balance study
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2021 ◽  
Luise Wanner ◽  
Marc Calaf ◽  
Sreenath Paleri ◽  
Brian Butterworth ◽  
Ankur Desai ◽  

<p>Die Energiebilanzlücke, die durch die Unterschätzung latenter und fühlbarer Wärmeströme in Eddy-Kovarianz-Messungen entsteht, ist ein seit Jahrzehnten bekanntes Problem. Seither wurden verschiedene Ansätze zur Schließung der Lücke entwickelt, die zu einer Verbesserung der Instrumentierung und der Anwendung verschiedener Korrekturmethoden in der Datenaufbereitung geführt haben. Diese Maßnahmen führten bisher jedoch noch nicht zu einer vollständigen Schließung der Energiebilanzlücke. Ein wesentlicher Grund dafür ist, dass der Energietransport durch sub-mesoskalige atmosphärische Zirkulationen definitionsgemäß nicht durch Eddy-Kovarianz-Messungen mit typischen Mittelungszeiten erfasst werden kann. Es gibt bereits einige Ansätze, die verbleibende Lücke zu schließen, indem der fehlende Anteil in unterschiedlichen Verhältnissen den gemessenen fühlbaren und latenten Wärmeflüssen zugerechnet wird. Allerdings gibt es nur wenige Ansätze, die diesen fehlenden Anteil auf der Grundlage kausaler Faktoren bestimmen. Als wichtiger Faktor wurde neben der atmosphärischen Stabilität die Heterogenität der Landschaft, insbesondere die thermische Ungleichmäßigkeit, identifiziert. In einer idealisierten Large-Eddy-Simulationsstudie wurde daher ein neues Modell der Energiebilanzlücke in Abhängigkeit eines atmosphärischen Stabilitätsparameters und eines Heterogenitätsparameters, der sowohl die Amplitude der Oberflächentemperatur als auch die vorherrschende Heterogenitätsskala berücksichtigt, entwickelt. Dieses Modell kann mit nur wenigen zusätzlichen Messungen zur Korrektur von Eddy-Kovarianz-Messungen unter instabilen und konvektiven atmosphärischen Bedingungen in Landschaften unterschiedlicher Oberflächenheterogenität verwendet werden. Das Modell wurde an 17 Eddy-Kovarianz-Stationen, die im Sommer und Herbst 2019 über einen Zeitraum von drei Monaten im Rahmen der umfassenden CHEESEHEAD19 (Chequamegon Heterogeneous Ecosystem Energy-balance Study Enabled by a High-density Extensive Array of Detectors) Messkampagne im Norden Wisconsins (USA) betrieben wurden, getestet. Wir stellen das neue Modell und dessen Anwendung auf Feldmessungen vor.</p>

2021 ◽  
Masaki Osakabe ◽  
Hiromi Takahashi ◽  
Hiroshi Yamada ◽  
Kenji Tanaka ◽  
Tatsuya Kobayashi ◽  

Abstract In recent deuterium experiments on the Large Helical Device (LHD), we succeeded in expanding the temperature domain to higher regions for both electron and ion temperatures. Suppression of the Energetic particle driven resistive InterChange mode (EIC) by a moderate electron temperature increase is a key technique to extend the high temperature domain of LHD plasmas. We found a clear isotope effect in the formation of the Internal Transport Barrier (ITB) in high temperature plasmas. A new technique to measure the hydrogen isotope fraction was developed in the LHD in order to investigate the behavior of the isotope mixing state. The technique revealed that the non-mixing and the mixing states of hydrogen isotopes can be realized in plasmas. In deuterium plasmas, we also succeeded simultaneously realizing the formation of the Edge Transport Barrier (ETB) and the divertor detachment. It is found that Resonant Magnetic Perturbation (RMP) plays an important role in the simultaneous formation of the ETB and the detachment. Contributions to fusion reactor development from the engineering point of view, i.e. Negative-ion based Neutral Beam Injector (N-NBI) research and the mass balance study of tritium, are also discussed

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 216
Carlo Perrone ◽  
William Schilling ◽  
James J. Callery ◽  
Elizabeth A. Ashley ◽  
Mary Chambers ◽  

