n transformations
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2022 ◽  
Paul M. Mayer ◽  
Michael J. Pennino ◽  
Tammy A. Newcomer-Johnson ◽  
Sujay S. Kaushal

AbstractStream restoration is a popular approach for managing nitrogen (N) in degraded, flashy urban streams. Here, we investigated the long-term effects of stream restoration involving floodplain reconnection on riparian and in-stream N transport and transformation in an urban stream in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We examined relationships between hydrology, chemistry, and biology using a Before/After-Control/Impact (BACI) study design to determine how hydrologic flashiness, nitrate (NO3−) concentrations (mg/L), and N flux, both NO3− and total N (kg/yr), changed after the restoration and floodplain hydrologic reconnection to its stream channel. We examined two independent surface water and groundwater data sets (EPA and USGS) collected from 2002–2012 at our study sites in the Minebank Run watershed. Restoration was completed during 2004 and 2005. Afterward, the monthly hydrologic flashiness index, based on mean monthly discharge, decreased over time from 2002 and 2008. However, from 2008–2012 hydrologic flashiness returned to pre-restoration levels. Based on the EPA data set, NO3− concentration in groundwater and surface water was significantly less after restoration while the control site showed no change. DOC and NO3− were negatively related before and after restoration suggesting C limitation of N transformations. Long-term trends in surface water NO3− concentrations based on USGS surface water data showed downward trends after restoration at both the restored and control sites, whereas specific conductance showed no trend. Comparisons of NO3− concentrations with Cl− concentrations and specific conductance in both ground and surface waters suggested that NO3− reduction after restoration was not due to dilution or load reductions from the watershed. Modeled NO3− flux decreased post restoration over time but the rate of decrease was reduced likely due to failure of restoration features that facilitated N transformations. Groundwater NO3− concentrations varied among stream features suggesting that some engineered features may be functionally better at creating optimal conditions for N retention. However, some engineered features eroded and failed post restoration thereby reducing efficacy of the stream restoration to reduce flashiness and NO3− flux. N management via stream restoration will be most effective where flashiness can be reduced and DOC made available for denitrifiers. Stream restoration may be an important component of holistic watershed management including stormwater management and nutrient source control if stream restoration and floodplain reconnection can be done in a manner to resist the erosive effects of large storm events that can degrade streams to pre-restoration conditions. Long-term evolution of water quality functions in response to degradation of restored stream channels and floodplains from urban stressors and storms over time warrants further study, however.

2022 ◽  
Xiaoqian Dan ◽  
Lei Meng ◽  
Mengqiu He ◽  
Xiaoxiang He ◽  
Chang Zhao ◽  

Abstract Aims The understanding of the interactions between N transformations and N uptake by plants in greenhouse soils with large N accumulation is still not clear. The aim is to understand the plant- soil interactions (vegetables) on N transformations with respect to N supply. Methods 15N tracing studies were conducted in two greenhouse soils to simultaneously quantify soil gross N transformation and plant N uptake rates using the Ntraceplant tool. Results There were significant feedbacks between vegetable N uptake and soil gross N transformation rates, whether soil N accumulation occurred or not. Plant NO3– uptake rates (UNO3) were higher than the NH4+ uptake rates (UNH4), which is consistent with the NO3–-preference of the vegetable plants studied. While UNH4 was still responsible for 6-49% of total N uptake rates, significantly negative relationships between UNH4 and NH4+ immobilization rate and autotrophic nitrification rate (ONH4) were observed. ONH4 was significantly inhibited in the presence of plants and decreased with time. ONH4 (1.11 mg N kg-1 d-1) was much lower than UNO3 (8.29 mg N kg-1 d-1) in the presence of plants. However, heterotrophic nitrification rate (ONrec), which ranged from 0.10 to 8.11 mg N kg-1 d-1 was significantly stimulated and was responsible for 5-97% of NO3– production in all plant treatments, providing additional NO3– to meet N requirements of plants and microorganisms.Conclusions The management of organic N fertilizers should be improved to stimulate inorganic N production via heterotrophic nitrification in greenhouse cultivation.

