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K. A. Boikov

Introduction. Technical diagnostics (TD) as a nascent discipline is rapidly developing in the field of both software and hardware. Modern TD methods, such as vibrometry, thermal control, JTAG testing and optical control, either exhibit high inertia, consume processor time, require suspension of the electronic device, or demand a galvanic contact with the study object, which is often unacceptable. These disadvantages can be eliminated by passive radio-sensor TD. To date, little information has been published on the parameters of electronic devices provided by this method.Aim. Determination of the parameters of electronic devices, the assessment of which can be provided by passive radio-sensor TD.Materials and methods. Signal radio profiles were obtained experimentally using metrological equipment and software-numerical methods for modeling radio wave processes. The parameters of the signal radio profile were calculated by a mathematical method for solving differential equations.Results. The main principles and results of radio-sensor TD, as well as the simplest toolkit, are shown. An equation is obtained for the signal radio profile emitted by the electronic unit of the device, as well as an expression for its free components. An approach for assessing the TD correctness based on the number of free components of the received signal radio profile and the reference is described. The possibility of obtaining information about temperature, voltage drop, speed of emitting nodes, as well as the state of its components and modes of operation of p–njunctions is demonstrated. It is shown that this information is carried by the parameters of the basic equation for the signal radio profile.Conclusion. The derived basic equation allows a non-contact, remote passive radio-sensor TD to be conducted by correlation analysis of the received signal, providing a detailed examination of malfunctions in each electronic unit. The described TD method based on the presented parameters is promising for assessing the technical state of electronic devices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 362-371
Alexander Zemliak

The minimization of the processor time of designing can be formulated as a problem of time minimization for transitional process of dynamic system. A special control vector that changes the internal structure of the equations of optimization procedure serves as a principal tool for searching the best strategies with the minimal CPU time. In this case a well-known maximum principle of Pontryagin is the best theoretical approach for finding of the optimum structure of control vector. Practical approach for realization of the maximum principle is based on the analysis of behavior of a Hamiltonian for various strategies of optimization. The possibility of applying the maximum principle to the problem of optimization of electronic circuits is analyzed. It is shown that in spite of the fact that the problem of optimization is formulated as a nonlinear task, and the maximum principle in this case isn't a sufficient condition for obtaining a minimum of the functional, it is possible to obtain the decision in the form of local minima. The relative acceleration of the CPU time for the best strategy found by means of maximum principle compared with the traditional approach is equal two to three orders of magnitude.

Н. Н. Смирнов ◽  
В. В. Тюренкова ◽  
В. Ф. Никитин

Разработка алгоритмической компоновки и программ для расчета многомасштабных процессов горения является актуальной междисциплинарной темой фундаментальных исследований, которая объединяет методы информационных технологий, механики многокомпонентных сплошных сред, химии и математического моделирования. Задача разработки алгоритмической компоновки и подбора программ для расчета многомасштабных процессов горения набирает актуальность с каждым годом в связи как с интенсивным развитием вычислительных методов и моделей, так и с увеличением современных возможностей суперкомпьютерных вычислений. Практическая применимость разрабатываемых вычислительных моделей и методов охватывает проблемы энергетики, двигателестроения, взрывопожаробезопасности, а также интенсификации добычи полезных ископаемых с применением методов термохимического воздействия на пласт. Основными проблемами, возникающими в процессе моделирования, являются: а) многомасштабность, не позволяющая проводить моделирование всех задействованных процессов на единых даже масштабируемых сетках; б) жесткость и большая размерность системы дифференциальных уравнений для описания химической кинетики, решение которой может занимать 80% процессорного времени. Данная статья представляет обзор уже проведенных исследований в ФГУ ФНЦ НИИСИ РАН и анализ трудностей, с которыми столкнулись исследователи. В статье содержатся новые предложения по преодолению вычислительных трудностей и намечены пути их реализации. Возможность решения проблем в части многомасштабности видится в применении подходов многоуровневого моделирования, при котором детальное решение задачи более мелкого масштаба обрабатывается и вносится в качестве элемента модели более крупного масштаба. Для решения проблемы сокращения времени интегрирования уравнений многостадийной химической кинетики актуальным трендом является применение нейросетевых подходов и методов в рамках разрабатываемых вычислительных моделей. Этот подход в настоящее время развивается сотрудниками отдела вычислительных систем совместно с коллективом Центра оптико-нейронных технологий ФГУ ФНЦ НИИСИ РАН. The development of algorithms and software for analyzing multiscale combustion processes is a relevant field of fundamental research that combines the methods of information technologies, mechanics of multicomponent continua, combustion chemistry, and simulation. It gains relevance year to year due to the intensive development of computational methods and models, and with the increase in supercomputing performance. The applications of the proposed computational models and methods include energy, engine manufacturing, explosion and fire safety fields, as well as thermochemical mineral recovery stimulation methods. The key simulation problems are a. the problem is multiscale: all the processes involved cannot be simulated with the same grid, even a scalable one; b. the rigidity and large dimensionality of the system of differential equations that describes chemical kinetics. Its solution may take up to 80 % of the processor time. This paper is an overview of the research conducted at the Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis and an analysis of the difficulties faced by the researchers. It also proposes new ways for overcoming the computational difficulties and give some implementation considerations. To solve the multi-scale issue, multi-level modeling approaches can be used: a detailed solution to a smaller-scale problem is processed and introduced as a component of a larger-scale model. To reduce the integration time of the multi-stage chemical kinetics equations, the current approach is applying neural networks and methods to the existing computational models. This approach is currently being developed at the Department of Computing Systems in collaboration with the Center for Optical-Neural Technologies, SRISA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 8697
Drago Sever ◽  
Damjan Doler ◽  
Boštjan Kovačič

