emission frequency
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Diana Schoeppler ◽  
Annette Denzinger ◽  
Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler

Doppler shift (DS) compensating bats adjust in flight the second harmonic of the constant-frequency component (CF2) of their echolocation signals so that the frequency of the Doppler shifted echoes returning from ahead is kept constant with high precision (0.1-0.2%) at the so-called reference frequency (fref). This feedback adjustment is mediated by an audio-vocal control system which correlates with a maximal activation of the foveal resonance area in the cochlea. Stationary bats adjust the average CF2 with similar precision at the resting frequency (frest), which is slightly below the fref. Over a variety of time periods (from minutes up to years) variations of the coupled fref and frest have been observed, and were attributed to age, social influences and behavioural situations in rhinolophids and hipposiderids, and to body temperature effects and flight activity in Pteronotus parnellii. We assume that, for all DS compensating bats, a change in body temperature has a strong effect on the activation state of the foveal resonance area in the cochlea which leads to a concomitant change in emission frequency. We tested our hypothesis in a hipposiderid bat, Hipposideros armiger, and measured how the circadian variation of body temperature at activation phases affected frest. With a miniature temperature logger, we recorded the skin temperature on the back of the bats simultaneously with echolocation signals produced. During warm-up from torpor strong temperature increases were accompanied by an increase in frest, of up to 1.44 kHz. We discuss the implications of our results for the organization and function of the audio-vocal control systems of all DS compensating bats.

2021 ◽  
Elnaz Pilehvar ◽  
Ehsan Amooghorban ◽  
Mohammad Kazem Moravvej-Farshi

Abstract We investigate the propagation of a normally incident squeezed coherent state of light through dispersive non-Hermitian optical bilayers, particularly at a frequency that the bilayers hold parity-time (PT) symmetry. To check the realization of PT-symmetry in quantum optics, we reveal how dispersion and loss/gain-induced noises and thermal effects in such bilayers can affect quantum features of the incident light, such as squeezing and sub-Poissonian statistics. The numerical results show thermally-induced noise at room temperature has an insignificant effect on the propagation properties in these non-Hermitian bilayers. Moreover, tuning the bilayers’ loss/gain strength, we show that the transmitted squeezed coherent states through the structure can retain to some extent their nonclassical characteristics, specifically for the frequencies far from the emission frequency of the gain layer. Furthermore, we demonstrate, only below a critical value of gain, quantum optical effective medium theory can correctly predict the propagation of quantized waves in non-Hermitian and PT-symmetric bilayers.

2021 ◽  
Kareesa Kron ◽  
Jonathan Ryan Hunt ◽  
Jahan Dawlaty ◽  
Shaama Mallikarjun Sharada

Interactions between excited state arenes and amines can lead to the formation of structures with distinct emission behavior. These excited state complexes or exciplexes can reduce the ability of the arene to participate in other reactions, such as CO2 reduction, or increase the likelihood of degradation via Birch reduction. Exciplex geometries are necessary to understand photophysical behavior and probe degradation pathways but are challenging to calculate. We establish a detailed computational protocol for calculation, verification, and characterization of exciplexes. Using fluorescence spectroscopy, we first demonstrate the formation of exciplexes between excited state oligo-(p-phenylene) (OPP), shown to successfully carry out CO2 reduction, and triethylamine (TEA). Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) is employed to optimize the geometries of these exciplexes, which are validated by comparing both emission energies and their solvatochromism with experiment. Excited state energy decomposition analysis confirms the predominant role played by charge transfer interactions in the red-shift of emissions relative to the isolated excited state OPP*. We find that although the exciplex emission frequency depends strongly on solvent dielectric, the extent of charge separation in an exciplex does not. Our results also suggest that the formation of solvent-separated ionic radical states upon complete electron transfer competes with exciplex formation in higher dielectric solvents, thereby leading to reduced exciplex emission intensities in fluorescence experiments.

V. Ilienko ◽  
M. Gerashchenko ◽  
A. Los ◽  
O. Sautin ◽  
O. Siryk

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) allow effective solving the problems of reconnaissance, relaying information on targets to means of fire destruction and striking on any type of object. However, there are many problematic issues regarding the creation of a communication system for remote control of UAV of medium and long range, obtaining video information about reconnaissance objects in real time. The methods allow to estimate the value of the deviation of the carrier frequency of the transmitter of the radio communication channel of unmanned aerial system (UAS) in the normal mode of its operation from the value of the prototype stated by the Developer based on the instrumental measurement of the average or assigned frequency of modulated radio emission. The purpose of the article is to consider the methods, technical means and conditions of instrumental evaluation of the radio emission frequency of UAV‟s radio channels transmitters by means of radio frequency control. This technique defines a set of procedures and rules for instrumental evaluation (measurement) of radio frequency of UAVs prototypes radio transmitters by means of radio frequency control in order to verify compliance of its parameters with the requirements of technical conditions or specifications for experimental aircraft.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
K. P. Zhou ◽  
Y. T. Niu ◽  
W. N. Liu ◽  
Z. D. Wang ◽  
S. H. Guo ◽  

