disk radius
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2021 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 53-55
V.V. Nazarenko

The present paper is devoted to small radius accretion disk formation in microquasar CYG X-1. The results show that in the case of the strong wind action on a disk the disk radius is about of 20 ÷ 30 per sent of accretor’s Roche lobe radius (it is about of 0.08 of orbital separation) instead of the standard disk radius equal to 80 ÷ 85 per sent of accretor’s Roche lobe radius (the last magnitude is a disk radius equal to 0.22 of orbital separation). In the present paper we try to resolve the problem that is arising in the case of microquasars when we investigate the accretion disk formation in these objects. Indeed, since the microquasars are the massive close binary systems (MCBS) in which the donor is massive stars of O-B class the strong wind is blowing from these stars. In this case the problem is arising: what is the situation in which an accretion disk in microqausars is formed. By the other words, it means what are the processes and the matter that are responsible for an accretion disk formation in microquasars: is this matter from one-point stream only or a disk is formed from the donor’s wind in essential or one is formed from both processes simul- taneously. This question is not idle since one is strong affects on ON-OFF state generations in the precession mechanism model. Since this mechanism is strong depending from the magnitude of the disk centre density and all the parameters affecting on it are very important for calculations. The matter configuration in the vicinity of one-point is one of these parameters that strong affects on ON-OFF state production and disk structure and the central disk density. By this reason we have investigated in the present paper how the disk structure is depending from the wind  configuration in the vicinity of one-point.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 56-58
V.V. Nazarenko

The present paper is devoted to the investigation how the disk structure is depending from the one-point wind one in microquasar CYG X-1. The results show that when the region in which the wind is absent in the vicinity of one-point has the size less or equal to 0.07 the disk radius is very small, order of 0.08 in units of orbital separation. When this size is increased to 0.115 the disk radius becomes to be of standard size to be equal to 0.22 in units of orbital separation. By the other words these results show that the disk structure is strong depending from many factors including and the donor’s wind configuration in the vicinity of one-point. This configuration is inherent to microquasars only. Indeed, since microqausars are the massive close binary systems; the donor in these systems is massive star from which the strong radiation- driving wind is blowing. On the other hand, in microquasars accretion disks are present and it means that one-point stream is also present in microqausars. It in turn means that the matter configuration in the vicinity of one-point is very complicated since the high mass loss rate donor’s wind and one-point stream must be existing in the vicinity of one-point simultaneously. This situation maybe resolved when we suppose that the central source in an accretion disk will influence on the donor’s atmosphere structure in the vicinity of  one-point and in turn will be result in the break of wind in the vicinity of one-point. This finally will be means that one-point stream will be existing in one-point without a wind and it, flowing in the accretor’s Roche lobe, will be result in an accretion disk forma- tion. Here one problem is arising: what is the configuration of wind in the extended vicinity of one-point  and from what the parameters this configuration is depending and haw this configuration will be results to the disk structure change. We good understand that this situation is arising in the case of microquasars only and we try to resolve this problem in the present paper.

Ömer Can Farukoğlu ◽  
İhsan Korkut

Circumferentially fiber reinforced composite disk, which has a variable thickness, is modeled via analytical approaches. The disk is subjected to rotation in traction free conditions and decreasing, constant, and increasing steady state radial temperature gradients along the disk radius. Limit angular velocities are calculated by operating Tsai-Wu and Norris failure indexes to the problem. Subsequently, these limit velocities are gradually decreased to examine the stress and displacement fields. Acquired results show that as the angular velocity drops, the effects of temperature gradients become more visible. At lower angular velocities, these gradients may even alter the stress field directions. Also, different failure criteria implementation may change the calculated limit velocities to a considerable degree. Therefore, the failure index should be chosen attentively to procure conservative results. In the investigation, the influence of disk geometry on the directional stresses is studied as well. Without further ado, it can be expressed that the geometry causes slight alterations in stresses and displacements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Yoshiaki Hagiwara ◽  
Shinji Horiuchi ◽  
Masatoshi Imanishi ◽  
Philip G. Edwards

