acoustic oscillations
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
pp. 032
Genly Leon ◽  
Juan Magaña ◽  
A. Hernández-Almada ◽  
Miguel A. García-Aspeitia ◽  
Tomás Verdugo ◽  

Abstract In this work, we use an observational approach and dynamical system analysis to study the cosmological model recently proposed by Saridakis (2020), which is based on the modification of the entropy-area black hole relation proposed by Barrow (2020). The Friedmann equations governing the dynamics of the Universe under this entropy modification can be calculated through the gravity-thermodynamics conjecture. We investigate two models, one considering only a matter component and the other including matter and radiation, which have new terms compared to the standard model sourcing the late cosmic acceleration. A Bayesian analysis is performed in which using five cosmological observations (observational Hubble data, type Ia supernovae, HII galaxies, strong lensing systems, and baryon acoustic oscillations) to constrain the free parameters of both models. From a joint analysis, we obtain constraints that are consistent with the standard cosmological paradigm within 2σ confidence level. In addition, a complementary dynamical system analysis using local and global variables is developed which allows obtaining a qualitative description of the cosmology. As expected, we found that the dynamical equations have a de Sitter solution at late times.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
pp. 054
Samuel Brieden ◽  
Héctor Gil-Marín ◽  
Licia Verde

Abstract In the standard (classic) approach, galaxy clustering measurements from spectroscopic surveys are compressed into baryon acoustic oscillations and redshift space distortions measurements, which in turn can be compared to cosmological models. Recent works have shown that avoiding this intermediate step and fitting directly the full power spectrum signal (full modelling) leads to much tighter constraints on cosmological parameters. Here we show where this extra information is coming from and extend the classic approach with one additional effective parameter, such that it captures, effectively, the same amount of information as the full modelling approach, but in a model-independent way. We validate this new method (ShapeFit) on mock catalogs, and compare its performance to the full modelling approach finding both to deliver equivalent results. The ShapeFit extension of the classic approach promotes the standard analyses at the level of full modelling ones in terms of information content, with the advantages of i) being more model independent; ii) offering an understanding of the origin of the extra cosmological information; iii) allowing a robust control on the impact of observational systematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-92
Zinovii Nytrebych ◽  
Volodymyr Il’kiv ◽  
Oksana Malanchuk

Objective: The process of ultrasound oscillations in a relaxed environment, provided that the profiles of the acoustic wave at three time moments are known, is modeled by a three-point problem for the partial differential equation of the third order in time. This equation as a partial case contains a hyperbolic equation of the third order, which is widely used in ultrasound diagnostics. Methods: The differential-symbol method is applied to study a three-point in-time problem. The advantage of this method is the possibility to obtain a solution of the problem only through operations of differentiation. Results: We propose the formula to construct the analytic solution of the problem, which describes the process of ultrasound oscillations propagation in a relax environment. Due to this, the profile of the ultrasonic wave is known at any time and at an arbitrary point of space. The class of quasi-polynomials is distinguished as a class of uniqueness solvability of a three-point problem. Conclusion: Using the proposed method, it is possible to analyze the influence of the main parameters of ultrasound diagnostics problems on the propagation of acoustic oscillations in a relaxed environment. The research example of a specific three-point problem is given.

2021 ◽  
pp. 379-397
Andrew M. Steane

The growth of structure by gravitational collapse from initially small perturbations is described. The Jeans instability is calculated. The structure equations are obtained and solved in various cases (radiation-dominated, matter-dominated and others) via a linearized treatment. Hence the main features of the growth of density perturbations are obtained. The observed spectrum in the present is used to infer the primordial spectrum. The scale-invariant (Harrison-Zol’dovich) spectrum is described. The process of baryon acoustic oscillations is outlined and the sound horizon is defined. The chapter concludes with brief notes on galaxy formatiom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2081 (1) ◽  
pp. 012028
Yu E Pokrovsky

Abstract A Noether symmetric, 3rd order polynomial in the Riemann curvature tensor R αβμν extension of the General Relativity (GR) without cosmological constant (R+RG gravity) is suggested and discussed as a possible fundamental theory of gravity in 4-dimensional space-time with the geometric part of the Lagrangian to be L R + R G = − g 2 k R ( 1 + G G P ) . Here k = 8 π G N c 4 is the Einstein constant, g = det ( g μ ν ) , g μ ν - the metric tensor, GN - the Newton constant, c - the speed of light, R = R μ ν μ ν - the Ricci scalar, G = R 2 − 4 R μ ν R μ ν + R α β μ ν R α β μ ν - the Gauss-Bonnet topological invariant, and GP - a new constant of the gravitational self-interaction to model the cosmological bounce, inflation, accelerated expansion of the Universe, etc. The best fit to the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations data for the Hubble parameter H (z) at the redshifts z<2.36 leads to G P 1 / 4 = ( 0.557 ± 0.014 ) T p c − 1 with the mean square weighted deviation from the data about 3 times smaller than for the standard cosmological (ΛCDM) model. Due to the self-gravitating term ∼RG the respective Einstein equation in the R+RG gravity contains the additional (tachyonic in the past and now) scalar (spin = 0) graviton and the perfect geometric fluid tensor with pressure-and matter-like terms equal to the respective terms in the ΛCDM model at |z| 1. Some predictions of this R+RG gravity for the Universe are also done.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
pp. 060
Javier E. Gonzalez ◽  
Micol Benetti ◽  
Rodrigo von Marttens ◽  
Jailson Alcaniz

Abstract The results of joint analyses of available cosmological data have motivated an important debate about a possible detection of a non-zero spatial curvature. If confirmed, such a result would imply a change in our present understanding of cosmic evolution with important theoretical and observational consequences. In this paper we discuss the legitimacy of carrying out joint analyses with the currently available data sets and explore their implications for a non-flat universe and extensions of the standard cosmological model. We use a robust tension estimator to perform a quantitative analysis of the physical consistency between the latest data of Cosmic Microwave Background, type Ia supernovae, Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations and Cosmic Chronometers. We consider the flat and non-flat cases of the ΛCDM cosmology and of two dark energy models with a constant and varying dark energy EoS parameter. The present study allows us to better understand if possible inconsistencies between these data sets are significant enough to make the results of their joint analyses misleading, as well as the actual dependence of such results with the spatial curvature and dark energy parameterizations. According to our results, we conclude that a joint analysis in the context of a non-flat universe including the CMB data is only possible if the CMB Lens is taken into account, otherwise, it potentially leads to misleading conclusions.

Shubham Kala ◽  
Hemwati Nandan ◽  
Prateek Sharma ◽  
Maye Elmardi

Various observations from cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), type Ia supernova and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) are strongly suggestive of an accelerated expansion of the universe which can be explained by the presence of mysterious energy known as dark energy. The quintessential matter coupled with gravity minimally is considered one of the possible candidates to represent the presence of such dark energy in our universe. In view of this scenario, we study the geodesic of massless particles as well as massive particles around a (2 + 1)-dimensional BTZ black hole (BH) spacetime surrounded by the quintessence. The effect of parameters involved in the deflection of light by such a BH spacetime is investigated in detail. The results obtained are then compared with a usual non-rotating BTZ BH spacetime.

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