wold decomposition
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2021 ◽  
Guillermo Ferreira ◽  
Jorge Mateu ◽  
Emilio Porcu ◽  
Alfredo Alegría

Abstract An increasing interest in models for multivariate spatio-temporal processes has been noted in the last years. Some of these models are very flexible and can capture both marginal and cross spatial associations amongst the components of the multivariate process. In order to contribute to the statistical analysis of these models, this paper deals with the estimation and prediction of multivariate spatio-temporal processes by using multivariate state-space models. In this context, a multivariate spatio-temporal process is represented through the well-known Wold decomposition. Such an approach allows for an easy implementation of the Kalman filter to estimate linear temporal processes exhibiting both short and long range dependencies, together with a spatial correlation structure. We illustrate, through simulation experiments, that our method offers a good balance between statistical efficiency and computational complexity. Finally, we apply the method for the analysis of a bivariate dataset on average daily temperatures and maximum daily solar radiations from 21 meteorological stations located in a portion of south-central Chile.

2021 ◽  
pp. 255-270
James Davidson

This chapter reviews some important ideas from time series analysis. The concepts of stationarity, independence, and exchangeability are defined and illustrated with examples. The Poisson process is examined in detail and then the class of linear processes, noting the implications of the Wold decomposition. The final section studies the random walk and the reflection principle.

Boyu Li

We establish a Wold-type decomposition for isometric and isometric Nica-covariant representations of the odometer semigroup. These generalize the Wold-type decomposition for commuting pairs of isometries due to Popovici and for pairs of doubly commuting isometries due to Słociński.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 ◽  
pp. 119-127
A. Zamani ◽  
Z. Sajjadnia ◽  
M. Hashemi

10.3982/qe994 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 203-230 ◽  
Fulvio Ortu ◽  
Federico Severino ◽  
Andrea Tamoni ◽  
Claudio Tebaldi

This paper shows how to decompose weakly stationary time series into the sum, across time scales, of uncorrelated components associated with different degrees of persistence. In particular, we provide an Extended Wold Decomposition based on an isometric scaling operator that makes averages of process innovations. Thanks to the uncorrelatedness of components, our representation of a time series naturally induces a persistence‐based variance decomposition of any weakly stationary process. We provide two applications to show how the tools developed in this paper can shed new light on the determinants of the variability of economic and financial time series.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Marc Wildi ◽  
Tucker McElroy

AbstractThe classic model-based paradigm in time series analysis is rooted in the Wold decomposition of the data-generating process into an uncorrelated white noise process. By design, this universal decomposition is indifferent to particular features of a specific prediction problem (e. g., forecasting or signal extraction) – or features driven by the priorities of the data-users. A single optimization principle (one-step ahead forecast error minimization) is proposed by this classical paradigm to address a plethora of prediction problems. In contrast, this paper proposes to reconcile prediction problem structures, user priorities, and optimization principles into a general framework whose scope encompasses the classic approach. We introduce the linear prediction problem (LPP), which in turn yields an LPP objective function. Then one can fit models via LPP minimization, or one can directly optimize the linear filter corresponding to the LPP, yielding the Direct Filter Approach. We provide theoretical results and practical algorithms for both applications of the LPP, and discuss the merits and limitations of each. Our empirical illustrations focus on trend estimation (low-pass filtering) and seasonal adjustment in real-time, i. e., constructing filters that depend only on present and past data.

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