urban infrastructure
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Urban Climate ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
pp. 101060
Jakcemara Caprario ◽  
Fabiane Andressa Tasca ◽  
Paula Lidia Santana ◽  
Larissa Thainá Schmitt Azevedo ◽  
Alexandra Rodrigues Finotti

2022 ◽  
Vol 955 (1) ◽  
pp. 012018
M A Ridlo ◽  
A Ghiffari

Abstract Spatial planning very important and dynamic in meeting the needs of space that continues to increase in line with the rate of population growth. Urban infrastructure becomes very important and crucial in directing the development of the city. For Semarang City, infrastructure needs to be addressed immediately, especially in spatial planning. Is carried out thoroughly and taking into account the existing problems and potential. Rationalistic qualitative methods become the methodology in this study. The analysis tools used were, among others, the Administrative approach and the development approach with an environmental and sustainable perspective. An administrative approach was also used by reviewing applicable laws and links with coastal areas, such as law number 26 of 2007 concerning spatial planning; law number 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. While the development approach is environmentally friendly and sustainable, it is an attempt to approach it by looking at the real conditions of the potential and problems of coastal areas, based on aspects of environmental and sustainable values. Therefore, the government should in every set development policies pay attention to the preservation of natural resources and the environment.

2021 ◽  
Leonard Niero da Silveira ◽  
Víctor Fernandez Nascimento ◽  
Fernanda Casagrande ◽  
Sergio Florencio de Souza ◽  
Jean Pierre Henry Balbaud Ometto

Abstract Geodetic landmarks (GLs) are essential for obtaining the precise height, horizontal coordinates, and the Earth's gravity field. Once physically implanted on the surface, they are susceptible to movement and displacement. This study aims to assess the soil susceptibility of GLs for past and future scenarios through the Revised Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). So the soil loss estimations were made for the GLs in Brazil's southern Santa Catarina region. Our results showed average soil loss values, reaching 175915 t/ha/year, while the GLs were 2109 t/ha/year. There was an increase in GLs in the null class, mainly caused by urban infrastructure increase. At the same time, a decrease occurred in the low, very severe, severe, and moderate classes. In contrast, for future scenarios, an increase in the GLs average soil loss was found until 2100. However, it is essential to highlight that the most relevant increase occurred in the 2021-2040 period. After that, some scenarios as ssp126 remained stable, ssp245 and ssp370 slightly increased while ssp585 increased the most, reaching a maximum value of 2364 t/ha/year until 2100. There are a stability in the null class with a little decreasing in the low and moderate classes. In severe and very severe classes, there are a increase in the almost all scenarios. This behavior take account only the rainfall, thus for a better analysis, would be necessary the forecast of land cover change. Therefore, the climate simulations can be used to understand the effects of climate change on soil erosion to support decision-making.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Aaron Graham ◽  
Jeannette Kamp

Abstract This article examines how international military finance operated in the Dutch Republic between 1688–1714. The region’s unique urban geography in which the political and financial infrastructures crucial for military financing were geographically dispersed created stresses and strains. These inconveniences were overcome due to the Republic’s excellent intra-urban infrastructure – creating fast and reliable communication between the different urban centers – and their reliance on (semi-)private agents, the solliciteurs-militair. As a result, the urban system created a level of flexibility: credit for military purposes could be found both in The Hague and Amsterdam, rather than having to rely on a single city as was the case in London. This focus on the urban has broader historiographical importance because recent scholarship on early modern war and state formation is increasingly questioning whether the focus on political and financial centralization is necessarily the best way to understand these processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (48) ◽  
pp. 30-30
Irina Andreeva ◽  
Dmitry Morev ◽  
Evgeny Taller ◽  
Ivan Vasenev

The article presents the results of a comparative environmental assessment of the quality of the environment in the central and outlying zones of two forest parks, contrasting in area, types and magnitude of anthropogenic load, - the Experimental Forest Station and the Dubki Culture and Recreation Park, located in the Timiryazevsky district of Moscow. The quality of the environment in the undisturbed forest biocenosis in the center of the Experimental Forest Station corresponded to the quality of the environment in the rural areas of the Moscow Region, while the environmental situation in the outlying zones of both forest parks bordering various urban infrastructure facilities deviated to varying degrees from the conditional norm. The worst indicators of the environmental quality and forest stand conditions were noted in the recreational zones located at the III-IV stage of digression, as well as in the zones bordering the roads, within which the degree of fluctuating asymmetry of birch leaves was suspended and the cellulolytic activity of the soil was 1.5-2.5 times lower than the background. The combination of recreational and transport loads reduced the quality of the environment in the Dubki park to a critical level. Keywords: CITY FOREST, BORDERLAND, ANTHROPOGENIC LOAD, POLLUTION, RECREATION, DEGRADATION, FLUCTUATING ASYMMETRY, CELLULOLYTIC ACTIVITY, APPLICATION METHOD, AIRBORNE POLLUTION, SNOW COVER

