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Endocrinology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Josephine F Trott ◽  
Anke Schennink ◽  
Katherine C Horigan ◽  
Danielle G Lemay ◽  
Julia R Cohen ◽  

Abstract Successful lactation and the risk for developing breast cancer depend on growth and differentiation of the mammary gland (MG) epithelium that is regulated by ovarian steroids (17beta-estradiol [E] and progesterone [P]) and pituitary-derived prolactin (PRL). Given that the MG of pigs share histomorphogenic features present in the normal human breast, we sought to define the transcriptional responses within the MG of pigs following exposure to all combinations of these hormones. Hormone-ablated female pigs were administered combinations of E, medroxyprogesterone 17-acetate (source of P), and either haloperidol (to induce PRL) or 2-bromo-α-ergocryptine. We subsequently monitored phenotypic changes in the MG including mitosis, receptors for E and P (ESR1 and PGR), level of phosphorylated STAT5 (pSTAT5), and the frequency of terminal ductal lobular unit (TDLU) subtypes; these changes were then associated with all transcriptomic changes. Estrogen altered the expression of ~20% of all genes that mostly associated with mitosis, whereas PRL stimulated elements of fatty acid metabolism and an inflammatory response. Several outcomes, including increased pSTAT5, highlighted the ability of E to enhance PRL action. Regression of transcriptomic changes against several MG phenotypes revealed 1,669 genes correlated with proliferation, among which 29 were E-inducible. Additional gene expression signatures were associated with TDLU formation and the frequency of ESR1 or PGR. These data provide a link between the hormone-regulated genome and phenome of the MG in a species having a complex histoarchitecture like that in the human breast, and highlight an underexplored synergy between the actions of E and PRL during MG development.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. e0247348
Edward W. Davis ◽  
Rachel A. Okrent ◽  
Viola A. Manning ◽  
Kristin M. Trippe

The biological herbicide and antibiotic 4-formylaminooxyvinylglycine (FVG) was originally isolated from several rhizosphere-associated strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens. Biosynthesis of FVG is dependent on the gvg biosynthetic gene cluster in P. fluorescens. In this investigation, we used comparative genomics to identify strains with the genetic potential to produce FVG due to presence of a gvg gene cluster. These strains primarily belong to two groups of Pseudomonas, P. fluorescens and P. syringae, however, a few strains with the gvg cluster were found outside of Pseudomonas. Mass spectrometry confirmed that all tested strains of the P. fluorescens species group produced FVG. However, P. syringae strains did not produce FVG under standard conditions. Several lines of evidence regarding the transmission of the gvg cluster including a robust phylogenetic analysis suggest that it was introduced multiple times through horizontal gene transfer within the Pseudomonas lineage as well as in select lineages of Thiomonas, Burkholderia and Pantoea. Together, these data broaden our understanding of the evolution and diversity of FVG biosynthesis. In the course of this investigation, additional gene clusters containing only a subset of the genes required to produce FVG were identified in a broad range of bacteria, including many non-pseudomonads.

2021 ◽  
Edward W. Davis ◽  
Rachel A. Okrent ◽  
Viola A. Manning ◽  
Kristin M. Trippe

ABSTRACTThe biological herbicide and antibiotic 4-formylaminooxyvinylglycine (FVG) was originally isolated from several rhizosphere-associated strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens. Biosynthesis of FVG is dependent on the gvg biosynthetic gene cluster in P. fluorescens. In this investigation, we used comparative genomics to identify strains with the genetic potential to produce FVG due to presence of a gvg gene cluster. These strains primarily belong to two groups of Pseudomonas, P. fluorescens and P. syringae, however, a few strains with the gvg cluster were found outside of Pseudomonas. Mass spectrometry confirmed that all tested strains of the P. fluorescens species group produced FVG. However, P. syringae strains did not produce FVG under standard conditions. Several lines of evidence regarding the transmission of the gvg cluster including a robust phylogenetic analysis suggest that it was introduced multiple times through horizontal gene transfer within the Pseudomonas lineage as well as in select lineages of Thiomonas, Burkholderia and Pantoea. Together, these data broaden our understanding of the evolution and diversity of FVG biosynthesis. In the course of this investigation, additional gene clusters containing only a subset of the genes required to produce FVG were identified in a broad range of bacteria, including many non-pseudomonads.

