correlational approach
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-88
Luthfi Ismawati ◽  
Isnanita Noviya Andriyani

This study aims to determine whether there is a correlation between self-efficacy and adversity quotient for students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wedi Klaten. This type of research uses quantitative research methods with a correlational approach. Sampling methods using simple random sampling with data collection techniques in the form of a scale. The research subjects were 70 students from class XI of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wedi, Klaten. The results obtained correlation analysis (rxy) of 0.708 with a p-value 0.000 that is lower than 0.05, meaning that there is a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and the student's adversity quotient. This can indicate that the higher the student's self-efficacy, higher the adversity quotient of the student, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Self efficacy and adversity quotient in students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wedi, Klaten are classified as moderate. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the correlation is 0.724, meaning that self-efficacy contributes effectively to the adversity quotient by 72%, which means there are 28% of the other factors that affect students adversity quotient

Fabiola Talavera-Mendoza ◽  
Carlos E. Atencio-Torres ◽  
Henry del Carpio ◽  
David A. Deza ◽  
Alexander R. Cayro

Online learning offers opportunities responding to their different individual and group learning needs by leaving digital traces that allow tracking their experiences at the user level. This study aims to examine the perceived usability of the gamified educational platform called (ELORS) in relation to online behaviour. As well as analyse the clustering models in terms of their high and low level of engagement through their interaction metrics. A quantitative, descriptive correlational approach and an educational data analysis design was adopted through the K-means algorithm. The participants were 51 students in mathematics in the second year of secondary education. An instrument was used to evaluate usability and behavioural metrics, analysing 1065 interactions with 57 activities. The results showed advantages in usability and grouping. The level of usability achieved depends on the interaction of the users with the different learning objects and their moderate relationship in their interactions. In relation to the centroids, two groups are evidenced by number of attempts and interactions, identifying students with low levels of participation in the minority. A significant finding is given in relation to the preference of redeeming virtual values in gold from the diamonds collected. The perspective of the analysis allows identifying the potential of the gamified platform to work online in the formation of mathematical competence according to the current educational curriculum.

ACS Omega ◽  
2021 ◽  
Juliano Schorne-Pinto ◽  
Jacob A. Yingling ◽  
Matthew S. Christian ◽  
Amir M. Mofrad ◽  
Mahmoud A. A. Aslani ◽  

Linda Dwi Pitriani ◽  
Ridha Nirmalasari ◽  
Muzakki Muzakki

The relationship between nutritional status and cognitive development in children and toddlers, including those in the nutritionally vulnerable group. Lack of nutrition in children and toddlers can cause weakness, decreased concentration and slowed child development. The purpose of this study are to determine the relationship between nutritional status and cognitive development of children aged 5-6 years in RA Hidayatul Insan Palangka Raya. The research method used was quantitative research with a correlational approach, the method used was an analytic survey. The sample in this study were 25 students with a sampling method, namely used total sampling, where all populations were sampled. Research data collection techniques used observation, questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis used product moment correlation test. The results showed that the calculation of the product moment correlation test found that the relationship between body mass index and children's cognitive development was significantly smaller than the alpha value or 0.009 <0.05. In the relationship between upper arm circumference and child development with a significant value smaller than the alpha value or 0.024 <0.05, thus Ha was accepted, the correlations of -0.512 and -0.449. The conclusion was that there was a very weak relationship between nutritional status and cognitive development of children aged 5-6 years in RA Hidayatul Insan Palangka Raya.

2021 ◽  
Lin-Xin Wang

The inherent neural mechanism in prosocial behavior and its developmental trajectory are inadequately understood. To address the above gaps, a two-pronged empirical approach, such as experimental approach (e.g., evidence from event-related potentials) and longitudinal questionnaire approach (e.g., latent growth model), is urgently needed to depict a more complete picture of this phenomenon. While both the experimental approach and the correlational approach have their strengths and limitations, they complement one another. In study 1, I sought to replicate prior research and reexamine the relation between SES and adolescents' prosocial behaviors in the ERPs experiment. In study 2, I intend to establish empirical support for the interaction between economic inequality and SES on adolescents' prosocial behavior and the underlying neural mechanism. In these studies, I manipulate the economic inequality and SES in the laboratory experiment to draw causal inferences. Considering the limited external validity of the experiment, study 3 aims to provide longitudinal support for the processing mechanism that explains how economic inequality and SES affect the developmental trajectory of adolescents' prosocial behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Bustami Zainudin ◽  
Ahmad Hidayat Sutawidjaya ◽  
Ahmad Badawi Saluy ◽  
Maszudulhak Djamil ◽  
Endri Endri

The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as a state Island biggest in the world which run the government republic presidential have amount The State Civil Apparatus is very large and greatly determines the performance of the government. Seen from report the results of the evaluation of the performance of the State Civil Apparatus, are considered unsatisfactory. This study is intended to examine the factors that affect the performance of State Civil Apparatus employees. A total of 40 echelon III officials became respondents in this study based on the data staffing and BPS data obtained through Slovin calculations from a total population of 54 people state civil apparatus, way right district government, Lampung province with the level of echelon III. This study uses a quantitative and correlational approach to determine the effect of compensation variables. Leadership, supervision, on performance mediated by the adversity quotient. The data collection method used in this study is a survey method by distributing purposive questionnaires. The data obtained from the questionnaires were collected and then processed and analysed using smart PLS software.

