spontaneous bladder rupture
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Diagnostics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1885
Guglielmo Stabile ◽  
Francesco Cracco ◽  
Davide De Santo ◽  
Giulia Zinicola ◽  
Federico Romano ◽  

Objective: To identify the possible causes of spontaneous bladder rupture after normal vaginal delivery and to propose a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm. Material and Methods: MEDLINE (PubMed), Web of Science and Scopus databases were searched up to August 2020. Manuscripts considered were published from 1990 and only English articles were included. The research strategy adopted included the following terms: (bladder rupture) AND (spontaneous) AND (delivery). 103 studies were identified. Duplicates were found through an independent manual screening. Subsequently, two authors independently screened the full text of articles and excluded those not pertinent to the topic. Discrepancies were resolved by consensus. Finally, thirteen studies were included. Results: PRISMA guidelines were followed. For each study, fetal weight, catheterization during labor, parity, maternal age, occurrence time, previous abdominal or pelvic surgery, symptoms complained of, diagnostic methods, and treatment were considered. Median age was 26.0 (range 20–34 years); median presentation time was 3.0 days after delivery (range 1–20 days); and median newborn weight was 3227.0 g (range 2685–3600 g). Catheterization during labor was reported only in four of the thirteen cases (30.8%) identified. The symptoms most frequently complained of were abdominal pain and distension, fever, oliguria, haematuria and vomiting. Instrumental diagnosis was performed using X-rays in five cases and computerized tomography in six cases. Ultrasound was chosen in five cases as a first diagnostic tool. In two cases, cystography was performed. Treatment was always laparotomic repair of the visceral defect. Conclusion: Abdominal pain, increased creatinine and other signs of kidney failure on blood tests should lead to suspicion of this complication. Cystourethrography is regarded as a procedure of choice, but a first ultrasound approach is recommended. The main factor for the therapeutic choice is the intraperitoneal or extraperitoneal rupture of the bladder. Classical management for intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder is surgical repair and urinary rest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 87 ◽  
pp. 106349
Btissam Ouafidi ◽  
Maryem Bouab ◽  
Hamza Kiram ◽  
Mohamed Jalal ◽  
Amine Lamrissi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. e240857
Massimo Garriboli ◽  
Shimaa Ibrahim ◽  
Joanna Clothier

We describe a case of a 3-year-old boy with Down syndrome who developed a bladder rupture as a consequence of an undiagnosed posterior urethral valve (PUV). He had a history of urinary tract infections and constipation and was acutely admitted in poor condition and underwent laparotomy that revealed peritoneal sepsis secondary to bladder perforation. Bladder was drained using a suprapubic catheter and the condition of the boy gradually improved. Once stable, a cystourethroscopy confirmed the presence of PUV. Video-urodynamic studies performed at the check cystoscopy showed the bladder to be of reduced compliance (end fill pressure at 100 mL fill 30 cmH2O) with raised voiding pressures (76–100 cmH2O) and significant incomplete bladder emptying. Currently, the patient is doing very well, serum creatinine has normalised, he is infection-free and thriving; his bladder is managed with a vesicostomy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Reid Bartholomew ◽  
Mentor Ahmeti

Background. A female patient presented four years following spontaneous bladder rupture with a recurrent spontaneous bladder rupture. Summary. Urinary bladder rupture is a condition usually caused by trauma or surgical instrumentation. Spontaneous bladder rupture is a much more uncommon condition and is associated with intoxication, radiation, stricture, or neurogenic bladder. We describe a case of a 40-year-old woman with a history of three caesarian sections with an idiopathic recurrent spontaneous bladder rupture. Originally, she presented with one day of worsening severe abdominal pain. CT showed possible ischemic bowel. She was taken to the operating room (OR) and found to have a bladder rupture. This was repaired, and she did well postoperatively. Four years later, she presented to the emergency department (ED) with one week of worsening abdominal pain that became severe acutely. Given that she had a similar issue four years prior the patient was suspicious, her bladder was again ruptured. CT cystogram showed contrast extravasation into the peritoneum. The patient was taken urgently to the operating room for an open repair of the bladder rupture. She did well following the procedure. Conclusion. Spontaneous bladder rupture is a surgical emergency and should be in the differential diagnosis of any patient with peritonitis with elevated creatinine and free intraperitoneal fluid. This diagnosis should especially be considered if the patient has a history pelvic radiation, neurogenic bladder, or intoxication. We submit that a history of multiple pelvic surgeries should be included in this list. CT cystogram is the diagnostic test of choice. Operative repair is generally the treatment for this condition.

Mitsumasa Okano ◽  
Toshihiko Oshita ◽  
Kazunori Otsui ◽  
Kazuhiko Sakaguchi

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (11) ◽  
Wajih Sahnoun ◽  
Sami Ben Rhouma ◽  
Aziz Kacem ◽  
Khaireddine Mrad Dali ◽  
Issam Rekik ◽  

Abstract While bladder rupture is most of the time secondary to external injury such as trauma or iatrogenic events, spontaneous bladder rupture (SBR) is a rare condition which is mostly associated with bladder cancer, neurologic bladder or radiotherapy. We report a case of a 63-year-old patient with an invasive squamous cell bladder carcinoma who presented acute peritonitis caused by a SBR while being prepared for radical surgery. CT-scan helped to confirm diagnosis and emergency cystectomy was performed. SBR should be considered in differential diagnosis of peritonitis. On time diagnosis and adequate surgery could improve its prognosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 101377
Patricio Modina ◽  
Leandro Vidal ◽  
Carlos I. David ◽  
Conrado Leal ◽  
Ricardo Escowich ◽  

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