication tool. Results indicate that early stage sketch quantity is linked with design outcomes, though sketch quality does not have a strong correlation with design outcomes. The study also finds a link between frequency of sketching and having higher maximum sketch quality scores (i.e. at least one excellent sketch) as well as a correlation between individuals’ maximum sketch quality scores and their overall design outcomes. This study presents a new tool to capture what is learned by the designer after each iteration of a prototype. Preliminary results indicate that reflection on both the technical and emotional aspects of prototyping may be valuable and should be an area of further study. Finally, several results point to novice designers’ lack of consistent focus on users in their prototyping reflections and presentations.

2021 ◽  
Camilla Arndt Hansen ◽  
Tobias Eifler ◽  
Michael Deininger

Abstract Methodological support has the potential to improve the design performance of novice designers. This study investigated the effects that structured prototyping support has on novice designers’ prototyping plans. We compared the prototyping plans made by 33 design teams using minimum guidance with plans made using a prototyping support tool, the Prototyping Planner. Specifically, the questions answered in the plans, the testing purpose, and the plan structure were compared. Unsupported plans varied in length and scope. Some teams focused on a few selected tests while others used their plans to brainstorm multiple different types of tests without planning how to execute them. 81% of novice designers agreed that their supported prototyping plans were better than their unsupported plans. The Prototyping Planner ensured that all teams selected a clear and narrow purpose for their prototype and planned how to execute it. Plan length increased 12% overall and more for the teams that had made the shortest initial plans. This research shows that different types of prototyping plans exist. The Prototyping Planner supports novice designers well in planning a specific prototyping activity, but to support planning of the prototyping process it must be extended or used in combination with other support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2277-2286
Sandeep Krishnakumar ◽  
Carlye Lauff ◽  
Christopher McComb ◽  
Catherine Berdanier ◽  
Jessica Menold

AbstractPrototypes are critical design artifacts, and recent studies have established the ability of prototypes to facilitate communication. However, prior work suggests that novice designers often fail to perceive prototypes as effective communication tools, and struggle to rationalize design decisions made during prototyping tasks. To understand the interactions between communication and prototypes, design pitches from 40 undergraduate engineering design teams were collected and qualitatively analysed. Our findings suggest that students used prototypes to explain and persuade, aligning with prior studies of design practitioners. The results also suggest that students tend to use prototypes to justify design decisions and adverse outcomes. Future work will seek to understand novice designers’ use of prototypes as communication tools in further depth. Ultimately, this work will inform the creation of pedagogical strategies to provide students with the skills needed to effectively communicate design solutions and intent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 3431-3440
Camilla Arndt Hansen ◽  
Nuno Miguel Martins Pacheco ◽  
Ali Gürcan Özkil ◽  
Markus Zimmermann

AbstractPrototyping is essential for fuzzy front-end product development. The prototyping process answers questions about critical assumptions and supports design decisions, but it is often unstructured and context-dependent. Previously, we showed how to guide novice designers in early development stages with prototyping milestones. Here, we studied the prototyping success perceived by novice design teams. This was done in two steps: (1) teams were asked to assign each prototype to a milestone, a specific purpose, a fidelity level, and a human-centered design lens, and then evaluate the success using a predefined set of criteria. (2) Teams were interviewed about the success of the prototyping process, this time using self-chosen criteria. Results related to (1) show that teams perceived prototyping activities with respect to desirability and problem validation significantly less successful than prototyping activities towards feasibility and solution validation. Results related to (2) show that teams mostly chose success criteria related to how well prototypes supported communication, decision making, learning, and tangibility. This insight may be used to give priorities to further improvement of methods and guidance in these areas.

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