media company
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 9-16
Lukas Bernfried Bruns

Digitalization poses great challenges for companies and especially for newspaper publishers. Due to the large number of digital competitors on the advertising market, media companies are forced to proactively win customers. A major German media company has thus dared to experiment and put the question of pricing for booking newspaper advertising in the hands of its customers. With the so-called "pay what you want" (PWYW) payment model, customers can be won and additional budgets spent. This paper explores the question of whether PWYW is a suitable sales model for newspaper companies and which factors have an influence. The results of the interviews with those involved show solutions, opportunities, problems and that additional turnover can be generated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 469
Cynthia Cynthia ◽  
Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh penggunaan media sosial oleh konsumen, komunikasi oleh perusahaan, dan komunikasi oleh pengguna terhadap loyalitas dan kepercayaan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menguji pengaruh loyalitas dan kepercayaan terhadap niat pembelian, serta menguji adanya peran moderasi gender dalam pembentukan niat pembelian. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan SALADSTOP! di Jakarta dan orang-orang yang menggunakan media sosial. Metode convenience sampling digunakan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner online kemudian diolah menggunakan SmartPLS-SEM. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan media sosial dari konsumen, komunikasi oleh perusahaan, komunikasi oleh pengguna, loyalitas, dan kepercayaan, dapat mempengaruhi niat pembelian. Namun penggunaan media sosial dari konsumen tidak dapat mempengaruhi loyalitas. Gender juga tidak berpengaruh untuk mendukung atau memoderasi loyalitas terhadap niat pembelian dan juga kepercayaan terhadap niat pembelian. The purpose of this study is to test the effect of consumer used of social media, company-generated communication, and user-generated communication to loyalty and trust, then loyalty and trust to purchase intention, and also to test gender as moderation between loyalty to purchase intention and trust to purchase intention. The population of this research is SALADSTOP! customers in Jakarta and people who use social media. The convenience sampling method is used by distributing online questionnaires and then processed using SmartPLS-SEM. The results of this study are consumer used of social media, company-generated communication, user-generated communication, loyalty, and trust, can affect purchase intention. But consumer used of social media cannot affect loyalty. Gender also didn’t have any affect to support or moderating loyalty to purchase intention and trust to purchase intention.

2021 ◽  

Information disclosure in a go-public company is very important as transparency for stakeholders. This research discusses about trends of disclosure of media company which will go public. It is also carried out by using documentation study on the media company prospectus occurred in 2016-2021. Population is the prospectus of 18 media companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data was then assessed by 10 students from department of financial management and 10 students from department of accounting, 10 company leaders and 10 investor practitioners. The data was processed by using Weighted Means Score (WMS). The result showed that the aspect of disclosure, cash flow, type of product/program, investment result, risk and business activity are in open category. The disclosure on assets is in the very open category; while the disclosure on important events is in the fairly open category. A media company that will go public, viewed from the ethical prospect (disclosure trend) towards company’s information is in open category which means it has already been open towards information owned by the company.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 287-301
Anindita Susilo ◽  
Ahmad Fauzy

As a media company, Metro TV implemented Cyber Public Relations activities in order to build engagement with the public. The engagement value between Metro TV and its followers on the three social media accounts are able to reach high number. This study aims to see the implementation of cyber public relations by Metro TV as a media company in building public engagement on social media. This study uses the concept of Public Relations management initiated by Cutlip which is then linked to the concept of Cyber PR and engagement. The research method used is case study with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with Metro TV's Head of Public Relations as key informants, Metro TV social media specialists and Metro TV social media followers as supporting informants. The data and information obtained from the interviews will be analyzed using the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicated that the implementation of Metro TV cyber public relations focuses on 4 main activities, there are: forming engagement and interaction spaces, creating digital campaigns and education, publishing internal company activities, and crisis mitigation. In addition, the implementation of cyber public relations of Metro TV in creating public engagement on social media includes engaging key opinion leaders from internal companies, mirroring content on various platforms, monitoring engagement level and insights on social media, as well as producing relevant and the human side contained content. And finally, the management of social media as a form of implementation of Metro TV cyber public relations is carried out in 3 stages, including: pre-production, production and post-production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1410-1418
Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hai

The story of Facebook and Mark is becoming successful lesson for many businesses which shows their ambitious plan and ides and working hard on it. We recognized leadership role of Facebook lying in online social media industry and network with a social site for may people to connect around the world. This paper will uses OLS method to estimate effects of Face book good management, via both micro and macro factors on net profit. Authors will analyze effects of Seven (7) micro and macroeconomic factors such as: stock price, net profit, lending rate, inflation, GPD growth, S&P500, etc. on net profit of an online media company, Facebook in USA during 2014-2019 and make further analysis. Findings show that if inflation, GDP (increasing too much) there is significant effect on reducing Facebook net profit wand the next factor is decreasing SP500.

