polynomial evaluation
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Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 331
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem ◽  
HyungWon Kim

Many group key management protocols have been proposed to manage key generation and distribution of vehicular communication. However, most of them suffer from high communication and computation costs due to the complex elliptic curve and bilinear pairing cryptography. Many shared secret protocols have been proposed using polynomial evaluation and interpolation to solve the previous complexity issues. This paper proposes an efficient centralized threshold shared secret protocol based on the Shamir secret sharing technique and supporting key authentication using Hashed Message Authentication Code Protocol (HMAC). The proposed protocol allows the group manager to generate a master secret key for a group of n vehicles and split this key into secret shares; each share is distributed securely to every group member. t-of-n vehicles must recombine their secret shares and recover the original secret key. The acceptance of the recovered key is based on the correctness of the received HMAC signature to verify the group manager’s identity and ensure the key confidentiality. The proposed protocol is unconditionally secure and unbreakable using infinite computing power as t, or more than t secret shares are required to reconstruct the key. In contrast, attackers with t−1 secret shares cannot leak any information about the original secret key. Moreover, the proposed protocol reduces the computation cost due to using polynomial evaluation to generate the secret key and interpolation to recover the secret key, which is very simple and lightweight compared with the discrete logarithm computation cost in previous protocols. In addition, utilizing a trusted group manager that broadcasts some public information is important for the registered vehicles to reconstruct the key and eliminate secure channels between vehicles. The proposed protocol reduces the communication cost in terms of transmitted messages between vehicles from 2(t−1) messages in previous shared secret protocols to zero messages. Moreover, it reduces the received messages at vehicles from 2t to two messages. At the same time, it allows vehicles to store only a single secret share compared with other shared secret protocols that require storage of t secret shares. The proposed protocol security level outperforms the other shared secret protocols security, as it supports key authentication and confidentiality using HMAC that prevents attackers from compromising or faking the key.

Electronics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 131
Sungwook Kim

Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge (SNARks) are receiving a lot of attention as a core privacy-enhancing technology for blockchain applications. Polynomial commitment schemes are important building blocks for the construction of SNARks. Polynomial commitment schemes enable the prover to commit to a secret polynomial of the prover and convince the verifier that the evaluation of the committed polynomial is correct at a public point later. Bünz et al. recently presented a novel polynomial commitment scheme with no trusted setup in Eurocrypt’20. To provide a transparent setup, their scheme is built over an ideal class group of imaginary quadratic fields (or briefly, class group). However, cryptographic assumptions on a class group are relatively new and have, thus far, not been well-analyzed. In this paper, we study an approach to transpose Bünz et al.’s techniques in the discrete log setting because the discrete log setting brings a significant improvement in efficiency and security compared to class groups. We show that the transposition to the discrete log setting can be obtained by employing a proof system for the equality of discrete logarithms over multiple bases. Theoretical analysis shows that the transposition preserves security requirements for a polynomial commitment scheme.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (14) ◽  
pp. 1600
Jorge Sastre ◽  
Javier Ibáñez

Recently, two general methods for evaluating matrix polynomials requiring one matrix product less than the Paterson–Stockmeyer method were proposed, where the cost of evaluating a matrix polynomial is given asymptotically by the total number of matrix product evaluations. An analysis of the stability of those methods was given and the methods have been applied to Taylor-based implementations for computing the exponential, the cosine and the hyperbolic tangent matrix functions. Moreover, a particular example for the evaluation of the matrix exponential Taylor approximation of degree 15 requiring four matrix products was given, whereas the maximum polynomial degree available using Paterson–Stockmeyer method with four matrix products is 9. Based on this example, a new family of methods for evaluating matrix polynomials more efficiently than the Paterson–Stockmeyer method was proposed, having the potential to achieve a much higher efficiency, i.e., requiring less matrix products for evaluating a matrix polynomial of certain degree, or increasing the available degree for the same cost. However, the difficulty of these family of methods lies in the calculation of the coefficients involved for the evaluation of general matrix polynomials and approximations. In this paper, we provide a general matrix polynomial evaluation method for evaluating matrix polynomials requiring two matrix products less than the Paterson-Stockmeyer method for degrees higher than 30. Moreover, we provide general methods for evaluating matrix polynomial approximations of degrees 15 and 21 with four and five matrix product evaluations, respectively, whereas the maximum available degrees for the same cost with the Paterson–Stockmeyer method are 9 and 12, respectively. Finally, practical examples for evaluating Taylor approximations of the matrix cosine and the matrix logarithm accurately and efficiently with these new methods are given.

Pierre Fortin ◽  
Ambroise Fleury ◽  
François Lemaire ◽  
Michael Monagan

Veronika Kuchta ◽  
Amin Sakzad ◽  
Ron Steinfeld ◽  
Joseph K. Liu

Saeid Sahraei ◽  
Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali ◽  
Salman Avestimehr

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