thematic layers
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2022 ◽  
Omeed H. Al-Kakey ◽  
Arsalan A. Othman ◽  
Broder J. Merkel ◽  

Excessive extraction, uncontrolled withdrawal of groundwater, and unregulated practices have caused severe depletion of groundwater resources in the Erbil basin, Iraq. This situation has had a number of negative consequences on human settlement, agricultural activities, clean water supply, and the environment. Runoff harvesting and artificial groundwater recharge play a significant role in the sustainable management of water resources, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. This study aims to: (1) delineate groundwater recharge zones using multiple thematic layers that control the groundwater recharge process, and (2) identify prospective sites and structures to perform artificial groundwater recharge. In order to generate a potential map for groundwater recharge zones, seven thematic layers are considered in this study, namely, topographic position index, geomorphology, lithology, land cover, slope, drainage-length density, and lineament-length density. After that, the analytic hierarchy process was applied to weight, rank, and reclassify these seven thematic layers. All maps are then integrated within the ArcGIS environment for delineating groundwater recharge zones. Accordingly, the resulting map categorizes the study area into five zones: extremely high, high, moderate, low, and extremely low potential for groundwater recharge. As expected, areas along the Greater Zab river show the highest possibility for groundwater recharge. Likewise, rugged eastern hills demonstrate an encouraging capacity for artificial aquifer recharge, whereas the least effective area is represented by built-up land. Based on the generated map, two dams are proposed as promising artificial recharge structures for harvesting runoff water east of Erbil city. Lastly, the resulting map of the potential groundwater recharge zones is verified using static water level data, where the coefficient of determination (R2) achieved a satisfactory result (0.73). These findings provide crucial evidence for implementing a sustainable management plan of surface and groundwater resources. The applied method is eventually valid for regions where appropriate and adequate field data availability is a serious issue.

2022 ◽  
Vol 964 (1) ◽  
pp. 012025
Pham Quy Nhan ◽  
Le Viet Hung ◽  
Tran Thanh Le ◽  
Thi Van Le Khoa ◽  
Dang Duc Nhan ◽  

Abstract The Red River delta plain is the second largest delta in Vietnam and is located in the North of the country with an area of 14,860 km2 and residing more than 22.5 million inhabitants. Groundwater is mainly exploited in Quaternary sedimentary aquifers with a total discharge of about 3 million m3/day. Some localities have shown signs of over-exploitation such as in Hanoi and in Nam Dinh, which may lead to related problems such as depletion, subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and water pollution. In order to be able to sustainably exploit groundwater, the groundwater potential recharge needs to be estimated. There have been many studies using different methods to estimate the groundwater recharge and to zone potential recharge. In the study area, there are several studies for groundwater recharge, but some are still uncertain because of using indirect methods, some are locally estimated in specific areas. Therefore, the objective of this study is to apply remote sensing and GIS to zone the groundwater potential recharge and its verification by using radioactive isotope 3H analysis in the Red River delta plain. Various types of satellite images have been used and interpreted to detect the different thematic layers which concern the groundwater potential recharge. GIS has been applied as a platform for analysis and integration of thematic layers for zonation, finally. Field trip and water sampling for chemical and radioactive 3H analysis were also conducted. Zones with low, moderate, and high groundwater potential recharge have been delineated with good agreement from the direct estimation of groundwater recharge by radioactive isotopes 3H.

Anatolii Moisiienko

Background. The title of the literary text arises in front of a researcher in two capacities. First – as one of the elements of metatext level, immediately aimed at the close interrelation with the main text, and second – as a separate text structure with its own grammar and semantic structure. The analysis of the title in the interrelation with the main text, taking into consideration genre specifics of the latest, is of immediate interest. Purpose. The target of this study is to describe the title text in the Ukrainian sonnet poem, in particular in the correlation with the integral text structure, which is caused by the absence of any specific research of this problem.Methods. Research approach of the title text as a separate unit and as a constructive element of the wider text structure relies on the basics of classification description, contextual and hermeneutic analysis in the system of literary text.Results. The title of the sonnet poem, generally not falling out of the paradigm of the paratextual formations, on the functional level is characterized by certain particularities compared to other lyric and epic genres – where it can serve, for instance, as a genre self-name of the poem. On the structure level the sonnet marker can start or finish the composite word, serve as an attribute noun in the attributive word combination, play a role of the key word with the dependent substantive etc. The title (together with subtitle or without it) is able to attribute thematic and semantic lines in the poem, some structure and genre changes.Conclusion. The title of the sonnet text, being a paratext element, accomplishes an important prospect and retrospect function for comprehension of the integral structure of the literary text; can serve as genre self-name of the poem, involving at the same time different thematic layers of narration; can also point at some structure and genre modifications of the classic sonnet, and some shifts to other traditional genres.

