invariant torus
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22

Abstract Consider an analytic Hamiltonian system near its analytic invariant torus $\mathcal T_0$ carrying zero frequency. We assume that the Birkhoff normal form of the Hamiltonian at $\mathcal T_0$ is convergent and has a particular form: it is an analytic function of its non-degenerate quadratic part. We prove that in this case there is an analytic canonical transformation—not just a formal power series—bringing the Hamiltonian into its Birkhoff normal form.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Benoit Estienne ◽  
Blagoje Oblak ◽  
Jean-Marie Stéphan

The gapless modes on the edge of four-dimensional (4D) quantum Hall droplets are known to be anisotropic: they only propagate in one direction, foliating the 3D boundary into independent 1D conduction channels. This foliation is extremely sensitive to the confining potential and generically yields chaotic flows. Here we study the quantum correlations and entanglement of such edge modes in 4D droplets confined by harmonic traps, whose boundary is a squashed three-sphere. Commensurable trapping frequencies lead to periodic trajectories of electronic guiding centers; the corresponding edge modes propagate independently along S^1S1 fibers, forming a bundle of 1D conformal field theories over a 2D base space. By contrast, incommensurable frequencies produce quasi-periodic, ergodic trajectories, each of which covers its invariant torus densely; the corresponding correlation function of edge modes has fractal features. This wealth of behaviors highlights the sharp differences between 4D Hall droplets and their 2D peers; it also exhibits the dependence of 4D edge modes on the choice of trap, suggesting the existence of observable bifurcations due to droplet deformations.

2021 ◽  
Yanggeng Fu ◽  
Jibin Li

Abstract In this paper, we study the bifurcations of invariant torus and knotted periodic orbits for generalized Hopf-Langford type equations. By using bifurcation theory of dynamical systems, we obtain the exact explicit form of the heteroclinic orbits and knot periodic orbits. Moreover, under small perturbation, we prove that the perturbed planar system has two symmetric stable limit cycles created by Poincare bifurcations. Therefore, the corresponding three-dimensional perturbed system has an attractive invariant rotation torus.

Xiaoming Zhang ◽  
Chao Zeng ◽  
Denghui Li ◽  
Jianhua Xie ◽  
Celso Grebogi

2021 ◽  
Vol 109 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 534-550
S. D. Glyzin ◽  
A. Yu. Kolesov ◽  
N. Kh. Rozov

2021 ◽  
Vol 270 (1319) ◽  
Abed Bounemoura ◽  
Jacques Féjoz

Some scales of spaces of ultra-differentiable functions are introduced, having good stability properties with respect to infinitely many derivatives and compositions. They are well-suited for solving non-linear functional equations by means of hard implicit function theorems. They comprise Gevrey functions and thus, as a limiting case, analytic functions. Using majorizing series, we manage to characterize them in terms of a real sequence M M bounding the growth of derivatives. In this functional setting, we prove two fundamental results of Hamiltonian perturbation theory: the invariant torus theorem, where the invariant torus remains ultra-differentiable under the assumption that its frequency satisfies some arithmetic condition which we call BR M _M , and which generalizes the Bruno-Rüssmann condition; and Nekhoroshev’s theorem, where the stability time depends on the ultra-differentiable class of the pertubation, through the same sequence M M . Our proof uses periodic averaging, while a substitute for the analyticity width allows us to bypass analytic smoothing. We also prove converse statements on the destruction of invariant tori and on the existence of diffusing orbits with ultra-differentiable perturbations, by respectively mimicking a construction of Bessi (in the analytic category) and Marco-Sauzin (in the Gevrey non-analytic category). When the perturbation space satisfies some additional condition (we then call it matching), we manage to narrow the gap between stability hypotheses (e.g. the BR M _M condition) and instability hypotheses, thus circumbscribing the stability threshold. The formulas relating the growth M M of derivatives of the perturbation on the one hand, and the arithmetics of robust frequencies or the stability time on the other hand, bring light to the competition between stability properties of nearly integrable systems and the distance to integrability. Due to our method of proof using width of regularity as a regularizing parameter, these formulas are closer to optimal as the the regularity tends to analyticity.

Riccardo Montalto

AbstractWe prove the existence of small amplitude, time-quasi-periodic solutions (invariant tori) for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equation on the d-dimensional torus $$\mathbb T^d$$ T d , with a small, quasi-periodic in time external force. We also show that they are orbitally and asymptotically stable in $$H^s$$ H s (for s large enough). More precisely, for any initial datum which is close to the invariant torus, there exists a unique global in time solution which stays close to the invariant torus for all times. Moreover, the solution converges asymptotically to the invariant torus for $$t \rightarrow + \infty $$ t → + ∞ , with an exponential rate of convergence $$O( e^{- \alpha t })$$ O ( e - α t ) for any arbitrary $$\alpha \in (0, 1)$$ α ∈ ( 0 , 1 ) .

Nonlinearity ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (9) ◽  
pp. 4512-4539
Murilo R Cândido ◽  
Douglas D Novaes ◽  
Claudia Valls

2019 ◽  
Vol 875 ◽  
pp. 476-519
B. An ◽  
J. M. Bergada ◽  
F. Mellibovsky

We employ lattice Boltzmann simulation to numerically investigate the two-dimensional incompressible flow inside a right-angled isosceles triangular enclosure driven by the tangential motion of its hypotenuse. While the base flow, directly evolved from creeping flow at vanishing Reynolds number, remains stationary and stable for flow regimes beyond $Re\gtrsim 13\,400$, chaotic motion is nevertheless observed from as low as $Re\simeq 10\,600$. Chaotic dynamics is shown to arise from the destabilisation, following a variant of the classic Ruelle–Takens route, of a secondary solution branch that emerges at a relatively low $Re\simeq 4908$ and appears to bear no connection to the base state. We analyse the bifurcation sequence that takes the flow from steady to periodic and then quasi-periodic and show that the invariant torus is finally destroyed in a period-doubling cascade of a phase-locked limit cycle. As a result, a strange attractor arises that induces chaotic dynamics.

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