Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Kajian Kepustakaan di Bidang Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran
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Published By LPPM IKIP Mataram


Farah Erika ◽  
Agung Rahmadani

This study aims to describe the validity of 21st century skills-based stereochemistry learning tools to train students' argumentation skills. This research is an educational design research with reference to the design of the Wademan development research model. The research instrument used was a learning tools validation sheet consisting of several validation sheets, namely: syllabus validation sheet, lesson plan validation sheet, teaching material validation sheet, student worksheet validation sheet, and argumentation skills assessment instrument validation sheet. The research data obtained from the validation and review sheets were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The expert's assessment of validation for each aspect of the assessment has good and very good validity criteria. These results indicate that learning tools that integrate the nature and complexity of the stereochemical structure of natural compounds from tropical rain forests can be used in the stereochemistry learning process.

Aminah Zb ◽  
M. Eval Setiawan ◽  
Edi Rozal ◽  
Fauzan Sulman

This study aims to investigate the ability of the Hybrid Learning learning model on the creativity of biology education students in the educational innovation course. This research has been carried out using a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this study were biology education students in semester VI, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training at Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University Jambi, namely four classes with a population of 37 people, which was then sampled using the purposive sampling method where class VIA and VIC were the Experiment Class and Class VIB and VID was as a Control Class. The instrument used is was a test in the form of a description of ten items regarding creativity. Data analysis in this study used t-tes. The results of the investigation showed a significant influence on the creativity of students who used hybrid learning even though lectures were conducted remotely and in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Muhammad Syazali ◽  
Muhammad Erfan ◽  
Baiq Niswatul Khair

Aims of this study are to analyze: (1) types of learning facilities, (2) variants of each type of learning facilities, and (3) recommendations for implementation of variants of types of learning facilities that are empirically proven to be effective in developing the science process skills of students in Indonesia. This research is a literature review study. The data sources are articles in journals and proceedings published from 2016 to 20120. The articles that have been collected are then analyzed using the thematic method. Learning facilities consist of 7 types, namely strategies, approaches, models, methods, media, and learning aids. In total there are 106 variants with details of 7 variants of the type of strategy, 7 variants of the type of approach, 34 variants of the type of model, 11 variants of the type of method, 28 variants of the type of media, 5 variants of the type of teaching aid, and 15 variants of the type of learning device. From these various variants, there are 7 variants that are recommended to be used in facilitating students and students in developing their SPS. The variants are guided inquiry learning models, inquiry, PBL, PjBL and learning cycles, as well as learning media variants of modules and worksheets. This review is useful as a reference for teachers and lecturers because it provides various choices of learning facilities that can be applied to improve science process skills. The many choices help them to match the characteristics of the learners to be facilitated, their ability to implement, and the availability of infrastructure.

Lalu Suprawesta ◽  
Amja Manullang ◽  
Mohammad Ainul Maruf

The aim of the study is to analyze the measures from Taiwan and the United States that responded to the Covid-19 in high education institutions. The method that was conducted in this study is qualitative with a narrative review as a data technique. Data collected from reviewed the relevant literature that meets inclusion criteria as the primary object. The descriptive qualitative analysis technique was used. The result of this study concludes that some measures from Taiwan and United States can be matched according to the characteristic in Indonesia. These two countries provide several lessons in tackling the Covid-19 problem in the education sector by preventing the transmission since the beginning, taking mitigation steps to reduce the speed of the spread of the virus, applying clear regulations and guidelines in various fields of life including education, and have a sense of sensitivity to relaxed and tightened of regulations.

Setyo Eko Atmojo ◽  
Beny Dwi Lukitoaji ◽  
Faiz Noormiyanto

This research aims to develop thematic learning based on local culture as an effort to instill the values of national and state character in inclusive reference primary schools. The novelty of this research lies in the basis of local culture in instilling character values that are implemented in inclusive reference schools. The research method is research and development. The products produced through this research are thematic learning tools based on local wisdom consisting of syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, media and evaluation tools. Data collection techniques in this study used observation sheets, questionnaires and test questions. The data analysis technique used   descriptive percentage, difference test (t-test) and improvement test (N-gain). The results of this study indicate the acquisition of a score of more than 4.3 with a maximum score of 5.0 which is in the high validity category. The average frequency of achieving character values in thematic learning based on local culture  is in the high category. Where all aspects of character values appear and are carried out by more than 80% of students in the class. Meanwhile, in the t-test of post-test results, the value of t count = 5.782 > t table = 1.998 and (p) count = 0 <0.05, which means that there is a significant difference in the value of learning achievement between the experimental group using the product developed and the control group. The results of the N gain test showed that the control group had an increase in the medium criteria and the experimental group had an increase in the high criteria so that it was concluded that the thematic learning tools based on local culture had a good level of effectiveness.

Rico Yuda Permana Putra ◽  
Suyatno Suyatno

This study aims to describe the implementation of instilling independent character in SLB N 1 of Yogyakarta. The used research design was qualitative research using a case study. Data collection was conducted by interview, observation, and documentation. The collected data was analyzed using interactive-inductive analysis technique encompassed data reduction, data representation, and conclusion. The research result showed that (1) the indicator of independent character in SLB N 1 of Yogyakarta showed by preparing the need for studying, having self-confidence, individually finishing the assignments, being dare to express an opinion, group cooperation, reading and writing correctly also adequately., doing the calculation task independently. (2) Instilling independent character addressing special-needs students was carried out through learning activities, direct teaching, spontaneous activity, exemplary, and daily habituation. This finding can be used by stakeholders and inclusive educational practitioners to organize and conduct independent character building for special-needs students at school.

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