Background: The COPCOV study (chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine prevention of coronavirus disease), which started recruitment in April 2020, is a multi-country double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial which is being conducted in healthcare facilities involved in COVID-19 case management. COPCOV aims to recruit healthcare workers and other staff employed in facilities managing people with proven or suspected COVID-19. Methods: We conducted a series of engagement sessions, each involving a short presentation of the study, a section where attendees were asked to express if they would be interested in participating in such a study and which information they would need to change their view and an open Q&A section. Answers were transcribed and coded into themes by two independent investigators. Themes were derived from the data. The aims were to assess the feasibility of the study at the respective sites, to identify context-specific ethical issues, to understand concerns potential participants might have, to fine tune research procedures and to refine COPCOV information materials. They complemented other site-specific engagement, communication and public relation activities such as press releases and websites. Results: From 16th March 2020 to 20th January 2021, 12 engagement sessions were conducted in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal and the UK involving 213 attendees in total. The sessions were designed to encourage potential participants and research professionals not directly involved in the project to interact with those who planned the study and those conducting it. Many attendees were keen to join the study while others had concerns. Questions raised revolved around the social value and study rationale; safety of trial medications and risk-benefit balance; study design and commitments. Conclusions: These sessions helped us refine information materials, identify misunderstandings about the study as well as complement site feasibility assessments. Our experience strongly supports the use of participatory practices prior to conducting clinical trials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 6929-6954
Stefan Metzger ◽  
David Durden ◽  
Sreenath Paleri ◽  
Matthias Sühring ◽  
Brian J. Butterworth ◽  

Abstract. The observing system design of multidisciplinary field measurements involves a variety of considerations on logistics, safety, and science objectives. Typically, this is done based on investigator intuition and designs of prior field measurements. However, there is potential for considerable increases in efficiency, safety, and scientific success by integrating numerical simulations in the design process. Here, we present a novel numerical simulation–environmental response function (NS–ERF) approach to observing system simulation experiments that aids surface–atmosphere synthesis at the interface of mesoscale and microscale meteorology. In a case study we demonstrate application of the NS–ERF approach to optimize the Chequamegon Heterogeneous Ecosystem Energy-balance Study Enabled by a High-density Extensive Array of Detectors 2019 (CHEESEHEAD19). During CHEESEHEAD19 pre-field simulation experiments, we considered the placement of 20 eddy covariance flux towers, operations for 72 h of low-altitude flux aircraft measurements, and integration of various remote sensing data products. A 2 h high-resolution large eddy simulation created a cloud-free virtual atmosphere for surface and meteorological conditions characteristic of the field campaign domain and period. To explore two specific design hypotheses we super-sampled this virtual atmosphere as observed by 13 different yet simultaneous observing system designs consisting of virtual ground, airborne, and satellite observations. We then analyzed these virtual observations through ERFs to yield an optimal aircraft flight strategy for augmenting a stratified random flux tower network in combination with satellite retrievals. We demonstrate how the novel NS–ERF approach doubled CHEESEHEAD19's potential to explore energy balance closure and spatial patterning science objectives while substantially simplifying logistics. Owing to its modular extensibility, NS–ERF lends itself to optimizing observing system designs also for natural climate solutions, emission inventory validation, urban air quality, industry leak detection, and multi-species applications, among other use cases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 171 ◽  
pp. 107122
Thi Yen Chau Nguyen ◽  
Lan Huong Tran ◽  
Lucie Coudert ◽  
Kristin K. Mueller ◽  
Guy Mercier ◽  

