incompressible navier stokes equation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2145 (1) ◽  
pp. 012021
W Kongpiboolkid ◽  
R Mongkolnavin

Abstract The gas tunnel type plasma jet is an effective heat source for thermal processing applications such as plasma spraying. The key concept of gas tunnel plasma is its torch configuration, especially the role of the vortex gas flow. This is very important for the stability and energy density of the plasma jet produced. This work studied the flow of gas vortex in 3 dimensions using a finite element simulation. The simulation is based on solving partial differential equations where the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation is used as a governing equation that describes the laminar flow. The geometry of the plasma torch investigated is based on the design by A. Kobayashi. Key parameters investigated were gas pressure, velocity and profile of the vortex. It can be shown that the simulation produced results that are better matched to the experimental result than the calculation done in previous work. The simulation can also show detailed pictures of the vortex and its properties within the plasma chamber. This study could be useful in the design optimization of the plasma torch in the future.

Riccardo Montalto

AbstractWe prove the existence of small amplitude, time-quasi-periodic solutions (invariant tori) for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equation on the d-dimensional torus $$\mathbb T^d$$ T d , with a small, quasi-periodic in time external force. We also show that they are orbitally and asymptotically stable in $$H^s$$ H s (for s large enough). More precisely, for any initial datum which is close to the invariant torus, there exists a unique global in time solution which stays close to the invariant torus for all times. Moreover, the solution converges asymptotically to the invariant torus for $$t \rightarrow + \infty $$ t → + ∞ , with an exponential rate of convergence $$O( e^{- \alpha t })$$ O ( e - α t ) for any arbitrary $$\alpha \in (0, 1)$$ α ∈ ( 0 , 1 ) .

Lunji Song

To simulate incompressible Navier–Stokes equation, a temporal splitting scheme in time and high-order symmetric interior penalty Galerkin (SIPG) method in space discretization are employed, while the local Lax-Friedrichs flux is applied in the discretization of the nonlinear term. Under a constraint of the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condition, two benchmark problems in 2D are simulated by the fully discrete SIPG method. One is a lid-driven cavity flow and the other is a circular cylinder flow. For the former, we compute velocity field, pressure contour and vorticity contour. In the latter, while the von Kármán vortex street appears with Reynolds number 50≤Re≤400, we simulate different dynamical behavior of circular cylinder flows, and numerically estimate the Strouhal numbers comparable to the existing experimental results. The calculations on vortex dominated flows are carried out to investigate the potential application of the SIPG method.

Andreas Almqvist ◽  
Evgeniya Burtseva ◽  
Kumbakonam Rajagopal ◽  
Peter Wall

Most of the problems in lubrication are studied within the context of Reynolds’ equation, which can be derived by writing the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation in a dimensionless form and neglecting terms which are small under the assumption that the lubricant film is very thin. Unfortunately, the Reynolds equation is often used even though the basic assumptions under which it is derived are not satisfied. One example is in the mathematical modelling of elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL). In the EHL regime, the pressure is so high that the viscosity changes by several orders of magnitude. This is taken into account by just replacing the constant viscosity in either the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation or the Reynolds equation by a viscosity-pressure relation. However, there are no available rigorous arguments which justify such an assumption. The main purpose of this two-part work is to investigate if such arguments exist or not. In Part A, we formulate a generalised form of the Navier-Stokes equation for piezo-viscous incompressible fluids. By dimensional analysis of this equation we, thereafter, show that it is not possible to obtain the Reynolds equation, where the constant viscosity is replaced with a viscosity-pressure relation, by just neglecting terms which are small under the assumption that the lubricant film is very thin. The reason is that the lone assumption that the fluid film is very thin is not enough to neglect the terms, in the generalised Navier-Stokes equation, which are related to the body forces and the inertia. However, we analysed the coefficients in front of these (remaining) terms and provided arguments for when they may be neglected. In Part B, we present an alternative method to derive a lower-dimensional model, which is based on asymptotic analysis of the generalised Navier-Stokes equation as the film thickness goes to zero.

2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
pp. 877-892
Jamel Benameur ◽  
Lotfi Jlali

AbstractIn this paper, we prove a global well-posedness of the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation under initial data, which belongs to the Lei-Lin-Gevrey space $\begin{array}{} Z^{-1}_{a,\sigma} \end{array}$(ℝ3) and if the norm of the initial data in the Lei-Lin space 𝓧−1 is controlled by the viscosity. Moreover, we will show that the norm of this global solution in the Lei-Lin-Gevrey space decays to zero as time approaches to infinity.

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