laboratory activities
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Marc Lancer Santos ◽  
Maricar Prudente

The development of technologies had transformed the way we deliver our instruction to the students. Many researchers and teachers alike are advocating for the integration of technology into their instruction as it provides promising results. One key aspect as to which technology can be of great help is through virtual laboratory activities. This meta-analysis offered information on the effectiveness of using virtual laboratory activities to student achievement. Results of the meta-analysis revealed a medium effect size (g = 0.587) towards the use of virtual laboratories. The subject area and level of study were used as subgrouping to further explore the effectiveness of conducting virtual laboratories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-150
Dwivelia Aftika Sari

The purpose of this article review is to know the effect of applying inquiry-based learning on electrochemistry material to conceptual understanding, mental model and student attitudes. Based on some articles that have been reviewed, it can be concluded that the application of inquiry-based learning can improve conceptual understanding, mental model and positive attitude of students on electrochemistry material. The 5E inquiry (Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation) can be combined with the galvanic cell kit model to improve students' understanding of electrochemistry at the submicroscopic (molecular) level. Inquiry-based learning can be applied in both laboratory activities and classroom learning processes. The students' understanding of chemistry will be intact if students are able to connect the three levels of chemical representation.

Konstantin S. Varaksin ◽  
Artem S. Makarov ◽  
Svetlana V. Gabova ◽  
Alexander Y. Alexander

The updated version of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard has introduced substantial changes to the structure, terminology, requirements to resources, processes, and quality management system of testing and calibration laboratories. New requirements were established for organization of laboratory activities – the process based approach and risk-targeted thinking, which provides for the cutting of some part of the prescriptive requirements and introduction of requirements based upon analysis of actions performed. In accordance with GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019, the laboratory is required to provide risk identification and assessment processes, develop risk control measures and expand opportunities to achieve the established purposes and objectives. The standard requires the laboratory to plan and perform actions to manage risks and opportunities associated with laboratory activities. This article deals with organization of the quality management system of Transneft system organizations’ laboratories in the aspects of risk management, management of opportunities, corrective actions with the use of laboratory information management system (LIMS). The model of the process implementation is described, subject to requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019. Обновленная редакция стандарта ISO/IEC 17025 внесла существенные изменения в структуру, терминологию, требования к ресурсам, процессам, системе менеджмента качества испытательных и калибровочных лабораторий. Были установлены новые требования к организации деятельности лабораторий – процессный подход и риск-ориентированное мышление, что предусматривает сокращение части предписывающих требований и введение требований, основанных на анализе выполнения действий. В соответствии с ГОСТ ISO/IEC 17025-2019 от лаборатории требуется обеспечить процессы идентификации и оценки рисков, разработку мер по контролю рисков и расширению возможностей для достижения поставленных целей и задач. Стандарт требует от лаборатории планирования и реализации действий по управлению рисками и возможностями, связанными с лабораторной деятельностью. В настоящей статье рассматривается организация системы менеджмента качества лабораторий организаций системы «Транснефть» в части управления рисками, возможностями, корректирующими действиями с применением лабораторной информационной менеджмент-системы (ЛИМС). Описана модель реализации процесса с учетом соблюдения требований ГОСТ ISO/IEC 17025-2019.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (8) ◽  
pp. 662-663
Donald A. Smith

FangFang Zhao ◽  
Gillian Roehrig ◽  
Lorelei Patrick ◽  
Levesque-Bristol Chantal ◽  
Sehoya Cotner

Inquiry-based laboratory activities, as a part of science curricula, have been advocated to increase students’ learning outcomes and improve students’ learning experiences, but students sometimes struggle with open-inquiry activities. This study aims to investigate students’ perceptions of inquiry-based learning in a set of laboratory activities, specifically from a psychological (i.e., Self-Determination Theory) perspective. Students’ ratings of the level of inquiry in these activities indicate that students’ perceptions of inquiry align with the instructor-intended amount of inquiry in each exercise. Students’ written responses, explaining their ratings, indicate that students’ perceptions of the amount of inquiry in a given lab exercise relate to their feeling of freedom (or autonomy), competence, and relatedness (or support), during the inquiry-based learning activities. The results imply that instructors implementing inquiry-based learning activities should consider student motivation, and Self-Determination Theory can be a useful diagnostic tool during teaching development.

