legal equality
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Naharaim ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Sabrina Habel

Abstract The article explores the connection between enlightenment and comedy, as well as its importance for German Jewry. Following Hegel, whose thoughts on ancient drama as well as modern society have shaped the German discourse on comedy until today, this article demonstrates that questions of self-formation, emancipation, and historical self-location are central to comedy. In Carl Sternheim’s comedy The Snob, the idea of self-formation resonates with the historic concept of “civic improvement” through “Bildung”: Jewish emancipation in Germany stood at the end of an educational project that outlasted Jews’ achieving legal equality. The Snob is a comedy about Jewish acculturation and bourgeoisification and embodies Marx’s understanding of comedy as ambivalent: on the one hand, comedy helps people to part cheerfully from their past that was characterized by inequality, but, on the other, it indicates that a world-historic fact like Jewish emancipation may be prone to repeat itself as a farce. Sternheim’s comedy develops a poetic that embraces ambivalence, but also opens the genre of comedy to the question of therapy and healing. It depicts the struggle between autonomy and social formation – the dialectics of German “Bildung.”

enadakultura ◽  
2021 ◽  
Nanuli Talakhadze

The subject of research in 1918-1921 is the parameters of the functioning of the media during the period of the Independent republic of Georgia and processes that contributed to the creation of a pluralistic media climate in the country and the establishment of liberal-democratic values. One of the manisfestations of this is the issue of human rights and social equality, which we will discuss in a specific direction – in terms of gender.Based on the plurastic media envionment, based on the contextual analysis of relevant sources, archival and newspaper publications, we gave selected and studied the main print media of the leqding, ideologically different political parties of 1918-1921: Socia;-Democratic Worker’s Party newapaper “Unity” (1917-1921). The Federalist Party “People’s Affairs” (1917-1921) and the National Democrats – “Georgia” (1915-1921). We analyzed how adequately, with what visions and journalistic means these media outlets covered the feminist narrative.We focused on publications on the problems of women’s emancipation, as well as women authors, the number of which, althouigh small, they are quite professionally able to properly focus on gender issues and in-depth understanding of women’s social or political issues (N.Nakashidze, M.Toroshelidze, F.Josh and others).The resuklts of the research showed that the party press of 1918-1921, on the one hand, clearly reflected the positive steps taken by the government of the Independent Republic of Georgia at the legislative level to protect human rights and, in particular, the feminist direction. On the other hand, the government’s lack of interest in the problems of woman’s social or legal equality appeared in a negative light.

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-13
Alexander Golovinov ◽  
Yulia Golovinova

This publication is aimed at gaining the insight into the concept of "gender equality". The article shows that the growing need for understanding the principle of gender equality at the philosophical and legal level is caused by the trends themselves within the changing legislation. The authors have specified that according to the generally accepted position, gender equality is understood as an absolutely identical   range of opportunities. The participation and presence of both sexes in every area of society is an integral part of the legal equality of men and women. It is noted that value of women is heatedly discussed,  as they are seen as an abnormal group from the point of view of a patriarchal society. All above is ultimately aimed at finding legal constructs that minimize the hierarchy of differences between the genders.

John Hagan ◽  
Bill McCarthy ◽  
Daniel Herda

Abstract We join Eduardo Bonilla-Silva’s structural theory of the racialized U.S. social system with a situational methodology developed by Arthur L. Stinchcombe and Irving Goffman to analyze how law works as a mechanism that connects formal legal equality with legal cynicism. The data for this analysis come from the trial of a Chicago police detective, Jon Burge, who as leader of an infamous torture squad escaped criminal charges for more than thirty years. Burge was finally charged with perjury and obstruction of justice, charges that obscured and perpetuated the larger structural reality of a code of silence that enabled racist torture of more than a hundred Black men. This case study demonstrates how the non-transparency of courtroom sidebars plays an important role in perpetuating systemic features of American criminal injustice: a code of silence, racist discrimination, and legal cynicism.

2021 ◽  
pp. 171-185
Malcolm Thorburn

The chapter focuses on Ripstein’s account of a doctrine that has caused a great deal of trouble to moral philosophers of law over the years: the equal criminal immunity of combatants. Thorburn sets out the contours of the Kantian approach to the morality of law, which begins with the relationship of public authority and only later proceeds to the evaluation of how that authority has been exercised. He then considers Ripstein’s application of that approach to the legal equality of combatants in war. Although Ripstein’s account suggests a comprehensive justification of the doctrine of equal criminal immunity, Thorburn shows that Ripstein’s chapter does not spell this out fully, though he outlines a way in which Ripstein can do so.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Basuki Kurniawan

ABSTRACT  The members of INA and PIR don’t give right to vote and be elected in general elections because there is worried about right to vote and be elected will be bringing on not neutral in general election, with the result that general elections principle is direct, general, secret, honest, and fair will not be achieved if right to vote and be elected is given. Although that worried still be able to debate in theoretical. It is becaused if right to vote and be elected for members of INA and PIR are given, so will not influence the vote result majority in general elections. The concept  to give right to vote and be elected  for members INA and PIR in general elections need to be implemented, because in the first general elections in 1955 the members of INA and PIR follow to vote and be elected in general election, and than there was not problem happen in thats time. Because of that  be alternative thought bargained  in this thesis; The concept  of  legal protection  for members INA and PIR in political freedom is looked from human right protection principle is given  freedom for members INA and PIR  to vote the candidates house representatives, house representative region, house representative people, President and Vice President with free without any pressures from the institution INA and PIR. And than  for the members INA and PIR propose their self as candidates the members House Representative, House Representative Region, House Representative People, President and Vice President permitted to be candidate as form of political freedom to every people Keyword: legal equality, political freedom, general election.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 129
Brice Fossard

The history of the acquisition of French citizenship by Indochinese university élites remains yet to be written because few researchers have looked at the role played by sport and physical education in developing the Vietnamese élite. These young students discovered such physical activities at school and many of them claimed judicial/legal equality with the French. This article will demonstrate that sports and physical education were the key stages in a strategy for certain Indochinese students to become French citizens. At the same time, this tactic generated much tension within the Vietnamese student community between the two world wars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-307
Dean Spade ◽  
Aaron Belkin

Does advocating for queer and trans people to serve in the US military move the struggle for queer and trans justice forward toward liberation by improving the lives of queer and trans soldiers and increasing societal acceptance of queer and trans people? Or does it legitimize US military imperialism and increase the likelihood of more queer and trans people being abused and traumatized in the US military? This article consists of a conversation between Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center, who has spent decades advocating for queer and trans military inclusion, and Dean Spade, a trans racial- and- economic- justice–focused activist and scholar who opposes military inclusion advocacy. The conversation examines fundamental debates about the possibilities and limits of legal equality for marginalized and stigmatized groups, drawing on critical race theory, women of color feminisms, anticolonial critique, and competing theories of queer and trans liberation work.

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