Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical
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Published By Iop Publishing

1751-8121, 1751-8113

Olga Rubtsova ◽  
Vladimir N Pomerantsev

Abstract A spectral shift function (SSF) is an important object in the scattering theory which is related both to the spectral density and to the scattering matrix. In the paper, it is shown how to employ the SSF formalism to solve scattering problems when the continuum is discretized, e.g. when solving a scattering problem in a finite volume or in the representation of some finite square-integrable basis. A new algorithm is proposed for reconstructing integrated densities of states and the SSF using a union of discretized spectra corresponding to a set of Gaussian bases with the shifted scale parameters. The examples given show that knowledge of the discretized spectra of the total and asymptotic Hamiltonians is sufficient to find the scattering partial phase shifts at any required energy, as well as the resonances parameters.

S Sumedha ◽  
Mustansir Barma

Abstract We use large deviation theory to obtain the free energy of the XY model on a fully connected graph on each site of which there is a randomly oriented field of magnitude $h$. The phase diagram is obtained for two symmetric distributions of the random orientations: (a) a uniform distribution and (b) a distribution with cubic symmetry. In both cases, the ordered state reflects the symmetry of the underlying disorder distribution. The phase boundary has a multicritical point which separates a locus of continuous transitions (for small values of $h$) from a locus of first order transitions (for large $h$). The free energy is a function of a single variable in case (a) and a function of two variables in case (b), leading to different characters of the multicritical points in the two cases.

Victor Barrera-Figueroa ◽  
Vladimir S. Rabinovich ◽  
Samantha Ana Cristina Loredo-Ramı́rez

Abstract The work is devoted to the asymptotic and numerical analysis of the wave function propagating in two-dimensional quantum waveguides with confining potentials supported on slowly varying tubes. The leading term of the asymptotics of the wave function is determined by an adiabatic approach and the WKB approximation. Unlike other similar studies, in the present work we consider arbitrary bounded potentials and obtain exact solutions for the thresholds, and for the transverse modes in the form of power series of the spectral parameter. Our approach leads to an effective numerical method for the analysis of such quantum waveguides and for the tunnel effect observed in sections of the waveguide that shrink or widen too much. Several examples of interest show the applicability of the method.

Heiko Dietrich ◽  
Willem A De Graaf ◽  
Alessio Marrani ◽  
Marcos Origlia

Abstract We classify four qubit states under SLOCC operations, that is, we classify the orbits of the group SL(2,C)^4 on the Hilbert space H_4 = (C^2)^{\otimes 4}. We approach the classification by realising this representation as a symmetric space of maximal rank. We first describe general methods for classifying the orbits of such a space. We then apply these methods to obtain the orbits in our special case, resulting in a complete and irredundant classification of SL(2,C)^4-orbits on H_4. It follows that an element of H_4 is conjugate to an element of precisely 87 classes of elements. Each of these classes either consists of one element or of a parametrised family of elements, and the elements in the same class all have equal stabiliser in SL(2,C)^4. We also present a complete and irredundant classification of elements and stabilisers up to the action of the semidirect product Sym_4\ltimes\SL(2,C)^4 where Sym_4 permutes the four tensor factors of H_4.

Ángel L. Corps ◽  
Rafael A Molina ◽  
Armando Relaño

Abstract The critical behavior in an important class of excited state quantum phase transitions is signaled by the presence of a new constant of motion onlyat one side of the critical energy. We study the impact of this phenomenon in the development of chaos in a modified version of the paradigmatic Dicke model of quantum optics, in which a perturbation is added that breaks the parity symmetry. Two asymmetric energy wells appear in the semiclassical limit of the model, whose consequences are studied both in the classical and in the quantum cases. Classically, Poincar ́e sections reveal that the degree of chaos not only depends on the energy of the initial condition chosen, but also on the particular energy well structure of the model. In the quantum case, Peres lattices of physical observables show that the appearance of chaos critically depends on the quantum conserved number provided by this constant of motion. The conservation law defined by this constant is shown to allow for the coexistence between chaos and regularity at the same energy. We further analyze the onset of chaos in relationwith an additional conserved quantity that the model can exhibit.

