instruction and learning
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2022 ◽  
pp. 320-343
Sam von Gillern ◽  
Carolyn Stufft ◽  
Rick Marlatt ◽  
Larysa Nadolny

This research examines the perceptions and instructional ideas of preservice teachers as relates to using Minecraft, a popular video game, to facilitate game-based learning opportunities in their future elementary classrooms. The participants were 21 preservice teachers who played Minecraft as part of a teacher preparation program course and then completed essays on their experiences with the game and its potential to support student learning in the elementary English language arts classroom. These essays were coded and analyzed for themes. Three primary results were found in data analysis. First, three groups emerged from the data with each group indicating either no interest, some interest, or high interest in using Minecraft in their future teaching. Second, the preservice teachers illustrated various potential instructional strategies for integrating the game into the classroom, and third, participants identified a variety of ways that Minecraft integration can support English language arts instruction and learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 22-30
Seid Mohammed ◽  
Gessese Nigusse ◽  
Zenawi Nigussie ◽  
Belihu Zenebe

The purpose of this study was to determine the variables affecting the implementation of writing skills instruction and learning in grades 7 and 8 in North Shoa Zone Second Cycle Primary schools. The study's primary purpose was to determine the difficulties encountered by English language instructors and students while teaching and learning to write in English classes. The research included the participation of 25 English language instructors and 1484 pupils from 14 Second Cycle Primary Schools. A questionnaire and an interview were used to obtain the required data. Questionnaires were completed by instructors and students, and English language teachers were interviewed. The questionnaire data was tallied and examined statistically in terms of frequency and percentage. Similarly, interview data were categorized and qualitatively characterized. The investigation revealed that the majority of instructors and students struggle with teaching and learning writing skills. Additionally, although both English instructors and students believe they are engaging in writing activities in the classroom, the students' writing performance is not as promising as shown by open-ended questions and comments from English language teachers interviewed. Several key suggestions are made in light of the results of this research in order to mitigate the issues that impede the efficient implementation of writing instruction and learning in second cycle primary schools. The primary recommendation is to offer enough training for English language instructors on how to teach writing skills, which will then be conveyed to students in order for them to enhance their writing performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 795
Michael Dunn

Writing is a necessary skill in our technological world. Many people have a mobile device that they use for e-mailing, social media, as an alarm clock to start the day, reading the news, searching for information, ordering food, managing transportation (e.g., monitoring traffic, accessing public transit), or for relaxing pursuits, such as watching a movie or listening to music. While these tasks are natural and almost effortless for numerous people, many students struggle with composing longer prose, especially for academic tasks. The 2021 U.S. National Assessment of Educational Progress for Writing, for example, indicates that as many as 75% of students cannot write at a basic level. In this article, the author discusses recent examples from the professional literature about why writing can be a challenge for students, what is involved in writing assessment, how we can help students improve their writing skills, and how we can promote technology as part of the instruction and learning processes.

Mohammed H. Al Aqad ◽  
Mohammad A. Al-Saggaf ◽  
Muthmainnah Muthmainnah

This study investigates the efficacy of audio-visual technologies in assisting MSU third-year students in learning English vocabulary. The interplay of audio-visual aids in educational conversations has been researched from a variety of perspectives (Tuovinen, 2000). Multimedia is a multimodal experience in which information is communicated through text, graphics, pictures, audio, and video. It has been demonstrated that a combination of words and images always carries a substantial quantity of information (Mayer, 2018: 55). The use of multimedia in teaching and learning. The goal of this research is to determine the efficiency of audiovisual aids in the learning of English vocabulary among MSU third-year students. The use of multimedia in instruction and learning threatens the foundations of higher education. The current study investigates how third-year students at Malaysia's Management and Science University use multimedia in their English studies (MSU). To fulfill the study's aims, the researchers used both a qualitative and quantitative approach. An online poll of 200 students enrolled in the Bachelor of English as a second language program was used to construct the study corpus (BTESL). In addition, 150 MSU students from the same program were polled. The study's findings indicate that multimedia inspires BTESL students to learn English creatively and engagingly. It also aroused students' attention and compelled them to learn new terms. Multimedia, according to the study, is an excellent tool for third-year English students. It also helps students enhance their understanding of correct terminology and language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-184
Wili Astuti

In Early childhood education, play is considered as the heart of instruction and learning prepare. Play moreover critical in obtaining children language and literacy ability, person with higher level of proficiency have higher opportunity in their life success. This is a qualitative research study analysing teacher's conceptualization of play in the literacy teaching and learning process. An interpretative and descriptive qualitative research is the design of this study. A qualitative study was undertaken because this technique allows researchers with ways and means considering different views of the research subject therefore producing rich, in-depth and elaborate data. This, small research has been conducted in Indonesian settings on the utilize of play in educating proficiency in early childhood instruction classrooms. Information was obtained through one-on-one, one-hour in-depth interviews from a few teachers in five early childhood education institutions. Examination of the information uncovered those early education teachers agree on utilizing play as an instrument in educating literacy concepts

