ultrashort laser pulses
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Gregor F. H. Indorf ◽  
Graeme G Scott ◽  
Malte A. Ennen ◽  
Pierre Forestier-Colleoni ◽  
David Haddock ◽  

Abstract The interaction of very intense and ultrashort laser pulses with solid targets is a topic that has attracted a large amount of interest in science and applications. This interest is boosted by the large progress made in the development of high repetition rate, high-power laser systems. With the significant increase in average power, there is concern about how to deal with ablated debris that may lead to contamination and damage during interaction experiments with solid targets. This issue is also highly relevant in experiments that include plasma mirrors. These are often employed to increase the contrast ratio of the intense laser pulse to unwanted laser pre-pulses from the amplifier chain and/or the background of amplified spontaneous emission. For this reason, the present work investigates the mass ejected from the target into vacuum for different conditions, particularly those present when plasma mirrors are introduced. The total amount of ablated mass can be reduced by making use of a temporally controlled plasma expansion that enhances the plasma mirror reflectivity. In this way, high intensity laser interaction experiments can be carried out with efficient and clean plasma mirrors significantly reducing the degradation of the laser optics and plasma diagnostics placed near the interaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 128 (1) ◽  
David Brinkmeier ◽  
Daniel Holder ◽  
André Loescher ◽  
Christoph Röcker ◽  
Daniel J. Förster ◽  

AbstractThe availability of commercial ultrafast lasers reaching into the kW power level offers promising potential for high-volume manufacturing applications. Exploiting the available average power is challenging due to process limits imposed by particle shielding, ambient atmosphere breakdown, and heat accumulation effects. We experimentally confirm the validity of a simple thermal model, which can be used for the estimation of a critical heat accumulation threshold for percussion drilling of AISI 304 steel. The limits are summarized in a processing map, which provides selection criteria for process parameters and suitable lasers. The results emphasize the need for process parallelization.

Gaston Edah ◽  
Aurélien Goudjo ◽  
Jamal Adetola ◽  
Marc Amour Ayela

In this work, the pulse propagation in a nonlinear dispersive optical medium is numerically investigated. The finite difference time-domain scheme of third order and periodic boundary conditions are used to solve generalized nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation governing the propagation of the pulse. As a result a discrete system of ordinary differerential equations is obtained and solved numerically by fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm. Varied input ultrashort laser pulses are used. Accurate results of the solutions are obtained and the comparison with other results is excellent.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3351
Arturs Bundulis ◽  
Ivan A. Shuklov ◽  
Vyacheslav V. Kim ◽  
Alaa A. Mardini ◽  
Jurgis Grube ◽  

We report measurements of the saturated intensities, saturable absorption, and nonlinear refraction in 70-nm thick films containing 4 nm HgTe quantum dots. We demonstrate strong nonlinear refraction and saturable absorption in the thin films using tunable picosecond and femtosecond pulses. Studies were carried out using tunable laser pulses in the range of 400–1100 nm. A significant variation of the nonlinear refraction along this spectral range was demonstrated. The maximal values of the nonlinear absorption coefficients and nonlinear refractive indices determined within the studied wavelength range were −2.4 × 10−5 cm2 W−1 (in the case of 28 ps, 700 nm probe pulses) and −3 × 10−9 cm2 W−1 (in the case of 28 ps, 400 nm probe pulses), respectively. Our studies show that HgTe quantum dots can be used in different fields e.g., as efficient emitters of high-order harmonics of ultrashort laser pulses or as laser mode-lockers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 015602
S Shelygina ◽  
V Kompanets ◽  
E Tolordava ◽  
S Gonchukov ◽  
S Chekalin ◽  

Abstract Dynamic optical density spectra were obtained under multipulse excitation of bacterial cultures of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa by 3 μm mid-infrared ultrashort laser pulses, corresponding to the vibrational excitation of the C–H bonds of the bacterial cell. These spectra demonstrated pronounced laser intensity-dependent blue spectral shift, presumably associated with the breaking of hydrogen bonds, which are responsible for the formation of secondary and tertiary protein structures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 128 (1) ◽  
S. Hartwell ◽  
A. Azima ◽  
C. Haunhorst ◽  
M. Kazemi ◽  
M. Namboodiri ◽  

AbstractControlling the temporal and spectral properties of ultrashort laser pulses in the visible and near-infrared spectral range by means of a femtosecond pulse-shaping device is a powerful tool with many applications in ultrafast spectroscopy. A major and successful concept is known as the 4f design, which has a symmetric zero-dispersion-compressor geometry. Most 4f pulse shapers rely on using transmissive optics in their beam path limiting the operational wavelength ranges. In the present contribution, we use an all-reflective shaping setup to generate a phase-locked 266 nm double pulse to benchmark its performance in the limit of short wavelengths. The setup comprises the complete spectral amplitude and phase diagnostics for quantitative analysis of the pulse properties before and after the shaper using the technique of frequency-resolved optical gating. The measured time–frequency spectra are in good agreement with optical simulations. The geometry and hardware of the device including the optical components are designed, such that all harmonics of the deep UV pulses travel the same path, giving the instrument the ability to work with soft X-ray pulses, under vacuum conditions, down to the few-nanometer wavelength scale.

2021 ◽  
P. A. Babushkin ◽  
A. D. Bulygin ◽  
E. A. Danilkin ◽  
O. I. Kuchinskaya ◽  
O. V. Minina ◽  

Xin Wang ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  
Jiao Wei ◽  
Bowen Guo ◽  
Jingfeng Kang

The coupled Maxwell–Bloch (CMB) system is a fundamental model describing the propagation of ultrashort laser pulses in a resonant medium with coherent three-level atomic transitions. In this paper, we consider an integrable generalization of the CMB equations with the defocusing case. The CMB hierarchy is derived with the aid of a 3 × 3 matrix eigenvalue problem and the Lenard recursion equation, from which the defocusing CMB model is proposed as a special reduction of the general CMB equations. The n -fold Darboux transformation as well as the multiparametric n th-order rogue wave solution of the defocusing CMB equations are put forward in terms of Schur polynomials. As an application, the explicit rogue wave solutions from first to second order are presented. Apart from the traditional dark rogue wave, bright rogue wave and four-petalled rogue wave, some novel rogue wave structures such as the dark four-peaked rogue wave and the double-ridged rogue wave are found. Moreover, the second-order rogue wave triplets which contain a fixed number of these rogue waves are shown.

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