optimal basis
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (20) ◽  
pp. 19
M. G. Kolodyazhny

The article attempts to study the system of entities involved in the formation of the international-legal framework in the field of strengthening the traffic safety. In general, the relevance of the studied issues is outlined. Circumstances that indicate the need for an urgent solution to this acute social problem, which leads to the death and injury of millions of people every year in many countries were determined. The methodology of knowledge of participants of the international-legal maintenance of traffic safety and transport operation which includes a number of interrelated scientific parameters is offered. These are: the essential features of such subjects; their concepts; types; features of activity. The essential features of the considered subjects include: their legal status; form of activity; aim of activity. The separate criteria on which it is possible to carry out grouping of subjects in the considered sphere are specified. The position is defended that the most optimal basis for subjects classification of the international legal-provision of road traffic is their specialization. The basic subjects (specialized) and secondary subjects (non-specialized) in the specified sphere are distinguished. Particular attention is paid to specialized entities with international status: the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank and others. The multidirectional work of the UN as the main international institution, which is involved in the development and adoption of relevant international legal documents in the field under study, is analyzed in detail. The directions of activity of non-specialized entities, that participate in drawing the attention of the world community to the international legal regulation of certain aspects of road transport safety are identified

2021 ◽  
pp. 54-63
Alina Soloviova ◽  
Halyna Kukhtenko ◽  
Olha Kaliuzhnaia

One of the important issues in the pharmaceutical development of a semisolid preparation for dermal use is the scientific and experimental justification for choosing the base-carrier of active substances. The aim of this study was to experimentally substantiate the choice of rational combination of excipients in the development of a semisolid dosage form with a probiotic component for use in dermatology. Materials and methods. Hydrophilic gelling agents were used as excipients in the study: Sepiplus 400, Aristoflex AVC, Carbopol 934, hydroxyethylcellulose HEC, sodium alginate. Physical and chemical, pharmaco-technological and microbiological methods were used to select the optimal basis. Colloidal stability was determined using a laboratory centrifuge at a speed of 6000 rpm for 5 min, an electronic thermometer and a water bath laboratory. Thermostability was determined in the thermostat at (40±2) °C for 24 hours. Investigation of the rheological properties of the samples was performed using a Rheolab QC (Anton Paar, Austria) rheoviscometer using a system of coaxial cylinders C-CC27/SS. The kinetics of water absorption of the samples were studied by dialysis through a semipermeable Cuprophan membrane, Type 150 pm at a temperature of (34±2) °C. The number of viable lactobacilli cells was determined by surface seeding on Petri dishes with dense MRS medium. Research results. The results of the study of the number of viable lactobacilli cells showed that the lowest number of viable cells was in sample based on HEC. Tests for thermostability and colloidal stability showed that for sample No. 5 based on sodium alginate, stratification was observed in the experiment, which indicates its instability. These samples were excluded. Samples on Sepiplus 400 and Aristoflex AVC on a set of rheological features have advantages both consumer and technological; and sample on t Aristoflex AVC has the best indicators of osmotic activity and the viability of cells in the dynamics for this study. Conclusions. As a result of physical and chemical (organoleptic, colloidal and thermostability), pharmaco-technological (osmotic and structural and mechanical properties) and microbiological studies (number of viable lactobacilli cells) studies it was found that further work should be carried out with a sample based on gelling agent Aristoflex AVC, which has the most optimal performance in this development for a semisolid dosage form with a probiotic component for use in dermatology

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
S. Di Sabatino ◽  
J. Koskelo ◽  
J. Prodhon ◽  
J. A. Berger ◽  
M. Caffarel ◽  

The Extended Koopman’s Theorem (EKT) provides a straightforward way to compute charged excitations from any level of theory. In this work we make the link with the many-body effective energy theory (MEET) that we derived to calculate the spectral function, which is directly related to photoemission spectra. In particular, we show that at its lowest level of approximation the MEET removal and addition energies correspond to the so-called diagonal approximation of the EKT. Thanks to this link, the EKT and the MEET can benefit from mutual insight. In particular, one can readily extend the EKT to calculate the full spectral function, and choose a more optimal basis set for the MEET by solving the EKT secular equation. We illustrate these findings with the examples of the Hubbard dimer and bulk silicon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Maqsood Ahmad ◽  
Muhammad Saeed ◽  
Muhammad Javaid ◽  
Ebenezer Bonyah

