volumetric strain
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2022 ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Tong Zhang ◽  
Yankun Ma ◽  
Shuaibing Song ◽  
Ming Tang ◽  

Abstract The permeability and mechanical behavior in sandy mudstone are crucial to the hazard prevention and safety mining. In this study, to investigate the evolution and characteristic of permeability and mechanical properties of mudstone during the in-site loading process, triaxial compression-seepage experiments were performed. The increase of permeability and decrease of mechanical strength gradually evaluated to the decrease of permeability and increase of mechanical strength subjected to the increase of confining stress from 5 to 15 MPa, which corresponds to the transformation from brittleness to ductility of mudstone, and the transformation threshold of 10 MPa confining stress was determined. The shear fractures across the sample at brittle regime, while shear fracture does not cross the sample or even be not generated at semibrittle and ductile state. The dynamic decrease, slight decrease, and residual response were determined in axial strain, and the divided zone increases with the increase of confining stress. The relatively higher permeability corresponds to the higher pore pressure as the increase of confining stress. The volumetric strain increases as the increase of confining stress, compared to that decrease correspond to the increase of the pore pressure, and the higher volumetric strain and the lower permeability. In addition, an improved permeability model was developed to describe the loading-based permeability behavior considering the Klinkenberg effect.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 308
Karol Skowera ◽  
Zbigniew Rusin

Modernized technological processes or increasing demands on building materials force the scientific community to analyze in more detail the suitability of individual raw materials and deposits. New or modernized research methodologies make it possible to better understand not only the geometrical structure of the pore space of materials but also the processes taking place in them and the interaction of many factors at the same time. Despite the extensive literature in the field of research on capillary-porous materials, scientists still face many challenges because not everything is known. Carbonate rocks are the most common (one-tenth of Earth’s crust) sedimentary rocks. Analysis of the test results obtained with the use of the modernized differentia analysis of volumetric strain (DAVS) methodology allows for a better adjustment of rock deposits to the products that can be produced from them. In this manner, it is possible that it will contribute to a more rational use of exhaustible rock deposits and not only carbonate ones. This research subject is of great importance for modern science, which was also noted in many of science publications.

Elena Ferretti ◽  
Massimo Moretti ◽  
Alberto Chiusoli ◽  
Lapo Naldoni ◽  
Francesco De Fabritiis ◽  

This paper is part of the research on 3D printing of earthen housing modules, made with earth taken in situ. Previous studies have already led to the definition of 3D printed earthen elements for the external cladding of single-story wooden load-bearing structures. With this work, we intend to take a step forward in the use of 3D printed earthen elements, studying their load-bearing capacity for vertical loads. The goal is to create load-bearing structures entirely in earth, with two or more floors. To this end, the present work investigates two of the major presumed criticalities of 3D printed elements under vertical load, namely the detachments due to poor cohesion between extruded layers and the detachments between internal infill and external coating. The uniaxial compression test on a specially 3D printed wall segment did not actually show any particular danger for the stability of the structure, due to detachment phenomena. Rather, the experimental results showed some quite anomalous mechanical behaviors for a brittle construction material (studied at the mesoscale), especially as regards Poisson’s modulus and volumetric strain. The main experimental finding concerns the contribution of the internal infill, which seems to have a structural function and not just a filling function.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 12124
Zaven G. Ter-Martirosyan ◽  
Armen Z. Ter-Martirosyan ◽  
Huu H. Dam

This article presents a solution for the quantitative evaluation of the stress–strain state (SSS) and the bearing capacity of rectangular foundations, factoring in the unit weight of the soil mass and different values of pre-overburden pressure (POP). In order to assess the SSS of the soil subgrade below a rigid rectangular footing under a uniformly distributed load, the authors applied the Boussinesq basic solution for an elastic half-space subjected to a vertical point load on its surface. As a result, the formulas for vertical stress, mean stress, shear strain, and volumetric strain for any point in Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) and foundation settlement were determined. Additionally, the application of Hencky’s system of physical equations, with non-linear dependencies between mean stress and volumetric strain as well as deviator stress and shear strain, along with the experimental curves, depicts the relationships between bulk modulus and volume stress, and shear modulus and shear stress. The authors point out the non-linear behavior of the subgrade soil and propose a method for estimating the bearing capacity of a rigid rectangular foundation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-127
Raul Mollehuara-Canales ◽  
Nikita Afonin ◽  
Elena Kozlovskaya ◽  
Juha Lunkka ◽  