Abstract We present the results of second-epoch ALMA observations of 321 GHz H2O emission toward two nearby active galactic nuclei, NGC 4945 and the Circinus galaxy, together with Tidbinbilla 70 m monitoring of their 22 GHz H2O masers. The two-epoch ALMA observations show that the strengths of the 321 GHz emission are variable by a factor of at least a few, confirming a maser origin. In the second epoch, 321 GHz maser emission from NGC 4945 was not detected, while for the Circinus galaxy the flux density significantly increased and the velocity gradient and dispersion have been measured. With the velocity gradient spanning ∼110 km s−1, we calculate the disk radius to be ∼28 pc, assuming disk rotation around the nucleus. We also estimate the dynamical mass within the central 28 pc to be 4.3 × 108 M ☉, which is significantly larger than the larger-scale dynamical mass, suggesting the velocity gradient does not trace circular motions on that scale. The overall direction of the velocity gradient and velocity range of the blueshifted features are largely consistent with those of the 22 GHz maser emission in a thin disk with smaller radii of 0.1–0.4 pc and molecular outflows within ∼1 pc from the central engine of the galaxy, implying that the 321 GHz masers could trace part of the circumnuclear disk or the nuclear outflows.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
Paolo Capobianchi ◽  
Marcello Lappa

AbstractSystems of solid particles in suspension driven by a time-periodic flow tend to create structures in the carrier fluid that are reminiscent of highly regular geometrical items. Within such a line of inquiry, the present study provides numerical results in support of the space experiments JEREMI (Japanese and European Research Experiment on Marangoni flow Instabilities) planned for execution onboard the International Space Station. The problem is tackled by solving the unsteady non-linear governing equations for the same conditions that will be established in space (microgravity, 5 cSt silicone oil and different aspect ratios of the liquid bridge). The results reveal that for a fixed supporting disk radius, the dynamics are deeply influenced by the height of the liquid column. In addition to its expected link with the critical threshold for the onset of instability (which makes Marangoni flow time-periodic), this geometrical parameter can have a significant impact on the emerging waveform and therefore the topology of particle structures. While for shallow liquid bridges, pulsating flows are the preferred mode of convection, for tall floating columns the dominant outcome is represented by rotating fluid-dynamic disturbance. In the former situation, particles self-organize in circular sectors bounded internally by regions of particle depletion, whereas in the latter case, particles are forced to accumulate in a spiral-like structure. The properties of some of these particle attractors have rarely been observed in earlier studies concerned with fluids characterized by smaller values of the Prandtl number.

2021 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 04004
Li Afanasiy ◽  
Burkhan Utepov ◽  
Satniyaz Allaniyazov

The article presents the developed mathematical models that describe the process of spraying the working body of a low-volume sprayer. Theoretical studies show that with an increase in the supply of working fluid to the atomizing disc, the rotational speed of the pneumatic disc atomizer decreases, and in order to ensure the effect of the air flow on the droplet formation process, the radius of the disc should be larger than the radius of the base of the cone-shaped fairing, but less than its maximum critical value and for obtaining a monodisperse spray with the main droplet diameter d = 80 … 120 μm, at an axial air flow velocity of the fan installation U = 40 … 60 m/s, the parameters of the disk the sprayer and the propeller are linked together when the following values: disk radius r = 65 … 85 mm, the number of radial channels on the disk nр = 2 … 6 pcs, the width of the radial channel bр = 3 … 4 mm, and to obtain a high-quality air-droplet flow, the initial velocity of the main drops discharged from the periphery of the spraying disc must be less than the speed of the air flow and, at the same time, the rotational speed of the pneumatic disc sprayer is recommended to be used in the range of ω = 60… 200 s-1.

2020 ◽  
Vol 142 (12) ◽  
Liubov Magerramova ◽  
Michael Volkov ◽  
Anton Salnikov ◽  
Eugene Kratt

Abstract The blisk design of the wheel with cooled blades is developed on the basis of the turbine wheel with a detachable connection of the blades with the disk. The blades of the blisk are produced from casting heat-resistant nickel alloy. The disk portion is created from granulated alloy with different grain sizes along the disk radius. The system of supplying cooling air in the blades of the wheel is developed. The technology of manufacturing a disk consisting of granules of various sizes and technology of connection of a disk with cooled cast blades is developed. To determine the mechanical characteristics of the zones of connection of dissimilar materials, samples were tested. Multiparameter optimization of the blisk was carried out. The mass of the designed wheel was reduced by more than 40% compared to the original wheel with lock connection when the strength and service life conditions were satisfied.