Polymers, drugs, and almost all chemical or biochemical compounds are frequently modeled as diverse ω -cyclic, acyclic, bipartite, and polygonal shapes and regular graphs. Molecular descriptors (topological indices) are the numerical quantities and computed from the molecular graph Γ (2D lattice). These descriptors are highly significant in quantitative structure-property or activity relationship (QSPR and QSAR) modeling that provides the theoretical and the optimal basis to expensive experimental drug design. In this paper, we study three isomeric natural polymers of glucose (polysaccharides), namely, cellulose, glycogen, and amylopectin (starch), having promising pharmaceutical applications, exceptional properties, and fascinating molecular structures. We intend to investigate and compute various closed-form formulas such as ABC , GA , sum-connectivity χ − 1 / 2 , ABC 4 , GA 5 , and Sanskruti indices for the aforementioned macromolecules. Also, we present the closed-form formulas for the first, second, modified, and augmented Zagreb indices, inverse and general Randić indices, and symmetric division deg, harmonic, and inverse sum indices. Furthermore, we provide a comparative analysis using 3D graphs for these families of macromolecules to clarify their nature.

Josep M. Brunat ◽  
Joan-C. Lario

AbstractMotivated by the design of satins with draft of period m and step a, we draw our attention to the lattices $$L(m,a)=\langle (1,a),(0,m)\rangle$$ L ( m , a ) = ⟨ ( 1 , a ) , ( 0 , m ) ⟩ where $$1\le a<m$$ 1 ≤ a < m are integers with $$\gcd (m,a)=1$$ gcd ( m , a ) = 1 . We show that the extended Euclid's algorithm applied to m and a produces a shortest no null vector of L(m, a) and that the algorithm can be used to find an optimal basis of L(m, a). We also analyze square and symmetric satins. For square satins, the extended Euclid's algorithm produces directly the two vectors of an optimal basis. It is known that symmetric satins have either a rectangular or a rombal basis; rectangular basis are optimal, but rombal basis are not always optimal. In both cases, we give the optimal basis directly in terms of m and a.

Tran Van Trung ◽  
Tran Anh Tu ◽  
Nguyen Phuong Thao ◽  
Luu Quang Thang ◽  
Pham Bao Son ◽  

In this article, we present an optimal method for searching the address on VMap based on the current location and the entire view of the users. The article will focus on understanding and researching factors to optimize user's search, enhancing the user’s experience on VMap. The article used data from OpenStreetMap, open source of Pelias geocoder to run test suites. Specifically, based on comparison results with the best rated digital map platform today, Google Maps, we calculated the effectiveness of the method. The proposed method helps to diversify search results with the user's current location, providing relevant search results in case the user's view does not have much influence on search optimization (such as user's view too large or too small). From there, as the optimal basis for searching of many other locations other than the user's current location and view, location bias priority will be enhanced. Besides, evaluation methods need to be performed on multiple users to evaluate effectiveness. This method was applied for VMap and showed optimistic results. Keywords QUERE, geocoding, user’s coordinates, digital maps, VMap, GIS References [1] The National Assembly of Vietnam, Law of Surveying and Cartography, 2018, https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/tai-nguyen-moi-truong/Luat-Do-dac-va-Ban-do-354638.aspx/, 2018 (accessed on:  October 26th, 2020) (in Vietnamese). [2] Top U.S. Mapping Apps by Reach 2018, Statista, https://www.statista.com/statistics/865419/most-popular-us-mapping-apps-ranked-by-reach/, 2018 (accessed on: October 20th, 2020) (in Vietnamese). [3] Top U.S. Mapping Apps by Users 2018, Statista, https://www.statista.com/statistics/865413/most-popular-us-mapping-apps-ranked-by-audience/, 2018 (accessed on: October 26th, 2020). [4] Results of the Population and Housing Census at 0:00 on April 1, General Statistics Office of Vietnam, https://www.gso.gov.vn/du-lieu-va-so-lieu-thong-ke/2019/12/ket-qua-tong-dieu-tra-dan-so-va-nha-o-thoi-diem-0-gio-ngay-01-thang-4-nam-/, 2019 (accessed on:  October 26th, 2020) (in Vietnamese). [5] Ministry of Information and Communication, Vmap: The Vietnamese Digital Map Has Officially come Into Operation (in Vietnamese). [6] Wu, X. Wang, A Geocoding Algorithm for Natural Language Address with Neighborhood Properties, in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2012, 2012, pp. 807-810, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCSNT.2012.6526053. [7] K. Matci, U. Avdan, Address Standardization Using the Natural Language Process for Improving Geocoding Results, Comput, Environ, Urban Syst., Vol. 70, 2018, pp. 1-8, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2018.01.009. [8] Lambert, S. Francisco, G. Lerner, Refining Location Estimates and Reverse Geocoding Based on Auser Profile Inventors, Browsing History, May, 2010. [9] Elastic, Script score Query, Elasticsearch, Elastic, https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-function-score-query.html/, 2018 (accessed on:  October 26th, 2020) (in Vietnamese). [10] Stewart, D. Tall, The exponential function, in Complex Analysis, 2012, pp. 8294.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Davide Lengani ◽  
Daniele Simoni ◽  
Vianney Yepmo ◽  
Marina Ubaldi ◽  
Pietro Zunino ◽  