Charismarie Manacap ◽  
Paul Mari Tagaro ◽  
Anabelle Cose ◽  
Nelia Tagaro ◽  
Lynn Larida ◽  

The digitalization of the world community and the advent of Covid-19 pandemic have created impact to the lives of the teachers and other stakeholders. This study provide knowledge on the teachers in terms of, pedagogical, content and technological knowledge in using technology as means of instruction and learning of the students. Findings have showed that teachers were knowledgeable in terms of technology as means of their pedagogical application, content matters and best practices in technology integration. Data further implied that teachers were knowledgeable with tech-ed either online or in the classroom settings. However, data suggests that there were some technical issues were perceived in technology integration.

Julius S. Antonio

The suspension of conduct of face-to-face learning has shifted the Catanduanes State University (CatSU) to adapt flexible blended learning in delivering instruction and learning experiences to its students. As directed by the Commission on Higher Education, universities and colleges in the Philippines should adapt flexible blended learning. With limited training on blended learning, the CatSU faculty members are prone to some limitations and drawbacks while implementing the adapted Learning Delivery Modalities (LDMs). An investigation on the implementation of LDMs in CatSU revealed that faculty members used blended learning that is a combination of online synchronous or asynchronous classes to offline modular distance learning. The platform used by the faculty members in conducting synchronous classes were Zoom and Google Meet. On the other hand, the platform used in conducting asynchronous sessions was Google Classroom. While the adapted flexible blended learning of CatSU faculty members include online learning, a few faculty members reported that they had trouble in contacting their students since either the students don’t own mobile phones, or they don’t have phone signals at home. Some faculty members considered having not provided with internet service at school as a minor problem. Possible solutions for the different problems encountered by the faculty members have been recommended in this study.

2021 ◽  
Yafeng Pan ◽  
Suzanne Dikker ◽  
Yi Zhu ◽  
Cuirong Yang ◽  
Yi Hu ◽  

It is widely accepted that nonverbal communication is crucial for learning, but the exact functions of interpersonal coordination between instructors and learners remain unclear. Specifically, it is unknown what role instructional approaches play in the coupling of physical motion between instructors and learners, and crucially, how such instruction-mediated Body-to-Body Coupling (BtBC) might affect learning. We used a video-based, computer-vision Motion Energy Analysis (MEA) to quantify BtBC between learners and instructors who used two different instructional approaches to teach psychological concepts. BtBC was significantly greater when the instructor employed a scaffolding approach than when an explanation approach was used. The importance of instructional approach was further underscored by the fact that an increase in motion in the instructor was associated with boosted BtBC, but only during scaffolding; no such relationship between the instructor movements and BtBC was found during explanation interactions. Finally, leveraging machine learning approaches (i.e., support vector and logistic regression models), we demonstrated that both learning outcome and instructional approaches could be decoded based on BtBC. Collectively, these results show that the real-time interaction of teaching and learning bodies is important for learning and that instructional approach matters, with possible implications for both in-person and online learning.

2021 ◽  
pp. 259-281
John Mathew ◽  
Pushkar Sohoni

Bombay did not play the kind of administrative nodal role that first Madras and later Calcutta did in terms of overarching governance in the Indian subcontinent, occupying instead a pivotal position for the region’s commerce and industry. Nonetheless, the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Bombay were a formative age for education and research in science, as in the other Presidencies. A colonial government, a large native population enrolled in the new European-style educational system, and the rise of several institutions of instruction and learning, fostered an environment of scientific curiosity. The Asiatic Society of Bombay (1804), which was initially the hub of research in all disciplines, became increasingly antiquarian and ethnographic through the course of the nineteenth century. The Victoria and Albert Museum (conceived in 1862 and built by 1871 and opened to the public in 1872), was established to carry out research on the industrial arts of the region, taking for its original collections fine and decorative arts that highlight practices and crafts of various communities in the Bombay Presidency. The University of Bombay (1857) was primarily tasked with teaching, and it was left to other establishments to conduct research. Key institutions in this regard included the Bombay Natural History Society (1883) given to local studies of plants and animals, and the Haffkine Institute (1899), which examined the role of plague that had been a dominant feature of the social cityscape from 1896. The Royal Institute of Science (1920) marked a point of departure, as it was conceived as a teaching institution but its lavish funding demanded a research agenda, especially at the post-graduate level. The Prince of Wales Museum (1922) would prove to be seminal in matters of collection and display of objects for the purpose of research. All of these institutions would shape the intellectual debates in the city concerning higher education. Typically founded by European colonial officials, they would increasingly be administered and staffed by Indians.

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