optimal control theory
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 578
Bruno Jeanneret ◽  
Alice Guille Des Buttes ◽  
Alan Keromnes ◽  
Serge Pélissier ◽  
Luis Le Moyne

This work presents an application of the optimal control theory to find trade offs between fuel consumption and pollutant emissions (CO, HC, NOx) of sustaining hybrid vehicles. Both cold start and normal operations are considered. The problem formulation includes two state variables: battery state of energy and catalyst temperature; and three control variables: torque repartition between engine and motor, spark advance, and equivalence ratio. Optimal results were obtained by delaying the first engine crank after the urban part of the mission. The results show that a quick catalyst light off is performed. Once the catalyst is primed, special control parameters values are adopted to operate the engine.

Sreenivas Uravakonda ◽  
Vijaya Kumar Mallapu ◽  
Venkateswara Reddy Annapu Reddy

In a multi-machine environment, the inter-area low-frequency oscillations induced due to small perturbation(s) has a significant adverse effect on the maximum limit of power transfer capacity of power system. Conventionally, to address this issue, power systems were equipped with lead-lag power system stabilizers (CPSS) for damping oscillations of low-frequency. In recent years the research was directed towards optimal control theory to design an optimal linear-quadratic-regultor (LQR) for stabilizing power system against the small perturbation(s). The optimal control theory provides a systematic way to design an optimal LQR with sufficient stability margins. Hence, LQR provides an improved level of performance than CPSS over broad-range of operating conditions. The process of designing of optimal LQR involves optimization of associated state (Q) and control (R) weights. This paper presents an analytical approach (AA) to design an optimal LQR by deriving algebraic equations for evaluating optimal elements for weight matrix ‘Q’. The performance of the proposed LQR is studied on an IEEE test system comprising 4-generators and 10-busbars.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0
Debra Lewis

<p style='text-indent:20px;'>Student engagement in learning a prescribed body of knowledge can be modeled using optimal control theory, with a scalar state variable representing mastery, or self-perceived mastery, of the material and control representing the instantaneous cognitive effort devoted to the learning task. The relevant costs include emotional and external penalties for incomplete mastery, reduced availability of cognitive resources for other activities, and psychological stresses related to engagement with the learning task. Application of Pontryagin's maximum principle to some simple models of engagement yields solutions of the synthesis problem mimicking familiar behaviors including avoidance, procrastination, and increasing commitment in response to increasing mastery.</p>

Dionisis Stefanatos ◽  
Emmanuel Paspalakis

Abstract We use optimal control theory to show that for a closed Λ-system where the excited intermediate level decays to the lower levels with a common large rate, the optimal scheme for population transfer between the lower levels is actually optical pumping. In order to obtain this result we exploit the large decay rate to eliminate adiabatically the weakly coupled excited state, then perform a transformation to the basis comprised of the dark and bright states, and finally apply optimal control to this transformed system. Subsequently, we confirm the optimality of the optical pumping scheme for the original closed Λ-system using numerical optimal control. We also demonstrate numerically that optical pumping remains optimal when the decay rate to the target state is larger than that to the initial state or the two rates are not very different from each other. The present work is expected to find application in various tasks of quantum information processing, where such systems are encountered

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 377-404
Karl-Gustaf Löfgren ◽  
Chuan-Zhong Li ◽  

This paper reviews some historical development and modern applications of the envelope theorems in economics from a static to a dynamic context. First, we show how the static version of the theorem surfaced in economics, which had eventually lead to the well-known Shephard’s lemma in microeconomics. Second, we present its dynamic version in terms of the classical calculus of variations and optimal control theory via the optimized Hamiltonian function. Third, we show some applications of the theorem for deriving dynamic cost-benefifit rules with special reference to environmental projects involving the green or comprehensive net national product (CNNP). Finally, we illustrate how to extend the cost-benefifit rules to a stochastic economic growth setting.

Mohamed Abdelaziz Zaitri ◽  
Mohand Ouamer Bibi ◽  
Delfim F. M. Torres ◽  

We apply optimal control theory to a generalized SEIR-type model. The proposed system has three controls, representing social distancing, preventive means, and treatment measures to combat the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyze such optimal control problem with respect to real data transmission in Italy. Our results show the appropriateness of the model, in particular with respect to the number of quarantined/hospitalized (confirmed and infected) and recovered individuals. Considering the Pontryagin controls, we show how in a perfect world one could have drastically diminish the number of susceptible, exposed, infected, quarantined/hospitalized, and death individuals, by increasing the population of insusceptible/protected.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2096 (1) ◽  
pp. 012151
A A Kabanov ◽  
S A Dubovik

Abstract The paper presents algorithms for simulation rare events in stochastic systems based on the theory of large deviations. Here, this approach is used in conjunction with the tools of optimal control theory to estimate the probability that some observed states in a stochastic system will exceed a given threshold by some upcoming time instant. Algorithms for obtaining controlled extremal trajectory (A-profile) of the system, along which the transition to a rare event (threshold) occurs most likely under the influence of disturbances that minimize the action functional, are presented. It is also shown how this minimization can be efficiently performed using numerical-analytical methods of optimal control for linear and nonlinear systems. These results are illustrated by an example for a precipitation-measured monsoon intraseasonal oscillation (MISO) described by a low-order nonlinear stochastic model.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (21) ◽  
pp. 2672
Edgardo Alvarez ◽  
Hernan Cabrales ◽  
Tovias Castro

In this paper, we investigate the existence of an optimal solution of a functional restricted to non-linear partial differential equations, which ruled the dynamics of viscous and incompressible stratified fluids in R3. Additionally, we use the first derivative of the considered functional to establish the necessary condition of the optimality for the optimal solution.

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