outdoor learning
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2022 ◽  
pp. 214-231
July De Wilde ◽  
Johannes Verhoene ◽  
Jo Tondeur ◽  
Ellen Van Praet

2022 ◽  
pp. 321-343
Lúcia Pombo ◽  
Margarida Morais Marques ◽  
Luís Afonso ◽  
Paulo Dias ◽  
Joaquim Madeira

There is a discussion on the potential of augmented reality (AR), mobile technologies to enhance learning. This article presents: 1) the EduPARK project's first cycle of design-based research for the development of a mobile AR game-like app that aims to promote learning in an urban park, and 2) an experience of students using it in loco. The focus is the students' perceptions regarding the usability and functionality of the app. Data collection involved focus groups, questionnaires and app usage information. Data was submitted to content analysis and descriptive statistics. Results revealed an excellent usability of the EduPARK app, with an average system usability scale of 85.6. Overall, students reported that the app was enjoyable, easy to use and promoted learning; however, improvements and more evaluation experiences are needed to better understand mobile AR game-like learning in urban parks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 345
R.Andi Ahmad Gunadi ◽  
Maesaroh Lubis

Abstract:Learning outside the classroom is carried out by teachers to improve students’ competences in a particular subject. In this study, learning outside the classroom is conducted to complete the assignment of Indonesian subjects with the topic "Students' Storytelling Ability". This study aims to determine whether learning outside the classroom is effective in improving students' storytelling ability. The method used in this research is expost-facto by using an instrument for assessing students' storytelling ability. The study was conducted in Elementary School Cluster 2 Iwal in the 5th grade of 24 students. The results showed an increase in the average score of students in terms of storytelling ability after the learning outside the classroom compared to the existing learning (classroom learning) before outside learning activities were carried out.Abstrak:Pembelajaran luar kelas dilakukan guru kelas untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa pada suatu mata pelajaran tertentu. Pembelajaran luar kelas pada penelitian ini untuk melengkapi tugas mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dengan materi “Kemampuan Bercerita Siswa”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pembelajaran di luar kelas efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan bercerita siswa. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah expost-facto dengan menggunakan instrumen penilaian kemampuan bercerita siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD 2 Iwul kelas 5 yang terdiri dari 24 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi kenaikan nilai rata-rata siswa dalam hal kemampuan bercerita pada pembelajaran luar kelas dibandingkan pada pembelajaran konvensional (pembelajaran dalam kelas) sebelum kegiatan  pembelajaran luar kelas dilakukan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-247
Muthmainnah ◽  
Nur Aeni ◽  
Mohammed Galal ◽  
K. J. Varghese ◽  
Fides Del Castillo ◽  

In developing English communication skills, the student's needs, wants, and lacks are crucial. The materials given should be suitable for the students' wants. These issues are vital in developing any English materials on ICT-based. This study explores the students' needs, wants, and lacks in learning English by developing suitable materials with the ICT-based. The mixed approach was used in this study. The researchers distributed the survey to 350 students from Indonesia and other countries (Kosovo, Kuwait, Ghana, Pakistan, Philippines, India, and United Kingdom) involved in the Share to Care Community in collecting the data. They were assigned to fill the Google form about their needs in learning English. The result showed that the students need materials that fulfill their needs. It should be related to today's facts, easy enough to share with, and easy to access by the students' technologies devices, then using both target languages L2 and L1 to deliver the materials. While teaching, the lecturers used any method; role-playing is the most common, followed by oral reports, games, outdoor learning, and blended learning. Most of the students from several countries intended to have ICT in their learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Jufrida Jufrida ◽  
Fibrika Rahmat Basuki ◽  
Wawan Kurniawan

The use of gadgets can cause addiction and have a negative impact on the health and psychological development of children. The solution to overcome this problem was through outdoor learning based on local wisdom of traditional games. This activity aims to form an agent for driving traditional games to reduce the use of gadgets for children in the District of Pelayangan. The method of implementing activities was in the form of socialization, training and assistance to prospective agents who drive traditional games. The targets of the activities were students at SDN 04 / IV and SDN 10 / IV Jambi City. The activity was carried out in  July-September 2020. The evaluation was carried out by giving questionnaires to participants to determine the success of the activity. The results of this activity indicated that students at SDN 04 / IV and SDN 10 / IV Jambi City preferred traditional games. Based on the results of the questionnaire, data on the frequency of using gadgets decreased from an average of 25 hours/week to 17 hours/week. Through traditional games, students interact more frequently with peers. This activity also increases knowledge about traditional games. This traditional game also trains students' social skills and character such as cooperation, hard work, honesty, sportsmanship, obeying rules, dexterity, accepting defeat, and responsibility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-313
Ahmad Fatoni David Jazuli Yusup ◽  
Hanin Niswatul Fauziah ◽  
Muhamad Khoirul Anwar ◽  
Titah Sayekti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model pembelajaran kontekstual dengan pendekatan outdoor learning terhadap kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah peserta didik kelas VII di MTs Ma’arif Al Mukarrom. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian pretest-postest control group design. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah kelas VII A sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas VII B sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan jumlah 49 peserta didik. Instrumen pengambilan data menggunakan tes essay yang diberikan sebelum dan sesudah implementasi model pembelajaran kontekstual dengan pendekatan outdoor learning. Data dianalisis dengan uji­-t menggunakan alat bantu SPSS. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Karena nilai signifikansi kurang dari 0,05 maka H0 ditolak. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kontekstual dengan pendekatan outdoor learning efektif untuk digunakan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah.

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