coupling parameter
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Robert Paul Salazar Romero ◽  
Camilo Bayona Roa ◽  
Gabriel Tellez

Abstract In this work, we study the gapped Surface Electrode (SE), a planar system composed of two-conductor flat regions at different potentials with a gap G between both sheets. The computation of the electric field and the surface charge density requires solving Laplace’s equation subjected to Dirichlet conditions (on the electrodes) and Neumann Boundary Conditions over the gap. In this document, the GSE is modeled as a Two-Dimensional Classical Coulomb Gas having punctual charges +q and −q on the inner and outer electrodes, respectively, interacting with an inverse power law 1~r-potential. The coupling parameter Γ between particles inversely depends on temperature and is proportional to q2. Precisely, the density charge arises from the equilibrium states via Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. We focus on the coupling and the gap geometry effect. Mainly on the distribution of particles in the circular and the harmonically-deformed gapped SE. MC simulations differ from electrostatics in the strong coupling regime. The electrostatic approximation and the MC simulations agree in the weak coupling regime where the system behaves as two interacting ionic fluids. That means that temperature is crucial in finite-size versions of the gapped SE where the density charge cannot be assumed fully continuous as the coupling among particles increases. Numerical comparisons are addressed against analytical descriptions based on an electric vector potential approach, finding good agreement.

2022 ◽  
pp. 34-48
Aamir Shahzad ◽  
Zakia Rafiq ◽  
Alina Manzoor ◽  
Muhammad Kashif

Equilibrium molecular dynamics (EMD) simulation has been employed to explore the dynamical structure factors (DSFs) of two-dimensional (2D) dusty plasma systems for a wide domain of plasma parameters of Coulomb coupling (Γ) and Debye screening strength (κ). The influence of varying wave vectors (k) on plasma DSFs S (k, ω) have been reported with different combinations of plasma state points (Γ, κ). New simulations have been tested for the influence of different wave vectors on plasma density S (k, ω) in addition to different combinations of plasma state points. New results of plasma density S (k, ω) show that amplitude of oscillation and frequency will vary with increasing value of Coulomb coupling parameter (Γ) and Debye screening strength (κ). These simulation techniques show that transient behavior has been reported for frequency (ω) with various values of Debye screening strength (κ) and number of particles (N). Moreover, EMD simulation has been checked in order to investigate the behavior of plasma DSFs with increasing number of particles (N). The outcomes of EMD simulations are matched to earlier known numerical and experimental data. It has been shown that fluctuation of dynamical density increases at intermediate to higher values of coupling parameter. However, it shows less fluctuation at higher values of Debye screening strength (κ).

2021 ◽  
Abdelghani Errehymy ◽  
G. Mustafa ◽  
Youssef Khedif ◽  
Mohammed Daoud

Abstract The main aim of this manuscript is to explore the existence and salient features of spherically symmetric relativistic quark stars in the background of massive Brans-Dicke gravity. The exact solutions to the modified Einstein field equations are derived for specific forms of coupling and scalar field functions by using the equation of state relating to the strange quark matter that stimulates the phenomenological MIT-Bag model as a free Fermi gas of quarks. We use a well-behaved function along with Karmarkar condition for class-one embedding as well as junction conditions to determine the unknown metric tensors. The radii of the strange compact stars viz., PSR J1416-2230, PSR J1903+327, 4U 1820-30, CenX-3, EXO1785-248 are predicted via their observed mass for different values of the massive Brans-Dicke parameters. We explore the influences of mass of scalar field $m_{\phi}$ as well as coupling parameter $\omega_{BD}$ along with bag constant $\mathcal{B}$ on state determinants and perform several tests on the viability and stability of the constructed stellar model. Conclusively, we find that our stellar system is physically viable and stable as it satisfies all the energy conditions as well as necessary stability criteria under the influence of a gravitational scalar field.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (24) ◽  
pp. 3243
Ambreen Afsar Khan ◽  
Anum Dilshad ◽  
Mohammad Rahimi-Gorji ◽  
Mohammad Mahtab Alam

Considering the propagation of an SH wave at a corrugated interface between a monoclinic layer and heterogeneous half-space in the presence of initial stress. The inhomogeneity in the half-space is the causation of an exponential function of depth. Whittaker’s function is employed to find the half-space solution. The dispersion relation has been established in closed form. The special cases are discussed, and the classical Love wave equation is one of the special cases. The influence of nonhomogeneity parameter, coupling parameter, and depth of irregularity on the phase velocity was studied.

