synchronous state
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
H. Shameem Banu ◽  
P.S. Sheik Uduman

This paper seeks to address the phase synchronization phenomenon using the drive-response concept, in our proposed model, State Controlled Cellular Neural Network (SC-CNN) based on variant of MuraliLakshmanan-Chua (MLCV) circuit. Using this unidirectionally coupled chaotic non autonomous circuits, we described the transition of unsynchronous to synchronous state, by numerical simulation method as well as the results are confirmed by solving explicit analytical solution. In this aspect, the system undergoes the new effect of phase synchronization (PS) phenomenon have been observed before complete synchronization (CS) state. To characterize these phenomena by the phase portraits and the time series plots. Also particularly characterize for PS by the method of partial Poincare section map using phase difference versus time, numerically and analytically. The study of dynamics involved in SC-CNN circuit systems, mainly applicable in the field of neurosciences and in telecommunication fields.

О.С. Темная ◽  
G.P. Tsironis

We demonstrate phase clusterization in a hierarchical network of mutually coupled van der Pole oscillators. We find that in the system with random initial phases there is a coupling parameter, which corresponds to intermittent transition from non-synchronous state to synchronous. Clusterization does not decay if oscillators have non-identical natural frequencies or randomly distributed initial phases. In this structure, those elements that are placed on the same hierarchical level have equal phases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 229 (12-13) ◽  
pp. 2151-2165
M. Balcerzak ◽  
A. Chudzik ◽  
A. Stefanski

Abstract This paper deals with the phenomenon of the GS only in the context of unidirectional connection between identical exciter and receivers. A special attention is focused on the properties of the GS in coupled non-smooth Chua circuits. The robustness of the synchronous state is analyzed in the presence of slight parameter mismatch. The analysis tools are transversal and response Lyapunov exponents and fractal dimension of the attractor. These studies show differences in the stability of synchronous states between smooth (Lorenz system) and non-smooth (Chua circuit) oscillators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 496 (4) ◽  
pp. 5575-5583
Naoki Seto

ABSTRACT We study evolution of a hierarchical four-body (2 + 2) system composed by a pair of mass-transferring white dwarf binaries. Applying a simplified model around the synchronous state of two inner orbital periods, we newly find that the four-body system could settle down to a limit cycle with a small period gap. The period gap generates an amplitude variation of emitted gravitational waves as a beat effect. Depending on model parameters, the beat period could be 1–10 yr and a large amplitude variation might be observed by space gravitational-wave detectors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 168781402092130
Duyu Hou ◽  
Pan Fang ◽  
Huan Peng ◽  
Min Zou ◽  
Yongjun Hou ◽  

In-phase self-synchronization of two eccentric rotors with common rotational axis is hardly implemented in far-resonance system. In this article, a dual motor coaxially coupling with a torsion spring is proposed to obtain in-phase synchronization between the eccentric rotors. To explore the dynamic and synchronous characteristics of the proposed system, the mechanical model is first established with Lagrangian formulation. Second, the steady response of the system is calculated based on differential motion equations. Subsequently, the synchronous mechanism between the eccentric rotors is discussed by averaged small parameter method. Finally, some numerical computations are further implemented to verify correctness of theoretical analysis. The result shows that the synchronous state is determined by stiffness of torsion spring, masses of eccentric rotors, and distance between the motors. When axial distance between the motor is smaller, “critical stiffness of in-phase synchronization” is gradually enlarged as the masses of the eccentric rotors are increased and approached to equality, but in-phase synchronization is permanently maintained when the axial distance of the motor is far; in this situation, the synchronous state is hardly affected by variation of stiffness of torsion spring and masses of eccentric rotors. When the stiffness of the torsion spring is smaller, “critical distance [Formula: see text] of in-phase synchronization” is also enlarged as the masses of the eccentric rotors are increased and approached to equality; otherwise, the synchronous state is always locked in in-phase synchronization. When the stiffness of the torsion spring is smaller, “critical distance [Formula: see text] of anti-phase synchronization” is decreased as the masses of eccentric rotors are increased and approached to equality; otherwise, the synchronous state is always locked in in-phase synchronization.

