infrastructure health
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (E) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Vidyanto Untad ◽  
Muhammad Ryman Napirah ◽  
Novitayanti Pongsapan

BACKGROUND: Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) are a chronic disease that causes many deaths globally, which is under serious attention by putting in NCD as one target of the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030. An effort in overcoming NCD in Indonesia is through the Integrated Development Post of NCDs (POSBINDU-PTM). Based on a preliminary study at the Bulili Health Center (PUSKESMAS Bulili), it was found that there was a lack of utilization of POSBINDU-PTM such as less role of cadres, lack of health counseling, lack of coordination between cadres and health center (PUSKESMAS) officers, lack of commitment from health center as a coaching team, lack of cross-sector collaboration with POSBINDU programs, and the community not being motivated to be cadres. AIM: This study aimed to determine the factors related to the utilization of POSBINDU-PTM in the working area of the Bulili Health Center, Palu City. METHOD: It was quantitative research with an analytical survey design using a cross-sectional design. The sample was all people in the South Birobuli and Petobo villages of 100 people. The data collected are the characteristics of respondents, and knowledge, access to POSBINDU-PTM, facilities and infrastructure, health cadres support, health officer support, and family support toward the utilization of POSBINDU-PTM. Data analysis with the Chi-square test with a significance level of p < 0.05. RESULTS: The results of this study indicated a relationship between knowledge (p = 0.005), access (p = 0.000), facilities and Infrastructure (p = 0.000), health cadre support (p = 0.000), health center officer support (p = 0.000), and family support (p = 0.000) by utilizing POSBINDU-PTM under the work area of the Bulili Health Center, Palu City. CONCLUSION: The utilization of POSBINDU-PTM is still very low only 22%. All factors in this study (knowledge, Access, Facilities and Infrastructure, Health Cadre Support, Health Center Officer Support, and Family Support) have a significant correlation to Utilizing POSBINDU-PTM.

Urban Studies ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 004209802110553
Charlotte Lemanski

This afterword to the Urban Vulnerabilities: Infrastructure, Health and Stigma special issue highlights two cross-cutting themes that are addressed by all the articles in the issue, and that have the potential to make a significant contribution to debates within urban studies. First, I reflect on how the articles reveal the inseparable connections between infrastructure and stigma, demonstrating both as political and material processes that are inter-dependent and mutually constitutive. Consequently, it is urgent to bridge disciplinary siloes in bringing these scholarly debates into deeper conversation in ways that recognise the materiality of stigma and the politicisation of infrastructure (and vice versa). Second, to a greater and lesser extent, the articles all reveal the centrality of citizenship to the capacity of both urban dwellers and the state to negotiate and/or restrict access to infrastructure, and to perpetuate and/or challenge the impacts of stigma. While the connections between infrastructure and citizenship are explored in my recent work on infrastructural citizenship, the articles in this collection demonstrate the importance of temporality and scale in understanding how citizens negotiate their material and political rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-232
Willy Tambunan ◽  
Theresia Amelia Pawitra ◽  
Riko Yehezkiel Siagian

Public Health Center X is the first level health facility service provider in subdistrict X. Established in 1975, UPT Puskesmas X has never conducted a feasibility study which has been regulated since 2014. Based on these problems, this study aims to conduct a feasibility study on a new building. Aspects contained in Permenkes No. 75 of 2014 namely aspects of location, buildings, facilities and infrastructure, health equipment, personnel, and organization. There is a health center design stage which is made in accordance with the criteria of the Minister of Health No. 75 of 2014. Based on the results of research conducted on the new building of Public Health Center X, it is known that the location aspect meets 87.5% of the location criteria, the building aspect meets 100% of the building suitability, the facilities and infrastructure aspect meets 100% of the eligibility criteria, the equipment aspect only meets 34% of the equipment that must be owned, the manpower aspect fulfills 73% of the total workforce owned, and the organizational aspect meets 100% of the conformity of the organizational structure, so that overall Public Health Center X has a feasibility percentage of 82.4%. Public Health Center X needs to evaluate and improve. Improvements were made to the location aspect, namely, parking facilities by increasing the capacity of the parking lot. Then do the procurement and purchase of medical equipment because there are still 66% of equipment that is lacking, as well as adding health workers to the positions of public health workers, environmental health workers, and workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-60
Nairobi Nairobi ◽  
Riana Respitasari

