external injury
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LWT ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 111908
Huifan Liu ◽  
Churong Liang ◽  
Lukai Ma ◽  
Jianliang Liu ◽  
Qin Wang

Tomoyuki Takura ◽  

This study proposes a method for calculating the appropriate medical treatment price level for foreign visitors (FVs) in Japan. Hospital management costs and foreign prices were analyzed from a market principles perspective to determine the medical treatment price. The study involved two stages: a preliminary survey and an extended survey, supplemented by an international survey. Relatively frequent diseases were selected, and the costs incurred by hospitals for the treatment of FVs were analyzed though data from three hospitals, covering 24 outpatients and 4 inpatients. Payments made by three insurance companies for overseas medical institution services for Japanese tourists with pharyngitis were analyzed. This study shows that the appropriate medical treatment prices for FVs, considering profits, were 1.22–4.26 times higher compared with prices under Japan’s public health insurance plans. Furthermore, these prices were 1.31–4.26 times higher for outpatients with pharyngitis and external injury and 1.22–3.66 times higher for inpatients with appendicitis and femoral fractures. The price of pharyngitis treatment in 12 countries was USD 20.32–158.75 per patient for Japanese tourists, whereas FVs paid 60.24 dollars (1.13 times higher than Japan’s public healthcare price) in Japan. This study shows it was appropriate to set the ideal price level for FVs higher than that for Japanese patients.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002580242110150
Roger W Byard

Casper’s sign refers to the absence of external signs of trauma despite severe and often lethal internal injuries. It occurs because the elasticity and resilience of the skin results in it deforming and moving rather than sustaining injuries from being tethered and relatively immobile. Given the known increase in skin and soft-tissue fragility in the elderly with a greater vulnerability for bruising and skin tears, a study was undertaken to determine whether Casper’s sign may be present or not in older populations. A review of autopsy files at Forensic Science SA over a 20-year period from January 2000 to December 2019 was performed in individuals ≥80 years of age where death involved blunt chest trauma, blunt abdominal trauma or multiple blunt-force injuries. Four cases were identified. All of the decedents were males aged 82–89 years ( Mage=86 years) with deaths associated with a fall ( n=1) and vehicle impacts ( n=3). Despite significant and often lethal internal chest/abdominal injuries, none of the cases had external injuries to their torsos. Thus, as Casper’s sign may be present at all ages, the absence of external injury in the elderly may be no reflection of the force of the impact or the degree of resultant skeletal and/or internal organ disruption. This may be pertinent in cases of elder abuse.

Proteomes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 23
Marcus M. K. Hughes ◽  
Eva Aryal ◽  
Elnaz Safari ◽  
Biljana Mojsoska ◽  
Håvard Jenssen ◽  

With a relatively large surface area (2 m2) and 15% of total body mass, the skin forms the largest organ of the human body. The main functions of the skin include regulation of body temperature by insulation or sweating, regulation of the nervous system, regulation of water content, and protection against external injury. To perform these critical functions, the skin encodes genes for transporters responsible for the cellular trafficking of essential nutrients and metabolites to maintain cellular hemostasis. However, the knowledge on the expression, regulation, and function of these transporters is very limited and needs more work to elucidate how these transporters play a role both in disease progression and in healing. Furthermore, SLC and ABC transporters are understudied, and even less studied in skin. There are sparse reports on relation between transporters in skin and sweat metabolites. This mini review focuses on the current state of SLC and ABC transporters in the skin and their relation to sweat metabolites and skin diseases.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002581722098067
Samir Nya ◽  
Hind Abouzahir ◽  
Ahmed Belhouss ◽  
Hicham Benyaich

Death following accidental suffocation due to overlaying is often overlooked, and still attributed to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). We report a case of sudden infant death following accidental suffocation due to breast overlaying during breastfeeding. We report the death of a two-month-old male baby, without medical history, who was found lifeless wedged under his mother’s breast. The mother subsequently admitted that she had fallen asleep while breastfeeding and awoke a few minutes later to find him wedged under her breast and not breathing. External examination of the infant’s body revealed right frontal congestion with reddish-purple colour of the right frontal skin corresponding to where the mother’s breast had overlaid his face with bilateral conjunctival petechiae with no signs of external injury. Internal examination revealed congestion with petechiae marks of the internal side of the right frontal scalp, with moderate congestion and few petechiae marks at the level of the lungs. The histopathological examination showed non-specific passive congestion, with no abnormalities. The cause of death was attributed to accidental suffocation following obstruction of external airways by the mother’s breast during breastfeeding. Accidental asphyxia cases require extensive investigation of the circumstances surrounding death, reconstruction of events, and careful documentation of the findings observed at autopsy with full histological examination which may become relevant in a specific case in later stages of the investigation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Bikash Sah ◽  
Shivendra Jha ◽  
Dikshant Pokharel

Spontaneous rupture of the urinary bladder (SRUB) is a rare clinical condition. Prompt diagnosis is often difficult both clinically and radiologically and necessitates a high index of suspicion as the patients present with non-specific abdominal pain and may not offer a clear history. The depressant effect of alcohol further complicates the diagnosis. We report a case of a young male who was unable to seek medical support and was found dead within 12 hours of the onset of abdominal discomfort following acute alcohol intoxication. At autopsy, rupture of the urinary bladder with blood and blood clots was found in the pelvic cavity with no any corresponding external injury. Spontaneous rupture of the urinary bladder is a rare cause of death in acute alcohol intoxication. In order to further understand this rare condition, the review of related literature has been done.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (11) ◽  
Wajih Sahnoun ◽  
Sami Ben Rhouma ◽  
Aziz Kacem ◽  
Khaireddine Mrad Dali ◽  
Issam Rekik ◽  

Abstract While bladder rupture is most of the time secondary to external injury such as trauma or iatrogenic events, spontaneous bladder rupture (SBR) is a rare condition which is mostly associated with bladder cancer, neurologic bladder or radiotherapy. We report a case of a 63-year-old patient with an invasive squamous cell bladder carcinoma who presented acute peritonitis caused by a SBR while being prepared for radical surgery. CT-scan helped to confirm diagnosis and emergency cystectomy was performed. SBR should be considered in differential diagnosis of peritonitis. On time diagnosis and adequate surgery could improve its prognosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (9) ◽  
Aghyad Kudra Danial ◽  
Mario Bedon ◽  
Nour Kalaji ◽  
Nasri Nasra ◽  
Hayat Khalil

Abstract Blunt abdominal trauma is the most frequent external injury to the abdomen, which is rarely due to falling. However, not often does a blunt trauma cause injury to the common hepatic artery. Isolated injury of the common hepatic artery has rarely been reported in the literature. This report describes an unusual case of a falling accident from a height of 5 meters that results in complete transection of the common hepatic artery, yet all other abdominal organs are normal. The case was initially diagnosed by a Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma exam and confirmed with an exploratory laparotomy. The successful management would be an end-to-end anastomosis of the dissected artery. We hope we would raise awareness of such injury in order to facilitate its diagnosis and management and improve its outcome.

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