2021 ◽  
pp. 377-388
Dominic Perring

The evidence for London’s late fourth century decline is put under the microscope. The paucity and problematic interpretation of dating evidence is discussed, but it is concluded that important elements of London’s urban infrastructure were in serious disrepair from as early as the 380s. Some main roads could no longer have carried regular wheeled traffic. Sites of former public buildings on the margins of towns were converted into small cemeteries in the late fourth century, showing that the city was still populated but on a reduced scale and hinting at a closer relationship between communities of the living and communities of the dead. Rich assemblages recovered from within some wells within the town are thought likely to represent termination rituals, as properties were closed and households departed. Abandonment horizons can also be described from the finds left behind over the latest floors of some houses. These acts of closure and departure may also have begun in the 380s, perhaps under Magnus Maximus who had briefly revived London’s mint but also withdrew troops and administrators from Britain. Whilst the city may still have been occupied into the fifth century, this is far from certain, and there is no evidence of repair and refurbishment of urban properties beyond the last years of the fourth century. This evidence of redundancy and retreat seems consistent with the interrupted history of the diocesan administration. London had become marginal city of relatively little importance to Rome.

Dominic Perring

This original study draws on the results of latest discoveries to describe London’s Roman origins. It presents a wealth of new information from one of the world’s most intensively studied archaeological sites, introducing many original ideas concerning London’s economic and political history. The archaeological discoveries are used to build a narrative account that explains how recent investigations in London challenge our understanding of the ancient world. The Roman city was probably converted from a fort built on the north side of London Bridge at the time of the Roman conquest, and is the place where the emperor Claudius arrived en route to claim his victory in AD 43. It was rebuilt as the commanding site for Rome’s rule of Britain. A history of social, architectural, and economic development is reconstructed from precise tree-ring dating, and used to show that investment in the urban infrastructure was provoked by the needs of military campaigns and political strategies. The story also shows how the city suffered violent destruction in resistance to Roman rule, and was brought to the verge of collapse by pandemics and political insecurity in the second and third centuries. These events had a critical bearing on the reforms of late antiquity, from which London emerged as a defended administrative enclave. Always a creature of the centralized Roman administration, and largely dependent on colonial immigration, the city was subsequently deserted when Rome failed to maintain political control. This ground-breaking study brings new information and arguments drawn from urban archaeology to our study of the way in which Rome ruled, and how empire failed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 108-119
Nicole Carolina Fernández de Córdova Abril ◽  
Rafael Andrés Pauta Pesántez

La falta de planifcación urbana fomenta una movilidad no sostenible, frente a esto, el Desarrollo Orientado al Transporte - DOT1- surge como una herramienta de diseño urbano, basada en la alta densidad, diversidad de usos y una infraestructura urbana adecuada en torno al transporte público. Para esto se ha realizado una revisión de literatura sobre este modelo de desarrollo, a fn de entender, a profundidad, los aspectos importantes que lo conforman, como la defnición del DOT según varios autores, para obtener distintos puntos de vista acerca de lo que este concepto signifca. Segundo, el análisis de las dimensiones que lo estructuran. Acontinuación se llevó a cabo una revisión de ejemplos de implementación del modelo en distintas ciudades. Posteriormente se mencionan los efectos urbanos que el DOT ha generado o puede causar a futuro en las ciudades en las que ha sido implementado, yfnalmente, se analizan recomendaciones para su replicabilidad en otras ciudades, en función del contexto. Palabras clave: DOT, movilidad sostenible, espacio público, densidad, usos mixtos. AbstractThe lack of urban planning encourages unsustainable mobility. In view of this, Transit Oriented Development - TOD - emerges as an urban design tool, based on high density, diversity of uses and proper urban infrastructure around public transport. For this purpose, a literature review on this development model has been carried out, in order to understand in depth, the important aspects that make it up, such as: the defnition of TOD according to several authors to obtain diferent points of view about what this concept means. Second, the analysis of the dimensions that structure it together also a review of examples of implementation of the model in diferent cities. Subsequently, the urban efects that TOD has generated or may cause in the future in the cities where it has been implemented are mentioned, and fnally, recommendations for its replicability in other cities are analyzed according to the context. Keywords: TOD, sustainable mobility, public space, density, land-use diversity

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