Life ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Klaudia Staszak ◽  
Izabela Makałowska

This review summarizes the knowledge about retrogenes in the context of cancer and evolution. The retroposition, in which the processed mRNA from parental genes undergoes reverse transcription and the resulting cDNA is integrated back into the genome, results in additional copies of existing genes. Despite the initial misconception, retroposition-derived copies can become functional, and due to their role in the molecular evolution of genomes, they have been named the “seeds of evolution”. It is convincing that retrogenes, as important elements involved in the evolution of species, also take part in the evolution of neoplastic tumors at the cell and species levels. The occurrence of specific “resistance mechanisms” to neoplastic transformation in some species has been noted. This phenomenon has been related to additional gene copies, including retrogenes. In addition, the role of retrogenes in the evolution of tumors has been described. Retrogene expression correlates with the occurrence of specific cancer subtypes, their stages, and their response to therapy. Phylogenetic insights into retrogenes show that most cancer-related retrocopies arose in the lineage of primates, and the number of identified cancer-related retrogenes demonstrates that these duplicates are quite important players in human carcinogenesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 174480692199992
Daisuke Nishizawa ◽  
Masako Iseki ◽  
Hideko Arita ◽  
Kazuo Hanaoka ◽  
Choku Yajima ◽  

Background Human twin studies and other studies have indicated that chronic pain has heritability that ranges from 30% to 70%. We aimed to identify potential genetic variants that contribute to the susceptibility to chronic pain and efficacy of administered drugs. We conducted genome-wide association studies (GWASs) using whole-genome genotyping arrays with more than 700,000 markers in 191 chronic pain patients and a subgroup of 89 patients with postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) in addition to 282 healthy control subjects in several genetic models, followed by additional gene-based and gene-set analyses of the same phenotypes. We also performed a GWAS for the efficacy of drugs for the treatment of pain. Results Although none of the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found to be genome-wide significantly associated with chronic pain ( p ≥ 1.858 × 10−7), the GWAS of PHN patients revealed that the rs4773840 SNP within the ABCC4 gene region was significantly associated with PHN in the trend model (nominal p = 1.638 × 10−7). In the additional gene-based analysis, one gene, PRKCQ, was significantly associated with chronic pain in the trend model (adjusted p = 0.03722). In the gene-set analysis, several gene sets were significantly associated with chronic pain and PHN. No SNPs were significantly associated with the efficacy of any of types of drugs in any of the genetic models. Conclusions These results suggest that the PRKCQ gene and rs4773840 SNP within the ABCC4 gene region may be related to the susceptibility to chronic pain conditions and PHN, respectively.

Wen-Biao Jiao ◽  
Vipul Patel ◽  
Jonas Klasen ◽  
Fang Liu ◽  
Petra Pecinkova ◽  

Abstract Although gene duplications provide genetic backup and allow genomic changes under relaxed selection, they may potentially limit gene flow. When different copies of a duplicated gene are pseudofunctionalized in different genotypes, genetic incompatibilities can arise in their hybrid offspring. Although such cases have been reported after manual crosses, it remains unclear whether they occur in nature and how they affect natural populations. Here, we identified four duplicated-gene based incompatibilities including one previously not reported within an artificial Arabidopsis intercross population. Unexpectedly, however, for each of the genetic incompatibilities we also identified the incompatible alleles in natural populations based on the genomes of 1,135 Arabidopsis accessions published by the 1001 Genomes Project. Using the presence of incompatible allele combinations as phenotypes for GWAS, we mapped genomic regions that included additional gene copies which likely rescue the genetic incompatibility. Reconstructing the geographic origins and evolutionary trajectories of the individual alleles suggested that incompatible alleles frequently coexist, even in geographically closed regions, and that their effects can be overcome by additional gene copies collectively shaping the evolutionary dynamics of duplicated genes during population history.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Maor Sheva ◽  
Uri Hanania ◽  
Tami Ariel ◽  
Albina Turbovski ◽  
Vishal Kumar Rameshchandra Rathod ◽  

