reduced words
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Н. Гезайли

Постановка задачи. В предлагаемой статье мы подвергаем прагматическому анализу употребление стилистически окрашенных языковых единиц в политическом дискурсе жанра устной речи: на материале телевизионных выступлений (таких, как заседание и интервью) Президента России. Исследование окрашенных языковых единиц в рамках политического дискурса представляет собой особый интерес, поскольку данные единицы обслуживают прагматику языка. Результаты. Прагматическая информация в политическом дискурсе распределена между всеми языковыми единицами. Однако стилистически окрашенные языковые единицы, под которыми мы подразумеваем коннотативно насыщенные слова, выражения, фразеологизмы и афоризмы, несут в себе наибольшую прагматическую нагрузку. Именно они способствуют не только привлечению внимания адресата, но и воздействию на него. Выводы. Политический дискурс, представляя собой специфический и комплексный вид коммуникации, требует особого подхода к его исследованию. Роль стилистически окрашенных языковых единиц в реализации речевой интенции адресанта в политическом дискурсе велика. В ходе исследования было констатировано, что использованные Президентом России слова, выражения, фразеологизмы и афоризмы носят в целом оценочный характер, точнее ироническую окраску (в частности, отмечается довольно частотное употребление фразеологизмов (81.81%), а иногда стилистически сниженных слов и выражений (6.06%)). Это возможно объяснить тем, что фразеологизмы, в отличие от афоризмов, являются носителями лексического значения и могут выступать в качестве эквивалентов слов. Кроме того, степень сочетаемости компонентов во фразеологизмах неодинакова, т.е. в них могут входить несвободные, но легко отделяемые по смыслу слова, и употребляться в переносном значении. Следовательно, они с большей лёгкостью создаются в процессе речи, способствуя достижению иллокутивной цели адресанта. Тем не менее фразеологизмы и афоризмы, а также стилистически сниженные слова благодаря своей экспрессивности способствуют не только привлечению внимания адресата, но и воздействию на него, производя при этом определённый прагматический эффект. Problem statement. In the proposed paper, we subject to a pragmatic analysis the use of stylistically colored linguistic units in the political discourse of the genre of oral speech: based on the material of television speeches (as meeting and interview) of the President of Russia. The study of colored linguistic units within the framework of political discourse is of particular interest, since these units serve the pragmatics of language. Results. Pragmatic information in political discourse is distributed among all linguistic units. However, stylistically colored linguistic units, by which we mean connotatively saturated words, expressions, phraseological units and aphorisms, carry the greatest pragmatic load. They contribute not only to attracting the attention of the addressee, but also to influencing him. Conclusion. Political discourse, representing a specific and complex type of communication, requires a special approach to its study. The role of stylistically colored linguistic units in the realization of the addressee's speech intention in political discourse is huge. In the course of the study, it was stated that the words, expressions, phraseological units and aphorisms used by the President of Russia are generally evaluative, more precisely, ironic (in particular, there is a fairly frequent use of phraseological units (81.81%), and sometimes stylistically reduced words and expressions (6.06%)). This can be explained by the fact that phraseological units, unlike aphorisms, are carriers of lexical meaning and can act as an equivalent of words. In addition, the degree of compatibility of components in phraseological units is not the same, i.e. they may include non-free, but easily separable words, and be used in a figurative sense. Consequently, they are more easily created in the process of speech, contributing to the achievement of the illocutionary goal of the addressee. Nevertheless, phraseological units and aphorisms, as well as stylistically reduced words, due to their expressiveness, contribute not only to attracting the attention of the addressee, but also to influencing him, while producing a certain pragmatic effect.

2021 ◽  
Christian Gaetz ◽  
Yibo Gao

2021 ◽  
Vol volume 13, issue 2 ◽  
Arman Darbinyan ◽  
Rostislav Grigorchuk ◽  
Asif Shaikh

For finitely generated subgroups $H$ of a free group $F_m$ of finite rank $m$, we study the language $L_H$ of reduced words that represent $H$ which is a regular language. Using the (extended) core of Schreier graph of $H$, we construct the minimal deterministic finite automaton that recognizes $L_H$. Then we characterize the f.g. subgroups $H$ for which $L_H$ is irreducible and for such groups explicitly construct ergodic automaton that recognizes $L_H$. This construction gives us an efficient way to compute the cogrowth series $L_H(z)$ of $H$ and entropy of $L_H$. Several examples illustrate the method and a comparison is made with the method of calculation of $L_H(z)$ based on the use of Nielsen system of generators of $H$.

2021 ◽  
Vol volume 13, issue 2 ◽  
Arman Darbinyan ◽  
Rostislav Grigorchuk ◽  
Asif Shaikh

For finitely generated subgroups $H$ of a free group $F_m$ of finite rank $m$, we study the language $L_H$ of reduced words that represent $H$ which is a regular language. Using the (extended) core of Schreier graph of $H$, we construct the minimal deterministic finite automaton that recognizes $L_H$. Then we characterize the f.g. subgroups $H$ for which $L_H$ is irreducible and for such groups explicitly construct ergodic automaton that recognizes $L_H$. This construction gives us an efficient way to compute the cogrowth series $L_H(z)$ of $H$ and entropy of $L_H$. Several examples illustrate the method and a comparison is made with the method of calculation of $L_H(z)$ based on the use of Nielsen system of generators of $H$.

V. GENZ ◽  

AbstractWe give a formula for the crystal structure on the integer points of the string polytopes and the *-crystal structure on the integer points of the string cones of type A for arbitrary reduced words. As a byproduct, we obtain defining inequalities for Nakashima–Zelevinsky string polytopes. Furthermore, we give an explicit description of the Kashiwara *-involution on string data for a special choice of reduced word.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-302
Max Glick ◽  
Rei Inoue ◽  
Pavlo Pylyavskyy

10.37236/9481 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
Gonçalo Gutierres ◽  
Ricardo Mamede ◽  
José Luis Santos

 Using the standard Coxeter presentation for the symmetric group $\mathfrak{S}_{n}$, two reduced expressions for the same group element $\textsf{w}$ are said to be commutationally equivalent if one expression can be obtained from the other one  by applying a finite sequence of commutations. The commutation classes can be seen as the vertices of a graph $\widehat{G}(\textsf{w})$, where two classes are connected by an edge if elements of those classes differ by a long braid relation. We compute the radius and diameter of the graph $\widehat{G}(\textsf{w}_{\bf 0})$,  for the longest element  $\textsf{w}_{\bf 0}$ in the symmetric group $\mathfrak{S}_{n}$, and show that it is not a planar graph for $n\geq 6$. We also describe a family of commutation classes which contains all atoms, that is classes with one single element, and a subfamily of commutation classes whose elements are in bijection with standard Young tableaux of certain moon-polyomino shapes.

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