driving field
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2021 ◽  
Roberto Köferstein

Magnetoelectric (Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6)1x(CoFe2O4)x (x = 0.2–0.6) composites were prepared by a one-pot softchemistrysynthesis using PEG400. Calcining at 700 ◦C resulted in nanocrystalline composite powders (dcryst. =24–30 nm) which were sintered between 1050 and 1200 ◦C to ceramic bodies with relative densities up to 98%.SEM investigations confirm the formation of composite ceramics with a 0–3 connectivity and variable grain sizesfrom 0.2 to 3.6 μm for sintering up to 1150 ◦C, while sintering at 1200 ◦C leads both to a change in themicrostructure and a considerable grain growth. Magnetic measurements at 300 K reveal ferrimagnetic behaviourwith saturation magnetization values smaller than bulk CoFe2O4 and coercivities between 790 and 160 Oe.Temperature-dependent impedance spectroscopy showed that the relative permittivities decrease both withrising frequency and CoFe2O4 fraction. The frequency dependence of the impedance can be well described usinga single RC circuit. Magnetoelectric measurements show the presence of pronounced field hystereses. Themaximum magnetoelectric coefficient (αME) depends both on the CoFe2O4 fraction (x) and sintering temperature.The composite with x = 0.3 exhibits the largest αME value of 37 μV Oe1 cm1 (@ 900 Hz). With rising frequencyof the AC driving field αME increases up to 300–400 Hz and is nearly constant until 1 kHz.

Xin Wang ◽  
WenXing Yang ◽  
Ai-Xi Chen ◽  
Ling Li ◽  
Tao Shui ◽  

Abstract We propose a potentially practical scheme for the controllable single-photon transport via waveguides which are coupled to a microcavity-emitter system. The microcavity-emitter system consists of a V-type three-level emitter and two or one single-mode microcavity. A driving field is used to drive a hyperfine transition between two upper excited states of the V-type three-level emitter. Beyond chiral coupling between waveguides and microcavity-emitter system, we show that the perfectly nonreciprocal single-photon transport in a single waveguide and the single-photon router with 100% routing probability in two waveguides can be achieved. Interesting enough, whether the nonreciprocal single-photon transport or the single-photon router can be switched periodically by adjusting the phase associated with microcavity-emitter coupling strength and the driving field. The complete physical explanation of the underlying mechanism is presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 015203
Wang-Rui Zhang ◽  
Tao Shui ◽  
Yi-Lou Liu ◽  
Ning Ji ◽  
Wen-Xing Yang

Abstract The photon router plays an essential role in the optical quantum network. However, conventional routers generally couple photons chirally into waveguides to achieve complete transmission from the input port to the required port. Here, we use non-chiral photon-atom interactions for targeted routing. The system consists of two V-type three-level atoms and two parallel waveguides. In addition, the two atoms are driven by external coherent fields, respectively. With a real-space Hamiltonian, the probability of photon transmitted to four ports can be obtained. The study shows that a single photon input from the left port of the waveguide-a can be deterministically transferred to any of the four ports of the two waveguides by adjusting the detuning of the atom and the driving field on the atom, as well as the distance between the two atoms.

Shailendra Kumar Singh ◽  
Jia xin Peng ◽  
Muhammad Asjad ◽  
Mojtaba Mazaheri

Abstract We theoretically investigate quantum entanglement and coherence in a hybrid Laguerre-Gaussian rotating cavity optomechanical system with two-level atoms, where cavity and mechanical modes are coupled through the exchange of orbital angular momentum. Our study shows that the injection of atoms with a suitable choice of the physical parameters can significantly improve the degree of optomechanical entanglement in all aspects. In the study of quantum coherence research, we show more comprehensively the negative and positive effects of atoms on the coherence. The result obtained is that only when the atom is significantly offresonant to driving field, the coupling strength in between the atoms and light field increases and the quantum coherence can be enhanced, otherwise it will reduce quantum coherence. In addition, the atomic decay suppresses quantum coherence phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Lukas Broers ◽  
Ludwig Mathey

AbstractFloquet engineering presents a versatile method of dynamically controlling material properties. The light-induced Floquet-Bloch bands of graphene feature band gaps, which have not yet been observed directly. We propose optical longitudinal conductivity as a realistic observable to detect light-induced Floquet band gaps in graphene. These gaps manifest as resonant features in the conductivity, when resolved with respect to the probing frequency and the driving field strength. The electron distribution follows the light-induced Floquet-Bloch bands, resulting in a natural interpretation as occupations of these bands. Furthermore, we show that there are population inversions of the Floquet-Bloch bands at the band gaps for sufficiently strong driving field strengths. This strongly reduces the conductivity at the corresponding frequencies. Therefore our proposal puts forth not only an unambiguous demonstration of light-induced Floquet-Bloch bands, which advances the field of Floquet engineering in solids, but also points out the control of transport properties via light, that derives from the electron distribution on these bands.

2021 ◽  
pp. 127772
Na Li ◽  
Hanwen Jiang ◽  
Xiuwen Xia ◽  
Chengjie Zhu ◽  
Shuangyuan Xie ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Xianglong Yao ◽  
Zhenyu Wang ◽  
Menghua Deng ◽  
Z.-X. Li ◽  
Zhizhi Zhang ◽  

We propose a method to generate magnetic skyrmions by focusing spin waves totally reflected by a curved film edge. The edge contour is derived to be parabolic and frequency-independent based on the identical magnonic path length principle. We performed micromagnetic simulations to verify our theoretical design. Under proper conditions, the reflected spin waves first converge at the focal point with the enhanced intensity leading to the emergence of magnetic droplets, which are then converted to magnetic skyrmion accompanied by a change in the topological charge. We numerically obtain the phase diagram of skyrmion generation with respect to the amplitude and frequency of the driving field. Our finding would be helpful for the design of spintronic devices combining the advantage of skyrmionics and magnonics.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 1566
Dino Habibović ◽  
Wilhelm Becker ◽  
Dejan B. Milošević

Using the strong-field approximation we systematically investigate the selection rules for high-order harmonic generation and the symmetry properties of the angle-resolved photoelectron spectra for various atomic and molecular targets exposed to one-component and two-component laser fields. These include bicircular fields and orthogonally polarized two-color fields. The selection rules are derived directly from the dynamical symmetries of the driving field. Alternatively, we demonstrate that they can be obtained using the conservation of the projection of the total angular momentum on the quantization axis. We discuss how the harmonic spectra of atomic targets depend on the type of the ground state or, for molecular targets, on the pertinent molecular orbital. In addition, we briefly discuss some properties of the high-order harmonic spectra generated by a few-cycle laser field. The symmetry properties of the angle-resolved photoelectron momentum distribution are also determined by the dynamical symmetry of the driving field. We consider the first two terms in a Born series expansion of the T matrix, which describe the direct and the rescattered electrons. Dynamical symmetries involving time translation generate rotational symmetries obeyed by both terms. However, those that involve time reversal generate reflection symmetries that are only observed by the direct electrons. Finally, we explain how the symmetry properties, imposed by the dynamical symmetry of the driving field, are altered for molecular targets.

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