While plant cells in suspension are becoming a popular platform for expressing biotherapeutic proteins, the need to pre-engineer these cells to better comply with their role as host cell lines is emerging. Heterologous DNA and selectable markers are used for transformation and genome editing designated to produce improved host cell lines for overexpression of recombinant proteins. The removal of these heterologous DNA and selectable markers, no longer needed, can be beneficial since they limit additional gene stacking in subsequent transformations and may pose excessive metabolic burden on the cell machinery. In this study we developed an innovative stepwise methodology in which the CRISPR-Cas9 is used sequentially to target genome editing, followed by its own excision. The first step included a stable insertion of a CRISPR-Cas9 cassette, targeted to knockout the β(1,2)-xylosyltranferase (XylT) and the α(1,3)-fucosyltransferase (FucT) genes in Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Bright Yellow 2 (BY2) cell suspension. The second step included the excision of the inserted cassette of 14.3 kbp by induction of specific sgRNA designed to target the T-DNA boundaries. The genome editing step and the transgene removal step are achieved in one transformation run. This mechanism enables CRISPR genome editing and subsequently eliminating the introduced transgenes thus freeing the cells from foreign DNA no longer needed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (20) ◽  
pp. 11577-11588
Regina T Nostramo ◽  
Anita K Hopper

Abstract In eukaryotes, tRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus and subsequently exported to the cytoplasm where they serve as essential adaptor molecules in translation. However, tRNAs can be returned to the nucleus by the evolutionarily conserved process called tRNA retrograde nuclear import, before relocalization back to the cytoplasm via a nuclear re-export step. Several important functions of these latter two trafficking events have been identified, yet the pathways are largely unknown. Therefore, we developed an assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to identify proteins mediating tRNA retrograde nuclear import and re-export using the unique wybutosine modification of mature tRNAPhe. Our hydrochloric acid/aniline assay revealed that the karyopherin Mtr10 mediates retrograde import of tRNAPhe, constitutively and in response to amino acid deprivation, whereas the Hsp70 protein Ssa2 mediates import specifically in the latter. Furthermore, tRNAPhe is re-exported by Crm1 and Mex67, but not by the canonical tRNA exporters Los1 or Msn5. These findings indicate that the re-export process occurs in a tRNA family-specific manner. Together, this assay provides insights into the pathways for tRNAPhe retrograde import and re-export and is a tool that can be used on a genome-wide level to identify additional gene products involved in these tRNA trafficking events.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Shinichi Matsuda ◽  
Yuko Ohnuki ◽  
Mayuri Okami ◽  
Eriko Ochiai ◽  
Shiro Yamada ◽  

AbstractWe encountered a boy with Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS) with compound heterozygous KCNQ1 mutations, maternal Trp248Phe and a novel paternal mutation, Leu347Arg. His father showed long QT (LQT) and arrhythmia. His mother was asymptomatic with no ECG abnormalities. The proband and his father had an additional mutation (SNTA1 Thr372Met), which is reportedly related to SIDS. These results suggest that multiple gene mutations influence the phenotype of KCNQ1 mutation-related arrhythmia.

2020 ◽  
Wen-Biao Jiao ◽  
Vipul Patel ◽  
Jonas Klasen ◽  
Fang Liu ◽  
Petra Pecinkova ◽  

AbstractAlthough gene duplications provide genetic backup and allow genomic changes under relaxed selection, they may potentially limit gene flow. When different copies of a duplicated gene are pseudo-functionalized in different genotypes, genetic incompatibilities can arise in their hybrid offspring. While such cases have been reported after manual crosses, it remains unclear whether they occur in nature and how they affect natural populations. Here we identified four duplicated-gene based incompatibilities including one previously not reported within an artificial Arabidopsis intercross population. Unexpectedly, however, for each of the genetic incompatibilities we also identified the incompatible alleles in natural populations based on the genomes of 1,135 Arabidopsis accessions published by the 1001 Genomes Project. Using the presence of incompatible allele combinations as phenotypes for GWAS, we mapped genomic regions which included additional gene copies which likely rescue the genetic incompatibility. Reconstructing the geographic origins and evolutionary trajectories of the individual alleles suggested that incompatible alleles frequently co-exist, even in geographically closed regions, and that their effects can be overcome by additional gene copies collectively shaping the evolutionary dynamics of duplicated genes during population history.

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