The elevation of airport runways is specified in the operations manuals and in globally accepted design guidelines. Airport runways are constantly exposed to various physical and weather factors. However, these factors can deteriorate the condition of the runway to the point where it becomes unusable. Monitoring and the continuous inspection of runway evenness is an important element of a sustainable airport maintenance system. An important element of a sustainable airport maintenance system is a runway evenness detection and modelling system. The investigation of the use of various available methods for modelling runway evenness was conducted based on measurements of the actual condition of the existing runway at Edvard Rusjan Airport in Maribor, Slovenia. During the measurements of the runway condition, our own measurement equipment was used, which ensures the geodetic accuracy of the measurements. The novelty of the article is a comparison between five different approaches to modelling runway evenness: approximation with regression plane, inverse distance weighted interpolation (IWD) with a weighting factor of 1, 2, and 10, and interpolation based on a triangulated irregular network (TIN)–linear and cubic. In the methodology section, the advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned methods were described. The selected models were evaluated by required processor time, by the file size resulting from the modelling, and by the values of the descriptive statistics of the model deviation at the average uniform slope. It was found that the modelling method using linear triangular irregular network interpolation provided the most useful results. The results of the conducted analysis can be easily used in any runway management models at airport thet allow for professionally based actions aimed at ensuring the safety and efficiency of runway operations, especially at smaller, regional airports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 302-310
O. A. Bessonov ◽  
N. A. Kharchenko ◽  

Numerical solution of aerothermodynamics problems requires a lot of processor time, and for this reason, the numerical codes for such simulations must be efficiently parallelized. This paper presents a software platform based on a technological approach that greatly simplifies the parallelization of problems with unstructured grids. The paper formulates the principle of a unified mathematical address space of the problem for all used cluster nodes. The formalization of the presented technological approach and the implementation of its software basis in the form of data structures, exchange routines and work rules form a software platform on the basis of which parallel computational programs can be built. This approach is implemented and tested for the problem of modeling the characteristics of aircrafts, but it can be applied to other problems using unstructured grids with one-dimensional cell numbering. In this case, the physical and mathematical specifics of the problem are not important. Parallelization of the code with the new approach is carried out with minimal effort, without changing the main parts of the program. As a result, a single computational code can be created for all regimes — sequential, multi-threaded, and cluster. The performance results obtained with the new code confirm the good scalability of the parallelization method.

2021 ◽  
Tanvi S Patel ◽  
Daxesh P Patel ◽  
Chirag N Patel

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was declared as a global emergency in January 2020 due to its pandemic outbreak. To examine this Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) effects various data are being generated through different platforms. This study was focused on the clinical data of COVID-19 which relied on python programming. Here, we proposed a machine learning approach to provide a insights into the COVID-19 information. PySpark is a machine learning approach which also known as Apache spark an accurate tool for the searching of results with minimum time intervals as compare to Hadoop and other tools. World Health Organization (WHO) started gathering corona patients data from last week of the February 2020. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. The cases became more evident and common after mid-March. This paper used the live owid (our world in data) dataset and will analyse and find out the following details on the live COVID-19 dataset. (1) The daily Corona virus scenario on various continents using PySpark in microseconds of Processor time. (2) After the various antibodies have been implemented, how they impact new cases on a regular basis utilizing various graphs. (3) Tabular representation of COVID-19 new cases in all the continents.