2020 ◽  
Vol 642 ◽  
pp. A117
De-Hua Wang ◽  
Cheng-Min Zhang ◽  
Jin-Lu Qu ◽  
Shu-Mei Jia

Based on the detected kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries (NS-LMXBs), we investigate the evolution of the NS magnetosphere-disk structure along the Z track in the X-ray color-color diagram (CCD) for luminous Z sources, such as Cyg X-2, GX 5-1, GX 17+2, and Sco X-1. We find that the magnetosphere-disk radius r inferred by kHz QPOs for all the sources shows a monotonically decreasing trend along the Z track from the horizontal branch (HB) to the normal branch (NB), implying that the dominated radiation components may dramatically change as the accretion disk moves toward the NS surface. In addition, the specific radius that corresponds to the HB/NB vertex is found to be around r ∼ 20 km, implying a potential characteristic position of transiting for the X-ray radiation mode. Furthermore, we find that the NBs that occur near the NS surface have a radius of r ∼ 16−20 km, which is systematically smaller than those of HBs that have radii of r ∼ 20−29 km. To interpret the relation between the CCD properties and the special magnetosphere-disk radii of Z sources, we suggest that the magnetic field lines corresponding to NB are “frozen-in” to the plasma, and move further inward with the shrinking of the NS magnetosphere-disk radius and pile up near the NS surface. They then form a strong magnetic field region around r ∼ 16−20 km, where the high magnetic energy density and high plasma mass density may dominate the radiation process in NB.

Liubov Magerramova ◽  
Michael Volkov ◽  
Anton Salnikov ◽  
Eugene Kratt

Abstract Wheels of high-temperature turbines are traditionally produced in the form of detachable joints of the disk and blades made from different materials. The blades, which are under the influence of high gas temperatures, are made with internal channels by air cooling. The disk is subject to significant centrifugal loads, but lower temperatures. The locking connection of the blades to the disk is a stress concentrator, which leads to resource limitation. One of the solutions is the wheel of the turbine type blisk consisting of cast-cooled blades of heat-resistant alloys and a disk of granulated nickel alloys, interconnected by hot isostatic pressing. The disk can be made of granules of different sizes in different parts. This approach is based on the fact that during operation, the disk is also subject to uneven heating and loading along the radius. The blisk design of the wheel with cooled blades is developed on the basis of the turbine wheel with a detachable connection of the blades with the disk. The blades of the blisk are produced from casting heat-resistant nickel alloy. The disk portion is created from granulated alloy with different grain sizes along the disk radius. The system of supplying cooling air in the blades of the wheel is developed. The technology of manufacturing a disk consisting of granules of various sizes and technology of connection of a disk with cooled cast blades is developed. To determine the mechanical characteristics of the zones of connection of dissimilar materials samples were tested. The combined samples were made of a granulated alloy with different sizes of granules. The bimetallic samples were made of a casting blade alloy and a granulated disk alloy. Multi-parameter optimization of the blisk was carried out. The mass of the designed wheel was reduced by more than 40% compared to the original wheel with lock connection when the strength and service life conditions were satisfied.

2020 ◽  
Vol 641 ◽  
pp. A91
R. E. Mennickent ◽  
J. Garcés ◽  
G. Djurašević ◽  
P. Iwanek ◽  
D. Schleicher ◽  

Context. The subtype of hot algol semidetached binaries dubbed double periodic variables (DPVs) are characterized by a photometric cycle longer than the orbital one, whose nature has been related to a magnetic dynamo in the donor component controlling the mass transfer rate. Aims. We aim to understand the morphologic changes observed in the light curve of OGLE-BLG-ECL-157529 that are linked to the long cycle. In particular, we want to explain the changes in the relative depth of primary and secondary eclipses. Methods. We analyzed I and V-band OGLE photometric times series spanning 18.5 years and modeled the orbital light curve. Results. We find that OGLE-BLG-ECL-157529 is a new eclipsing Galactic DPV of orbital period 24d​​.8, and that its long cycle length decreases in amplitude and length during the time baseline. We show that the changes in the orbital light curve can be reproduced considering an accretion disk of variable thickness and radius that surrounds the hottest stellar component. Our models indicate changes in the temperatures of the hot spot and the bright spot during the long cycle, and also in the position of the bright spot. This, along with the changes in disk radius, might indicate a variable mass transfer in this system.

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