Ravisankar Rajamanickam ◽  
Sriraman Thangarasu ◽  
Ramavarmaraja Kishor Kumar ◽  
Muruganandam Paulsamy ◽  
Pankaj Kumar Mishra

Abstract We study the miscibility properties and ground state phases of two-component spin-orbit (SO) coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in a harmonic trap with strong axial confinement. By numerically solving the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations in the two-dimensional setting, we analyze the SO-coupled BECs for two possible permutations of the intra- and interspecies interactions, namely (i) weak intra- and weak interspecies interactions (W-W) and (ii) weak intra- and strong interspecies interactions (W-S). Considering the density overlap integral as a miscibility order parameter, we investigate the miscible-immiscible transition by varying the coupling parameters. We obtain various ground state phases, including plane wave, half quantum vortex, elongated plane wave, and different stripe wave patterns for W-W interactions. For finite Rabi coupling, an increase in SO coupling strength leads to the transition from the fully miscible to the partially miscible state. We also characterize different ground states in the coupling parameter space using the root mean square sizes of the condensate. The spin density vector for the ground state phases exhibits density, quadrupole and dipole like spin polarizations. For the W-S interaction, in addition to that observed in the W-W case, we witness semi vortex, mixed mode, and shell-like immiscible phases. We notice a wide variety of spin polarizations, such as density, dipole, quadrupole, symbiotic, necklace, and stripe-like patterns for the W-S case. A detailed investigation in the coupling parameter space indicates immiscible to miscible state phase transition upon varying the Rabi coupling for a fixed Rashba SO coupling. The critical Rabi coupling for the immiscible-miscible phase transition decreases upon increasing the SO coupling strength.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Kazem Bitaghsir Fadafan ◽  
Jesús Cruz Rojas

AbstractWe study a bottom-up holographic description of the QCD colour superconducting phase in the presence of higher derivative corrections. We expand this holographic model in the context of Gauss–Bonnet (GB) gravity. The Cooper pair condensate has been investigated in the deconfinement phase for different values of the GB coupling parameter $$\lambda _{G B}$$ λ GB , we observe a change in the value of the critical chemical potential $$\mu _c$$ μ c in comparison to Einstein gravity. We find that $$\mu _c$$ μ c grows as $$\lambda _{G B}$$ λ GB increases. We add four fermion interactions and show that in the presence of these corrections the main interesting features of the model are still present and that the intrinsic attractive interaction can not be switched off. This study suggests to find GB corrections to equation of state of holographic QCD matter.

Oleksiy O. Vakhnenko ◽  
Andriy P. Verchenko

The nonlinear dynamics of coupled P T -symmetric excitations and Toda-like vibrations on a one-dimensional lattice are studied analytically and elucidated graphically. The nonlinear exciton-phonon system as the whole is shown to be integrable in the Lax sense inasmuch as it admits the zero-curvature representation supported by the auxiliary linear problem of third order. Inspired by this fact, we have developed in detail the Darboux–Bäcklund integration technique appropriate to generate a higher-rank crop solution by dressing a lower-rank (supposedly known) seed solution. In the framework of this approach, we have found a rather non-trivial four-component analytical solution exhibiting the crossover between the monopole and dipole regimes in the spatial distribution of intra-site excitations. This effect is inseparable from the pronounced mutual influence between the interacting subsystems in the form of specific nonlinear superposition of two essentially distinct types of travelling waves. We have established the criterion of monopole-dipole transition based upon the interplay between the localization parameter of Toda mode and the inter-subsystem coupling parameter.

PRX Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
J.H. Béjanin ◽  
C.T. Earnest ◽  
Y.R. Sanders ◽  
M. Mariantoni

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 869-891
Alexandra Kashchenko ◽  

The purpose of this study is to construct the asymptotics of the relaxation regimes of a system of differential equations with delay, which simulates three diffusion-coupled oscillators with nonlinear compactly supported delayed feedback under the assumption that the factor in front of the feedback function is large enough. Also, the purpose is to study the influence of the coupling between the oscillators on the nonlocal dynamics of the model. Methods. We construct the asymptotics of solutions of the considered model with initial conditions from a special set. From the asymptotics of the solutions, we obtain an operator of the translation along the trajectories that transforms the set of initial functions into a set of the same type. The main part of this operator is described by a finite-dimensional mapping. The study of its dynamics makes it possible to refine the asymptotics of the solutions of the original model and draw conclusions about its dynamics. Results. It follows from the form of the constructed mapping that for positive coupling parameters of the original model, starting from a certain moment of time, all three generators have the same main part of the asymptotics — the generators are “synchronized”. At negative values of the coupling parameter, both inhomogeneous relaxation cycles and irregular regimes are possible. The connection of these modes with the modes of the constructed finite-dimensional mapping is described. Conclusion. From the results of the work it follows that the dynamics of the model under consideration is fundamentally influenced by the value of the coupling parameter between the generators.

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