2021 ◽  
Guigang Lin ◽  
Zuoqiang Yuan ◽  
Yansong Zhang ◽  
De-Hui Zeng ◽  
Xugao Wang

Abstract Tree-fungal symbioses are increasingly recognized to affect soil nitrogen (N) transformations, yet the role of soil microbes in the process is largely unclear. Soil microbes directly interact with trees and are a primary driver of many N transformation processes. Here, we explored the linkage among tree mycorrhizal associations, soil microbes and N transformation rates in a temperate forest of Northeast China. Across a gradient of increasing ectomycorrhizal (ECM) tree dominance, we measured soil acid-base chemistry, bacterial and fungal abundances, N-hydrolyzing enzyme activities, abundances and community composition of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria, and net N mineralization and net nitrification rates. Results showed that soil pH, exchangeable base cations, inorganic N concentrations and N transformation rates decreased with increasing ECM tree dominance. The ECM tree dominance was negatively related to soil bacterial and AOA amoA gene abundances, and positively to soil fungal abundances and β-N-acetylglucosaminidase activities. These shifts in soil microbial abundances and enzyme activities along the mycorrhizal gradient were linked with the increase in soil acidity with increasing ECM tree dominance. Structural equation models revealed that ECM tree dominance was not directly related to N transformation rates, but indirectly to net N mineralization rates via affecting bacterial and fungal abundances, and indirectly to net nitrification rates via influencing AOA amoA gene abundances. Collectively, our results indicate that soil microbes provide a mechanistic link between mycorrhizal associations and soil N transformations, and suggest that shifts in forest mycorrhizal associations under global change could have profound consequences for biogeochemical cycling of temperate forests.

2021 ◽  
Kathryn Glanville ◽  
G. Philip Robertson

Abstract PurposeExpected changes in rainfall patterns will affect the timing of N-mineralization and other N transformations, potentially promoting or suppressing biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). We test the hypotheses that BNF is more sensitive to changing rainfall patterns in summit vs. toeslope positions and in till vs. no-till consistent with patterns of soil texture and organic matter.MethodsAt a site in the upper Midwest USA, we measured soybean BNF 15N natural abundance at different landscape positions with and without supplemental rainfall and in till vs. no-till rainfall exclusion shelters to lengthen the dry periods between rainfall events. ResultsSoybean BNF was 41% higher at summit than toeslope positions, consistent with lower soil OM and coarser texture at summits. When precipitation was increased by 20%, BNF decreased at summit positions and was unaffected at toeslope positions. In a separate tillage experiment, with 3-week (but not 2-week) rainfall intervals, %BNF decreased 15% under conventional tillage and increased 14% under no-till. ConclusionsChanging rainfall patterns affected BNF differentially depending on landscape position and tillage in well-drained Alfisols. BNF was greater in summit than in toeslope positions and decreased with added rainfall. BNF under conventional tillage was more sensitive to longer rainfall intervals than was BNF under no-till. Models that incorporate these interactions will be better able to characterize legume crop performance and N use across landscapes and improve global estimates for BNF.

2021 ◽  
Arne Verstraeten ◽  
Elena Gottardini ◽  
Nicolas Bruffaerts ◽  
Johan Neirynck ◽  
Gerrit Genouw

Abstract The effects of pollen on dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) compounds in throughfall water are not completely understood. We conducted a 7-day leaching experiment with pollen from silver birch (including a sterilized control), European beech, sessile oak, Scots pine, Corsican black pine and Norway spruce using an immersion medium containing nitrate (11.295 mg N l-1). Within 2 hours, pollen released substantial amounts of potassium (K+), phosphate (PO3-) and organic compounds. Solute concentrations of ammonium (NH4+) were built up over time. In treatments with pollen from birch, oak and beech, nitrate (NO3-) concentrations started to decrease after 24–48 hours, while simultaneously nitrite (NO2-) emerged, but part of the inorganic nitrogen could no longer be detected in solution. For birch, sterilisation of the pollen made no difference, indicating that microorganisms on the pollen played no substantial role in the observed N transformations. Conditions in the samples were oxic (1.82–6.12 mg O2 l-1), rendering microbial denitrification unlikely. Our findings revealed that pollen from broadleaved deciduous trees can transform throughfall NO3- into NO2- and likely also nitric oxide (NO), probably through the nitrate reductase pathway. The synthesis of NH4+ might be part of a natural defence mechanism protecting reproductive organs against pathogens during pollination.

Vasyl Ustimenko ◽  
Oleksandr Pustovit

Multivariate cryptography (MC) together with Latice Based, Hash based, Code based and Superelliptic curves based Cryptographies form list of the main directions of Post Quantum Cryptography.Investigations in the framework of tender of National Institute of Standardisation Technology (the USA) indicates that the potential of classical MC working with nonlinear maps of bounded degree and without the usage of compositions of nonlinear transformation is very restricted. Only special case of Rainbow like Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar digital signatures is remaining for further consideration. The remaining public keys for encryption procedure are not of multivariate. nature. The paper presents large semigroups and groups of transformations of finite affine space of dimension n with the multiple composition property. In these semigroups the composition of n transformations is computable in polynomial time. Constructions of such families are given together with effectively computed homomorphisms between members of the family. These algebraic platforms allow us to define protocols for several generators of subsemigroup of affine Cremona semigroups with several outputs. Security of these protocols rests on the complexity of the word decomposition problem, Finally presented algebraic protocols expanded to cryptosystems of El Gamal type which is not a public key system.