We applied active-source seismic method for the interpretation of elastic parameters in tailings facilities which is essential for evaluating stability and seismic response. The methodology uses different analysis methods on the same dataset, i.e., conventional seismic refraction (SR) to determine compressional-wave velocity (Vp) and multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) to estimate shear-wave velocity (Vs). Seismic velocities in conjunction with tailings physics approach revealed interpretable data in terms of elastic parameters and hydrogeological conditions. The results determined the empirical linear relationships between Vp and Vs that are particular to an unconsolidated media such as tailings and showed that variability of hydrogeological conditions influences the elastic seismic response (Vp and Vs) and the elastic parameters. The analysis of the elastic parameters identified the state condition of the tailings at the time of the survey. The Bulk modulus K that relates the change in hydrostatic stress to the volumetric strain was predominant between 1.0−2.0 GPa. The Young’s modulus E in the tailings media was in the low range of 0.15−0.23 GPa. Poisson’s ratio values in all sections were in the upper limit in the range of 0.37−0.49, meaning that the tailings media is highly susceptible to transverse deformation under axial compression.

Geology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Marco Bonini

Earthquakes can trigger increased degassing in hydrogeological systems. Many of these systems return to preseismic conditions after months, but sometimes postseismic degassing lasts for years. The factors controlling such long-lasting degassing are poorly known. I explored the potential role of diverse triggering mechanisms (i.e., dynamic and static stress changes, volumetric strain) for three large earthquakes that induced postseismic degassing (the Wenchuan [China], Maule [Chile], and Gorkha [Nepal] earthquakes). The lessons from this study suggest that hydrogeological systems can respond to earthquakes in various ways, and different causal mechanisms can play a role. Persistent increased CO2 flux from hot springs has been documented after the Gorkha earthquake. These hot springs had their feeder systems dominantly unclamped, suggesting that sufficiently large normal stress changes may sustain late postseismic degassing. The results of this study are twofold: (1) they show a spatial correlation between unclamping stress and increased gas flow, and (2) they provide an explanation for protracted increased degassing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Di Zhao ◽  
Yifan Zeng ◽  
Xiaolong Sun ◽  
Aoshuang Mei

There is a coupling relationship between surrounding rock stress, deformation, and fracture evolution, especially in the microdynamics of the crust caused by mining activities and earthquakes. Previous research has investigated many cases regarding the coseismal water level responses and proposed a method to calculate the aquifer parameters by tidal analysis. However, to date, measurement of the degree of rock damage in the field has not been reported. Quantifying the fracture characteristics is essential for accurate evaluation of rock stability. This study has analyzed the relationship between the seismograms and hydroseismograms in response to the Mw 7.8 Solomon Islands earthquake and the Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake, both events occurring in 2016. The calculated and measured changes in water level in the X10 well were fitted in order to study the relationships among the volumetric strain, the deviatoric strain, and the oscillations in the pore pressure. Then, we further estimate the degree of rock damage and the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer. The results showed that the values for the rock damage parameter, 0.662 < αD < 0.754, and the Skempton coefficient, −0.100 < A < 0.026, estimated for the Solomon Islands earthquake signified higher damage and dilatancy in the X10 well. Also, the respective values for the parameters, 0.293 < αD < 0.363 and 0.226 < A < 0.251, calculated for the Kaikōura earthquake signified a lower degree of rock damage. It is concluded that the changes in the pore pressure were influenced by both the volumetric strain and the deviatoric strain. The degree of rock damage and the hydraulic properties of the aquifer estimated from the water level fluctuations in the wells which were induced by the seismic waves represent the actual aquifer characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Jiuchang Zhang ◽  
Yue Li ◽  
Rubin Wang

Gravelly soils exhibit complicated mechanical behaviours closely related to particle breakage and relative density state. To better capture the mechanical responses of gravelly soils, a generalised plastic model considering evolution of void ratio and particle breakage was developed within the framework of critical state soil mechanics. In the model, particle breakage effect was described by incorporating breakage index to deviate the critical state line off the ideal position. A differential equation relating increment of void ratio to variation of volumetric strain was used to depict the evolution of current void ratio. It indirectly reflected the relative density state of gravelly soils. The model was applied to conducting numerical simulations for a series of triaxial tests on four types of gravelly soils. Comparisons between the test data and the modelling results indicated that considerations of void ratio evolution and particle breakage could better simulate the stress-dependent dilatation/contraction behaviours of gravelly soils.

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