araucaria forest
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2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (04) ◽  
pp. 862-870
Izar Aximoff ◽  
Marcelo Hübel ◽  
Antônio Carlos de Freitas ◽  
Clarissa Rosa ◽  

Carnivores typically exhibit cryptic behavior, which makes it difficult to study the ecology of species in this group. Camera trap bycatch can be a valuable source of important opportunistic records. In this short communication, we present rare records of carnivores in southern Brazil. The first record was of a tayra (Mustelidae) with anomalous coloration known as leucism. Other records were of a possible attempted predation event by two free-ranging dogs on lowland tapir (Perissodactyla, Tapiridae), a threatened species. Our remaining notable records consisted of intra and interspecific interactions of endangered felids (puma, ocelot and southern tiger cat).

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 567
André Eduardo Biscaia Lacerda

As secondary forests become more common around the world, it is essential to understand successional pathways to ensure their proper forest management. Despite optimism about secondary forests in terms of landscape restoration, the influence of invasive species on their development has been poorly explored. Here, forest plots in the Araucaria Forest, Southern Brazil, are used to compare forest dynamics over a 14-year period between unmanaged bamboo forest development (control) and the removal of bamboo. Six control plots (15 × 15 m) were monitored for all adult trees since 2007 alongside six adjacent removal plots; after the initial measurement of the control in 2007, all plots were measured bi-annually from 2010 to 2020. Comparisons were based on tree species diversity, composition, and structure parameters. Removal plots show a trend towards developing a forest composition with more secondary and late successional species while the control plots demonstrate succession restricted to the pioneer trees that regenerated immediately after bamboo die-off (2005–2006). Without the presence of bamboos, removal plots are mirroring the well-known successional pathway typical of the Araucaria Forest. Conversely, bamboos are effectively arresting successional development in the control, resulting in lower levels of diversity and less complex forest structure. For the first time, this study presents a direct analysis of the influence of bamboos on forest succession, providing evidence on which practices to manage bamboo forests can be developed so these secondary forests can fulfill their ecological and economic potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-277
Edenir Bagio Perin ◽  
Gisele Leite de Lima Primam ◽  
Marcelo Accioly Teixeira de Oliveira

Palynology of peaty sediments from the high course of Cará Brook Creek, Coxilha Rica, Santa Catarina, Brazil. This paper presents the results of the palynological study of a sedimentary core collected in a bog in the upper part valley of Cará Brook Creek, in the cultural territory of Coxilha Rica, located in the Campos Gerais Plateau in Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. The base of the core was dated in 6.900 14C years BP (7,845–7,690 cal years BP). The identification of the palynomorphs and the cluster analysis made possible to define two distinct palynological phases, despite the predominance of grassland vegetation throughout the whole core. From 34 cm, the frequency of bryophytes decreases, accompanied by the increase of the diversity of all vegetal taxa. Throughout the core, the most frequent families are Poaceae, Cyperaceae Apiaceae. The results indicate that the landscape of the upper course of the Brook Creek was characterized by grasslands from 6,900 14C years BP under a regional and humid climate, with a temperature increase in the historical period. Keywords: Middle Holocene, palynomorphs, grasslands, Araucaria forest, Highland.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 001-019
Carlos Henrique Marchiori

In Brazil we can find six types of biomes: Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pampa, Pantanal, and two morphoclimatic domains: the Araucaria Forest the Mata from Cocais. Our biomes and morphoclimatic domains are important not only as natural resources in our country but stand out as environments of great natural wealth on the planet. The aim of this study is to describe the parasitoids collected in Brazilian biomes. The mini review consists of a bibliographic summary of parasitoids of the Order Hymenoptera parasitoids collected in the following Biomes and morphoclimatic domain in Brazil. The research was carried out in studies related to the theme with emphasis on the quantitative aspects of the superfamily, family, subfamilies, genera, and species (Taxonomic groups). A bibliographic search was carried out that contained papers published from 2006 to June 2021.The mini review was prepared in Goiânia, Goiás from March to June 2021using the Electronic Scientific Library Online (Scielo) and internet. This biodiversity can offer unique opportunity for pest control in both Brazil and other countries, due to the identification of new organisms with potential to be used in biological control.

Oscar Crovo ◽  
Felipe Aburto ◽  
Clara Costa‐Reidel ◽  
Francisco Montecino ◽  
Rolando Rodríguez

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 501 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-280

The Leguminosae family is one of the most representative in Brazil, with more than 2,800 native species in 222 genera. It is also one of the most representative families in all Brazilian phytogeographic domains, especially in the Atlantic Forest, where the Iguaçu National Park (ParNa Iguaçu) is located. The present study aimed to produce a synopsis of the Leguminosae species, and compare their distribution in three different areas of the park. ParNa has a total area of about 185,000 hectares, its vegetation is predominantly Semideciduous Forest (SF), in the areas of Foz do Iguaçu and Capanema, and a transition from this with Araucaria Forest (AF), in the area of Céu Azul. Fortnightly expeditions were carried out along the main trails of ParNa, from April 2018 to May 2019, there were also surveys in the platforms SpeciesLink, Jabot and the Reflora Virtual Herbarium, in addition to visits to the herbaria EVB, HCF, MBM, PUC-PR and UPCB. Sixty-three native species of Leguminosae distributed in 40 genera were found. The most representative genera were Senegalia with eight species, followed by Machaerium, Mimosa and Desmodium with four species each. Of these species, 24 are new records for ParNa, five were found only in the AF area, 51 only in SF and eight are found in both these vegetational types. Two species are endemic to Paraná, Mimosa prionopus and Senegalia rafinesqueana, and two are threatened, Apuleia leiocarpa and Gleditsia amorphoides. An identification key, scientific illustrations and/or photographs with diagnostic characters of the taxa and comments on the geographical distribution are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 487 ◽  
pp. 118961
Dieter Liebsch ◽  
Santiago José Elías Velazco ◽  
Sandra Bos Mikich ◽  
Marcia C.M. Marques ◽  
Franklin Galvão

Lilloa ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Tamara J. Falavigna ◽  
Carlos R. Lehn ◽  
Marcelo D. Arana

A list of ferns and lycophytes from Ferradura Park, a private park located in Canela, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil is presented. The park has an area of 400 ha with forest formations such as Araucaria Forest, Mixed Ombrophilous Forest and Seasonal Deciduous Forest, with transition zones and areas at different stages of regeneration. We found 56 species (five lycophytes and 51 ferns) in Ferradura Park. Lycophytes are represented by two families (Lycopodiaceae and Selaginellaceae) and four genera, while 11 families and 33 genera were recorded for ferns. Most of the species are exclusively terrestrial (39 spp.). The predominant life form is hemicriptophytic with rosulate growth (27 spp.). Phlegmariurus heterocarpon, Polytaenium lineatum and Vittaria lineata are considered locally rare. The area presents 15% of the species richness of the State of Rio Grande do Sul including rare species, which highlights the importance of implementing effective actions for the continuing Park conservation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
Karla Campagnolo ◽  
Masato Kobiyama

2021 ◽  
Vol 486 ◽  
pp. 118941
Thiago Floriani Stepka ◽  
Patrícia Povoa de Mattos ◽  
Afonso Figueiredo Filho ◽  
Evaldo Muñoz Braz ◽  
Sebastião do Amaral Machado

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