2021 ◽  
Thomas D. Glaze ◽  
Dirk V. Erler ◽  
Henri. M. P. Siljanen

AbstractTropical scleractinian corals support a diverse assemblage of microbial symbionts. This ‘microbiome’ possesses the requisite functional diversity to conduct a range of nitrogen (N) transformations including denitrification, nitrification, nitrogen fixation and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). Very little direct evidence has been presented to date verifying that these processes are active within tropical corals. Here we use a combination of stable isotope techniques, nutrient uptake calculations and captured metagenomics to quantify rates of nitrogen cycling processes in a selection of tropical scleractinian corals. Denitrification activity was detected in all species, albeit with very low rates, signifying limited importance in holobiont N removal. Relatively greater nitrogen fixation activity confirms that corals are net N importers to reef systems. Low net nitrification activity suggests limited N regeneration capacity; however substantial gross nitrification activity may be concealed through nitrate consumption. Based on nrfA gene abundance and measured inorganic N fluxes, we calculated significant DNRA activity in the studied corals, which has important implications for coral reef N cycling and warrants more targeted investigation. Through the quantification and characterisation of all relevant N-cycling processes, this study provides clarity on the subject of tropical coral-associated biogeochemical N-cycling.

A. Nosalewicz ◽  
M. Maksim ◽  
M. Brzezińska ◽  
J. Siecińska ◽  
A. Siczek ◽  

AbstractApple pomace (AP) is an abundant waste causing environmental problems. Therefore, the aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of AP on soil and plant growth under optimum and limited water availability. Two laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of AP on: (i) hydrophysical properties, respiration, and N transformations in soil aggregates and (ii) the growth of wheat and faba bean in soil with addition of AP under optimum and limited water availability. The soil respiration rate increased rapidly after the introduction of AP, and the effect was dependent on the aggregate size. The reduction of nitrate and the increase in ammonium content in response to the AP addition were more pronounced in the larger aggregates. Reduced growth of wheat was noted in the dry soil supplemented with AP. Faba bean maintained its unchanged rate of growth after the application of AP, irrespective of water availability. An increase in the chlorophyll content was observed in faba bean grown in the AP-enriched soil. The apple pomace reduced the water wetting rate and increased the repellency index but did not affect the tensile strength of the soil aggregates. Disposal of AP as a soil amendment affects many indicators of soil quality. The application of AP to the soil has an impact on respiration and N transformations in the soil aggregates; moreover, it differently influences the growth of spring wheat and faba bean.

2021 ◽  
Mindaugas Zilius ◽  
Darius Daunys ◽  
Marco Bartoli ◽  
Ugo Marzocchi ◽  
Stefano Bonaglia ◽  

Abstract The effects of single macrofauna species on benthic nitrogen (N) cycling has been extensively studied, whereas the effect of macrofauna communities on N-related processes remains poorly explored. In this study, we characterized benthic N-cycling in bioturbated sediments of an oligotrophic northern Baltic waters (Öre estuary). Solute fluxes and N transformations (N2 fixation, denitrification and DNRA) were measured in sediments and in macrofauna-bacteria holobionts to partition the role of three dominant macrofauna taxa (Limnecola balthica, Marenzelleria sp. and Monoporeia affinis) in shaping N-cycling, and to disentangle the contribution of different functional groups within the community. In the studied area, benthic macrofauna comprised a low diversity community with extremely high local dominance of three macrofauna taxa, which are widespread and dominant in the Baltic. The biomass of these three taxa in the benthic community explained up to 30% of variation in measured biogeochemical processes, confirming their role in ecosystem functioning. The results also show that these taxa significantly contributed to the benthic metabolism and N-cycling (direct effect) as well as reworked sediments with positive feedback to dissimilative nitrate reduction (indirect effect). Taken together, these functions promoted a re-use of nutrient at the benthic level, limiting net losses (e.g. denitrification) and effluxes to bottom water. Finally, the detection of multiple N transformations in dominating macrofauna holobionts suggested a community-associated active and versatile microbiome, which alternatively contributes to the biogeochemical processes. The present study highlights hidden and interactive effects among microbes and macrofauna, which should be considered in analysing benthic functioning.

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