Abstract Proper Orthogonal Decomposition POD) has been applied to a large dataset describing the profile losses of Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) cascades, thus allowing: i) the identification of the most influencing parameters that affect the loss generation; ii) the identification of the minimum number of requested conditions useful to educate a model with a reduced number of data. The dataset is constituted by the total pressure loss coefficient distributions in the pitchwise direction. Two cascades are considered: the first for tuning the procedure and identifying the number of really requested tests, and the second for the verification of the proposed model. Since the POD space shows an optimal basis describing the overall process with a low rank representation (LRR), a smooth kernel is educated by means of Least-Squares method (LSM) on the POD eigenvectors. Particularly, only a subset of data (equal to the rank of the problem) has been used to generate the POD modes and related coefficients. Thanks to the LRR of the problem in the POD space, predictors are low order polynomials of the independent variables (Re, f + and f ). It will be shown that the smooth kernel adequately estimates the loss distribution in points that do not participate to the education. Thus, analysis show that the rank of the problem is lower than the tested conditions, and consequently a reduced number of tests are really necessary. This could be useful to reduce the number of hi-fidelity simulations or detailed experiments in the future.

Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 442
Jakub Czartowski ◽  
Karol Życzkowski

We analyse orthogonal bases in a composite N×N Hilbert space describing a bipartite quantum system and look for a basis with optimal single-sided mutual state distinguishability. This condition implies that in each subsystem the N2 reduced states form a regular simplex of a maximal edge length, defined with respect to the trace distance. In the case N=2 of a two-qubit system our solution coincides with the elegant joint measurement introduced by Gisin. We derive explicit expressions of an analogous constellation for N=3 and provide a general construction of N2 states forming such an optimal basis in HN⊗HN. Our construction is valid for all dimensions for which a symmetric informationally complete (SIC) generalized measurement is known. Furthermore, we show that the one-party measurement that distinguishes the states of an optimal basis of the composite system leads to a local quantum state tomography with a linear reconstruction formula. Finally, we test the introduced tomographical scheme on a complete set of three mutually unbiased bases for a single qubit using two different IBM machines.

A.V. Ryabykh ◽  
M.A. Pirogov ◽  
O.A. Maslova ◽  
S.A. Beznosyuk

In this work, computer simulation has been carried out, and the molecular parameters of oxygen and a superoxide ion have been calculated to select the most optimal basis set of functions for further quantum mechanical calculations that include the presence of reactive oxygen species. For each particle, the equilibrium bond lengths and averaged polarizabilities in a continuous dielectric aqueous medium are obtained with the Conductor-like Polarizable Continuum Model (CPCM) and Solvation Model based on Density (SMD). Calculations for the 16 basic sets are conducted using the Orca software package. The obtained numerical values are compared with experimental data. The electron affinity energy of the oxygen molecule is used as the main selection criterion. The total time of computer calculations for each basis set is considered, and the most optimal basis sets are selected. The basis sets 6-31+G(d), 6-311+G, def2-TZVPD, and aug-cc-pVDZ are recommended for numerical calculations of molecular systems incorporating molecular oxygen and superoxide radical as its reduction product.

Batteries ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Asanthi Jinasena ◽  
Odne Stokke Burheim ◽  
Anders Hammer Strømman

The increasing use of electric vehicle batteries in the world has a significant impact on both society and the environment. Thus, there is a need for the availability of transparent information on resource allocation. Battery manufacturing process details in this regard are not available in academia or the public. The available energy data on manufacturing has a high variation. Furthermore, different process steps have different energy and material demands. A process model can benchmark the energy usage, provide detailed process data, and compare various cell productions which in turn can be used in life-cycle assessment studies to reduce the variation and provide directions for improvements. Therefore, a cell manufacturing model is developed for the calculation of energy and material demands for different battery types, plant capacities, and process steps. The model consists of the main process steps, machines, intermediate products and building service units. Furthermore, the results are validated using literature values. For a case study of a 2 GWh plant that produces prismatic NMC333 cells, the total energy requirement on a theoretical and optimal basis is suggested to be 44.6Whinproduction/Whcellcapacity. This energy consumption in producing batteries is dominated by electrode drying, and dry room. Energy usage for a variety of cell types for a similar plant capacity shows that the standard deviation in the results is low (47.23±13.03Wh/Wh).

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