Ittai Abraham ◽  
Dahlia Malkhi ◽  
Kartik Nayak ◽  
Ling Ren ◽  
Maofan Yin

Olga I. Natkho ◽  
Luiza R. Sardalova

The article deals with the paremiological units of the English language and their cognitive-discursive functions. The paper presents arguments in favor of the study of paroemias in discourse that are due to the principle of functional self-organization of the language, as a result of which, a new synergistic meaning is formed and the importance of paroemias seems obvious for increasing the pragmacommunicative effectiveness of discourse. In the article, the authors state that the language synchronous state is inherent not only in the system, but also in dynamism, and the evolution in the language is not only dynamic, but also systemic in nature, therefore among these properties is the ability of paroemias not only to have a stable initial visual form, but also to carry out evolutionary transformations which initiate new variants of the structural-semantic character. The work also examines paremiological units as precedent texts acting as a recurrent fragment of any discourse. The work focuses on the following properties of parоemias: they represent precedent concepts; express emotional significance for speakers of a particular linguistic culture; are a unique system of associative relations caused by a precedent in the native speaker’s consciousness; have a clear productive and perceptual marking in functional terms; are precedented cultural signs that indicate the semiotic nature of the subject, its active participation in the process of communication and its relationship with the national complex of cultural knowledge; present a truncated discourse behind a text or a situation; are units of linguistic consciousness actualized in discourse. The main goal of the article is to describe a number of cognitive-discursive functions of paremiological units: the function of the structurally-explicational organization of the discourse; the emotional-semantic emphasis function; the generalization function; the stylistic function; the regulatory function; the euphemization function; the phatic function; the meaning variability function.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-406
Arturo Buscarino ◽  
Carlo Famoso ◽  
Luigi Fortuna ◽  
Mattia Frasca

In this paper some recent experimental findings on chaotic synchronization are discussed showing how power absorption is minimum when the synchronous state is reached. The case of two Chua’s circuits is then theoretically dealt with confirming that synchronization minimizes power dissipation. The relationship between synchronization and power absorption, highlighted in such experiments and in the analysis presented, paves the way to new interpretations of synchronization in two or more coupled systems.

Pan Fang ◽  
Huan Peng ◽  
Du Changcheng ◽  
Min Zou ◽  
Duyu Hou ◽  

The unreasonable dynamic characteristics results in decrease of screening efficiency of the vibrating screen. However, the synchronous behavior of motors is key factor to determine dynamic characteristics of the screens. In this paper, two unbalanced rotors actuated with motors in a three-dimensional space are proposed. To understand the synchronous mechanism, the dynamic equation of the system is firstly confirmed based on Lagrangian formulation; meanwhile, synchronization condition of the system is calculated with average and small parameter method; then, synchronization stability of the system is explored by Lyapunov method; finally, some numerical simulations are given to validate the theoretical computations. It is found that, to implement the stable synchronous rotation between the rotors, the values of the parameter in this system must be satisfied by synchronous condition and synchronous stability; the synchronous state is determined by the rotation direction, the damping ratio, the frequency ratio, and the motor position; the system is a planar motion when the identical mass rotors oppositely actuated, but the system is a spatial motion in the other cases.

Nida Saddaf khan ◽  
Muhammad Sayeed Ghani

The increasing use of social media offers researchers with an opportunity to apply the sentiment analysis techniques over the data collected from social media websites. These techniques promise to provide an insight into the users’ perspectives on many areas. In this research, a sentiment analysis model is proposed based on HMC (Hidden Markov Chains) and K-Means algorithm to predict the collective synchronous state of sentiments for users on social media. HMC are used to find the converged state while K-Means is used to find the representative group of users. For this purpose, we have used data from a well-known social media site, Twitter, which consists of the tweets about a famous political party in Pakistan. The time series sequences of sentiments, of each user are passed on to the system to perform temporal analysis. The clustering with three and four number of clusters are found to be significant giving the representative groups. With three clusters, the representative group constitute of 82% of users and with four clusters, two representative groups are found having 45 and 36% of users. Analyzing these groups helps in finding the most popular behavior of users towards the concerned political party. Moreover, the groups perhaps tend to influence the opinion of other users in the network causing changes in their sentiments towards this party. The experimental results show that the proposed model has the power to distinguish behavior patterns of different individuals in a network.

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