Very low-frequency (VLF) and ultralow-frequency (ULF) electromagnetic waves have the advantage of high penetration and low propagation loss in wireless communication systems and are mainly used for underwater and underground communications, as well as for earthquake and lightning forecasting. At present, VLF and ULF antennas are mostly bulky and require hundreds of antennas and more to be set up, which is costly and inefficient. In this paper, we propose to generate VLF and ULF signals by rotating a multilayer multipair electret thin-film electret driven by an excitation device, which improves the problem of low radiation efficiency of VLF and ULF signals and the large size of conventional low-frequency transmitting antennas. Based on a multilayer, multipair electret film mechanical antenna, a magnetic field propagation model is developed, and the relationship between the magnetic flux density mode and the number of layers of electret films, as well as the relationship between the antenna emission frequency and the motor rotation frequency and the number of pairs of electret films, is analyzed. The selection of a suitable model for practical situations based on conditions such as antenna size and propagation distance is illustrated. The research work is of great importance for guiding the design of mechanical antennas and optimizing antenna structures.

2021 ◽  
Sheng Lai ◽  
Xiaobin Tang ◽  
Yunpeng Liu ◽  
Junxu Mu ◽  
Zhaopeng Feng ◽  

Abstract Carbon nanotube (CNT) field-emission X-ray source has great potential in X-ray communication (XCOM) because of its controllable emission and instantaneous response. A novel voltage loading mode was proposed in this work to achieve high-frequency pulse X ray-emission. The characteristics of cathode current and pulse X-ray versus voltage, frequency, and pulse amplitude were studied, and XCOM data transmission experiment was carried out. Results showed that the CNT cold cathode X-ray source, as a communication signal source, could work in 1.05 MHz pulse emission frequency. When the grid voltage was higher than 470 V, the pulse X-ray waveform amplitude achieved peak, and the shape exhibited a pseudo square wave. The duty cycle of the X-ray waveform exceeded 50%, reaching 56% when the pulse frequency reached 1 MHz. In the XCOM data transmission experiment, the pulsed X-ray waveform was well consistent with the loading data signal voltage waveform under different pulse-emission frequencies. This work realized the X-ray high-frequency pulse emission of CNT cold cathode X-ray source and lays a foundation for the development and application of CNT cold cathode X-ray source in XCOM.

2021 ◽  
Adrian Chappell ◽  
Nicholas Webb ◽  
Mark Hennen ◽  
Charles Zender ◽  
Philippe Ciais ◽  

Abstract. Dust emissions influence global climate while simultaneously reducing the productive potential and resilience of landscapes to climate stressors, together impacting food security and human health. Vegetation is a major control on dust emission because it extracts momentum from the wind and shelters the soil surface, protecting dry and loose material from erosion by winds. Many of the current dust emission models (TEM) assume that the Earth’s land surface is constantly devoid of vegetation, then adjust the dust emission using a vegetation cover reciprocal, and finally calibrate to dust in the atmosphere. We compare this approach with an albedo-based dust emission model (AEM) which calibrates Earth’s land surface shadow to shelter depending on wind speed, to represent aerodynamic roughness spatio-temporal variation. We also compare these dust emission models with estimates of dust in the atmosphere using dust optical depth frequency (DOD). Using existing datasets of satellite observed dust emission from dust point sources (DPS), we show that during the same period, DOD frequency exceeds DPS frequency by up to two orders of magnitude (RMSEDOD = 67 days). Relative to DPS frequency, both models over-estimated dust emission frequency by up to one order of magnitude (RMSETEM = 6 days; RMSEAEM = 4 days) but showed strong relations with DPS frequency suitable for calibrating models to observed dust emission. Theoretically, the TEM is incomplete in its formulation, which despite the pragmatic adjustment using the vegetation cover reciprocal, causes dust emission to be highly dependent on wind speed and over-estimates large (> 0.1 kg m−2 a−1) dust emission over vast vegetated areas. Consequently, the TEM produces considerable falsely positive change in dust emission, relative to the AEM. Since the main difference between the dust emission models is the treatment of aerodynamic roughness we conclude that its crude representation in the TEM has caused large, previously unknown, uncertainty in Earth System Models (ESMs). Our results indicate that tuning dust emission models to dust in the atmosphere has hidden for more than two decades, these TEM modelling weaknesses and its poor performance. The AEM overcomes these weaknesses and improves performance without tuning. In ESMs the AEM can be driven by available prognostic albedo to represent the fidelity of drag partition physics to reduce uncertainty of aerosol effects on, and responses to, contemporary and future environmental change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2127 (1) ◽  
pp. 012037
V M Epikhin ◽  
M M Mazur ◽  
A V Ryabinin ◽  
P V Kamaushkin ◽  
L I Mazur