This study aims to analyze the effect of public infrastructure on economic growth in Lampung Province. The data used are time series and cross sections for the period 2012-2018 and 14 districts/cities. The method applied is the panel data model with the random effect model method. The results showed that Infrastructure, Irrigation Infrastructure, Health Infrastructure, Investment, Labor, and Gini Growth had a significant and positive effect on economic growth, while capital expenditures insignificant effect on economic growth. The implications of these findings indicate that public sector investments such as road infrastructure, bridges and other infrastructure facilities are important.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
Bùi Thị Duyên ◽  
Đặng Lê Trí

Objectives: Determination of occupational stress status and some related factors of health workers from clinical departments at MEDLATEC Hospital in 2020. Subjects and research methods: Cross-sectional descriptive design, combining qualitative and quantitative. Occupational stress is determined by the DASS 21 Scale for 250 health workers.Results and discussions: The stress rate of the health workers in the study is 41.6%. In which, 30.8% of subjects had mild stress, 62.5% of subjects suffered from moderate stress and 6.7% of subjects suffered severe stress. No subjects experienced very severe stress. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that health workers have the following characteristics: they are currently taking care of their elderly, frail and sick relatives; encountering traffic jams, traffic accidents from home to work; often have to work with high intensity of work; Feeling that a job that is not respected has a stress risk of 2,466; 4,3; 3,516 and 6,781 times higher than that of health workers who are not in the same situation (p<0.05). Employees who do not regularly receive support from their superiors are 3,811 times more likely to stressthan those who receive this support regularly (p <0.001). Conclusions and recommendations: The MEDLATEC Hospital need screening to detect doctors, nurses showing signs of stress to take support measures to reduce stress for them; building salary, welfare, civilized and professional working environment, better infrastructure and infrastructure. Health workers also Objectives: Determination of occupational stress status and some related factors of health workers fromclinical departments at MEDLATEC Hospital in 2020. Subjects and research methods: Cross-sectional descriptive design, combining qualitative and quantitative. Occupational stress is determined by the DASS 21 Scale for 250 health workers.Results and discussions: The stress rate of the health workers in the study is 41.6%. In which, 30.8% of subjects had mild stress, 62.5% of subjects suffered from moderate stress and 6.7% of subjects suffered severe stress. No subjects experienced very severe stress. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that health workers have the following characteristics: they are currently taking care of their elderly, frail and sick relatives; encountering traffic jams, traffic accidents from home to work; often have to work with high intensity of work; Feeling that a job that is not respected has a stress risk of 2,466; 4,3; 3,516 and 6,781 times higher than that of health workers who are not in the same situation (p<0.05). Employees who do not regularly receive support from their superiors are 3,811 times more likely to stress than those who receive this support regularly (p <0.001). Conclusions and recommendations: The MEDLATEC Hospital need screening to detect doctors, nurses showing signs of stress to take support measures to reduce stress for them; building salary, welfare,civilized and professional working environment, better infrastructure and infrastructure. Health workers also

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 196-210
Syamsidar Sinaga ◽  
Irsad . ◽  
Rahmanta .

The objective of the research was to analyze the influence of road infrastructure, health infrastructure, and government spending in infrastructure on economic growth in North Sumatra Province. In the model equation, economic growth is dependent variable while road infrastructure, health infrastructure and government spending in infrastructure are independent variable. The scope of this research is the district and city in North Sumatra Province, exactly 32 districts/cities from 2015-2019. The analyzing model is the Fixed Effect Model, by using E-views 10 software. The result of the research showed that road infrastructure, health infrastructure, and government spending in infrastructure simultaneously had significant influence on economic growth. Partially road infrastructure had negative and not significant influence on economic growth, health infrastructure had positive and significant influence on economic growth and government spending in infrastructure had positive and not significant influence on economic growth in North Sumatra Province. Keywords: Road Infrastructure, Health Infrastructure, Government Spending in Infrastructure, Economic Growth.

2021 ◽  
pp. 257-270
Alessandra Budillon ◽  
Giampaolo Ferraioli ◽  
Angel Caroline Johnsy ◽  
Vito Pascazio ◽  
Gilda Schirinzi

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