M.S. Rawat ◽  
R. Dobhal

The present study is an attempt to investigate a flash flood that occurred on the morning of 7th February 2021 in the Rishiganga and Dhauliganga Catchments in Chamoli District of Uttarakhand. A catastrophic flood was triggered due to a massive rock-cum-snow avalanche caused by Antecedent Snow falls in the region. A huge flash flood was generated as a tremendous quantity of rockslide, comprising deposited ice and snowmelt, rolled down the Ronthi Glacier and flowed downstream into the glacier valley. This massive flash flood hit the NTPC's Tapovan-Vishnugad hydel project and the Rishiganga Hydel Project, bridges, roads, and communities in and around Raini, Tapovan and Joshimath regions in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. The mud and slush-inducing elements resulted in the development of a dammed lake, which momentarily blocked one of the Rishiganga's tributaries. Temporal satellite image has been used to access the information of disaster damage assessment in the region. The high-resolution satellite image clearly showing flash flood watermarks in the region and on the avalanches site rock outcrops reaching up to 50–130m height on the way to Raini Gaon. As part of our analysis, we have also looked at the valley's slope profile, which clearly shows the valley's height following the destruction. It is estimated that more than Rs 4,000 crore infrastructures loss due to this flash flood in the region. Besides, two bridges have also been lost. Hydometeriological analysis was also carried out in order to obtain the trend of rapid increase in temperature in the valley where disaster occurred. Using remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques, thematic layers were generated for obtaining information on the flash flood.

U.S. Ibrahim ◽  
T.T. Youngu ◽  
B. Swafiyudeen ◽  
A.Z. Abubakar ◽  
A.K. Zainabu ◽  

The increased flood incidences experienced all over the world due to climate change dynamics call for a concerted effort towards forestalling future hazards. This study thus, identified the areas that are susceptibility to floods in parts of the Makera district of the Kaduna South Local Government Area in Nigeria using geospatial techniques. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to produce thematic layers of the factors contributing to flooding (elevation, slope, drainage density, rainfall, land use/land cover); and a multi-criteria evaluation particularly the “Analytical Hierarchical process” (AHP) was applied to determine the locations at risk. The various thematic layers were integrated into the weighted overlay tool in the ArcGIS 10.3 environment to generate the final susceptibility map. The overlay tool was also used to determine the elements at risk of flood in the study area. The results show that the areas that were highly susceptible to flood constituted about 39% of the study area, while moderate and low vulnerable areas constituted about 26% and 35%, respectively. The result of the multi-criteria analysis revealed that land use/land cover (0.601) was the factor that contributed the most to flooding in the study area based on the criteria weights followed by rainfall (0.470), drainage density (0.326), elevation (0.144), and slope (0.099), respectively. The study recommends that authorities concerned should ensure strict adherence to land use planning act, such that floodplains are avoided during development of any type.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 2571
Alaa Ahmed ◽  
Abdullah Alrajhi ◽  
Abdulaziz S. Alquwaizany

In Australia, water resource management is a major environmental, biological, and socio-economic issue, and will be an essential component of future development. The Hawker Area of the central Flinders Ranges, South Australia suffers from a lack of reliable data to help with water resource management and decision making. The present study aimed to delineate and assess groundwater recharge potential (GWRP) zones using an integration between the remote sensing (RS), geographic information system (GIS), and multi-influencing factors (MIF) approaches in the Hawker Area of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Many thematic layers such as lithology, drainage density, slope, and lineament density were established in a GIS environment for the purpose of identifying groundwater recharge potential zones. A knowledge base ranking from 1 to 5 was assigned to each individual thematic layer and its categories, depending on each layer’s importance to groundwater recharge potential zones. All of the thematic layers were integrated to create a combined groundwater potential map of the study area using weighting analysis in ArcGIS software. The groundwater potential zones were categorized into three classes, good, moderate, and low. The resulting zones were verified using available water data and showed a relative consistency with the interpretations. The findings of this study indicated that the most effective groundwater potential recharge zones are located where the lineament density is high, the drainage density is low, and the slope is gentle. The least effective areas for groundwater recharge are underlain by shale and siltstone. The results indicated that there were interrelationships between the groundwater recharge potential factors and the general hydrology characteristics scores of the catchment. MIF analysis using GIS mapping techniques proved to be a very useful tool in the evaluation of hydrogeological systems and could enable decision makers to evaluate, better manage, and protect a hydrogeological system using a single platform.