2021 ◽  
Jun Wang ◽  
Hongmin Zhang ◽  
Deqian Mao ◽  
Hongxing Tan ◽  
Wei Yu ◽  

Abstract Background: Appropriate iodine intake for adults is essential to reduce the prevalence of thyroid diseases, but there is little research data on iodine requirement of Chinese population. This study aimed to explore the iodine requirement of young adults to maintain a healthy status based on ‘overflow theory’.Methods: Iodine-balance experiment has been performed in this project. We conducted an 18-day study consisted of a 6-day acclimation period and 3 consecutive experimental stages in 37 Chinese healthy young adults (23 female and 14 male). Each stage was consumed for 4 days. Strictly-controlled low-iodine intake diets were provided for adults in the first period, an egg or 125mL milk was added in the second and third period, respectively. The dietary samples, 24-h urine specimens and faeces of volunteers were collected daily for assessment of iodine intake and excretion in volunteers.Results: Mean values of iodine intake (22.7±3.6, 35.1±3.7, and 52.2±3.8μg/d), excretion (64.7±13.9, 62.3±12.6, and 94.3±14.5μg/d) and iodine balance (-35.2±19.5, -21.0±19.8, and -33.5±26.9μg/d) were significantly different among three periods for male (P<0.001 for all); mean values of iodine intake (16.6±3.1, 29.7±2.7, and 48.0±2.7μg/d), and excretion (47.0±9.9, 55.5±8.1, and 75.7±12.4μg/d) were significantly different among three periods for female (P < 0.001 for all). No significant difference was observed among the 3 periods for female in the iodine balance (-30.5±9.3, -25.9±7.3, and -27.6±12.1μg/d). The linear regression equation of iodine excretion on iodine intake was Y=0.979X+37.04 (male) and Y=0.895X+31.48 (female). Compared with stage 2, iodine excretion increments in stage 3 had exceeded the iodine intake increment for men. The ratio of increment was 1.675 for male when the average iodine intake was 52.2μg/d in stage 3. When the iodine excretion increment equaled to the iodine intake increment, the daily iodine intake of men was 47.0μg.Conclusion: We have evaluated the iodine requirement of young adults in southern China based on overflow theory. Our results indicate the lower limit of iodine requirement for Chinese young men is 47.0μg/d. The trial was registered at as ChiCTR1800014877.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 216
Carlo Perrone ◽  
William Schilling ◽  
James J. Callery ◽  
Elizabeth A. Ashley ◽  
Mary Chambers ◽  

Background: The COPCOV study (chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine prevention of coronavirus disease), which started recruitment in April 2020, is a multi-country double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial which is being conducted in healthcare facilities involved in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case management. COPCOV aims to recruit healthcare workers and other staff employed in facilities managing people with proven or suspected COVID-19. Methods: We conducted a series of engagement sessions, each involving a short presentation of the study, a section where attendees were asked to express if they would be interested in participating in such a study and which information they would need to change their view and an open Q&A section. Answers were transcribed and coded into themes by two independent investigators. Themes were derived from the data. The aims were to assess the feasibility of the study at the respective sites, to identify context-specific ethical issues, to understand concerns potential participants might have, to fine tune research procedures and to refine COPCOV information materials. They complemented other site-specific engagement, communication and public relation activities such as press releases and websites. Results: From 16th March 2020 to 20th January 2021, 12 engagement sessions were conducted in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal and the UK involving 213 attendees in total. The sessions were designed to encourage potential participants and research professionals not directly involved in the project to interact with those who planned the study and those conducting it. Many attendees were keen to join the study while others had concerns. Questions raised revolved around the social value and study rationale; safety of trial medications and risk-benefit balance; study design and commitments. Conclusions: These sessions helped us refine information materials, identify misunderstandings about the study as well as complement site feasibility assessments. Our experience strongly supports the use of participatory practices prior to conducting clinical trials.

Xiaojie Wu ◽  
Jian Meng ◽  
Hong Yuan ◽  
Dafang Zhong ◽  
Jicheng Yu ◽  

Contezolid (MRX-I), a novel oxazolidinone antibiotic, was recently approved for the treatment of serious Gram-positive infections. The pharmacokinetics and disposition of [ 14 C]contezolid were investigated in a single-dose human mass balance study. Cross-species comparison of plasma exposure for contezolid and metabolites was performed, and the safety of the disproportionate metabolite in human was evaluated with additional nonclinical studies. After an oral administration of 99.1 μCi/602 mg dose of [ 14 C]contezolid, approximately 91.5% of the radioactivity was recovered in 0–168 h postdose, mainly in urine and followed by feces. The principal metabolic pathway of contezolid in human comprised an oxidative ring opening of 2,3-dihydropyridin-4-one fragment into polar metabolites MRX445-1 and MRX459, with recovery of approximately 48% and 15% of the dose, respectively, in urine and feces. Contezolid, MRX445-1, and MRX459 accounted for 68.0%, 19.5%, and 4.84% of the plasma exposure of the total radioactivity, respectively. Metabolites MRX445-1 and MRX459 were observed in disproportionately higher amounts in human plasma as compared to that rat or dog, the rodent and nonrodent species used for the general nonclinical safety assessment of this molecule. This discrepancy was resolved with additional nonclinical studies, wherein the primary metabolite, MRX445-1, was further characterized. The no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of MRX445-1 was determined as 360 mg/kg/day in 14-day repeat-dose test in pregnant and non-pregnant SD rats. Furthermore, MRX445-1 exhibited no antibacterial activity in vitro. Thus, MRX445-1 is not expected to exert clinically relevant pharmacology and toxicity.

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