outdoor teaching
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2021 ◽  
Britta Brügge ◽  
Matz Glantz ◽  
Klas Sandell ◽  
Therese Lundqvist Jones

Friluftsliv explored doesn’t only include nature knowledge, techniques in the outdoors and outdoor pedagogics but also covers ecology, human ecology, geography, environmental and societal questions, history, health, biology, craft and lots of practical activities -both for urban and rural friluftsliv. In this translation to English of the revised fifth edition of the Swedish book there are many activities and the text is suitable for the modern day. Friluftsliv embraces the feeling around the campfire, paddling along winding rivers and walking towards the distant blue mountains. But, it is also to whittle a stick, to remember your waterproofs and to find your way home. Knowledge emerges when you combine imagination with facts and the glint in your eyes, using all our outdoor environments: forests, water, the coast, mountains and the nature close at hand. Emotion is to swim in crystal clear water far out in the archipelago and to see the clouds gliding across the sky. But also, to be able to present other sides of yourself, to be fascinated by your own body, the struggling ant and the sight of frost on trees. Quality of life is to experience friluftsliv – as it happens!

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Anne Berit Emstad ◽  
Alex Strømme ◽  
Bård Knutsen ◽  
Dag Atle Lysne

Denne studien undersøker om uteskole i lærerutdanningen har betydning for nyutdan-nede læreres bruk av uteskole. Flere studier understreker nødvendigheten av at lærere utvikler ferdigheter, selvtillit og reflekterende praksis for å overkomme barrierer og utfordringer de møter når de skal gjennomføre uteskole. Det er ikke alltid lagt vekt på denne type undervisning i lærerutdanningene, og nyutdannede lærere kan derfor mangle kunnskaper og erfaringer med å planlegge og gjennomføre uteundervisning. Studien omfatter 22 PPU-studenter i naturfag og er en longitudinell aksjonsstudie der vi følger studentene gjennom PPU-studiet og deres første yrkesår. Lærerstudentene fikk først et teoretisk grunnlag om uteskole, ble deretter posisjonert som «elever» i et modellert undervisningsopplegg, og til slutt planla og gjennomførte de uteundervisning med elever. På slutten av deres første yrkesår ble fire av deltakerne intervjuet. Funnene indikerer at de nyutdannede lærerne har potensielle handlingskompetanser til å gjennomføre uteskole. Likevel har de i mindre grad realisert handlingskompetansene i egen undervisning på grunn av rammefaktorer i skolen som ikke fremmer bruk av alternative læringsarenaer. Utfordringer var også knyttet til overføring av handlings-kompetansene til andre kontekster enn den de erfarte i lærerutdanningen. Vi argumen-terer for at modellert undervisning og autentiske opplevelser i lærerutdanningen er viktige for å utvikle studentenes handlingskompetanser og undervisningspraksis. Nøkkelord: uteskole, naturfag, lærerutdanning, handlingskompetanser Does outdoor education in teacher education contribute to outdoor education during teachers’ first year as professionals? AbstractThis study investigates whether outdoor education in teacher education has an impact on the use of outdoor education by new teachers. Several studies emphasize the need for teachers to develop skills, confidence, and reflective practices to overcome barriers and challenges they face in completing outdoor education. Emphasis is not always placed on this type of teaching in teacher education, and newly qualified teachers may therefore lack the knowledge and experience to plan and conduct outdoor education. The study comprises 22 PPU science students (a one-year teacher education for students that already have a degree in physics and/or biology and/or chemistry) and is a longitudinal action study where we follow the students through the PPU education and their first year as professional teachers. The students were first given a theoretical basis on outdoor education, then positioned as "pupils" (students in upper secondary school) in a modeled teaching program, and finally, they planned and conducted outdoor teaching with real school students. At the end of their first year as professional teachers, four of the participants were interviewed. The findings indicate that the newly graduated teachers have potential acting competences to complete outdoor education. Nevertheless, they have to a lesser extent realized the acting competences in their own teaching due to framework factors in the school that do not promote the use of alternative learning arenas. Challenges were also linked to the transfer of the competences to action in contexts other than those experienced in teacher education. We argue that modeled teaching and authentic experiences in teacher education are important for developing students' action competences and teaching practices. Keywords: outdoor education, natural science, teacher education, action competences

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Rita Rena Pudyastuti

Learning outside the classroom (outdoor study) is an effort to create learning, to avoid boredom and perceptual learning only in class. The approach to learning outside the classroom uses several methods such as assignment, question and answer, and learning while doing or practicing with learning situations while playing. Students get bored quickly with conventional methods. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of pre and post test using the method of learning outdoor study on Communication subjects to increase the learning achievement of Nursing Health Department Vocational High School students totaling 80 students. The design of this study is Quasi Experiment research. Data collection methods that will be used in this study are pre test and post test questionnaires distributed to students of the Nursing Department, before and after the Communication teaching and learning process using outdoor teaching methods and conventional methods. To analyze data using paired T Test. The results obtained are that there is a significance between the pre test and post test of the learning outdoor method, which is 0.00. But the use of conventional methods is not significant with a result of 0.50. Keywords: Learning method, outdoor, conventional

Ann-Catherine Henriksson

This article examines what key aspects primary teachers highlight when they describe their use of out of school learning in the science subjects. The empirical study is made in the form of a semi-structured interview with primary teachers (N=15). Compared to earlier research in the area the results highlight the importance of clear learning aims for the outdoor sequence. The results show that teachers view outdoor education as an opportunity to study nature "for real", which, according to teachers, increases the interest of the children. As aspects that obstruct outdoor teaching, teachers mainly describe different organizational-economic aspects. In their description of the learning content in the outdoor education, teachers mainly talk about the students’ interest (affective motivations) and the concrete activity or act (process-oriented motivations). The scientific subject knowledge is limited in the teachers’ descriptions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-229 ◽  
Kari Beate Remmen ◽  
Merethe Frøyland

Despite its rich learning potential, outdoor science activities are challenging to integrate in classroom teaching. Therefore, this paper synthesizes theory, findings and experiences from 20 years of research – and development projects aiming to integrate outdoor teaching in school science, resulting in a pedagogical model called "Extended classroom". Discussing "Extended classroom" in light of related frameworks in the literature, we propose that the "Extended classroom" offers more explicit tools for teachers in designing outdoor science activities that foster opportunities for students to develop deeper learning. In addition, "Extended classroom" seems to facilitate collaboration between classroom teachers and external professionals. 

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-83

This study investigates the relationship between deterministic and probabilistic reasoning when students experiment on a real-world situation involving uncertainty. Twelve students, aged eight to nine years, participated in an outdoor teaching activity that called for reflection on the growth of sunflowers within the frame of a sunflower lottery, where students were involved in the process of creating their own empirical data of the growth. However, the study shows not only that the students do not make use of data for predicting the outcome of an uncertain event, but also how this can be explained by students’ attention to deterministic features of the situation, brought to the fore within an ecology context and connected to a conceptual principle of ‘sharing’. First published November 2013 at Statistics Education Research Journal Archives

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