Akademika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 335-348
Masduki Ahmad

This study aims to determine whether or not there is a correlation between empowerment and motivation with teacher commitment at SDN Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. This study decides the three variables used, namely empowerment (X1), motivation (X2), and teacher commitment (Y). This study uses quantitative research using a survey method using a correlational approach. The subjects of this study were teachers from 8 public elementary schools located in the Duren Palm Village, East Jakarta, with a total population of 140 teachers. Sampling was carried out using Simple Random Sampling with the formula Slovin at a significance level of an error level of 5% so that it obtained 104 sample members. Carried out this research from January 2021 to July 2021. Testing the hypothesis was carried out using a multiple linear Unified regression model using a coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.664 or 66.4%. From the results that have been carried out when testing the hypothesis, it is known that the results of this study have a relationship between empowerment and motivation with teacher commitment at SD Negeri Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-71
Agustina Agustina

The Indonesian government's efforts to eradicate illiteracy deserve appreciation, but this has not been accompanied by successful efforts in building a reading culture in the community. This is in accordance with various world surveys that note the low level of literacy in Indonesia. There are several studies through quantitative studies on interest and fondness for reading in various provinces in Indonesia, and this can be used as comparison material. One of the comprehensive studies conducted by the Center for Policy Research on Education and Culture, Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Education and Culture released the Reading Literacy Activity Index (Alibaca Index) in 34 provinces in Indonesia. Seeing this data, what becomes interesting to study later is whether the reading literacy level has a correlation with the student's academic achievement variable. This is important because in the end the school/madrasah literacy movement is aimed at achieving the highest level that goes beyond the level of habituation and development, namely the level of learning. This study aims to answer the questions, 1) Is there a significant positive correlation between students' reading literacy levels and academic achievement, in 34 provinces in Indonesia? and 2) What strategies should schools/madrasahs do to increase students' reading literacy levels and at the same time increase the achievement of academic achievement? This study uses a descriptive correlational approach by collecting data through the study of documentation and interviews. The results showed that the correlation between reading activity index and academic achievement (r) was 0.766. There are several innovation ideas also described qualitatively as a result of interviews.

ملخص: هدفت الدراسة التعرف إلى درجة ممارسة القيادة الريادية لدى العاملين الإداريين في جامعة الأزهر بغزة وعلاقتها بمستوى البراعة التنظيمية لديهم، وذلك من وجهة نظرهم، وباستخدام المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي، والرجوع للأدبيات السابقة، تم بناء استبانة تكونت من (41) فقرة موزعة على (6) مجال، هي: (الإبداع، والرؤية الاستراتيجية، وتحمل المخاطرة، والمبادأة، والاستغلال، والاستكشاف)، وبعد التأكد من صدقها وثباتها، تم تطبيقها على جميع الإداريين في جامعة الأزهر وعددهم (208) موظفاً وموظفة وقد تم استرداد (189) استبانة بنسبة استرداد (91%)، وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى أن درجة ممارسة القيادة الريادية لدى العاملين الإداريين كانت “مرتفعة” وبوزن نسبي (76.3%)، ومستوى البراعة التنظيمية لديهم كان “مرتفعاً” أيضاً، وبوزن نسبي (78%)، كذلك وُجدت علاقة ارتباطية موجبة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين درجة ممارسة القيادة الريادية لدى العاملين الإداريين في جامعة الأزهر ومستوى البراعة التنظيمية لديهم، ووجود أثر لممارسة القيادة الريادية لدى العاملين الإداريين في تحسين مستوى البراعة التنظيمية لديهم. الكلمات المفتاحية: القيادة الريادية، البراعة التنظيمية، الجامعات الفلسطينية. Abstract The study aimed to identify the degree of entrepreneurial leadership practice among administrators at Al-Azhar University in Gaza and its relationship to their level of organizational ambidexterity, from their point of view. The approach of the study was the descriptive / correlational approach. By referring to previous literature, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of (41) items distributed on (6) aspects: (creativity, strategic vision, risk tolerance, initiative, exploitation, and exploration) The researcher applied it after being sure of its validity and stability to all members of the study population: (208) male and female administrators at Al-Azhar University . (189) questionnaires were obtained from (208) distributed questionnaires, with a (91%) recovery rate. Results of the study showed that the degree of leadership practice among administrative workers had a “relative weight” of (76.3%), and their level of organizational ambidexterity had a “relative weight” of (78.0). A positive correlation was also found. Statistical significance between the degree of entrepreneurial leadership practice among administrative workers at Al-Azhar University and their level of organizational ambidexterity was also found. Moreover, results of the study also showed that practicing leadership among administrative workers improved to some extent their level of organizational ambidexterity. Keywords: Entrepreneurial leadership, Organizational ambidexterity, Palestinian universities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174702182110664
Kevin Rosales ◽  
Jean-Paul Snijder ◽  
Andrew Conway ◽  
Corentin Gonthier

Working memory is thought to be strongly related to cognitive control. Recent studies have sought to understand this relationship under the prism of the dual mechanisms of control (DMC) framework, in which cognitive control is thought to operate in two distinct modes: proactive and reactive. Several authors have concluded that a high working memory capacity is associated with a tendency to engage the more effective mechanism of proactive control. However, the predicted pattern of proactive control use has never been observed; correlational evidence is made difficult to interpret by the overall superiority of participants with a high working memory capacity: they tend to perform better even when proactive control should be detrimental. In two experiments, we used an experimental-correlational approach to experimentally induce the use of reactive or proactive control in the AX-CPT. The relation between working memory capacity and performance was unaffected, incompatible with the hypothesis that the better performance of participants with a high working memory capacity in the task is due to their use of proactive control. It remains unclear how individual differences in working memory capacity relate to cognitive control under the DMC framework.

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