social media management
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 1648-1653
Surahman Surahman ◽  
Sudirman Ali ◽  
Arief Adhiksana ◽  
Yuan Regiyana ◽  
Nuria Hayati

This community service program aims to realize Tanjung Batu village, Tenggarong Seberang District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency as an Independent Village in environmentally friendly livestock cultivation. This community service is carried out through Focus Group Discussions (FGD), implements Appropriate Technology product on SMEs and Maggot cultivation business actors as an alternative feed for high protein and inexpensive fish, and conducts social media management training for Youth Organizations. In addition, this PPTTG activity is also filled with training on the use of organic waste counting equipment and the cultivation of Maggot larvae for breeders and training for creative youth groups to use social media as a means of promoting SMEs products or promoting Tanjung Batu village as an independent village. The outputs produced in this PkM include improving the performance of partners, village officials, SMEs, and creative groups to produce more innovative and planned performance. So that Tanjung Batu village has a competitive advantage in human resources and produces high quality products that are marketed.

Sophie Bishop ◽  
Brooke Erin Duffy

While early techno-utopianists heralded the potential of the internet to challenge social hierarchies, most would concede that today’s digital media landscape is profoundly inequitable. Traditional markers of identity and inequality—including subjectivities of gender and femininity—persist online and are foregrounded across mainstream social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok. Against this backdrop, this chapter explores the ostensible feminization of various modes of social media labor, with particular attention to the cultures and practices of social media production and promotion (i.e., platformed content creation, digital entrepreneurship, social media management). To show how these activities are—much like earlier categories of “women’s work”—rendered socially and/or economically invisible, the authors examine four interrelated features of feminized labor: (1) the demand for emotional and affective expressions, (2) the discipline of aesthetics through the fraught ideal of “visibility,” (3) mandates for various kinds of flexibility, and (4) a deep imbrication with consumer capitalism. In exploring each of these features, the authors show how the patterned devaluation of gender-coded labor is exacerbated along other axes of oppression, including race, class, ethnicity, and sexuality. The authors conclude by calling for future inquiries into other cultures and expressions of social media labor, along with broader interrogations of platform visibility, vulnerability, and governance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 433-462
Jessica R. Braunstein-Minkove ◽  
Arielle Insel ◽  
Gashaw Abeza

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-68
Hari Linda Lukitowati ◽  
Luksi Paryatno

The Trade Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat Perdagangan) participates in the development of competencies and skills of the Indonesian people. One of contribution is organizing webinars through the learning management system (LMS) Kudagang. As an education and training center that organizes infographic webinars, Pusdiklat Perdagangan hopes to provide the best service. Therefore, evaluation is a mandatory thing that must be done. The infographic became a webinar topic that was given to participants, both academics and professionals. To provide optimal service, Pusdiklat Perdagangan evaluates webinar activities through participant suggestions. The purpose of this study is to identify things that need to be addressed and improved in the implementation of future webinars so that the quality of services provided is optimal and identify topics and webinar materials that are really needed by the community. Suggestions from participants in the form of text are processed and analyzed using text mining. The data analysis consisted of two parts: (1) analysis of suggestions regarding the webinar activities; (2) suggestions for the next webinar topic. The results of the analysis of participant suggestions indicate several things that need to be improved in the implementation of the webinar, including the audio quality, the practice duration, the technique in delivering material, and the role of the host in guiding the webinar activities. The webinar topic suggestions given by the participants to Pusdiklat Perdagangan are advanced infographics, social media management, public speaking, effective communication, and how to write scientific articles

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 287-301
Anindita Susilo ◽  
Ahmad Fauzy

As a media company, Metro TV implemented Cyber Public Relations activities in order to build engagement with the public. The engagement value between Metro TV and its followers on the three social media accounts are able to reach high number. This study aims to see the implementation of cyber public relations by Metro TV as a media company in building public engagement on social media. This study uses the concept of Public Relations management initiated by Cutlip which is then linked to the concept of Cyber PR and engagement. The research method used is case study with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with Metro TV's Head of Public Relations as key informants, Metro TV social media specialists and Metro TV social media followers as supporting informants. The data and information obtained from the interviews will be analyzed using the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicated that the implementation of Metro TV cyber public relations focuses on 4 main activities, there are: forming engagement and interaction spaces, creating digital campaigns and education, publishing internal company activities, and crisis mitigation. In addition, the implementation of cyber public relations of Metro TV in creating public engagement on social media includes engaging key opinion leaders from internal companies, mirroring content on various platforms, monitoring engagement level and insights on social media, as well as producing relevant and the human side contained content. And finally, the management of social media as a form of implementation of Metro TV cyber public relations is carried out in 3 stages, including: pre-production, production and post-production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-90
Sugeng Wardoyo ◽  
Tri Wulandari

The batik group in Jarum village is a group that has had batik skills and play a role in maintaining the existence of Jarum village as a tourist village. But entering the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, the batik group in Jarum village experienced many complex problems related to creativity in the development of batik products and management of branding promotion governance in the Covid-19 pandemic. The urgency of the situation, then through the implementation of the P3WILSEN Program  from ISI Yogyakarta is trying to offer alternative programs for developing batik designs and products, as well as the assistance of social media management. In the implementation of art counselling activities, this time using the method of literature studies, discussions, lectures, and experimental methods. The application of this method is intended so that the way obtained in the learning process gets optimal results. The result of the P3WILSEN  program is creating a new creation batik motif Mojo  Arum that has been registered in Intellectual Property Rights and making promotion branding  Nunggak Semi. It is expected that in the future, there will be follow-up with the implementation of other mentoring programs that synergize and be sustainable. Kelompok batik di Desa Jarum merupakan kelompok yang telah memiliki keterampilan membatik dan berperan dalam menjaga eksistensi Desa Jarum sebagai desa wisata. Namun memasuki era pandemi Covid-19, kelompok batik di Desa Jarum banyak mengalami permasalahan yang cukup kompleks, terkait dengan kreativitas dalam pengembangan produk batik dan manajemen tata kelola promosi branding di pandemi Covid-19. Adanya urgensi permasalah tersebut, maka melalui pelaksanaan Program P3wilsen dari ISI Yogyakarta ini mencoba menawarkan alternatif program pengembangan desain dan produk batik, serta pendampingan manajemen media sosial. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan penyuluhan seni kali ini digunakan metode kajian literatur, diskusi, ceramah, dan metode eksperimen. Penerapan metode ini dimaksudkan agar cara yang diperoleh dalam proses belajar mendapatkan hasil yang optimal. Hasil capaian Kegiatan P3wilsen, yaitu pembuatan motif batik kreasi baru Mojo Arum yang telah terdaftar dalam Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dan menciptakan branding promosi Nunggak Semi. Diharapkan ke depan terdapat tindak lanjut dengan pelaksanaan program pendampingan lainnya yang saling bersinergi dan berkesinambungan.

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