internal capital market
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (034) ◽  
pp. 1-30
Arun Gupta ◽  

This study uncovers the existence of a trillion-dollar internal capital market that played a central role in the financing of dealer banks during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. Hand-collecting a novel set of dealer microdata at the subsidiary level, I present the first set of facts on the evolution of interaffiliate loans between U.S. primary dealers and their (primarily foreign) siblings. First, the aggregate size of these dealer internal capital markets quadrupled from $335 billion in 2001 to $1.2 trillion by 2007. Second, 25 percent of total repurchase agreements and 61 percent of total securities lending reported on U.S. primary dealer balance sheets were sourced internally from sibling dealers by year-end 2007. Third, internal securities lending collapsed by 55 percent during the 2008 crisis. These facts suggest that incorporating internal capital market dynamics may be fruitful for future research on dealer behavior and market liquidity.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Xin Xiang

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine whether and how internal capital markets mitigate financial constraints and enhance firms' willingness to engage in R&D projects.Design/methodology/approachThe study uses panel data relating to 2,095 publicly traded firms in the Chinese A-share market for the period 2007–2019. The tobit regression method is applied to explore R&D investment–cash flow sensitivity of group affiliates, while the systematic generalised method of moments and dynamic ordinary least squares models are adopted to address the endogeneity problem in the robustness test.FindingsThis study finds that firms affiliated with business groups demonstrate lower R&D investment–cash flow sensitivity than non-affiliated firms do and that R&D investments are significantly influenced by the cash reserves of other group members. In terms of financing channels, this study demonstrates that group firms use internal cash and equity financing to support other members' R&D investments, while debt financing does not influence member firms' R&D investments. In addition, this study discovers that R&D spending harms the stock and operating performance of some group members.Practical implicationsThe findings of this study enable business groups to focus on resource allocation and investment efficiency.Originality/valueAlthough prior studies indicate that internal capital markets can enhance R&D spending, few studies reveal the mechanisms through which internal capital markets benefit R&D. This study uses a unique methodology to test the ability of the internal capital market to enhance R&D spending. In addition, group firms use internal cash flow and equity financing to support partners' R&D projects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Kanglong Hong

Investment behavior is one of the three major financial decisions of a company. Based on this, this paper takes China's private listed enterprises from 2004 to 2017 as samples, and through literature review and empirical analysis, studies the influence of the major shareholder's investment background on the company's investment behavior. It is found that the investment background of the major shareholder is positively correlated with the cash outflow from the company. At the same time, the major shareholders with investment experience tend to choose the pyramid shareholding structure with financing advantages. After the introduction of shareholding structure, the above positive relationship has a significant change: the internal capital market brought by the pyramid shareholding structure can promote the major shareholder with investment background to find more potential investment opportunities and promote the scale of cash outflow from the company's investment, while the direct shareholding structure can inhibit the promotion effect. To sum up, the investment background provides the major shareholder with subjective motivation and ability to conduct investment, while the pyramid shareholding structure creates objective conditions for him to some extent. The research conclusion of this paper enriches the theoretical research on the high-level echelon theory and the motivation of the existing corporate investment behavior, and provides some reference significance for the investors in the capital market to judge the investment decisions of the company and identify the sustainable development and expansion ability of the company.

2021 ◽  
Ulyana Vatamanyuk-Zelinska ◽  
Ivanna Pedchenko ◽  

The article analyzes the meaning of the concept of "public debt" according to the views of domestic and foreign scholars. The essence of this term according to norms of the Budget code of Ukraine is investigated. The activity of public authorities in the management of debt obligations of our state is considered. The state and dynamics of public debt of Ukraine for the period 2015-2019 are studied. The structure of public debt of Ukraine according to its division into external and internal is analyzed, and the shares of external and domestic debt in the total amount of public and state-guaranteed debt are determined. The dynamics of public debt obligations in terms of the amount of public and state-guaranteed debt is shown. The structure of external and internal debts of the state budget of Ukraine to the main creditors and the dynamics of payments for its repayment are described. The dynamics of the ratio of public debt to GDP of Ukraine is calculated and analyzed. The activity of a new state structure – the Debt Agency of Ukraine – in the field of debt management of our state has been studied. It is determined that a significant problem of the state is to ensure the debt burden. Ways to solve the problem of debt burden are proposed, among which an important measure is proposed – to strengthen control over the effective use of borrowed projects. It is determined that the best step in improving the system of management of debt obligations of the state can be stimulated the development of the internal capital market with the involvement of private reorientation from external to internal prevention. In modern conditions, both market economies and developing countries have inherent needs for additional funds to cover the budget deficit. This situation necessitates the constant search for additional sources of financing government liabilities, in particular, such as loans. Thus, the additional funds raised make it possible to increase total expenditures under conditions of lower national income only through a balanced and effective government policy in the field of borrowing. However, the downside of debt obligations is that sooner or later they must be repaid and interest paid for the use of these borrowed funds. The purpose of the study is to determine the structure and dynamics of public debt of Ukraine, as well as the features of its repayment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 773-811 ◽  
Raffaele Santioni ◽  
Fabio Schiantarelli ◽  
Philip E Strahan

Abstract Firms affiliated with business groups survive the stress of the global financial and euro crises better than unaffiliated firms. Using granular data from Italy, we show that better performance stems partly from access to an internal capital market, as the survival value of group-affiliated firms increases with group-wide cash flow. Internal cash transfers increase when banks’ health deteriorates, with funds moving from cash-rich to cash-poor firms and, some evidence suggests, to firms with favorable investment opportunities. Internal capital markets’ role thus increases when external markets (banks) are distressed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (1) ◽  
pp. 14005
Ghahhar Zavosh ◽  
Samira Fallah ◽  
Olivier Bertrand

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