Ningky Sasanti Munir ◽  

Purpose; The study aimed to understand how the multi-business company creates value through a combined effort of Corporate Parenting (CP) and Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE). The parenting-fit matrix was used to describe CP, while CE four model was used to describe CE. Research methodology: This study is qualitative applied research using a case study approach conducted on a multi-business media company. Data was obtained primarily through interviews with senior executives representing the holding company and 18 subsidiaries. Questionnaires were also distributed to executives to develop a parenting-fit matrix and CE model. Results: This study shows that the 18 subsidiaries of the multi-business company fall under four different cells. The CE model applied at the parent company level is the enabler. Limitations: The limitation of this study mainly lies in the measurement method's reliability for corporate parenting and corporate entrepreneurship. Contribution: This study shows that, apart from the parent company, the development of new businesses can also be carried out by the subsidiary companies using the CE producer model.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Mary Gallagher ◽  
Blake Miller

Abstract In this paper, we examine how the Chinese state controls social media. While social media companies are responsible for censoring their platforms, they also selectively report certain users to the government. This article focuses on understanding the logic behind media platforms’ decisions to report users or content to the government. We find that content is less relevant than commonly thought. Information control efforts often focus on who is posting rather than on what they are posting. The state permits open discussion and debate on social media while controlling and managing influential social forces that may challenge the party-state's hegemonic position. We build on Schurmann's “ideology and organization,” emphasizing the Party's goals of embedding itself in all social structures and limiting the ability of non-Party individuals, networks or groups to carve out a separate space for leadership and social status. In the virtual public sphere, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to apply these principles to co-opt, repress and limit the reach of influential non-Party “thought leaders.” We find evidence to support this logic through qualitative and quantitative analysis of leaked censorship documents from a social media company and government documents on information control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-137
Nikmatus Sholikah ◽  
Maulina Pia Wulandari ◽  
Anang Sujoko

Hoaxes or false information are now increasingly easy to find in various social media and public information media, this is a challenge for the mass media industry. Hoax information connected globally via the internet can harm various fields of the company, including mass media companies or the press. The purpose of this research is to find out how the dynamics of Public Relations (PR) media company PT Lativi Media Karya or tvOne in overcoming hoax information that is detrimental to the company and what contingent factors affect the attitude of PR tvOne to solve the hoax problem. The object of research used three cases of hoax information which were quite viral in 2016, 2018 and 2020. The Contingency of Accomodation theory is the main theory used to find out the dynamics of the PR position. The research methodology used is a qualitative approach, data collection using two methods, namely semi-structured interviews and documentation, data analysis techniques using constant comparability. The result is that PR tvOne tends to lead to an advocacy positions in overcoming hoax information, even though in the case of hoax information in 2018, it is accommodation in advocacy by withdrawing demands from the police, but PR tvOne still fully defends the company or its advocacy attitude. Then, on the contingent factors in the predisposing and situational variables, each of which has six contigens, it turns out that all of the contaminants affect the PR attitude of tvOne. Researchers found two new important content for media company tvOne, namely "image" and "credibility".

2021 ◽  
pp. 026327642110120
Alessandro Jedlowski

On the basis of the results of an ongoing research project on the activities of the Chinese media company StarTimes in Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire, this paper analyses the fluid and fragmentary dimension of the engagements between Chinese media and African publics, while equally emphasizing the power dynamics that underlie them. Focusing on a variety of ethnographic sources, it argues for an approach to the study of Chinese media expansion in Africa able to take into account, simultaneously, the macro-political and macro-economic factors which condition the nature of China–Africa media interactions, the political intentions behind them (as, for example, the Chinese soft power policies and their translation into specific media contents), and the micro dimension of the practices and uses of the media made by the actors (producers and consumers of media) in the field.

2021 ◽  
pp. 363-380
Herbert Lin

For problems of foreign election interference, international law is an important vehicle for promoting cooperation and combating the worst forms of human (and other) behavior. Nevertheless, scholars of international law engage these problems from limited perspectives. For example, law (including international law) does not deal well with large-scale bad effects that may result from the commission of many unfriendly acts that are individually legally permissible. Nor does international law seem able to handle nonstate actors whose electoral impact crosses national borders. Put differently, what is the meaning of “foreign” election interference when domestic actors are often willing and able to do what a foreign adversary might wish them to do? One important class of domestic actor is the useful idiot—the citizen who is easily tricked into spreading a message that advantages the adversary. A second class of actor, especially relevant for U.S. elections, is the U.S.-based social media company whose free services foreign adversaries use to influence politically relevant messaging. Lastly, international law scholars would do well to question the fundamental psychological limitations on human “rationality” on which many of their putative solutions are based; collaboration with social and cognitive psychologists would help in this regard.

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