We propose the objective long-range forecasting model based on Gaussian processes (OLRAF-GP), focusing on summertime near-surface air temperatures in June (1-month lead), July (2-month lead), and August (3-month lead). The predictors were objectively selected based on their relationships with the target variables, either from observations (GP-OBS) or from observations and dynamical climate model results from APEC Climate Center multi-model ensemble (APCC MME) for the period with no observed data (GP-MME). The performances of the OLRAF-GP models were compared with the model with pre-determined predictors from observations (GP-PD). Both GP-MME and GP-OBS outperformed GP-PD in June (Heidke skill score; HSS = 0.46, 0.72, and 0.16 for mean temperature) and July (HSS = 0.53, 0.3, and 0.07 for mean temperature). Furthermore, GP-MME mostly outperformed GP-OBS and GP-PD in August (HSS = 0.52, 0.28, and 0.5, respectively, for mean temperature), implying larger contributions of the additional predictors from MME. OLRAF-GP models, especially GP-MME, are expected to better forecast summertime temperatures in regions where existing models have been struggling. We find that the physical processes associated with the notable predictors are aligned with those in previous studies, such as the attribution of the La Niña conditions in the previous winter, the related Indian Ocean capacitor effect, and the impacts of wintertime Polar/Eurasia pattern. These results imply that the mechanisms of the objectively selected predictors can be physically meaningful, and their inclusion can improve model performance and efficiency.