J. Llanos ◽  
C. M. Fernández-Marchante ◽  
J. M. García-Vargas ◽  
E. Lacasa ◽  
A. R. de la Osa ◽  

Adnan Muchsin ◽  
Bambang Supriatno ◽  
Sri Anggraeni

This study aims to analyze 4 (four) aspects in the Design of Laboratory Activities (DKL/Worksheet) on concept of ecosystem components and echological intearction in different curricula (KTSP 2006 and K-13), which could become a reference in reconstructing new Worksheet. The four aspects tested were relevance to the curriculum, competence, knowledge construction and practical aspect. The instrument developed in this study was a descriptive table refering to the Vee Diagram. This reserach used a qualitative descriptive method and all sampels of worksheets were collected using purposive sampling from various sources. The data were analyzed based on the percentage of total scores gained in the rubric and were categorized based on the tabel of validity criteria.The steps of the research were conducting trial practicum, analyzing worksheets and reconstructing new worksheet. The results showed (1) only the practical aspect fulfilled to the criteria of quite valid, while the others were still less valid. (2) In general, the achievement scores of Worksheets in KTSP 2006 were higher than those of Worksheet in K-13, due to lower Basic Competencies demands. Furthermore, new Worksheet was constructed which is expected to be able to be qualified to the 4 concepts tested.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 461-463
Arunita Jagzape ◽  
Ankit Gupta ◽  
Nilabh Ghritlahre

Understanding the gross organization of skeletal muscle is critical to understanding the mechanism of action of muscle physiology. Due to coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), many colleges have had to discontinue or curtail teaching and laboratory activities. Whether students are in the classroom or learning online, it is important for them to understand the basics of skeletal muscle organization that allows for movement. Manipulatives have been shown to enhance student learning and understanding in many fields, including physiology. This gives instructors an easy-to-follow tool for making a manipulative that allows students to see the organization of the skeletal muscle. Students can make this manipulative themselves from supplies commonly found in the home or office.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 118-125
U. F. Suleiman ◽  
S. Ibrahim ◽  
H. I. Isyaku ◽  
T. I. Nabila ◽  
A. Amir ◽  

The effect of environmental (Physicochemical) and biological (plankton) parameters of Ajiwa reservoir were studied for a period of eight months (March–October 2018). Field and laboratory activities were carried out using standard protocols. Mean monthly values of Temperature ranged between 25.87±3.57°C–29.46±0.66°C, Electrical conductivity was between 32.00±3.46µs/cm–210.00±95.39µs/cm. Dissolve Oxygen, Total Dissolved Solid and Biological Oxygen Demand Means of monthly values ranges between 5.53±0.39mg/l–9.35±0.62mg/l, 33.087±0.06mg/l–84.01±4.37mg/l, and 2.69±0.34mg/l–7.27±1.88mg/l. While phosphate and nitrate means of monthly values ranges between 0.04±0.02mg/l–0.09±0.03mg/l, 0.03±0.01mg/l–0.09±0.02mg/l. Four Phytoplankton phyla dominated by Chlorophyta (387org/L), Euglenophyta (160 org/L), Cyanophyta (83 org/L) and Bacillariophyta (63 org/L) were recorded in the reservoir. The Zooplanktons fauna comprises of Rotifers (180 org/L), Cladocerans (149 org/L) and Copepods (78 org/L). Correlation matrix showed that there were significant correlation between Phytoplankton, Zooplankton and Physicochemical parameters. The composition of planktons in the reservoir were affected by seasonal variations and fluctuation of physicochemical parameters

Josiane Mukagihana ◽  
Florien Nsanganwimana ◽  
Catherine M Aurah

Observing classroom practices and checking the effect of instructional methods on academic achievement are crucial in the teaching and learning process. The present study was aimed at discovering the dominating pre-service biology teachers’ and instructors’ activities in microbiology classes and their respective effects when animations–based instructions and small-group laboratory activities are used. An equivalent time-series design was applied using a small group of participants in year two biology education (N=30, 16 female and 14 males), and a pre-test was used as a pre-intervention comparison test, while a post-test alternated with interventions. Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) was used to record classroom activities. Before using its inter-rater agreement reached 80%. Pre-service Biology Teachers Achievement Test (PBTAT) with a Pearson’s r reliability of .51 served to measure instructional methods' effect on academic achievement. It was found that the main teaching methods were activities, lectures and animation classes, while group work and instructors moving among the students and guiding them characterized small-group laboratory activity classes. All interventions improved pre-service biology teachers’ academic achievement; however, a statistically significant difference (df=28, p<.05) existed between interventions where small group laboratory activities proved a considerable effect size (d=3.86). No statistically significant difference (df=1, p>.05) was found regarding gender after interventions. However, females scored better than males after the lecture and laboratory methods, while the opposite happened after animation-based instruction. Therefore, we recommend using small-group laboratory activities that promote active learning through student small-group work to improve pre-service biology teachers’ academic achievement in biology.

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