large particle
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Entropy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Ignacio Baena ◽  
Pedro Pérez-Fernández ◽  
Manuela Rodríguez-Gallardo ◽  
José Miguel Arias

A quantum phase transition (QPT) in a simple model that describes the coexistence of atoms and diatomic molecules is studied. The model, which is briefly discussed, presents a second-order ground state phase transition in the thermodynamic (or large particle number) limit, changing from a molecular condensate in one phase to an equilibrium of diatomic molecules–atoms in coexistence in the other one. The usual markers for this phase transition are the ground state energy and the expected value of the number of atoms (alternatively, the number of molecules) in the ground state. In this work, other markers for the QPT, such as the inverse participation ratio (IPR), and particularly, the Rényi entropy, are analyzed and proposed as QPT markers. Both magnitudes present abrupt changes at the critical point of the QPT.

Andrew Coates ◽  
Sebastian H. Völkel ◽  
Kostas D Kokkotas

Abstract In this work we argue that black hole area quantization of Bekenstein and Mukhanov should not give rise to measurable effects in terms of so-called gravitational wave echoes during black hole mergers. We outline that the quantum spectrum of a black hole should be washed out during and after black hole mergers, and hence one should not expect echoes in this scenario. The extreme broadening of the spectrum is due to the large particle emission rate during ringdown. Our results question key assumptions being made in recent literature on this topic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
Jacob J. Robino ◽  
Yongwoon Kim ◽  
Oleg Varlamov

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (20) ◽  
pp. 6125
Inka Mai ◽  
Leon Brohmann ◽  
Niklas Freund ◽  
Stefan Gantner ◽  
Harald Kloft ◽  

The Large Particle 3D Concrete Printing (LP3DCP) process presented in this paper is based on the particle bed 3D printing method; here, the integration of significantly larger particles (up to 36 mm) for selective binding using the shotcrete technique is presented. In the LP3DCP process, the integration of large particles, i.e., naturally coarse, crushed or recycled aggregates, reduces the cement volume fraction by more than 50% compared to structures conventionally printed with mortar. Hence, with LP3DCP, the global warming potential, the acidification potential and the total non-renewable primary energy of 3D printed structures can be reduced by approximately 30%. Additionally, the increased proportion of aggregates enables higher compressive strengths than without the coarse aggregates, ranging up to 65 MPa. This article presents fundamental material investigations on particle packing and matrix penetration as well as compressive strength tests and geometry studies. The results of this systematic investigation are presented, and the best set is applied to produce a large-scale demonstrator of one cubic meter of size and complex geometry. Moreover, the demonstrator features reinforcement and subtractive surface processing strategies. Further improvements of the LP3DCP technology as well as construction applications and architectural design potentials are discussed thereafter.

Claire O'Sullivan ◽  
Kris Nilsen ◽  
Kim Prisk ◽  
Andreas Voskrebenzev ◽  
Jens Vogel-Claussen ◽  

2021 ◽  
Leonard F. Pease ◽  
Judith Ann Bamberger ◽  
Carolyn A. Burns ◽  
Michael J. Minette

Abstract Here we evaluate the performance of bump arrays to separate large particles from non-Newtonian slurries with Bingham and Cross rheology. Bump arrays in deterministic lateral displacement devices separate large particles from small particles using arrays of staggered posts. Large particles, defined as those with radii larger than the distance between the edge of a post and the stagnation streamline from the next downstream post, must bump toward one side of the device, whereas particles smaller than this distance slalom from entrance to exit without net lateral displacement. Although these devices have been used to separate a wide variety of large particles from blood cells to sand, partition of large particles from non-Newtonian fluids remains unexplored. Yet, an important set of modestly concentrated slurries, including Hanford nuclear waste, displays non-Newtonian rheology. Here we evaluate the influence of non-Newtonian rheology on the large-small particle size cutoff in bump arrays using a model that explores the influence of yield stresses, ratios of zero and infinite shear viscosities, and Cross’s exponent under strictly laminar well-developed conditions. Surprisingly, we find that viscosity ratios and Cross’s exponent make no significant difference on the particle cutoffs between large particles that bump and small particles that slalom around the posts from entrance to exit. In contrast, we find that yield stresses do significantly affect the size cutoff. As the yield stress increases, velocity profiles become more plug like lowering the size cutoff. For nuclear waste separations where removing large particles is a priority, increasing yield stresses is conservative.

2021 ◽  
Sotaro Masanobu ◽  
Satoru Takano ◽  
Shigeo Kanada ◽  
Masao Ono ◽  
Hiroki Sasagawa

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