labor economics
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2022 ◽  
pp. 5-22
K. I. Sonin

The 2021 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to David Card, Joshua Angrist, and Guido Imbens for advancing methodology to establish casual relationships in economics. Their approach brought the notion of the natural experiment, situations in which heterogeneous reactions of different groups of people to chance shocks or policy changes allows to elicit causal effects, to the forefront of empirical analysis, and spearheaded a revolution in development of statistical methods needed to analyze the data. After the initial contributions in labor economics and economics of education, the new approach has become a new standard in economic sciences.

Ruslan Skrynkovskyy ◽  
Yuriy Tyrkalo ◽  

The article reveals the features of solving the problems of labor activity, proceeding from the study of the foundations of labor economics (as a direction of economic science, directly dealing with such problems) and the provisions of labor law (which regulate the process of ensuring everyone the right to work), taking into account the methodological aspects of correlation. It has been established that labor activity is a special form of professional activity of individuals, which is due to the use of scientific and technical means. It has been determined that one of the main problems of labor economics is the problem of a low level of labor productivity, the solution of which is possible through the development of scientific and technological progress, improvement of existing or development and implementation of new resource-saving technologies, improvement of the production process of product, automation of the production process, taking into account aspects of social processes and guarantees of ensuring the optimal level of remuneration and an appropriate level of social protection, the development of education and science, ensuring an adequate level of health care, guaranteeing labor safety, continuous improvement of qualifications and professionalism by employees. It has been proved that the efficiency of an individual's labor activity depends on his motivation. It was found that one of the problems underlying the economic science of labor is the problem of regulating the personal life and work activities of young professionals in the labor market, in particular – at the expense of ensuring decent working conditions and the right to an adequate level of remuneration. It was determined that in the implementation of strategically established tasks and priorities for the development of labor activity, a special role is played by the observance of the provisions of labor law. Labor law should provide for the proper regulation of relations in labor activity is provided, based on society's perceptions of aspects such as fairness and the framework of freedom. It has been established that changes in labor law for the better in accordance with the needs of the labor market will contribute to an increase in the level of labor productivity, an increase in the level of employment among the population, influence an increase in the level and efficiency of production, an increase in the level of wages, etc. It is noted that the prospects for further research in this direction should be the research of the features and practical aspects of the correlation of professionalism, professional culture, professional competence and professional training in labor activity.

2021 ◽  
Toseef Azid ◽  
Umar Burki ◽  
Muhammad Junaid Khawaja ◽  
Nasim Shah Shirazi ◽  
Muhammad Tahir

2021 ◽  
pp. 23-50
Toseef Azid ◽  
Umar Burki ◽  
Muhammad Junaid Khawaja ◽  
Nasim Shah Shirazi ◽  
Muhammad Tahir

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-9
Toseef Azid ◽  
Umar Burki ◽  
Muhammad Junaid Khawaja ◽  
Nasim Shah Shirazi ◽  
Muhammad Tahir

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (95) ◽  
pp. 102-118
Liliia Amelicheva ◽  

In the process of achieving Sustainable Development Goals by Ukraine and building Industry 4.0 here, which is accompanied by a global digital transformation (digitalization) of all public spheres of activity, such a multifunctional and multidimensional phenomenon as corruption is now a serious threat to all public relations, among which labor relations are no exception. It causes a decrease in the level of labor productivity of active employers due to manifestations of stigma, mobbing, bullying, primarily in relation to employees who expose corruption, etc. The purpose of the study is to clarify the content of one of the main elements of compliance in labor relations – anti-corruption compliance – using a synergetic approach characterized by a combination of labor law and labor economics, as well as to highlight the problems of regulating these relations and develop proposals for improving the current anti-corruption legislation in the field of labor in the light of digitalization of Ukraine and achieving sustainable development herein. The object of the study is the labor relations to ensure and support anti-corruption compliance at enterprises and the system of anti-corruption legislation, including in the field of labor, in Ukraine and abroad, which regulates these relations. The main methodological approach to the study of the chosen topic is synergetic, characterized by a combination of labor law and labor economics. The results of the study in the most generalized form justify the lack of certainty and little investigation of the legal and economic nature of such categories as "compliance" and "anti-corruption compliance", which have not yet become generally accepted for the conceptual apparatus of labor economics and, to a greater extent, labor legislation. Based on the theory of labor legislation and labor economics, the article describes anti-corruption compliance in labor relations as a condition of labor and a condition of an employment contract. The problematic issues of the implementation and regulation of labor relations in the field of anti-corruption compliance are identified: a low level of positive perception of the implementation of anti-corruption compliance policy in labor relations by the management of active enterprises; the existence of negative stereotypes in relation to employees who expose corruption; the lack of a clear methodology for measuring the level of digitalization of state processes today, which hinders the study of the impact of digitalization on strengthening the anti-corruption fight. In order to solve these problematic issues, it is proposed to supplement section X "Labor discipline" of the Labor Code of Ukraine, which regulates the internal labor regulations at an enterprise, institution or organization, with norms on new labor rights and obligations of the parties to labor relations that are directly related to combating corruption.

2021 ◽  
Ronald G. Ehrenberg ◽  
Robert S. Smith ◽  
Kevin F. Hallock

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