Shubham Chandra Tripathi

Water is a type of natural resource which has its application in almost every aspect of life and due to this it’s exploitation is observed at an increasingly fast rate. Our country is also suffering from water scarcity because its population is more than almost17% of the world’s population with only 4% of the World’s renewable water resources. In Indian sub-continent our dependency on Groundwater has increased very much. As a result, the Groundwater storage of our country is decreasing at very high rate and to address this we have thought to view the possibility of artificially recharging the Groundwater. This paper aims to find the suitable sites for building rainwater harvesting structures from combined use of Remote sensing, Geophysical technique and GIS in Jakhaura block of Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh. The hard terrain feature of Jakhaura block makes the runoff very high and as a result infiltration of the rainwater to the groundwater is very low. For multi criteria evaluation, different thematic layers such as base map of area, drainage network, land use/ land cover, slope map, lineament, VES ( Resistivity meter) data, pseudo section using Zohdy software are taken into account. The overlay analysis of thematic layers has helped to make ground water prospects map, which has helped to make a site suitability map of different rainwater harvesting structures including percolation tanks, nala bunds, distillation tank and check dams etc.

Vyddiyaratnam Pathmanandakumar ◽  
Nadarajapillai Thasarathan ◽  
Manjula Ranagalage

The scarcity of surface water resources in the dry season in the Kilinochchi district increases the demand for freshwater. Therefore, the existing groundwater resources should be managed to overcome the situation. Several authors worldwide have published studies on the delineation of potential groundwater zone. However, only a few studies addressed the delineation of potential groundwater zones in the Kilinochchi district. This study aims to delineate potential groundwater zones in Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka using integrated Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, and Analytic Hierarchy Process techniques. Groundwater potential zones are demarcated for the Kilinochchi district by overlaying thematic layers: geology, geomorphology, land use/land cover, soil types, drainage density, slope, lineament, and rainfall. Saaty's scale was applied to the assigned weights of the chosen thematic layers and their features. The thematic layers were integrated into a Geographic Information System, and a weighted overlay analysis is carried out to delineate groundwater zones. Thus the resultant map is categorized into five different potential zones: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. It was found that the very high groundwater potential zone is mainly found in the north-eastern part of the study area covering 111.26 km2. The upper north-western, middle, and eastern parts of the study area fall within the high groundwater potential zone covering about 507.74 km2. The moderate groundwater potential zones (309.89 km2) mainly occurred in the western part, and the extreme west part of the study area falls under low (207.78 km2) and very low (59.12 km2) zones. The groundwater potential map was validated with the existing seventy-nine wells, which indicated a good prediction accuracy of 81.8%. This research will help policymakers better manage the Kilinochchi district's groundwater resources and gives scope for further research into groundwater exploration in the area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 8525
Abubakar Yusuf ◽  
Lim Hwee San ◽  
Ismail Ahmad Abir

Spatial mapping of potential geothermal areas is an effective tool for a preliminary investigation and the development of a clean and renewable energy source around the globe. Specific locations within the Earth’s crust display some manifestations of sub-surface geothermal occurrences, such as hot springs, a volcanic plug, mud volcanoes, and hydrothermal alterations, that need to be investigated further. The present area of investigations also reveals some of these manifestations. However, no attempt was made to examine the prospectivity of this terrain using the efficient GIS-based multicriteria evaluation (MCE) within the scope of the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The integration of remote sensing, Geographic information system (GIS), and other geophysical methods (Magnetic and gravity) was performed to map the promising geothermal areas. Multiple input data sets such as aero-magnetic, aero-gravity, aero-radiometric, digital elevation model (DEM), geological map, and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) data were selected, processed, and use to generate five thematic layers, which include heat flow, temperature gradients, integrated lineaments, residual gravity, and lithology maps. The five thematic layers were standardized and synthesized into a geothermal prospectivity map. The respective ranks and weight of the thematic layers and their classes were assigned based on expert opinion and knowledge of the local geology. This research aims to apply an efficient method to evaluate the factors influencing the geothermal energy prospects, identify and map prospective geothermal regions, and, finally, create a geothermal prospectivity model.

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