Abstract Acousto-optic modulators/frequency shifters based on TeO2 crystals with single-mode optical fibers supporting and not supporting polarization for collimated and focused light beams at radiation wavelengths of 785, 1064, 1550 nm have been developed, produced and experimentally investigated. The mechanisms of formation and methods of expanding the working band of the modulator are determined. A double-crystal acousto-optic laser emission frequency shifter with an working bandwidth of ≈40 MHz has been created. Single-crystal modulators based on collimated beams with a frequency band of ≈10 MHz are considered. A single-crystal modulator with a focused light beam with a switching time of ≈ 18 ns and an extended reception band of ≈ 40 MHz is investigated. It is shown that a light beam focusing makes it possible to implement a modulator with a minimum switching time of ≈ (2-3) ns. This value is limited by electrical breakdown of the ultrasonic wave transmitter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-52
Alexander Potapov ◽  
Tatyana Polyushkina ◽  
B. Tsegmed

The layering of the ionosphere leads to the formation of resonators and waveguides of various kinds. One of the most well-known is the ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) whose radiation can be observed both on Earth’s surface and in space in the form of a fan-shaped set of discrete spectral bands (DSB), the frequency of which changes smoothly during the day. The bands are formed by Alfvén waves trapped between the lower part of the ionosphere and the altitude profile bending of Alfvén velocity in the transition region between the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. Thus, IAR is one of the important mechanisms of the ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction. The emission frequency lies in the range from tenths of hertz to about 8 Hz — the frequency of the first harmonic of the Schumann resonance. The review describes in detail the morphology of the phenomenon. It is emphasized that the IAR emission is a permanent phenomenon; the probability of observing it is primarily determined by the sensitivity of the equipment and the absence of interference of natural and artificial origin. The daily duration of the DSB observation almost completely depends on the illumination conditions of the lower ionosphere: the bands are clearly visible only when the D layer is shaded. Numerous theoretical IAR models have been systematized. All of them are based on the analysis of the excitation and propagation of Alfvén waves in inhomogeneous ionospheric plasma and differ mainly in sources of oscillation generation and methods of accounting for various factors such as interaction of wave modes, dipole geometry of the magnetic field, frequency dispersion of waves. Predicted by all models of the cavity and repeatedly confirmed experimentally, the close relationship between DSB frequency variations and critical frequency foF2 variations serves as the basis for searching ways of determining in real time the electron density of the ionosphere from IAR emission frequency measurements. It is also possible to estimate the profile of the ion composition over the ionosphere from the data on the IAR emission frequency structure. The review also focuses on other results from a wide range of IAR studies, specifically on the results that revealed the influence of the interplanetary magnetic field orien tation on oscillations of the resonator, and on the facts of the influence of seismic disturbances on IAR.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 39-56
Alexander Potapov ◽  
Tatyana Polyushkina ◽  
B. Tsegmed

The layering of the ionosphere leads to the formation of resonators and waveguides of various kinds. One of the most well-known is the ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) whose radiation can be observed both on Earth’s surface and in space in the form of a fan-shaped set of discrete spectral bands (DSB), the frequency of which changes smoothly during the day. The bands are formed by Alfvén waves trapped between the lower part of the ionosphere and the altitude profile bending of Alfvén velocity in the transition region between the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. Thus, IAR is one of the important mechanisms of the ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction. The emission frequency lies in the range from tenths of hertz to about 8 Hz — the frequency of the first harmonic of the Schumann resonance. The review describes in detail the morphology of the phenomenon. It is emphasized that the IAR emission is a permanent phenomenon; the probability of observing it is primarily determined by the sensitivity of the equipment and the absence of interference of natural and artificial origin. The daily duration of the DSB observation almost completely depends on the illumination conditions of the lower ionosphere: the bands are clearly visible only when the D layer is shaded. Numerous theoretical IAR models have been systematized. All of them are based on the analysis of the excitation and propagation of Alfvén waves in inhomogeneous ionospheric plasma and differ mainly in sources of oscillation generation and methods of accounting for various factors such as interaction of wave modes, dipole geometry of the magnetic field, frequency dispersion of waves. Predicted by all models of the cavity and repeatedly confirmed experimentally, the close relationship between DSB frequency variations and critical frequency foF2 variations serves as the basis for searching ways of determining in real time the electron density of the ionosphere from IAR emission frequency measurements. It is also possible to estimate the profile of the ion composition over the ionosphere from the data on the IAR emission frequency structure. The review also focuses on other results from a wide range of IAR studies, specifically on the results that revealed the influence of the interplanetary magnetic field orien tation on oscillations of the resonator, and on the facts of the influence of seismic disturbances on IAR.

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