Yan Przhiyalkovskiy

Abstract In this work, the operator-sum representation of a quantum process is extended to the probability representation of quantum mechanics. It is shown that each process admitting the operator-sum representation is assigned a kernel, convolving of which with the initial tomogram set characterizing the system state gives the tomographic state of the transformed system. This kernel, in turn, is broken into the kernels of partial operations, each of them incorporating the symbol of the evolution operator related to the joint evolution of the system and an ancillary environment. Such a kernel decomposition for the projection to a certain basis state and a Gaussian-type projection is demonstrated as well as qubit flipping and amplitude damping processes.

Andrea Fontanella ◽  
Juan Miguel Nieto Garcia

Abstract We find classical closed string solutions to the non-relativistic AdS$_5\times$S$^5$ string theory which are the analogue of the BMN and GKP solutions for the relativistic theory. We show that non-relativistic AdS$_5\times$S$^5$ string theory admits a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ orbifold symmetry which allows us to impose twisted boundary conditions. Among the solutions in the twisted sector, we find the one around which the semiclassical expansion in \href{}{arXiv:2102.00008} takes place.

Philip Smith ◽  
Eleni Panagiotou

Abstract Biopolymers, like chromatin, are often confined in small volumes. Confinement has a great effect on polymer conformations, including polymer entanglement. Polymer chains and other filamentous structures can be represented by polygonal curves in 3-space. In this manuscript, we examine the topological complexity of polygonal chains in 3-space and in confinement as a function of their length. We model polygonal chains by equilateral random walks in 3-space and by uniform random walks in confinement. For the topological characterization, we use the second Vassiliev measure. This is an integer topological invariant for polygons and a continuous functions over the real numbers, as a function of the chain coordinates for open polygonal chains. For uniform random walks in confined space, we prove that the average value of the Vassiliev measure in the space of configurations increases as $O(n^2)$ with the length of the walks or polygons. We verify this result numerically and our numerical results also show that the mean value of the second Vassiliev measure of equilateral random walks in 3-space increases as $O(n)$. These results reveal the rate at which knotting of open curves and not simply entanglement are affected by confinement.

Aboutaleb Amiri ◽  
Romain Mueller ◽  
Amin Doostmohammadi

Abstract The presence and significance of active topological defects is increasingly realised in diverse biological and biomimetic systems. We introduce a continuum model of polar active matter, based on conservation laws and symmetry arguments, that recapitulates both polar and apolar (nematic) features of topological defects in active turbulence. Using numerical simulations of the continuum model, we demonstrate the emergence of both half- and full-integer topological defects in polar active matter. Interestingly, we find that crossover from active turbulence with half- to full-integer defects can emerge with the coexistence region characterized by both defect types. These results put forward a minimal, generic framework for studying topological defect patterns in active matter which is capable of explaining the emergence of half-integer defects in polar systems such as bacteria and cell monolayers, as well as predicting the emergence of coexisting defect states in active matter.

Andreas Dechant

Abstract We investigate the problem of minimizing the entropy production for a physical process that can be described in terms of a Markov jump dynamics. We show that, without any further constraints, a given time-evolution may be realized at arbitrarily small entropy production, yet at the expense of diverging activity. For a fixed activity, we find that the dynamics that minimizes the entropy production is given in terms of conservative forces. The value of the minimum entropy production is expressed in terms of the graph-distance based Wasserstein distance between the initial and final configuration. This yields a new kind of speed limit relating dissipation, the average number of transitions and the Wasserstein distance. It also allows us to formulate the optimal transport problem on a graph in term of a continuous-time interpolating dynamics, in complete analogy to the continuous space setting. We demonstrate our findings for simple state networks, a time-dependent pump and for spin flips in the Ising model.

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