D Patalakh ◽  
A Prykhodko ◽  
K Lut ◽  
S.O Tykhovod

Purpose. Use of an improved numerical method of calculating transient processes in electrical circuits for modeling electromagnetic processes in nonlinear magneto-electric circuits, and also development of a circuit model based on this method, which leads to the convenience of calculation. Methodology. Approximation of functions by Chebyshevs polynomials, numerical methods of differential equations integrating, matrix methods, spline interpolation, programming, theory of electric and magnetic circuits. Findings. On the base of the well-known method of transient process analysis in linear electric circuits, the method of numerical calculation of transient processes in nonlinear magneto-electric equivalent circuits of transformer has been developed. By the help of the proposed method it is possible to reduce processing time for modeling electromagnetic processes in transformers. The example of using the developed method is shown. The computer program for modeling of electromagnetic transient in a single-phase transformer based on the described method has been developed. This example shows reduction of processor time by more than four times compared to examples of calculations based on other known methods. Originality. The method in which the solution of state differential equations is presented in the form of decomposition into a series along orthogonal Chebyshevs polynomials is used in this work. The polynomial approximation applied in this work is not corresponding to the solution function itself, but its derivative, which significantly reduces the error of integration of differential equations. Differential equations of state are transformed into linear algebraic equations for special images of solution functions. A principle is developed of constructing magneto-electric substitution circuits in which images of solution functions appear. Images of true dynamic currents and magnetic fluxes in the proposed equivalent scheme are interpreted as direct currents and direct magnetic fluxes. The used method has shown advantages in accuracy and time of simulation of electromagnetic transient over other known methods based on application of magneto-electric substitution circuits. Practical value. The developed method opens up the possibility of using the apparatus of the theory of electric and magnetic circuits to work with images of currents and magnetic fluxes. Based on this, a universal software complex is being developed to calculate transients in transformers of various constructions.

Leonid Markin ◽  
Lyudmila Bobrik

The paper presents a geometric model for evaluating the effective area of photovoltaic solar panels, taking into account their shading cast upon the object when it is exposed to a solar flux directed as it has been set. The relevance of such research is due to the fact that solar energy is a source of ecologically clean energy on earth, in space - it is often the only source of life support for inhabited space stations and future extraterrestrial settlements. It describes problem setting, namely physical and mathematical approaches to evaluating energy efficiency of pho- tovoltaic solar panels. To estimate energy efficiency, we have chosen a voxel geometric model which samples the normal working area. The developed voxel geometric model differs from others significantly, namely it employs 4-digit code instead of 2-digit. Such multi-digit feature allows the solving algorithm to “trace” the shade source quickly when calculating the total effective area of photovoltaic solar panels. The paper presents the software implementation of the described geometric model, the graphical shell, and the results of verification of the afore- said geometric model. The results of its testing (estimates of accuracy and performance) are given. This results showing sufficient accuracy for practice and high speed of calculations (less than 10 seconds of processor time).

A. Podus ◽  
D. Patalakh ◽  
S. Tykhovod

Purpose. Development of magnetoelectric substitution circuits using gyrator-capacitor models Methodology. Numerical methods for solving differential equations of state, mathematical apparatus of matrix algebra, computer programming and methods of electrical circuit theory. Findings. As a result of modification of the known method of calculation of transient electro-magnetic processes on the basis of magnetoelectric substitution circuits, the method using gyrator-capacitor models is developed.   On the basis of the developed method the computer program for calculation of transient process in the single-phase transformer which showed adequacy of a method is made. The universal software complex for modeling magnetoelectric substitution circuits Colo was modified. An example of using a modified Colo software complex to calculate a transients  in a three-phase transformer is shown. This example demonstrates additional clarity of compilated  magneto-electric substitution circuits and  reduction of the computer time modeling. Originality. Further development of methods for calculating electromagnetic processes based on nonlinear magnetoelectric substitution circuits was carried out. The mathematical model, which is taken as a principle of the universal Colo software complex, was modified by the way of  a new element application - a gyrator. It is allaw to achieve the systemic application of the gyratory-capacitor method of magnetoelectric substitution circuits. Practical value. The proposed modification of the universal software complex Colo allows to reduce the time of model development, preparation of initial data and to reduce the processor time of modeling of complex nonlinear electromagnetic devices.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 3054
Konstantin O. Petrosyants ◽  
Nikita I. Ryabov

The problem of thermal modeling of modern three-dimensional (3D) integrated circuit (IC) systems in packages (SiPs) is discussed. An effective quasi-3D (Q3D) approach of thermal design is proposed taking into account the specific character of 3D IC stacked multilayer constructions. The fully-3D heat transfer equation for global multilayer construction is reduced to the set of coupled two-dimensional (2D) equations for separate construction layers. As a result, computational difficulties, processor time, and RAM volume are significantly reduced, while accuracy can be provided. A software tool, Overheat-3D-IC, was developed on the base of the generalized Q3D package numerical model. For the first time, the global 3D thermal performances across the modern integrated circuit/through-silicon via/ball grid array (IC-TSV-BGA) and multi-chip (MC)-embedded printed circuit board (PCB) packages were simulated. A ten times decrease of central processing unit (CPU) time was achieved as compared with the 3D solutions obtained by commercial universal 3D simulators, while saving the sufficient accuracy. The simulation error of maximal temperature TMAX determination for different types of packages was not more than 10–20%.

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